All articles submitted in Acta Physica Polonica B are reviewed in accordance with the blind review procedure, ensuring an impartial and objective assessment of the work.
Submission of a manuscript indicates a tacit understanding that the paper is not actively under consideration for publication elsewhere and that the copyright will be transferred to the Editor during the process of submitting the paper.
Manuscript should be submitted online via Submission Panel; details are provided below.
The source files should be prepared as LaTeX (preferably) or TeX text files and the accompanying figures should be supplied in pdf, eps, png, tiff or jpg format. The bibliography database (.bib
file) should also be supplied. The pdf file is welcome. All files should be packed in one zip or tar.gz ball.
Authors are encouraged to use the Acta Physica Polonica B LaTeX style.
A manuscript should contain:
A title should help the reader to place the paper in the body of physics. A good title contains several well-known key words, e.g. "Measurements of the average multiplicities of particles produced in the interactions of 300 GeV protons with nuclei".
Each paper must have an abstract of length not exceeding 200 words written continuously, as a single paragraph. The abstract should be self-contained, should not contain figures nor quote any references. It should be clear, concise, and informative, giving the scope, the main results obtained, and, for experimental papers, where this is not obvious, some indication of the methods used. Mathematical expressions should be avoided.
Figures must be of a good quality. The following figure file formats are accepted: pdf, eps, png, tiff or jpg. When saving graphics in the jpg format, make sure that high quality is selected.
The size of the characters (labels, titles) in the figures should be similar to the standard text size of the article. Very thin lines must be avoided – lines thinner than 0.1 mm in the figures may be hard to see. Please note that these requirements concern figures scaled to the size as placed in the article body. The recommended fonts for any text or labels used in the figures are: Helvetica/Arial, Times, Symbol, Courier. If any other fonts are used, make sure when saving/exporting vector graphics from an application that the fonts are embedded.
Our recommendation to manage bibliography is to use BibTeX. The author can use any bibliographystyle
(IEEEtran or unsrt are good examples), however the accompanying .bib
file must also be submitted.
Authors should keep in mind that reading proofs is their responsibility. Proofs should be checked carefully and returned promptly via the Submission Panel as a list of changes or corrections marked on a pdf file. Only essential corrections should be made.
The Author who submits the manuscript accepts the copyright transfer agreement on behalf of all the authors. The Copyright is transferred to the Jagiellonian University for publication in the Acta Physica Polonica B journals. The copyright covers the right to publish, commercially reproduce and distribute the Article in any form.
The intellectual rights fully remain at the author or his/her employer. They also retain the right to copy, distribute and display the published version of this Article, and to create derivative works, as long as they credit the original Article source. Articles are published under the conditions of Creative Common License, CC-BY 4.0.
To download any of the following files try to use "Save Link As..." (or something like that) command of your browser. Clicking directly on a link can result in opening the file in your browser window - anyway you should then be able to save it to disk.
an "empty" paper which can be used as a template
In order to publish an article in Acta Physica Polonica B, we offer an automated module that guides you through all necessary steps from uploading files, review/editorial process up to the proofreading phase.
Before submitting a paper, a corresponding author must register in our electronic system. Registered users can use the following link to sign-in and proceed with the submission: Submission Panel.
For Proceedings Papers only:
When filling submission data, please select the appropriate Conference Name which will be available on the list on the bottom of the form.