Vol. XX (1961)
Fasc. 1, pages 3–93
Collective Oscillations in an Electron Gas of Metallic Density. The Correlation Energy. I
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 3 (1961)
The role of the subsidiary conditions in the Bohm and Pines theory of an electron gas is analysed anew. It is pointed out that the subsidiary conditions must be formulated in the form of two sets of operator identities: The first set establishes the Bohm–Pines operators of subsidiary conditions, and the second — the commutators of the extended Hamiltonian and of the first set. The extended Hamiltonian and the two sets of supplementary conditions are proved to be equivalent to the IV electron Schroedinger equation. The two sets of subsidiary conditions enable, at last theoretically, to replace a certain number of electronic positions and momenta by coordinates and momenta of a longitudinal field describing the long-range density fluctuations. This problem cannot be solved in practice on account of mathematical difficulties. Therefore the assumption is made that a certain number of excited electron–hole pairs and the collective response to them — the rearrangement of the charge — may be described by a certain effective longitudinal field as introduced by Bohm and Pines. In the theory thus formulated, the total number of degrees of freedom of the system is correct and no subsidiary conditions are are required. The Hamiltonian and the ground state function are the same as in the Bohm–Pines theory, but the number of individual electrons is smaller. The correlation energy obtained is several times smaller than that of Bohm and Pines. The theory proposed is valid within the alkali metal density range.
Collective Oscillations in an Electron Gas of Metallic Density. The Correlation Energy. II
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 23 (1961)
In order to isolate the plasmons in the Hamiltonian derived in the first part of the present paper, the canonical transformation to independent plasmon modes is applied. The formula for the correlation energy obtained is nearly the same as that of the Gell-Mann and Brueckner high density electron gas theory. The absolute value of the constant in the correlation energy is by 4 9, larger than in the Gell-Mann and Brueckner approach. The second order energy shift within the Rayleigh–Schroedinger perturbation theory framework is evaluated.
The Distribution of Electrons in the Process of Impact Ionization
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 43 (1961)
The probability function of occupying the states with definite energy in the conduction band after an ionization is calculated. The valence band is assumed of finite width. Several cases of the primary energy and of the effective mass of the valence band are examined.
Note on the Effects Due to Pulse-delay Phenomena in CO2 + CS2 G.–M. Counters
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 59 (1961)
Équations du potentiel et de la température pour conducteurs dans un champ magnétique
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 67 (1961)
En imposant les conditions stationnaires aux équations de la thermodynamique des phénomènes irréversibles concernant les effets thermo-galvanomagnétiques on obtient les équations du potentiel et de la température. Celles-ci donnent la solution complète du problème pour toutes les conditions aux limites, contrairement au formalisme jusqu’ici en usage. On a prouvé qu’il suffit de donner la valeur de la température à la surface pour obtenir une solution unique dans le cas où le conducteur est en isolation électrique. On a donné une méthode de trouver cette solution. On a montré que dans un tel conducteur peut apparaître un courant électrique stationnaire.
Proton Spin-lattice Relaxation Times in Very Dilute Aqueous Solutions of Ni++ and Mn++ Ions
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 77 (1961)
Proton magnetic spin-lattice relaxation time \(T_1\) in air-free aqueous solutions in the Ni++ concentration range between \(2\times 10^{16}\) and \(2\times 10^{18}\) ions/cm2 was measured. For Ni++ and Mn++ ions the dependence of 1/T] on concentration throughout the temperature range 10–90°C was shown to be linear. A simple method was developed for obtaining air-free samples of aqueous solutions.
Supplementary Note to the Paper: Molecular Theory of Light Scattering by Multi-component Systems
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 83 (1961)
On the High Temperature Susceptibility of Ferrimagnetics and Antiferrimagnetics
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 89 (1961)
On a New Type of Condenser for Measuring the Dielectric Permittivity of Solids by the Method of Immersion
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 93 (1961)
Fasc. 2, pages 103–181
Structure of Etching Figures on Bismuth Selenide Single Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 103 (1961)
The formation of etching figures on the (0001) face of bismuth selenide single crystals is investigated. Different etching mixtures were found to give rise to figures of different shape and density of distribution. The mixture best adapted for the detection of dislocations was that (No. 5) containing bromine and iodine. In order to explain the different forms and densities of the figures, depending on the procedure of etching, a model is proposed wherein the walls of the etching figures are considered to consist of an assemblage of steps. The model relates the thickness of the steps to the form and orientation of the figures and to the rate of etching.
