Acta Physica Polonica (1932 – 1969)

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Vol. XVII (1958)

Fasc. 1, pages 3–71

P. Leruste
Representation Lagrangienne d’un Fluide Parfait
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 3 (1958)

abstract Ordinairement en mécanique des champs (Pauli 1941, sans quantification) on exprime qu’un champ possède l’invariance de Lorentz par la condition nécessaire et suffisante que sa fonction de Lagrange \(\cal {L}\) soit un scalaire, c’est à dire un tenseur d’ordre zéro de l’espace-temps. Cette fonction de Lagrange est fonction du (on des) champ \( \psi \), de \( \partial _\mu \psi \) et aussi des quantités \( C^{(i)} (x) \) qui sont des tenseurs qui définissent le milieu dans lequel le (ou les) champ se propage (comme exemple courant, ces quantités sont les composantes d’un champ électromagnétique extérieur). Les quantités \(\cal {L}\) et \( C^{(i)} (x) \) ont des grandeurs tensorielles quelconques.

A. Rubinowicz
Ein Bisher Nicht Beachteter Fall, in dem der Kirchhoffsche Ansatz zur Angenäherten Beschreibung der Beugungserscheinungen Versagt
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 13 (1958)

abstract Es werden auf Grund eines Unabhängigkeitssatzes für die Kirchhoffsche Beugungswelle die Grenzen der Anwendbarkeit der durch den Kirchhoffschen Ansatz gegebenen Wellenbewegung zur Beschreibung der Beugungserscheinungen untersucht. Es zeigt sich dass dieser Ansatz nicht nur, wie bekannt, für sehr kleine oder sehr enge Beugungsöffnungen versagt, sondern auch unbrauchbar wird, falls der beugende Rand einen solchen Verlauf hat, dass es von der Lichtquelle ausgehende Halbgerade gibt, die durch zwei auf verschiedenen Teilen des beugenden Randes liegende Punkte genau oder angenähert hindurchgehen. Es werden die Konsequenzen besprochen, die sich aus diesem Versagen für die Gestalt der in der Kirchhoffschen Beugungstheorie verwendbaren Schirme ergeben.

J. Sawicki, Z. Szymański
Nucleon-surface Interaction and the (\(p,n\)) Reactions
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 21 (1958)

abstract The contribution is discussed to the diff. cross-section for (\(p,n\)) reaction (as calculated according to the assumption of the direct \(n\)-interaction) due to the nucleon-surface interactions of the Bohr & Mottelson type. The effective contribution to the neutron–proton potential due to the proton-core (surface) — neutron coupling and the proton (neutron) — surface selfaction couplings are calculated. This corrections being of the second order in the B.–M. coupling constant appear as a part of the total (\(p,n\)) transition operator. The Coulomb effect of the incident proton wave is taken into account. The relative contribution of the correction terms to the diff. cross-section for the \(^{29}\)Si(\(p,n)^{29}\)P angular distribution is small.

W. Wardzyński
Investigation of Infrared Absorption in Alkali Halide Crystals with Anionic Impurities
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 29 (1958)

abstract The infrared absorption by KBr, KCl and KJ monocrystals containing a small amount of impurities (of the order of \(10^{-2}\) mol %) of KNO\(_3\), K\(_2\)CO\(_3\), etc. was investigated. It is known that the introduction of the impurities results in the appearance of absorption bands in the infrared. It was shown that some of these bands undergo change when the crystals are heated and cooled rapidly, others change when irradiated by ultraviolet. The change of absorption with temperature was investigated. In the case of crystals containing KNO\(_3\) it was possible to determine the NO\(^-_2\) and NO\(^-_3\) ion content by polarographic methods. It was also possible to determine the number of centres responsible for absorption in two well-separated bands arising after the addition of KNO\(_3\) or KNO\(_3\). The results of the polarographic measurements were compared with the data obtained on the basis of infrared absorption investigations.

Z. Galasiewicz
The Problem of the Subsidiary Condition in the Additional Variables Method for Arbitrary Central Interactions
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 63 (1958)

abstract In this paper the method of Bohm and Pines is generalized for the case of arbitrary central forces. It is shown that subsidiary conditions imposed on the system wave function result from the equations of motion. In addition, the equivalence of the generalized method and the method of Zubarev is shown. From this follows the physical significance of the subsidiary conditions imposed on the system wave function in this method.

