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Acta Physica Polonica (1932 – 1969)

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Vol. XVIII (1959)

Fasc. 1, pages 3–81

L. Infeld
Stanisław Loria (1883–1958)
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 3 (1959)not a regular article

C. Jankiewicz
Das Variationsprinzip der Relativistischen Hydrodynamik
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 7 (1959)

abstract Auf Grund der Theorie der Raumdeformationen von Schouten und van Kampen aus dem Jahre 1953 wurde ein Variationsprinzip für die relativistische Hydrodynamik aufgestellt und an den Beispielen der idealen und der zähen Flüssigkeit erlaüztert.

K.F. Wojciechowski
Theory of Order in Fe\(_3\)Al Alloy
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 15 (1959)

abstract A statistical theory of order–disorder transitions in the Fe\(_3\)Al alloy is presented which enables us to take into account the interactions of atoms from farther neighbourhood and thus to determine more accurately the transition temperature from order to disorder. It is shown that the interaction energy of third neighbourhood is approximately 1/2 of the interaction energy of the second one.

C. Jankiewicz
Über den Zusammenhang der Bewegungsgleichungen mit den Feldgleichungen
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 21 (1959)

abstract Bei Verwendung des Lieschen Differentiales wird gezeigt, dass in jeder klassischen auf Grund des allgemeinen Relativitätsprinzipes formulierten Feldtheorie die Bewegungsgleichungen der kontinuierlich verteilten Feldquellen aus den Feldgleichungen folgen und dass die Bewegungsgleichungen mit den Erhaltungssätzen des Feldes identisch sind. Als Beispiel dient die Gravitationstheorie und die Elektrodynamik.

W. Tulczyjew
Equations of Motion of Rotating Bodies in General Relativity Theory
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 37 (1959)

see erratum: Acta Physica Polonica 18, 535 (1959)

abstract This paper is devoted to the derivation of the approximate equations of motion for a system of two rotating bodies treated as singularities of gravitational field. Use was made of the method given by Infeld (1954). Also, the equations of motion are integrated and a new relativistic effect is obtained, namely, motion of the equinoxes at a constant angular velocity.

J. Śledzik
Modified Bohm and Pines Collective Description of Electron Interactions in Crystals. II
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 57 (1959)

abstract The canonical transformation which excludes from Hamiltonian the interaction term \( \hat {H}_{\mathrm {inter}}\) is analysed. It is proved, that the transformation, applied in approximation of first commutators with generating function of transformation, leads to changed subsidiary conditions and new Hamiltonian expressed in the Bohm–Pines representation. It is pointed out, that because of the approximation degree used in applying the transformation, the set of supplementary conditions and the new Hamiltonian must be considered as the equations which are rather postulated than correctly derived. There are also obtained generalized dispersion relations.

J. Morkowski
On Desaccommodation Effect in Nickel
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 75 (1959)

abstract The author has observed a time decrease of reversible permeability after demagnetization or stressing in specimens of Ni under compressive stress. Some preliminary results shall be presented here.

J. Auleytner
Application of the Fine Focus X-Ray Tube for the Investigation of the Size and Orientation and Relative Position of the Blocks of Mosaic in Monocrystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 81 (1959)

abstract In this paper are presented further possibilities of a method described previously by the author (Auleytner 1958), in particular, the simultaneous determination of the size of blocks of the mosaic and their twists (50 \(\mu \), 30”). It is possible in certain cases to determine the size of blocks of the order of several microns. The method permits the analysis of the relative position of the blocks, which can be of great importance in investigations of the dislocation structure of crystals.

Fasc. 2, pages 87–161

C. Bazan
Statical Charges of Deformed Polymer
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 87 (1959)

abstract Thin plates of a polyvinylchloride clamped from two sides, heated above the softening point and then cooled to room temperature acquire electrical charges. These charges have opposite sign on both sides of the sample. The plates prepared in this way show optical double refraction. From the observed patterns one can conclude that the chain segments are oriented preferentially in the radial direction. This effect may be related to the electrization of the sample. It is suggested that the asymmetry of the electrical charges may be due to polar group orientation.