Einfluss von Flussigkeiten auf die Triboerregung des Aluminiums zur Photostimulierten Exoelektronenemission
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 119 (1961)
Der Einfluss von Flüssigkeiten auf die Triboerregung des Aluminiums zur Exoelektronenemission wurde untersucht. Die Intensität dieser Emission wurde bei Beleuchtung mit weissen Licht einer Wolframlampe mit Hilfe eines offenen Luftspintzenzählers gemessen. Die untersuchten (vorwiegend organischen) Flüssigkeiten zeigten einen unterschiedlichen Einfluss auf die Triboerregung je nach der Erregungsart: Bürsten mit einer Stahlbürste oder Abschabung mit einer Feile (auch Messerkante). Im Falle der Bearbeitung der Oberfläche mit einer Stahlbürste lassen sich die untersuchten Flüssigkeiten in drei Gruppen einteilen: (1) diejenigen die stärker löschend auf die Triboerregung wirken als die Luftatmosphäre, (2) diejenigen die milder löschend wirken und (3) diejenigen die den gleichen Einfluss auf die Triboerregung wie die Luftatmosphäre zu zeigen scheinen, Die Moleküle der Flüssigkeiten der ersten Gruppe enthalten sowohl Sauerstoff- als auch Wasserstoffatome, die der zweiten Gruppe nur Wasserstoffatome. In den Molekülen der Flüssigkeiten der dritten Gruppe sind weder Wasserstoff- noch Sauerstoffatome vorhanden. Im Falle der Abschabung der Oberfläche mit einer Feile oder einer Messerkante wirkten dagegen alle untersuchten Flüssigkeiten stets mehr oder weniger stärker löschend als die Luftatmosphäre. Um den Einfluss der Flüssigkeiten auf die Triboerregung gut verfolgen zu können, musste der Kontakt Aluminium-Flüssigkeit in einer möglichst kurzen Zeit nach der Oberflächenbearbeitung stattfinden. Der Einfluss von elektrischen Strömen in den Flüssigkeiten auf die Triboerregung der Aluminiumelektroden wurde orientierungsweise auch untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass je nach der gewählten Stromrichtung eine elektrolytische Erregung oder Auslöschung der photostimulierten Exoelektronenemission stattfinden kann. Die chemische Wirkung der an der Kontaktoberfläche sich zersetzenden Moleküle wird als Ursache des Einflusses der Flüssigkeiten auf die Triboerregung zur photostimulierten Exoelektronenemission gedeutet.
The Coupling Between Electronic and Nuclear Motion and the Relativistic Effects in the Ground State of the H2 Molecule
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 129 (1961)
The contribution to the binding energy of the hydrogen molecule due to the coupling between nuclear and electronic motion has been calculated. The wave function employed was in the form of an expansion in elliptic coordinates. The most reliable result obtained with a four term expansion is \(\Delta D’ = -5.1 \mathrm {cm}^{-1}\). The relativistic corrections calculated with a five term expansion change the binding energy by \(\Delta D = -2.4 - E_2\, \mathrm {cm}^{-1}\), where \(E_2\), the classical relativistic correction to the interaction between the electrons, is of the order of \(-1\, \mathrm {cm}^{-1}\) or smaller. The calculated corrections added to the accurate nonrelativistic result for infinitely heavy nuclei give the theoretical binding energy \(D = 38280\, \mathrm {cm}^{-1}\), the experimental value being \(D = 38286 \pm 6\, \mathrm {cm}^{-1}\).
First Investigation on Clouds Over British Isles Using an Aircraft
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 141 (1961)
The danger to aircraft of ice formations was given rise to a number of experiments in which the ice formation is produced artificially under controlled conditions of temperature, airspeed, size and number of suspended water particles. The applications of the results of such experiments depend on information about the number and size distribution of water particles in natural clouds. In order to get such necessary information the author on the behalf of the Air Ministry, Meteorological Research Committee, carried out during the war the investigations in all types of clouds over the British Isles and fogs (Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation better known as FIDO).
Angular Correlation Theory with Jacob–Wick Method
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 157 (1961)
The angular correlation formula for decays of the type \(A \to B + d_1\), \(B \to C + d_2\) is deduced by using the development of the plane wave indicated by Jacob and Wick. The lack of Racah coefficients and of summations over the orbital angular momentum quantum numbers makes the given expression for the angular correlation simpler than the well-known expression (S. Devons and L.J.B. Goldforb 1957).