A.Z. Hrynkiewicz, T. Waluga, G. Zapalski
An Experiment on Nonadiabatic Passage in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 71 (1958)

abstract The method of nuclear resonance in flowing liquid has been used to demonstrate nonadiabatic passage. Magnetic fields of various amplitudes directed at different angles were suddenly superimposed upon the magnetic field determining the initial direction of magnetization. The results obtained are a simple confirmation of the vector model of nonadiabatic passage and constitute a good illustration of this process.

Fasc. 2–3, pages 83–203

J. Halaunbrenner
On the Influence of the Anisotropy of the Base on the Resistance of a Rolling Cylinder
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 83 (1958)

abstract In this paper the directional dependence of the resistance of a cylinder rolling on anisotropic surfaces is determined experimentally for the case of artificial anisotropy produced by machine working and of natural anisotropy of wood and NaCl monocrystals.

J. Auleytner, B. Kołakowski
Microscopic Observations of the Surface of InSb Monocrystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 93 (1958)

abstract Presented in this paper are the results of microscopic observations of some etched and cleaved surfaces of InSb monocrystals. Surfaces with crystallographic indices (100), (111), and others were investigated. It was shown that the shape of the etch pits is different for the various crystallographic surfaces. Two types of etched figures were observed; they differ in size and in density. Suitable etching agents were chosen to reveal the figures.

K.W. Ostrowski, L. Turek
Radiation Accompanying Pulses in a Geiger–Müller Counter
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 97 (1958)

abstract The ultraviolet radiation in a Geiger–Müller counter was investigated by means of photo-sensitive counters with quartz windows facing one another and connected to a delayed coincidence circuit. Two components of this radiation were distinguished, a stronger component occurring within the limits of 0–2 \(\mu \)sec (prompt radiation) and at least one order of magnitude weaker than a second component occurring with a delay of 2–300 \(\mu \)sec (delayed radiation). The prompt radiation has a continuous spectrum with a maximum at about 2700 Å. This radiation is interpreted as radiation from the recombination of argon ions. The delayed radiation is strongly dependent on the counter supply voltage and its intensity can be measured only beginning from about 70 V before the end of the plateau. The maximum intensity of the delayed radiation when the counter is normally filled with an argon and alcohol mixture occurs at about 50 \( \mu \)sec. The delay corresponding to the radiation maximum for a higher argon pressure decreases with an increase in pressure. The delayed radiation is interpreted in accordance with the Wiser and Krumbein hypothesis as originating from the metastable argon molecules.

J. Auleytner
Determination of the Orientation of Mosaic Blocks by Means of a Fine-focus X-ray TUBE
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 111 (1958)

abstract In the method described in this paper, an X-ray tube with a point focus, constructed by the author, was used as a source of X-rays. From the point focus with an effective diameter of the order of 40 \(\mu \) the radiation falls on a narrow slit between two cylinders. In this way the chopped-off beam falls on the surface of the crystal under investigation. Two photographs are made of a suitable diffraction line Cu\(_{K\alpha }\): (1) with the crystal oscillating and the photographic film immobile and (2) with the motion of the film coupled to the motion of the crystal. In this way the disorientation of the blocks of the mosaic can be determined for angles greater than 30\(^{\prime \prime }\) and, in particular cases, of twist of the order of seconds. The method permits the obtaining of a picture of the mosaic structure over a larger area of monocrystal surface in a relatively short time and the disclosure of the direct dependence of the Bragg line intensity on the mosaic structure.

J. Łopuszański
On the Modification of the Feynman’s “Integral-over-all-paths” Method
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 117 (1958)

abstract Feynman’s “sum-over-all-paths” method was already successfully applied for solving problems of the fundamental equations of quantum mechanics, of the theory of stochastic processes, as well as of sum-over-states. In this note we give a modification of the mathematical formalism of the Feynman’s method as well as an approximate solution of the problems mentioned above for large “time” intervals and a discrete spectrum of states.