M. Frąckowiak, J. Heldt
Investigation of an Organophosphor in the Preexcited State
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 93 (1959)

abstract The phosphorescence decay curve of acridine yellow in gelatin after long preexcitation in linearly polarized light has been investigated. It was found that the decay constant of the luminescent group of centres increases exponentially with the preexcitation time. An increase in the decay constants conditions the decreases in the total light of phosphorescence in the deformed (preexcited) state. These changes are caused by the appearance, during strong preexcitation, of unstable isomers of the dye.

S. Olszewski
Nuclear Charge Effect on the Free-electron Model Energy States
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 107 (1959)

see erratum: Acta Physica Polonica 19, 271 (1960)

abstract The scheme presented here permits calculations of the influence which the positive centres distributed along a potential box of the linear free-electron model have on the energy states of this model. The numerical calculations included the configurational interaction for the two and four centres problems (ethylene and butadiene in the \(\pi \)-electron approximation). The computations were done by assuming an equidistant distribution of the centres in the model and that the box radius tends to zero. The results obtained for the case of the lowest excited singlet states are in surprising agreement with the corresponding states calculated by means of the LCAO MO model. At the same time it was found necessary to assume a very strong screening of the nuclei. This may be considered as a consequence of the geometry of the problem. The scheme was applied also to calculation of the positions of the absorption maxima corresponding to the lowest electron transitions in Simpson symmetrical cyanine dyes. The results remain in especially good agreement with experiment if it is assumed that the nitrogen atom localizes the free-electron pair. It is pointed out that if one includes the effect of the interaction of nuclear charges on the electrons of the model, it is found that the energy states group themselves in zones analogous to the energy zones known from the band theory of solids.

S. Olszewski
On the Coulomb and Exchange Operators in the Free-electron Model
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 121 (1959)

see erratum: Acta Physica Polonica 19, 271 (1960)

abstract The Coulomb and exchange operators occurring in the Hartree–Fock equations for molecular orbitals of the linear free-electron model are given for the case of a potential box radius tending to zero in the form of explicit and finite functions of the position of the electron on which the operators actually act. The Hartree–Fock differential-integral equations are then replaced by ordinary differential equations. This has been done with the reservations that the Coulomb and exchange operators were calculated by assuming a suitably modified expression for the mutual interaction between electrons and an exchange potential of the Slater type averaged over the entire region of the potential box was introduced as the exchange operator. The calculation gave expressions reproducing the energies of the respective states, whereby the approximations introduced are taken into account, plus quantities that are the same for all states. The form proposed for the Coulomb and exchange operators is that obtained from the above calculations, where those parts contributing to the reproduction of the above-mentioned uniform quantities which exceed the energies of the calculated states, or which gave a value of zero, are discarded.

A.R. Ferchmin
L’Influence des Moments Quadrupolaires sur la Constante Diélectrique d’un Liquide Dipolaire
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 133 (1959)

abstract La théorie de Onsager est appliquée aux liquides polaires dont les molécules présentent des moments dipolaires et quadrupolaires. Un modèle ayant la forme d’un dipôle excentrique dans une sphère entourée du continuum diélectrique est employé. Le calcul donne pour la polarisation on terme mixte supplémentaire dépendant des moments dipolaires et quadrupolaires. On montre que les valeurs des moments dipolaires pour certains composés chimiques liquides peuvent être améliorées si les moments quadrupolaires ont été mesurés.

J. Benisz, Z. Chyliński, W. Wolter
Investigations of Bremsstrahlung of Electrons in the Energy Interval 10\(^{11}\)–10\(^{12}\) eV
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 143 (1959)

abstract Four high energy (\(\approx 10^{12}\) eV) electron–photon cascades have been investigated at the first stage of their development. The number and the energy of the electron pairs of the first generation, produced on the first radiation length were estimated and compared with the theoretical values calculated on the basis of the theory of Bethe and Heitler. On the other hand, the same was calculated according to the theories of Landau, Pomeranchuk and Ter-Mikaelyan which take into account the influence of the medium on the bremsstrahlung of electrons of very high energy. The experimental results are in better agreement with the predictions of Landau, Pomeranchuk and Ter-Mikaelyan than with that of Bethe and Heitler. This fact confirms the results obtained earlier in our laboratory (Mięsowicz et al. 1957).