Photo-stimulated Emission of Exo-electrons from Anode-oxidized Layers of Aluminium
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 161 (1961)
It is found that photostimulated emission of exo-electrons can be obtained from Al2O3 layers by anode-oxidation of aluminium with AC current or by appropriate thermal processing. The long-wave limit of the photoemission observed lies within the visible spectral region. The method utilized in oxidating the Al surface was found to affect the intensity of electron emission. The emission is considered to be due to centres resembling the F centres in alkali halides.
Thermal Conductivity Changes of ZnSO4 · 7H20 Below 10°K
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 167 (1961)
Preliminary results have shown, that treatments with water and the presence of acetone vapor in the gas atmosphere in which the single crystal specimens of ZnSO4 · 7H20 were stored at room temperature, influenced their thermal conductivity measured at low temperatures below 10°K. The water increased but acetone vapor reduced the thermal conductivity below that temperature. The thermal conductivity values above 10°K always remained unaffected. Reductions of the initial thermal conductivity of about 50% due to acetone vapor could be observed at 3.5°K. The observed phenomenon is thought to be due to changes of perfection of the specimens used, as a result of adsorption and diffusion of acetone and water molecules from and into the specimens which lead to changes in stechiometric composition of the specimens.
Approximate Wave Functions in the Calculation of Electron Excitation Accompanying the Beta-decay of He6
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 175 (1961)
The probability of non-excitation of atomic electrons in the beta-decay of He6 has been calculated using approximate wave functions including the self-consistent field ones. The results are significantly different from those obtained with wave functions which give more accurate values of the energy.
Modified Derivation of Dispersion Law for Long Spin Waves in Antiferromagnetic Regular Superstructures
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 181 (1961)
Fasc. 3, pages 187–269
On the Surface Tension of Rotating Liquids
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 187 (1961)
The surface tension of liquids changes if they are put in rotation. This is an effect specific to rotation — a rotational kinetic effect (r.e.). The principal factors determining the r.e. are: the composition of the liquid, its temperature, the velocity of rotation, and its previous treatment. The experimental procedure is described. The dependence of the r.e. on the temperature is shown, and values for different frequencies are given. The previous thermal and mechanic treatment is discussed. It is shown that the r.e. vanishes at a certain temperature characteristic of the liquid, but independent of the velocity of rotation. Finally, an attempt at explaining the phenomenon is outlined.
The Effect of Long Range Order on Energy Bands
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 197 (1961)
Perturbation theory is applied for investigating the energy bands of a partially disordered alloy, starting from a perfectly ordered one for which the energy bands are assumed to be known, and proceeding to consider the perturbation produced by the disorder of the alloy and to compute the corrections to the energy levels by perturbation theory in the first and in the second approximation. The width of certain forbidden bands on Brillouin surfaces was found to decrease as the long range order parameter, \(R\), diminishes. At complete disorder the respective forbidden bands vanish completely. The electron energy is investigated as a function of the propagation vector in the neighbourhood of the forbidden band.
Statistical Theory of Multiple Particle Production with Angular Momentum Conservation
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 213 (1961)
A new formulation of the statistical theory of multiple particle production is investigated in which the angular momentum of the system is strictly conserved, and which can thus be applied to the analysis of peripheral collisions and the angular distribution of secondary particles. Fundamental formulae (§ 2), simple examples (§ 3), and some relevant remarks (§ 4) are presented.
On the Breadths of Annihilation Lines in One- and Two-Valued Metals
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 235 (1961)
Stewart’s measurements (Canad. J. Phys., 35, 168 (1957)) of the breadths of annihilation lines in the process of annihilation of positrons in metals are analysed using the method. of that author (Helv. Phys. Acta, 33, 131 (1960)) in the case of 16 one- and two-valued metals. The results, are: for light metals (Li, Be, Na, Mg) positrons are annihilated with conduction electrons only for heavier metals the contribution of annihilations with the electrons of the atomic shells in the ions increases gradually. Noble metals have a particular position, for Cu, Ag, and Au the annihilation takes place almost exclusively in atomic shells.
