Vol. XII (1953)
Fasc. 1, pages 3–77
On a Graphic Method of Eliminating the Background in Photographic Spectrophotometry
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 3 (1953)
Dorgelo’s spectrophotometric method cannot he employed directly if the spectral lines appear on a background of a continuous spectrum which cannot be eliminated by laboratory means. A graphic method of eliminating the background is suggested and employed to determine the ratio of intensities of spectral lines of the composed triplet \(4d^3D-4p^3P^0ZnI\).
On a Statistical Photographic Method of Determining the Cross-sections For the Absorption of Slow Neutrons
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 8 (1953)
A statistical photographic method of measuring the cross-sections for the absorption of thermal neurons (0,025 eV) in aluminium and lead has been elaborated. The flux of photoneutrons from the reaction \(^9\)Be\((\gamma ,n)2\alpha \) slowed down in paraffin wax was determined by evaluating the density of the \(^3_1\)H and \(^4_2\)He tracks in the emulsions of 100\(\mu \) Ilford C2 nuclear research plates loaded with lithium. This method was applied to the determination of the cross-section of Al and Pb atoms for the total absorption of thermal neutrons. The results are in good agreement with those obtained by other methods.
Conservation Laws in Non-local Field Theories
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 14 (1953)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate to what extent conservation laws are satisfied in non-local field theories.
Sur les Spectres Ramaniens des Solutions de Pyridine et d’Acide Acétique I
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 26 (1953)
Dans les recherches présentées on a étudié les spectres ramaniens de la pyridine, de l’acide acétique et des solutions de ces deux substances contenant 61,0; 48,3; 41,4; 30,4 et 22,3% de pyridine par mole. On a constaté des faibles déplacements de fréquences des raies de la pyridine et de l’acide acétique dans les solutions. En outre on a mis en évidence deux raies nouvelles de fréquences \(\Delta \nu = 881~{\rm cm}^{-1}\) et \(\Delta \nu =1005~{\rm cm}^{-1}\) n’apparaissant pas dans les substances pures.
On the Spectral Distribution of Internal Bremsstrahlung Emitted by \(^{32}\)P and \(^{90}\)Y
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 32 (1953)
Absorption curves of weak \(\gamma \)-radiation emitted by \(^{32}\)P and \(^{90}\)Y and absorbed in lead were taken with the help of a scintillation counter acting as a detector of high efficiency. The absorption curves obtained on experimental data were analysed and compared with absorption curves calculated on the basis of spectral distribution of internal Bremsstrahlung according to Knipp’s and Uhlenbeck’s theory. The results of experiments and calculation lead to the following conclusions: (1) the spectral distribution of internal Bremsstrahlung of \(^{32}\)P calculated on theoretical grounds agrees with experimental results, (2) in the case of \(^{90}\)Y a spectrum of hard \(\gamma \)-radiation of about 1,5 MeV energy and about 5 photons per 10 000 \(\beta \)-transitions intensity is superimposed on the internal Bremsstrahlung spectrum.
Investigation of the Molecular Structure of Methyl Alcohol by the Scattering of Thermal Neutrons
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 45 (1953)
Measurements of the cross-section for scattering of slow neutrons show that the theory of Sachs and Teller (valid for molecular gases) is also true for many liquids. This may he verified on the examples of H\(_2\), H\(_2\)O, H\(_2\)SO\(_4\) and CH\(_3\)I molecules. The measurements of the cross-section for CH\(_3\)OH molecules give the value (\(180\pm 7)\times 10^{-24}\) cm\(^2\) which is much lower than \(231\times 10^{-24}\) cm\(^2\) obtained from the theory of Sachs and Teller. This discrepancy is interpreted as due to the influence of torsional oscillations between OH and CH\(_3\) groups in the CH\(_3\)OH molecule, in agreement with the microwave experiments of Burkhard and Dennison.
On Large Pulses in Pure-vapour G.-M. Counters
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 51 (1953)
Large pulses produced by \(\alpha \)-particles in pure-vapour G.-M. counters have been investigated in some detail. A typical operating characteristic is given of such a counter exposed to a divergent beam of \(\alpha \)-radiation. A new luminous phenomenon associated with large pulses is described.
Third Order Aberrations of a Mirror Lens
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 57 (1953)
Formulae for third-order aberrations of a mirror lens are proved. As compared with analogous formulae for simple refracting lenses, these formulae show explicitly the advantages of using such a kind of lenses for the design of optical instruments.