K.F. Wojciechowski
General Theory of Order in \(n\)-Component Alloys
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 153 (1959)

abstract The statistical theory of order–disorder transformations for \(n\)-component alloys with arbitrary composition and crystalline structure is given. The parameters of long-range and short-range order are defined and equations which hold for them are found. The configurational free energy in zeroth and first approximations is calculated on the basis of generalized Bragg–Williams and quasi-chemical methods. By taking into account the interaction of atoms from more distant shells than the first one it is possible to compute more precisely the order–disorder transition temperature for an arbitrary alloy.

Z. Obuszko
On the Scope of Applicability of an \(LC\) Resonant Circuit in the Anode Circuit of a Vacuum Tube Generator Controlled by a Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal for Dielectric Constant Measurements
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 161 (1959)

abstract It is shown in this work that an \(LC\) resonant circuit in the anode circuit of a vacuum tube controlled by a piezoelectric quartz crystal cannot be used unrestrictedly for the measurement of capacity and dielectric constants. This method is limited by the dielectric losses and conductivity of the condenser under measurement.

Fasc. 3, pages 169–265

J. Kociński
Domain Structure of Nickel and Iron Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 169 (1959)

abstract Different possible domain structures of single crystals of nickel and iron have been considered. In each case the crystal has the shape of a rectangular rod with the lone axis in the [100], [110] or [111] direction. The influence of an external magnetic field directed parallel to the long rod axis has been examined. The structures found consist of main domains and surface domains closing the magnetic flux. Domain structures of nickel crystals are found to be analogous to those of iron.

O. Gzowski, J. Terlecki
A Method for Measuring the Mobility of Ions in Dielectric Liquids
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 191 (1959)

abstract A direct method of measuring the mobility of current carriers in dielectric liquids has been developed. The method is based on the measurement of the time of arrival at the electrodes of a layer of ions produced by X-rays in a flat ionization chamber filled with the liquid under investigation. The velocity of the ions is determined from the measurement of the difference in the times of arrival of the ions at the respective electrodes for two different initial positions of the ionized layer. The measured values of the mobility of the positive and negative ions in hexane are \(4.1\times 10^{-4}\) cm\(^2\)/V sec and \(1.3\times 10^{-3}\) cm\(^2\)/V sec, respectively.

T. Bedyńska
Preliminary X-Ray Investigation of the Structure Thermister Mixture of Nickel and Manganese Oxides
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 199 (1959)

abstract The structure of a thermister mixture of NiO and Mn\(_2\)O\(_3\) oxides with the percentage of Mn\(_2\)O\(_3\), changing in the range from 17% to 86.9% was investigated. It was found that in the case of all samples there occurs the cubic system of the space group O\(^7_h\) with elementary cell dimensions close to those of the spinel of NiMn\(_2\)O\(_4\) and changing with a change in the percent mixture. In addition to the cubic system of the space group of the materials investigated there occur other phases different for different percentages of Mn\(_2\)O\(_3\).

B. Kołakowski
The Structure of Etched Surfaces of Indium Antimonide Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 205 (1959)

abstract This work deals with an investigation of surfaces of semi-conductor monocrystals and samples of polycrystalline indium antimonide by means of etching with a suitable etching mixture. The etched figures obtained on the surfaces of different crystallographic orientation had the shape of furrows changing in width and shape. The patterns obtained on the surfaces are not the result of the existence of a superstructure. Their occurrence can be explained possibly by a tendency of the boundary of the phases of the crystal surface and the etching medium to attain minimum energy.

H. Cofta
Spin Waves in Various Ferromagnetic Superstructures Part I: Translation Lattices with Two Kinds of Spins
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 215 (1959)

abstract In order to investigate the spin waves in ferromagnetic translation lattices, a new classification of superstructures is given, introducing the definitions of natural order and regular orders. By means of a semiclassical approach the general dispersion formula for spin waves frequency is derived, taking into account interactions with all neighbours in any regular spin order of translation lattice with two kind of spins and comprising also ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism. In the special cases the derived formula agrees entirely with those of other papers, based on semiclassical theory. The kinematical method of Keffer, Kaplan and Yafet is generalized and his equivalence with formal calculations is shown. The picture of spin precession waves in ferrimagnetic translation lattices with two kinds of spins is investigated. The analysis of non-regular superstructures leads to an interesting consequence for antiferromagnetics. It appears that simple antiferromagnetic sublattices in body centered non-regular superstructures must be mutually uncoupled. This result is confirmed for the crystal of MnO\(_2\).