J. Rayski
On a Possible Relation Between Space and Isospace
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 137 (1958)

abstract Conservation of the third component of isomomentum (angular momentum in the space of isotopic spin) can be secured even for weak interactions at the cost of assuming a composite structure of particles in isospace (two independent isospins \(I\) and \(K\)). Particles may be classified according to quantum numbers \(b\), \(K^2\), \(K_3\) \(I^2\), \(I_3\), where \(b\) is the baryon number. This classification enables to arrange particles into a table exhibiting interesting regularities. Rest masses are explicable in terms of the above quantum numbers. There exists a fine structure and a hyperfine structure of the mass levels described by \(I^2\) and \(I_3\). Anomalous behaviour of the spin \( K \) (two orientations only) suggests isospace to be a euclidean subspace of a ps-euclidean space. It is suggested to combine isospace with ordinary space into a more-dimensional ps-euclidean space. Then the anomalous behaviour of the spin \( K \) may be interpreted in terms of a Zitterbewegung. Assuming a 6 or 12-dimensional space it is easy to understand why pion is pseudoscalar.

I. Białynicki-Birula
On the Internal Degrees of Freedom of Particles in Quantum Field Theory
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 153 (1958)

abstract In this paper we give the definition of the operators of the polarization and the magnetic moment in quantum field theory. For the free fields these operators are the constants of motion. We investigate exactly their eigenvalues for a spinor field. In the case of electrodynamics and mesodynamics we obtain the time dependence of these operators for the interacting fields.

V.S. Barashenkov, V.M. Maltsev
Multiple Production of Nonstable Particles in Pion Nucleon Collisions
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 177 (1958)

abstract The statistical theory of multiple production of pions, nucleons, nonstable particles and antiparticles in (\(\pi \,N\))-collisions is considered by using the method described in (1), (2). The deductions of the theory may be put into agreement with the experimental data if it is assumed that “strange” and “usual” particles are produced in different space volumes.

H.D. Sharma
Threshold Potential for the Low Frequency Electric Discharge in Air Using a Maze Counter
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 183 (1958)

abstract The threshold potential \(V_m\) for the low frequency electric discharge using Maze counters has been determined for air over a range of pressure \(p\) from 1 to 300 mm Hg. The \(V_m\)–\(p\) curves are not linear, being concave towards the pressure axis. For a given wire diameter, \(2r, V_m\) is seen to increase as the diameter of the outer glass cylinder increases. A comparison is also made using the \(rX\)–\(rp\) curves where \(X\) is the field strength at the wire surface. While these curves appear to coincide for low \(rp\) values, for higher \(rp\) values there is difference, the values of \(rX\) for the largest tube being the least.

J. Rayski
An Attempt to Geometrize Mesoelectrodynamics
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 187 (1958)

abstract The basic assumption is that our world is a four-dimensional manifold of infinitesimal surface elements. The (two independent) basic vectors \(i_5\), \(i_6\) tangential to the surface element are independent of the basic vectors \(i_1\), \(i_2\), \(i_3\), \(i_4\), in the Minkowski space but, together with them, span a six-dimensional vector space. The vectors \(i_1\), \(i_2\), \(i_3\) are real, \(i_4\), \(i_5\), \(i_6\), are imaginary. Rotations in the (\(i_5\), \(i_6\))-plane mean gauge transformations. The vector space spanned by the imaginary vectors \(i_4\), \(i_5\), \(i_6\) can be interpreted as the isospace. The privileged “third” axis in it is nothing else but the time axis. Such an extension of the physical space makes possible a geometrical interpretation of gauge transformations, charge conjugation, and isotopic spin transformations. It enables one to amalgamate the electromagnetic and mesic fields with geometry in a similar way as the gravitational field has been amalgamated with geometry. The extension of physical dimensions provides us with an explanation why pion must be ps-scalar. It accounts for the difference between the charge and the baryon number, and enables one to understand why only baryons (but not leptons) constitute the source of nuclear forces.

A. Gołębiewski, K. Zalewski
On the Interpretation of Slater’s Approximation of Atomic Orbitals
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 199 (1958)

abstract In the theory of chemical bonds one assumes in general (following Slater (1930)), the following form for the eigenfunction of an electron in the atom \[\psi = Nr^{n^*-1}\cdot e^{-Z^*r/n^*a_0} \cdot Y_{lm}(\vartheta , \phi )\,,\] where \(n^*\) in this formula denotes the effective quantum number, \(Z^*\) is the effective nuclear charge, and \(Y_{lm}(\vartheta , \phi )\) is the angular part of the hydrogen-like function. Some authors of basic monographs on quantum chemistry (Gombash 1953, Eyring, Walter, and Kimball 1954) give an erroneous (in our opinion) interpretation of this approximation which is moreover not in agreement with the views of Slater (1930).