On the Optical Model for the Nucleon–Nucleus Scattering
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 243 (1961)
The real and imaginary part of the medium and high energy potential for nucleon–nucleus scattering has been calculated for an infinite nuclear medium with help of the recent phenomenological nucleon–nucleon phase shifts. For the \(S\) wave contribution the exact solution of the equation for the nucleon–nucleon scattering for the separable nucleon–nucleon interaction has been used. In calculation of the \(l \gt 0\) contribution to the imaginary part of the optical potential the Goldberger method was applied. The results are compared with experiment and discussed.
Energy Levels in 166Er Nucleus
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 257 (1961)
The level scheme of 166Ey has been investigated from the decay of 166Tm (7.7h) in equilibrium with 166Yb (58 h). Gamma–gamma coincidence experiments were performed and a new level scheme for 166Er is proposed with levels at 80, 264, 788, 862, 957, 1536, 2140 and 2354 keV with corresponding spin’ and parity assignments.
Influence of Density Fluctuations on Ultrasonic Waves in a Binary Liquid Mixture Near its Critical Solution Point
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 267 (1961)
On the Effect of the Ageing Time of the Developper on Nuclear Emulsion Background
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 269 (1961)
Fasc. 4, pages 275–357
An Attempt to Calculate the Reaction \(^{14}N(d, p) ^{15}N^*\) by the Born First Approximation
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 275 (1961)
The stripping differential cross sections are calculated for the case when the 2S level of \(\mathrm {^{15}N}\) is formed. Thomas’ variational method is applied and the angular distribution of the emerging protons is calculated by the Born first approximation for four values of the range of the Yukawa potential. The proton-target nucleus forces are found to be at least just as important as the neutron-target nucleus forces. The angular distributions as obtained for the emerging protons and the absolute values of the differential cross sections are entirely different from the experimental values. The calculations give some hint that in stripping reactions the capture process takes place only on the edge of the nucleus.
Dipole Arrangement in Perovskite-type Ferroelectrics
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 281 (1961)
A method of investigating the dipole arrangement when perovskite-type crystals transform from non-polar to polar state is proposed. Thermal fluctuations cause thermal dipoles to be formed when the crystal begins to undergo transformation. A thermal dipole thus formed gives rise to an electric field in its surrounding favouring some directions for displacement of neighbouring ions. Discussion of \(ABO_{3}\), substances with ferroelectrically active \(B\) ion indicate that there is one possible ferroelectric arrangement and three antiferroelectric ones. The ferro- or antiferroelectric arrangement is shown to depend on the polarizability of the \(A\) ion and on the lattice constant.
Transport of Current Carriers in \(n\)-type Indium Antimonide at Low Temperatures
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 289 (1961)
The electric conductivity, Hall effect, and electron mobility are computed within the temperature range of 0° K to 100° K, account being taken of the non-parabolic structure of the conduction band, the ionic mechanism of scattering, and a weak magnetic field. The dependence of the effective mass on the electron concentration is derived. The transport equation is solved by Mc Clure’s general method.
Luminescence in Electric Fields of “Dry” Oxide Films on Aluminium
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 303 (1961)
The electrical and luminescent properties of electrolytically formed “dry” aluminium oxide films were investigated. Cells consisting of an aluminium base with oxide layer and transparent semiconducting coating were subjected to a D.C. field.The light emission from the oxide layers was observed.The luminescence brightness and cell current were measured versus the applied voltage.The properties of dry aluminium oxide films strongly resemble, on the one hand, those of electrolytic cells and, on the other hand, those of typical electroluminescent cells.It is therefore assumed that in either case, viz., in that of dry cells and in that of electrolytical cells, the light emission may be considered to represent a process of electroluminescence.
A Theory of Exciton Transfer in Anthracene
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 313 (1961)
A continuity equation describing the motion of localized excitons in an anthracene crystal is proposed. The intermolecular transition probabilities are computed in dipole approximation with a semi-empirical adjustment as used by Dexter. Simpson’s experiment is discussed and his phenomenological theory is reexamined.
Positron Radiation of Tm166
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 321 (1961)
The Tm166 positron spectrum has been examined with a long-lens beta spectrometer fitted with helical baffles for separating the electrons from the positrons. Two components were found of maximum energy \(1920\pm 20\) keV and \(1219\pm 40\) keV and relative intensities \(1:(0.092\pm 0.018)\). The total number of positrons for a decay amounts to about 1%. The decay scheme of Tm166 and the applicability of the theory of non-axial nuclei is under discussion.