K.W. Ostrowski
Efficiency, Stability, and Characteristics of Photosensitive G. M. Counters
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 231 (1959)

abstract This paper presents the results of investigations of photosensitive counters used in direct reading spectrometry. Stable photosensitive counters constructed from metal with a cathode in the form of a strip set into the counter tube are described. The method used to measure the photoelectric efficiency is based on the known spectral distribution of an ultraviolet standard and the transmission of a UCII 22 spectrograph. Counters with a platinum cathode proved to be the most stable. The variation of the photoelectric efficiency of G.M. counters was investigated. Three types of changes are discussed: (a) Initial changes leading to a stable photoelectric threshold and a stable photoelectric efficiency. In order to obtain this about \(10^6\) counts are necessary. (b) Reversible changes in efficiency of short duration are observed above a certain counting rate. These depend on the counting rate and the wave length, and occur with a certain delay. (c) Changes in the photoelectric efficiency connected with the ageing of the counter. These changes involve a slow increase in the efficiency and a shift of the photoelectric threshold in the direction of the longer waves. They were absent only in counters with a platinum cathode. A relation between the slope of the characteristics for ultraviolet radiation and the photoelectric efficiency has been found: slopes between 5–55%/100 V correspond to efficiencies between \(10^{-3}\) and \(10^{-10}\).

A. Wanic
Scattering of Slow Neutrons by Molecules of Liquid Water, Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 255 (1959)

abstract Theoretical curves for neutron scattering cross-section versus energy for H\(_2\)O, NH\(_3\) and H\(_2\)S were compared with the experimental values for liquid substances. Disagreement obtained at low energy region was interpreted as an evidence of not existence of any free rotation of molecules in investigated liquids.

A.R. Ferchmin
Note Supplémentaire à l’Article: “L’influence des moments quadrupolaires sur la constante dielectrique”
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 263 (1959)

abstract Dr A.D. Buckingham a bien voulu attirer l’attention de l’auteur sur la nécessité de considérer l’action polarisatrice du champ de réaction produit par le moment quadrupolaire sur le dipole. En effet nous obtenons ainsi dans la formule pour la polarisation un terme dépendant des moments dipolaires et quadrupolaires comparable an terme calculé par l’auteur (A.R. Ferchmin, Acta Phys. Polon., 18, 133 (1959)). Il jouera quelque rôle dans le calcul des corrections proposées par l’auteur dans le travail mentionné ci-dessus, mais ne changera pas les conclusions qualitatives concernant le signe du moment quadrupolaire de la molécule.

D. O’Connor, L. Bońkowski
A Universal Double-crystal Neutron Spectrometer
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 265 (1959)

abstract The construction of a universal double crystal neutron spectrometer of high precision is described. The instrument can be used for double or single crystal neutron spectrometry, as a neutron monochromator for cross section measurements in the range 0.03 to 10 eV, and as a diffractograph for powder diffraction crystallographic studies. Some illustrative results of measurements are given.

Fasc. 4, pages 271–387

J. Czerwonko
Equations for Multi-component Lattice Gas (One Parameter Theory)
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 271 (1959)

abstract In this work an equation for multi-component lattice gas is obtained. The thermodynamical potential, the mean-value of energy, and the mean-value of numbers of particles for high and low temperatures are calculated. The method used in this work is the variational method of Bogolubov with one variational parameter.

A. Feltynowski, L. Górski
Die Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung von Spaltflächen der InSb-Einkristalle
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 279 (1959)

abstract InSb-Einkristalle wurden längs der (111) und (100) Flächen gespalten. Mittels eines geeigneten Abdruckverfahrens (Zaponlack–Aluminium) wurde die Struktur der Spaltflächen untersucht. Die Spaltstufen (cleavage steps) und die Gleitlinien sind die Hauptelemente der Struktur der Spaltfläche. Die Spaltstufen entstehen infolge von Schraubenversetzungen, deren Verschiebungsvektor senkrecht zur Spaltfläche steht, bzw. in allgemeinem Fall die Spaltfläche schneidet. An der Korngrenze bilden sich meistens kleine Spaltstufen, die sich später zu grösseren Stufen vereinigen, und sogenannte “Flussfiguren“ (river patterns). Die Spaltstufen verlaufen in Richtung der Spaltverbreiterung. Auf der Spaltfläche (100) beobachtet man zwei Gleitliniensysteme (mit dem gegenseitigen Winkel 45\(^\circ \)), die von zwei verschiedenen Gleitflächen (111) und (110) herrühren.