W. Kołos
On the Electron Density Distribution in Molecules
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 201 (1958)

abstract The results obtained in the previous papers (Kołos 1957a,b) for the excitation energies of ethylene and benzene molecules, and the astonishing agreement of the evaluated one-centre integrals (Kołos l957c) with the semi-empirical values suggest that the study of other properties of the correlated orbitals \[ \psi _i(1,2)=N_i\phi _i(1,2)r_{12}\quad (1) \] may be interesting. In this note we shall present some conclusions resulting from the study of the electron density distribution corresponding to the wave function (1), in which \( \phi _i(1,2) \) is the usual product or sum of products of one-electron orbitals and \( r_{12} \) denotes the mutual electron separation.

J. Benisz, C. Borowczak
A New Method for the Rapid Measurement of the Shrinkage Factor of a Nuclear Emulsion
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 203 (1958)

abstract A rapid method for the measurement of the shrinkage factor of a nuclear emulsion by means of a suitably constructed pyknometer has been developed. The results obtained agree within the limits of error with the results from other methods known thus far.

Fasc. 4, pages 209–273

A. Piekara, S. Kielich
A Non-linear Theory of the Electric Permittivity and Refractivity of Dielectric Liquids in Electric and Magnetic Fields
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 209 (1958)

abstract A consistent molecular theory of the non-linear effects of molecular orientation produced in dielectric gases and liquids by electric and magnetic fields is given by the authors. The molar constant of dielectric polarization \(P_M\), the Cotton–Mouton constant \(C_M\), the Kerr constant \(K_M\) and the dielectric saturation constant in an electric field \(S^{ee}_M\), and in a magnetic field, \(S^{em}_M\) have been calculated for gases (Secs. 3 and 4) and for liquids (Secs. 5 and 6). For liquids with molecules possessing axial symmetry, the correlation factors \(R_P\), \(R_{CM}\), \(R_K\) and \(R_S\) associated with the five constants determining molecular interaction within the liquid have been obtained. In calculating these factors, no special assumptions concerning the nature of the intermolecular forces were introduced. The factors are given in the form of functions of the angle \( {\mit \Theta }_{pq}\) between the axes of symmetry of the \( p\)-th and that of the \( q\)-th molecule. In the case of dipole pairwise coupling of the molecules, formulas deduced previously by one of the authors and accounting, among others, for the inversion of the dielectric saturation (Sec. 7), are obtained. Finally, a relation connecting the variation of the dielectric permittivity in a magnetic field, \( {\mit \Delta } \varepsilon ^m_{sat}\), and the Kerr or Cotton–Mouton constant is derived, and the order of magnitude of \( {\mit \Delta } \varepsilon ^m_{sat}\) is evaluated.

S. Kielich
Semi-macroscopic Treatment of the Theory of Non-linear Phenomena in Dielectric Liquids Submitted to Strong Electric and Magnetic Fields
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 239 (1958)

abstract The present paper brings a consistent semi-macroscopic theory of the non-linear effects of molecular orientation produced by strong electric or magnetic fields in condensed media. The deviation from the quadratic effect of dielectric saturation in a strong electric field has been calculated for polar liquids with molecules exhibiting isotropic polarizability (Sec. 3). Furthermore, general expressions are derived describing the effect of a strong electric or magnetic field on the index of refraction (Sec. 4) and on the dielectric permittivity (Sec. 5), and yielding the constants of Kerr and Cotton–Mouton as well as the variation of the dielectric permittivity in electric and magnetic fields. The molecular interpretation of the results yields formulae derived by the molecular method (A. Piekara and S. Kielich).