Angular Correlation of Three Successive Gamma Quanta
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 64 (1953)
Formulas are given for the angular correlation of three successive \(\gamma \)-quanta. The assumption is made that each \(\gamma \)-quantum is of a given multipolarity. The \(z\)-axis is taken along the direction of propagation of the second quantum. The Racah summation formulas are used twice. The final correlation formula is given in terms of \(P_{2\mu ,\lambda }(\cos \vartheta _1)P_{2\nu ,\lambda }(\cos \vartheta _3)\cos \lambda \phi \), where \(\vartheta _1(\vartheta _3)\) is the angle between the direction of the first (third) and the second quantum, and \(\phi \) is the dihedral angle between the planes of the first-second and third-second quanta. Numerical values of the correlation coefficients for dipole transitions are given. Results are given for the limitations of anisotropy. The formalism describes also the case in which some of the emission processes are replaced by absorption processes.
Relativistic Quantum Dynamics of a System of Interacting Particles
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 77 (1953)
Quantum mechanics, so far, was applied either to non-relativistic systems of particles, that is systems in which the interaction is of a static type, or to systems in which the particles move in a given external field. Extension to relativistic systems of particles interacting by means of retarded or advanced forces was hindered by the fact that the corresponding variational principle (1) contains double integrals in the interaction terms besides single integrals in the terms corresponding to unperturbed motion. Such systems are of a non-local type and it is impossible to describe them by a set of commuting observables corresponding to one time or, generally speaking, to one space-like surface...Fasc. 2, pages 83–160
Note on Electrodynamics Without Potentials
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 83 (1953)
The Hamiltonian of Dirac’s new electrodynamics formulated without potentials is investigated.
Relativisierung der Theorie der Stochastischen Prozesse
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 87 (1953)
Es werden die Grundintegralgleichungen der stochastischen Prozesse und zwar die Smoluchowski–Kolmogorow–Chapmanschen, so wie die, die Erhaltung der Wahrscheinlichkeit ausdrückenden, Integralgleichungen auf eine Lorentz-invariante Form gebracht. Es werden dann aus diesen ihnen äquivalente relativistische Differentialgleichungen abgeleitet. Aus der Diskussion der von Kolmogorow angesetzten Bedingungen geht die Unhaltbarkeit dieser Bedingungen im relativistischen Falle hervor. Es werden die Kolmogorowschen Gleichungen auf eine mit der Relativitätstheorie verträgliche Form gebracht und es wird gezeigt, dass diese mit den früher genannten relativistischen Differentialgleichungen übereinstimmen.
Quantization of a Certain Class of Non-local Field Theories
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 100 (1953)
In this paper the problem of canonical quantization of non-local field theories is reduced, for a certain class of form-functions, to the problem of canonical quantization of field theories containing higher (ev. infinite) order derivatives of the fields. For finite order derivatives the interaction representation is introduced and general commutation rules between field quantities at two arbitrary points of space-time are constructed. The S-matrix is calculated by means of generalized Green’s functions. Finally the connection with direct (integral) methods of calculating the S-matrix for non-local theories is discussed.
Electrodynamics Without Potentials
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 123 (1953)
A general framework is given for a realy unitary theory of the electromagnetic field characterized by the skew-symmetric tensor \(p_{\alpha ,\beta }\). The potentials appear only later as derived quantities. The Lagrangian in this theory is assumed to be an arbitrary function of \(P= -{\frac {1}{4}}p_{\alpha \beta }\,p^{\alpha \beta }\) and \(|\varrho _0|=c^{-1}(j_aj^a)^{1/2}\), where \(j^a\) by definition \(=c/4\pi p^{\alpha ,\beta }_{\ \ \ ,\beta }\). Thus the Lagrangian is a function of the field and its derivatives. The field equations are obtained by variation with respect to the field. Generally this “potentialless” electrodynamics is equivalent to Mie’s electrodynamics in which the potentials are fundamental. But this is not always so. Dime’s new electrodynamics can be formulated as a “potentialless” unitary theory (Lagrangian \(=P+4\pi k/c|\varrho _0|\)) but remains outside the frame of Mie’s electrodynamics.
On the Electrostatic Neutron–Electron Interaction
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 135 (1953)
The neutron–electron static interaction is investigated by means of the Dyson technique with the use of formalistic regularization. It is shown that besides the convect ion current also the polarization current yields a non-vanishing contribution to the static interaction, the latter contribution being about three times as large as the former.
Two Simple Methods of Measurement of the Rate of Polarization of Light
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 149 (1953)
Two experimental arrangements are described by means of which measurements of the rate of polarization of light can be made without such special devices as double image prisms, Savart plates etc. Only simple means are needed which can be found in every laboratory.