J. Śledzik
Modified Bohm and Pines Collective Description of Electron Interactions in Crystals. Spin Wave Theory of Ferromagnetism. III
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 295 (1959)

abstract The Bloch spin wave theory of ferromagnetism is presented. Starting from the Hamiltonian in the Bohm–Pines representation, the author obtains the Slater–Bloch equations and formulae for mean magnetization for three types of cubic lattices. All the calculations are made on assumption that the atoms are monovalent. At the end of the paper the value of the parameter \(\lambda _c\), introduced in preceding papers, is estimated for crystalline hydrogen.

J. Plebański, S. Bażański
The General Fokker Action Principle and Its Application in General Relativity Theory
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 307 (1959)

abstract A method of constructing a Fokker action principle (a principle in which only the dynamical variables appear) for the equations of motion of dynamical systems is given. This method is used to find the action principle leading to the post-Newtonian equations of motion of a perfect fluid in general relativity theory. The Lagrange function appearing in this principle is discussed for the case of the motion of a fluid concentrated into drops. The group of isolated drops of the perfect fluid was introduced as a model describing the motion of the system of bodies in general relativity theory. The behaviour of the Lagrangian as the drop dimensions tend to zero is investigated and the renormalization of the equations of motion of point singularities in general relativity theory is discussed. The calculations for finding the equations of motion in general relativity theory by this method are much simpler than those by previously known methods.

B. Kuchowicz
First Forbidden Beta Transitions for the Universal Fermi Interaction
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 347 (1959)

see erratum: Acta Physica Polonica 18, 593 (1959)

abstract Formulae are presented for the electron polarization in recoil experiments for the case of first forbidden beta transitions. The formulae have been derived by means of the Cutkosky–Deloff trace technique. All Coulomb effects (for a point nucleus) are included. In accordance with the present knowledge of \(\beta \)-decay the vector and axial vector parts of the universal Fermi interaction are retained, with different coupling constants. The formulae for the case of \(0 \to 0\) (yes) transitions are compared with the formulae given by Berestetsky et al. Some discrepancies are shown to exist in the asymptotic form. An attempt has been made to explain this.

A. Piekara
La Constante Diélectrique des Liquides Diélectriques dans les Champs Electriques Intenses. Aperçu Théorique et Expérimental
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 361 (1959)

abstract On observe trois types de l’effet de saturation diélectrique dans les liquides polaires et dans leurs solutions dans les solvents non polaires. Le premier est celui de l’effct négatif (diminution de la constante diélectrique sous l’influence du champ électrique) conservant son caractère négatif pour toutes les concentrations des solutions. Ce type d’effet se manifeste dans l’éther éthylique, le bromure d’éthyle, le o-nitroanisol etc. Le deuxième type de l’effet de saturation — c’est l’effet positif avec inversion (nitrobenzène, o- et m-nitrotoluène), qui devient négatif dans les solutions de concentrations suffisamment faibles. Finalement, le troisième type de saturation présente l’effet positif sans inversion, effet qui reste positif dans les solutions de toutes concentrations. Ce dernier effet apparaît dans certains liquides dont les molécules présentent la rotation interne des groupes polaires, comme par exemple dans le 1,2-dichloroéthane etc. Le premier effet, négatif pour toutes les concentrations, est dû à la saturation proprement dite, tandis que les deux effets positifs sont provoqués par les interactions intermoléculaires (p.ex. dans le nitrobenzène) ou intramoléculaires (p.ex. dans le 1,2-dichloroéthane). Dans ces deux derniers cas, c’est l’énergie de couplage des pairs des dipôles voisins qui, dans on champ électrique extérieur, fait naître un effet concurrent à l’effet négatif de la saturation normale (“ciseaux dipolaires” s’ouvrant et se refermant sous l’influence du champ électrique extérieur, donnant lieu statistiquement à l’effet \({\mit \Delta } \varepsilon \gt 0\)).