K.F. Wojciechowski
Thermoemission of Alloys
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 257 (1958)

abstract A semi-phenomenological theory is presented for thermoemission from binary and ternary alloys which form a superlattices at low temperatures. It has been found that the thermoemission current has a local anomaly in the neighbourhood of the order–disorder transformation temperature. The character of this anomaly (maximum or minimum) depends on whether the order–disorder transformation is a first-order or second-order phase transition. Richardson’s formula has been derived for the alloys undergoing an ordering process; Richardson’s constant \(A\) for the case of these alloys is a function of the parameters of long-range order. It is noted that the thermoemission current for alloys with a non-cubic crystal lattice is anisotropic.

Z. Kopeć
Investigation of the Effective Mass of Current Carriers in GaSb
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 265 (1958)

abstract The thermoelectric force, Hall effect, and electric conductivity for 3 samples of GaSb-\(p\) and 1 sample of GaSb-\(n\) were measured in the temperature region 200\(^\circ \)–400\(^\circ \)K. The scattering of carriers on phonons and ions were taken into account in calculating the values of the effective mass, the latter proving to be a function of both the concentration and the temperature. Additional experiments on the measurement of the thermoelectric force and heat conductivity for one sample of the \( p \)-type and one of the \( n \)-type were made at lower temperatures (attaining the temperature of liquid helium) indicate that for large current carrier concentrations the values obtained for the effective mass at the higher temperatures are not affected by the phonon drag effect.

D. O’Connor
A Simplified Method of Solution for a Random Walk Problem of a Few Unequal Steps
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 273 (1958)

abstract A simplified method is presented of calculating the probability that the amplitude of the resultant vector formed by the vector addition of a finite number of vectors of known amplitude and random orientation, will lie in a given range. This method is simpler to use for small numbers of vectors unequal in length, than methods known from the literature. Recursion formulae are given for calculating the probability functions for assemblages of vectors of equal length.

Fasc. 5, pages 283–365

J. Kociński
On the Influence of the Demagnetizing Field on Domain Structure
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 283 (1958)

abstract It has been found that the demagnetizing field acting near the end of a crystal rod with mean magnetization parallel to the long axis of the rod, exerts a great influence on the domain structure of the crystal. The result of the approximate calculation shows, that this effect explains partly the discrepancy found between experiment and Néel’s theory of the domain structure of such a crystal. It may be that the discrepancy that remains, depends on the approximations made in the calculation. The formula obtained for the double domain width \(d\) goes over into Néel’s formula for a needle-shaped crystal.

W. Kusch
Measurement of Absorption in Graphite of Electrons from Meson \(\mu \) Decay
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 295 (1958)

abstract Measurements were made of the absorption in graphite of electrons from the decay of \(\mu \) mesons. The results were compared with the absorption curves calculated by assuming a linear relation between the actual electron path and the energy, and relations that result from inclusion of the radiation losses. In the calculations the electron spectrum given by Michel (\(\varrho =0.55\), \(W=52.7\) MeV) was assumed. Account was also taken of the increase in the path of the electrons as a result of scattering. Comparison of experimental and calculated results show that the mean total energy losses for electrons from the decay of \(\mu \) mesons is 1.92 MeV/g cm\(^{-2}\), whereas the mean energy losses due to ionization is (\(1.70\pm 0.15\)) MeV/g cm\(^{-2}\).

W. Mościcki
On the Use of G. M. Counters Filled with a Mixture of CO\(_2\) + CS\(_2\) for the Measurement of the Activity of Natural Carbon. Part I
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 311 (1958)

abstract Part I. Discussion of the Techniques Employed in the Measurement of the Activity of Natural Carbon. Comparisons are made of the techniques of measuring the radioactivity of natural carbon (a) using solid carbon and screen wall counters (b) using gas samples. The gas sample technique is advantageous from the point of view of sensitivity, use of material, change of samples, and less contamination. One difficulty with this technique when proportional counters are employed, is the complicated electronic apparatus and above all the lack of control of the background level during the measurement. Statistical methods, of controlling the background by employing the fluctuation of the intensity of the cosmic radiation in the counter and the shielding are discussed.