Quenching Unit for CO\(_2\) Filled G.M. Counters
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 152 (1953)
A new quenching circuit organically coupled with a high frequency HV generator has been constructed and tested. The discharge pulse of the G.M. counter is fed to a uni-vibrator generating a square pulse of adjustable length. The square pulse goes to a modulator which lowers the amplitude of the radiofrequency oscillations and thus the output HV on the G.M. counter.
Lösung der G-Gleichungen von Jánossy für die Kosmischen Schauer
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 156 (1953)
Nach Jánossy (1950) lauten die Grundgleichungen für die Theorie der Nukleonen-und Elektronen-Photonen-Schauer bzw...ERRATA
Fasc. 3–4, pages 163–244
An Integrating Apparatus for the Schrödinger Equation
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 163 (1953)
An integrating apparatus for the Schrödinger equation has been constructed based on an analogy between the equation of motion of a magnetic needle and the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation. The apparatus was checked with a harmonic oscillator as example. Eigenfunctions were obtained and by comparison with those given by theory were shown to be in agreement within an error of 1 per cent only.
Effect of Electric Field on the Dielectric Constant of Ferroelectric Titanates
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 170 (1953)
The dielectric constant of polycrystalline barium- and barium-strontium titanates was measured as a function of temperature, time, AC-measuring field, and DC- and AC-biasing fields. In particular the relation between the dielectric constant and the DC-biasing field was investigated. Curves of the dielectric constant as a function of the DC-biasing field for quasistatic states both below and above the Curie point were obtained. The effect of prepolarization of the sample on the measured time changes of the dielectric constant below the Curie point was observed. This “prepolarization-effect” manifested itself in different values of the dielectric constant corresponding to different directions of the applied fields.
Vacuum Polarization in a Non-local Electrodynamics
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 181 (1953)
The vacuum polarization current produced by an external electromagnetic field is computed in the framework of a non-local electrodynamics formulated by one of the authors. The vacuum polarization current is free of the usual divergencies, but does not agree with experiment owing to a pole in the power series expansion in momentum space. This pole may be removed and the agreement with experiment reestablished by means of a realistic compensation (simultaneous coupling of the electromagnetic field with charged fermions and bosons).
Photoconductive and Photovoltaic Lead Selenide Layers
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 194 (1953)
A method was worked out for activating thin (about 1 \(\mu \)) microcrystalline layers of lead selenide. These layers displayed photoconductivity and the internal photovoltaic effect. They were prepared by evaporating in vacuo lead selenide which possessed an excess of lead (above the stechiometric ratio). The layers were treated with oxygen under low pressure and then reduced by heating in vacuo with the purpose of securing photosensitivity. The photoconducting layers, when subjected in vacuo to an electric current at about \(250^{\circ }\) and then rapidly cooled to room temperature, obtained photovoltaic sensitivity. This method of producing photosensitive layers gives sufficiently reproductible results, but further improvements seem possible.
Eine Einfache Ableitung des Ausdruckes für die Kirchhoffsche Beugungswelle
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 225 (1953)
Es wird eine sehr einfache Ableitung des Ausdruckes für die Kirchhoffsche Beugungswelle gegeben, die sich auf den Stokesschen San stützt, jedoch kein spezielles Koordinatensystem benutzt und die die Beugungswelle unmittelbar in der vom Verfasser (1917) angegebenen Gestalt liefert.
Eindeutigkeitsbeweise für Einige Hyperbolische Differentialgleichungen der Theoretischen Physik
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 230 (1953)
Ausgehend vom Grundgedanken des Rubinowiczschen Eindeutigkeitsbeweises für Maxwellsche Gleichungen, wird em Hilfsatz bewiesen, der sehr einfach Eindeutigkeitsbeweise für viele lineare hyperbolische Differentialgleichungen der theoretischen Physki durchzuführen gestattet.
Laboratory Equipment and Techniques on the Use of CO\(_2+\) CS\(_2\) Filled G.M. Counters for Age Determination
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 238 (1953)
Experiments were performed to inquire into the possibility of using CO\(_2+\) CS\(_2\) filled G.M. counters for geochronometrical purposes.
Measurements of the External Photoelectric Effect of Polycrystalline Layers of Alkaline Halides by Means of a G.-M. Counter
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 241 (1953)
It is well known that alkaline halides which possess additional absorption bands in the optical region of the spectrum show there an external photoelectric effect (Lukirsky et al. 1926, Fleischmann 1933, Apker and Taft 1950, 1951) with a weak quantum yield of \(10^{-5}\)—\(10^{-7}\) electrons per quantum (Fleischmann 1933, Apker and Taft 1950, 1951).
On an Observation with the Müller Microscope
Acta Phys. Pol. 12, 244 (1953)