J. Rayski
A Six-dimensional Riemannian Manifold, Its Applications to Meso-electrodynamics, and a Systematization of Strongly Interacting Particles
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 371 (1959)

abstract A conception of a six-dimensional world enables a geometrical interpretation of the electric charge, charge conjugation, gauge transformations, and of the electromagnetic field. The same conception explains satisfactorily the isospin, its connection with the electric charge, and the ps-scalar character of nuclear forces. Several qualitative and some quantitative properties of strongly interacting particles (strangeness, rest masses, etc.) find an intuitive explanation within this geometrical framework.

J.W. Hennel
Nuclear Spin-lattice Relaxation Time and the Electric Internal Field in Polar Liquids
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 387 (1959)

abstract The intrinsic dielectric relaxation time \(\tau \) for polar dielectrics has not yet been measured. Dielectric loss measurements yield only information about the macroscopic dielectric relaxation time \(T\), but they do not concern directly the intrinsic relaxation time \(\tau \). Efforts have been made by different authors to calculate \(\tau \) as a function of \(T\). These calculations are based on different internal field theories and they yield different results. In the Fig. 1 are shown the results of three theories (taken from the paper of Powles 1953) in form of \(T/\tau \) versus \(\varepsilon _s\varepsilon _\infty \), (\(\varepsilon _s\) — static dielectric constant, \(\varepsilon _\infty \) — dielectric constant in long wave infrared region). \(\varepsilon _\infty \) is taken to be 5.5, the value found for water (Collie et al. 1948). The aim of this paper is to obtain the intrinsic dielectric relaxation time by means of the Bloembergen–Purcell–Pound (1948) equation \(\tau =3\tau _c\) (\(\tau _c\) is the correlation time) for a given polar liquid at different temperatures (for the change of \(\tau _s\)) and then to compare this values with the experimental values of \(T\).

Fasc. 5, pages 393–535

W. Tulczyjew
Motion of Multipole Particles in General Relativity Theory
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 393 (1959)

abstract This paper considers the motion of test bodies described in a simplified manner by means of multipole moments of the energy-momentum tensor density. Such a description was first employed by Mathisson in 1937. In the present paper the Mathisson method has been considerably simplified as a result of the use of the Dirac \(\delta \) function in the energy-momentum tensor. A new invariant definition of the centre of mass is also given. This definition ensures the uniqueness of the equations of motion.

T. Lewowski, B. Sujak
Verhalten des Offenen Luft-Spitzenzählers bei Höheren Temperaturen
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 411 (1959)

abstract Ein heizbarer offener Versuchs-Luftspitzenzähler wurde konstruiert. Das Verhalten des Zählers wurde bei Temperaturen aus dem Bereich 20\(^\circ \)C–500\(^\circ \)C studiert. Es wurde festgestellt, dass auf einfachem thermischen Wege die Arbeitsspannung des offenen Luftspitzenzählers um ca. 30% erniedrigt werden kann. Der Luftspitzenzähler wurde auch im Bereich der Dauerentladung betrieben und sein Verhalten bei den Temperaturen von 20°C bis 500°C untersucht. Es wurde festgestellt, dass der koronierende Spitzenzähler (Funkenzähler) der auf \(a\)-Teilchen anspricht, bei Temperaturen über 100°C vollkommen unabhängig vom Wasserdampfinhalt der Luft ist. Der Zähler zeigt dabei ein flaches und langes Plateau auf seiner Arbeitscharakteristik und eine recht kleine Arbeitsspannung, die bei ca. 450°C in der Nähe von 2300 V liegen kann.

B. Sujak, A. Bohun
Zur Vorgetäuschten Thermostimulierten Coelektronenemission von Hydraten
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 419 (1959)

abstract Es werden “Wasser–Glow–Kurven“ für einige Hydrate, wie Na\(_2\)SO\(_4 \cdot 10\) H\(_2\)O, BaCl\(_2 \cdot 2\)H\(_2\)O, Na\(_2\)S\(_2\)O\(_3 \cdot 5\)H\(_2\)O und CuCl\(_2 \cdot 2\)H\(_2\)O mit Hilfe eines im Koronagebiet arbeitenden Luftspitzenzählers mit scharfer Spitze gemessen. Gleichzeitig wird der Verlauf der Temperatur des Heizofens photographisch registriert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass beim benutzten Heizofen von kleiner Wärmekapazität der Temperaturverlauf unter den Maxima der “Wasser–Glow–Kurven“ nicht linear ist. Dieses weist auf die endothermische Zersetzungsreaktionen der untersuchten Hydraten hin. Es wird gezeigt, dass auch ein Geiger–Zähler mit dem Kügelchen auf den durch ein Hydrat abgegebenen Wasserdampf indirekt mit Impulsen anspricht.