W. Mościcki
On the Use of G. M. Counters Filled with a Mixture of CO\(_2\) + CS\(_2\) for the Measurement of the Activity of Natural Carbon. Part II
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 327 (1958)

abstract Part II. Experiments with G. M. Counters Filled with CO\(_2\) + CS\(_2\) Used for Detection of \(^{14}\)C in Natural Carbon. A number of experiments were conducted with G. M. counters filled with CO\(_2\) + CS\(_2\). The counter has a long plateau with a small slope and low sensitivity to contamination. The change in the number of the counter-shielding anticoincidences as a function of the delay time of the shielding signals is interpreted as resulting from pulse delay in counters of this type. According to this interpretation about 65% of the pulses are subject to a mean delay of about 0.8 m sec. The influence of the delay effect on the efficiency and suitability of the counter for chronometric purposes are also discussed. Reproducible results are obtained with a sufficiently long time delay of the a. c. shielding pulses (\(\sim 5\) m sec.) over a broad interval of CO\(_2\) pressure and counting efficiency of about 90% for counters with a volume of 2–3 litres.

L. Liszka, H. Niewodniczański
Intensity Ratio in the “Forbidden” Doublet \( \lambda \) 2958 and \( \lambda \) 2972 Å. U. in the Spectrum of Atomic Oxygen
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 345 (1958)

abstract The aim of the reported investigations was to discover in the O I spectrum the appearance of the “forbidden” electric quadrupole line \(\lambda \) 2958 Å. U. and afterwards to measure the ratio of the intensity of this line to that of the second line in the “forbidden” O I doublet, which is the previously observed magnetic dipole line \(\lambda \) 2972 Å. U. This doublet was obtained in the radiation of a specially constructed discharge tube filled with a mixture of helium and oxygen. In the first part of this work optimum conditions of the discharges were found in order to obtain the much fainter component of the “forbidden” doublet, the line \(\lambda \) 2958 Å. U. which was never observed before. In the second part of the work the intensity ratio of these “forbidden” lines in the doublet was experimentally found to be \(1:45 \pm 30\%\), which is in agreement in order of magnitude with the theoretically expected ratio 1:100.

A.Z. Hrynkiewicz
The Application of Magnetic Nuclear Resonance in Fluid Hydrodynamics
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 353 (1958)

abstract The recording of the nuclear resonance line by means of an minor oscillograph has made it possible to employ the phenomenon of non-adiabatic transition in a stream of flowing fluid for studying the character of the flow. Non-adiabatic transition was used to mark the flowing fluid in a given section of a pipe in a time of the order of a micro-second. The nuclear resonance apparatus served the detector of the marked fluid after it has traversed a certain distance in the pipe. In order to illustrate the method the shape of pulses in the detector was studied for laminar flow and for turbulent flow in a smooth cylindrical pipe.

A. Kisiel, H. Niewodniczański
A High Luminosity Quartz Spectrograph for the Far Ultra-violet Region \(\lambda \)2300–1850 Å. U.
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 361 (1958)

abstract A small quartz spectrograph of great sensitivity (1:1,82) for the far ultra-violet \(\lambda \) 2300–\(\lambda \) 1850 Å. U. has been built at the Institute of Physics of the Jagellonian University. In order to avoid the influence of the absorption of atmospheric oxygen CO\(_2\) was blown through the spectrograph. The most favourable conditions for the spectral region \(\lambda \) 2000–\(\lambda \)1850 Å. U. are when the plateholder makes an angle of 27\(^\circ \) with the optical axis of the camera lens. The mean linear dispersion at such a sitting is 17 Å. U. per mm.

Z. Leś, H. Niewodniczański
Intensity Ratios of Spectral Lines in CdI Triplets at Different Conditions of Excitation
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 365 (1958)

abstract The intensity ratios of the spectral lines in the visible Cd I triplet: (\(5s5p^3P^0\)—\(5s6s^3S_1\)) 5086 ÅU, (\(5s5p^3P^0_1\)—\(5s6s^3S_1\)) 4800 ÅU, (\(5s5p^3P^0_0\)—\(5s6s^3S_1\)) 4678 ÅU (Fig. 1) were investigated in a number of experimental works (Dorgelo 1924, Larche 1931, Ornstein 1938). Results obtained by various authors differ, however, very much from each other.

Fasc. 6, pages 371–489

M. Miąsek
The Application of the Tight Binding Method to the Investigation of Energy Bands in Hexagonal Close-packed Structure. III
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 371 (1958)

abstract The matrix components of energy in the close-packed hexagonal structure have been calculated taking into account the interactions of further neighbours of order 2, 3, 4 in the two-centre approximation.