P. Jaszczyn
L’Influence du Rayonnement Infrarouge sur le Transfert D’Energie dans ZnS–Mn
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 427 (1959)

abstract On a étudié l’influence du rayonnement infrarouge sur la photo-luminescence de ZnS–Mn en poudre à la température de \(-190^\circ \)C. On a constaté l’affaiblissement de la bande bleue de la luminescence et le renforcement de la bande orangée. Les résultats de l’étude de la dépendance de ces effets de: la concentration de l’activateur, l’épaisseur de la couche de phosphore, la longueur d’onde et l’intensité du rayonnement excitant ainsi que de l’irradiation infrarouge montrent que les rayons infrarouges influencent le mécanisme du transfert d’énergie par les électrons et les trous.

S. Kielich, A. Piekara
A Statistical Molecular Theory of Electric, Magnetic and Optical Saturation Phenomena in Isotropic Dielectric and Diamagnetic Media
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 439 (1959)

abstract It is the aim of the present investigation to establish a unified statistical-molecular theory of the nine electric, magnetic and optical saturation phenomena in isotropic dielectric and diamagnetic media (gases, condensed gases, liquids).

Z. Pająk
Dielectric Investigation of Perovskite Type Ferroelectrics. Part I: Ferroelectric Systems with Small Temperature Coefficient of Permittivity
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 473 (1959)

abstract Three methods of obtaining ferroelectric systems with a small temperature coefficient of the permittivity \(TC\ \varepsilon \) are presented. The first consists in connecting in parallel two ferroelectric condensers whose \(TC\ \varepsilon \) differ in sign, the second in composing heterogeneous systems from two or three different BaTiO\(_3\)–SrTiO\(_3\) solid solutions, and the third in composing BaTiO\(_3\)–MgSnO\(_3\) solid solutions. The last method presents the best advantage yielding \(|TC\ \varepsilon | \lt 200 \times 10^{-4}\) deg\(^{-1}\) and a rather high value of the permittivity. The \(TC\ \varepsilon (T)\) dependence near the ferroelectric transition temperature is discussed. From the dielectric properties investigated, the BaTiO\(_3\)–MgSnO\(_3\) solid solutions reveal a behaviour typical of other perovskite type ferroelectrics.

Z. Pająk
Dielectric Investigation of Perovskite Type Ferroelectrics. Part II: Ageing Process in Ferroelectrics
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 507 (1959)

abstract The dielectric behaviour of BaTiO\(_3\) type ferroelectrics in the process of ageing was investigated and new ageing effects were detected, it was found that the Curie point (i.e. the temperature of the paraelectric–ferroelectric transition) is displaced towards higher temperatures and the spontaneous polarization, coercive force and hysteresis losses vanish in the process of ageing. A domain mechanism of ageing leading to the formation of domain antiferroelectrics is proposed, and some related effects such as rejuvenation and delay effects are discussed.

M. Borneas, I. Băbuţia
Sur la Tension Superficielle de l’Alcool Éthylique
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 521 (1959)

abstract On montre que la tension superficielle de l’alcool éthylique mis en rotation est plus grande qu’en repos et qu’elle n’est pas une fonction linéaire de température.

J.W. Hennel, K. Krynicki
Viscosity of Liquid Hydrogen Sulphide
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 523 (1959)

abstract The viscosity of liquid H\(_2\)S under the pressure of its saturated vapour in the temperature region from \(-11.5\) to \(50^\circ \)C was measured. A closed type, pressure resistant Ostwald viscometer was used.