M. Bartenbach, B. Buras, H. Rzewuski, Z. Tomczak
Steady Stimulation and Quenching of Photoconductivity in Cadmium Sulfide by Infrared Radiation
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 389 (1958)

abstract The changes in the steady photocurrent produced by exciting light in CdS single crystals by simultaneous illumination with infrared radiation have been investigated. Many authors have reported quenching of photoconductivity in CdS by infrared and some stimulation phenomena of a transient character. In the present experiments steady stimulation has been observed; this occurs when the photocurrent caused by light alone is small compared with the photocurrent caused by infrared alone. For some definite ratio of the light intensity to the infrared intensity the illumination with infrared causes no change in the photocurrent. If the ratio is bigger than that mentioned above the well known quenching phenomena occur. By using X-rays instead of the exciting light similar stimulation and quenching phenomena have been observed. These results can be explained (i) using the model proposed by Rose which involves the creation of free holes by infrared radiation and (ii) assuming that the current caused by infrared radiation only is associated with holes.

V.S. Barashenkov, V.M. Maltsev
On the Magnitude of Strange Particle Production Cross-section in Nucleon–Nucleon Collisions at Cosmotron Energy
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 397 (1958)

abstract The probabilities of production of different kinds of particles and their momentum distribution for (\(NN\))-collision at \(E=3\) BeV are calculated by the method of statistical theory. The results of the calculation are compared with the experiment.

J.M. Massalski, A. Oleś
On the Ratio of Photons to Electrons in Extensive Air Showers of Cosmic Radiation Found from Analysis of the Transition Curve
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 401 (1958)

abstract An analysis is made of the transition curve for particles of extensive air showers of cosmic radiation, at an altitude of 2636 m above sea level. The existing discrepancy between the experimental photon-to-electron ratio (\(p/e\)) and theory is explained. In accordance with the predictions of the theory a large number of photons were found with energies below the threshold energy of apparatus for registering electrons. The photon-to-electron ratio found for a threshold energy for electrons of 15 MeV, for photons of 15–30 MeV, \(p/e=1.0 \pm 0.1\) (only the statistical error is given) is below the actual value owing to the influence of the low-energy photons on the transition curve.

J. Babecki
Analysis of the Influence of Low Energy Penetrating Photons on the Absorption of Extensive Air Showers in Lead
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 409 (1958)

abstract Continuing the previous work on photons appearing under large thicknesses of lead, we obtained experimental absorption curves from which we calculated for various thicknesses of Pb the mean number of penetrating photons leaving the absorber during one act of coincidence and the number of these photons per electron striking the absorber. The absorption coefficient was found for the photons under study and the value of this coefficient agrees with the theoretical value for an energy range of 1.2–7 MeV. In this manner we obtained a full picture of the phenomenon of the prolongation of the range of electron–photon cascades by photons of energies corresponding to the minimum absorption coefficient.

J. Rzewuski
The 13-Parametric Group of Transformations of the Spinor Space and Its Representations
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 417 (1958)

abstract The irreducible representations of a 13-parametric group of transformations of the spinor space are constructed. They include all transformation types assumed so far phenomenologically for the fundamental particles including their isotopic spin characterization. An eight-dimensional real spinor space corresponding to the original four-dimensional complex spinor space is introduced. It is shown that the spinor space provides a common geometrical basis for all conservation laws (including charge, isotopic spin and baryon conservation laws). The possible bilinear connexions of the spinor space with the conventional space-time are discussed. These connexions enable one to introduce inversions and to derive the connexion between the differential equations in both spaces.

E. Minardi
On the Bilocal Theory of the Electron
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 429 (1958)

abstract The bilocal theory of the electron presented in previous works is developed in such a way that a Majorana neutrino, instead of an ordinary neutrino, is introduced in the zero approximation of the perturbation calculation for that part of the mass due to the virtual photons interacting with the internal part of the bilocal field. Moreover the contribution to the mass due to photons which interact with the part of the bilocal field describing the observable motion is calculated. The total mass obtained with the above calculation agrees with a considerable accuracy with the experimental mass of the electron if the \(2.30 \times 10^{-13}\) cm value of the universal length is used, i.e. the value with which the masses of other particles were previously obtained.

J. Morkowski
Reversible Susceptibility Under Stress
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 435 (1958)

abstract The reversible susceptibility in polycrystalline nickel was measured by the alternating field method for magnetic field values up to about 68 oersteds. During the measurements the specimen was subjected to external stress — compression and tension, the values of which varied from about \( -\)14 kG/mm\(^2\) to 21 kG/mm\(^2\). The results obtained show that application of tension lowers the value of reversible susceptibility in weak fields and increases it at more intense fields as compared with the unstressed specimen. At small compressive stresses down to about \( -\)3 kG/mm\(^2\) the picture is the reverse; at larger values of compressive stress, however, the reversible susceptibility is smaller for all values of magnetic field intensity than in the unstressed specimen. The results obtained are interpreted theoretically on the basis of statistical considerations.

M.D. Kunisz
Rapports des Intensltiés des Raies Spectrales dans Certains Doublets des Séries II et I Secondaires des Spectres d’Arc d’Aluminium et d’Indium
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 455 (1958)

abstract On a mesuré les rapports des intensités des composantes des 8 doublets des séries II et I Secondaires d’aluminium et d’indium, en vue de vérifier si la règle des sommes était satisfaite. On s’est servi de la méthode de la spectrophotomètrie photographique. Comme source on a utilisé l’arc électrique, l’étincelle et la cathode creuse. Les résultats indiquent qu’il y a une dépendance de la grandeur des écarts à la règle des sommes de la position du doublet dans la série spectrale.

J. Śledzik
Modified Bohm and Pines Collective Description of Electron Interactions in Crystals. I
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 463 (1958)

abstract The generalized Bohm–Pines theory of electron interactions in translation lattices is formulated. In order to remove the difficulties in normalizing the state vectors a set of new subsidiary conditions is proposed. As a result it is shown that the Bohm–Pines theory may be taken as correct for any desired degree of accuracy. In this treatment the electrons are supposed to be bound with ion–cores (tight binding approximation). The ion–-core polarisation is not taken into account because of the complications which the consideration of this phenomenon introduces.

A. Jabłoński
Corrections and Additional Remarks to the Paper: Self-depolarization and Decay of Photoluminescence of Solutions, Acta Phys. Polon. 14, 295 (1955)
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 481 (1958)

abstract My collaborators, M. Frąckowiak, A. Bączyński and M. Czajkowski, linked my attention to an error, which occurred in Eqs. (35), (35a) and (36) of the above paper, consisting in writing \(\frac {\nu ^{k-1}}{(k-1)!}\) instead of \(\frac {\nu ^{k-1}}{k!}\). These equations have to describe the degree of polarization of fluorescence of a solution as a function of concentration of luminescent molecules (\(\nu \) denoting the concentration multiplied by the volume of the active sphere, i.e. the average number of luminescent molecules within this sphere).

J.A. Janik, S. Kraśnicki, A. Murasik
The Influence of Polarization of Liquid Crystal Molecules on the Scattering of Slow Neutrons
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 483 (1958)

abstract On the basis of existing theories of the scattering of slow neutrons by molecules one should expect an influence of molecular polarization on the scattering cross section. This is due to the fact that the final formulas for the cross section versus energy are the result of an averaging over a random molecular orientation for an unpolarized sample and for a non-random distribution for a polarized one.

J.A. Janik, F. Maniawski, H. Rżany
Theoretical Calculation of the Slow Neutron Scattering Cross Section of Ethylen-molecule
Acta Phys. Pol. 17, 489 (1958)

abstract In 1957 a paper of T.J. Krieger and M.S. Nelkin has appeared in which a formula for the scattering cross section of slow neutrons by gazeous molecules was given. The K–N theory introducing some mathematical approximations in averaging over molecular orientations forms a step forward as compared to Messiah theory which gave an accurate general formula for the cross section, the detailed calculations however were limited to simple molecules of the H\(_2\)- and CH\(_4\)-type. The theory of Krieger and Nelkin was proved by them for H\(_2\)- and CH\(_4\)-molecules. The calculated cross section versus, energy values were in agreement with experimental ones in the energy limits corresponding to the limits of validity of the theoretical assumptions.

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