J. Benisz, Z. Kierzkowski
A New Method of Gamma Background Eradication
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 527 (1959)

abstract The three most important methods of eradicating the gamma background consist in (1) under-development, (2) oxidation of the nuclear emulsion, (3) infrared irradiation. In the first of these, the plate is not fully developed. The second is based on the oxidizing effect of (a) water vapour (Albouy, Faraggi 1951; Violet, Gilbert, Barkas 1951) of appropriate temperature acting on the emulsion over a determined period, (b) hydrogen peroxide — in this case the plate is placed for some hours over a H\(_2\)O\(_2\) solution of several %%, (c) chromic acid — the plate is introduced into a 2% solution of the acid (Beiser 1952) for all appropriate period. In the last method, Herschel’s effect is utilized (Jarczyk, Lewandowski 1956).

L. Nowicki
High Performance Laboratory Electromagnet
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 531 (1959)

abstract The present note concerns the design of a high performance electromagnet suitable for radiospectroscopy work. The magnet consists of a U-type yoke of low-carbon steel, Armco poles and water-cooled coils. The device is mounted on a rotable support provided with a protractor yielding an accuracy of 0.5\(^\circ \), and with a clamping screw. The section of the yoke has an area of 130 cm\(^2\), the poles and pole pieces have a diameter of 100 mm, and the gap is adjustable within the range of 10 to 90 mm.


Fasc. 6, pages 537–593

J. Grycza
Application de l’Effet Magnéto-optique de Faraday à l’Etude des Propriétés Magnétiques des Couches Minces des Ferromagnétiques
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 537 (1959)

abstract L’auteur a employé la méthode magnéto-optique de l’effet Faraday pour étudier les propriétés magnétiques des lames minces des métaux ferromagnétiques, obtenues par évaporation dans un vide poussé. On a constaté que la valeur de l’aimantation des lames minces de fer, de nickel et de cobalt diminue, à partir d’une épaisseur critique, par rapport à celle des échantillons massifs. Les résultats obtenus confirment les théories de Klein–Smith et de Glass–Klein sur l’aimantation spontanée des lames minces ferromagnétiques.

J. Rzewuski
Differential Equations in the Spinor Space
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 549 (1959)

abstract The paper is a continuation of some previous work concerned with an attempt to describe physical laws in the spinor space rather than in the Minkowski space. The bilinear connexion of the eight real spinor variables Re \(z_\alpha \), Re \(z_\alpha ^{\,.}\), Im \(z_\alpha \), Im \(z_\alpha ^{\,.}(\alpha =1,2\)) with the four real vector variables \(x_\mu (\mu =1, \dots 4\)) is studied in some detail. It is shown that the remaining four degrees of freedom correspond to four variables \(\varphi _\mu (\mu =1, \dots 4\)) which possess the character of angles or hyperbolic angles. Equations in the spinor space which are covariant with respect to the direct product of two unimodular groups \(c\,.\,c'\) are expressed in terms of the variables \(x_\mu \) and \(\varphi _\mu \). Thus a correspondence with the conventional treatment in the \(x_\mu \)-space is established. A provisional discussion of the equations and their solutions is given.

R. Sosnowski, S. Sterliński, J. Topa, J. Żylicz
Isomeric Transition in Hg\(^{199}\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 573 (1959)

abstract The spectrum of internal conversion electrons for the isomeric transition in Hg\(^{199}\) from the \(i_{13/2}\) to the \(f_{5/2}\) levels was investigated. The energy of the transition was found to be \(E = 371.1 \pm 3.5\) KeV and the ratios of the internal conversion coefficients \(K:L:(M+N)=1:(0.57\pm 0.09):(0.12 \pm 0.07\)). It was found from the \(K:L\) ratio that the percent admixture of type \(E5\) transitions to the basic \(M4\) did not exceed 11%.

G. Heber
Q-Zahl-Vertauschungsregeln und Physikalischer Inhalt Einer Einfachen Feldtheorie
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 581 (1959)

abstract It is shown that there exist q-number-commutation relations with the following properties: (1) They are relativistically invariant and microscopically casual. (2) The physical content of the isolated field is as usual; especially we have particles as eigenstates of the field. (3) The field interacts with other fields in another way, unconventionally. These facts are proved for a real scalar field with rest-mass zero.

W. Giriat, Z. Dziuba
Automatic Device for Zone Refining of Metals and Semiconductors
Acta Phys. Pol. 18, 589 (1959)

abstract In this paper the high-efficient automatic arrangement for zone refining of metals and semiconductors is described.


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