Some Examples of Interactions of Very High Energy Protons with Heavy Nuclei of Photographic Emulsions
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 331 (1961)
Three high energy jets (\(E_\mathrm {prim}\gt 10^{12}\) eV) produced in collisions with nuclei of photographic emulsion are described. In spite of the fact that they are probably produced in central collisions of nucleons with heavy nuclei they show double maximum angular distributions in contradiction with hydrodynamical model.
On the Shapes of Allowed Beta Spectra
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 341 (1961)
The present paper brings a discussion of the small deviations observed in the beta spectra of 32P, 99Y, 114In and 22Na. No explanation thereof exists within the framework of the conventional theory, even assuming the usually dominating nuclear matrix element to be suppressed. Two alternative explanations of the phenomenon are discussed, both of which are tentative and of a somewhat surprising character. The one ascribes the effect to \(G\)-nonconserving interactions, whereas the other hypothesis attributes the deviations to a virtual intermediary chiral spinless boson.
Gamma-vibrational Levels in 166Er
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 351 (1961)
Directional correlation measurements in 166Er for the gamma–gamma cascade 779.8–80.59 keV were performed. The values of spin \(I=3\) and the quantum number \(K=2\) for the energy level 860.2 keV could be determined. The deformation of the 166Er nucleus in the ground state and in the gamma-vibrational state, as well as the rotational–vibrational interaction of energy levels in this nucleus, are discussed.
Phasensprung im Brennpunkt
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 357 (1961)
Im Jahre 1938 hat der Verfasser auf Grund der Kirchhoffschen Theorie der Beugung und unter teilweiser Benutzung geometrischer Methoden bewiesen, dass der Phasensprung im Brennpunkt eine geometrisch-optische Erscheinung ist. Er tritt nämlich bereits in der nach den Gesetzen der geometrischen Optik konstruierten einfallenden Lichtwelle auf. Es wird nun für diese Tatsache ein mit Hilfe rein analytischer Methoden durchgeführter Beweis angegeben und es werden weitere Plausibilitätsbetrachtungen über die Entstehung des Phasensprunges im Brennpunkte mitgeteilt.Fasc. 5–6, pages 371–493
X-ray Investigation of Disturbance Fields Due to Individual Dislocations in Si and Ge
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 371 (1961)
A rather simple method of X-ray detection of disturbance fields from individual dislocations on silicon and germanium crystal surfaces, using a divergent beam from an X-ray point focus and a spectrometer with oscillating film parallel to the crystal surface, is described. X-ray mapping of the surface and optical mappings are compared. Linear dimensions of the disturbance fields, in the case of a silicon single crystal with a density of less than \(10^4\) dislocations per cm3, were found to range from 20 to 120 µ. The increase of intensity of the diffracted X-ray beams within the disturbance regions was measured, and a discussion of the contribution therefrom to the intensity of the G.-M. counter recorded reflections is given for the case of a double crystal spectrometer.
On the theory of transport phenomena in semiconductors
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 379 (1961)
On the assumption of arbitrary energy band structure, the electric current and heat flux are computed. The transport equation is solved by the Mc Clure method. The theory of certain thermo- and galvanomagnetic effects is developed on the assumption of a spherical though not necessarily parabolic structure of the bands. The computations are for the general case of transport by of many kinds of carriers.
Initial magnetization of nickel under tension and high hydrostatic pressure
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 391 (1961)
The interaction of magnetostriction with internal stresses is one of the principal factors influencing the magnetostriction curves of nickel in low magnetic fields. Steinberger (1933) found a 1010.000 atmospheres in pure annealed nickel. The present authors attempted to establish to what extent this effect is due to pressure dependence of magnetostriction. For this purpose, the initial magnetization of nickel both under tension and high hydrostatic pressure was measured.
On Approximate Electromagnetic Theories of Diffraction (Part I)
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 403 (1961)
Effective formulas determining the electromagnetic field for the case of Fraunhofer diffraction within the framework of Kottler, Severin and Vasseur theories are derived. The properties of an arbitrary plane diffracting screen are shown to have no effect on the distribution of the electromagnetic field energy density near the centre of the diffraction image, in the theories considered, as in this case the formulas yield identical results which is not true in other cases. The author suggests that measurements should be carried out with the aim of deciding as to which of the three theories yields results in the best agreement with reality.
On the Kottler’s Theory of Diffraction
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 411 (1961)
To F. Kottler (1923) is due the correct formulation of Huyghens’ principle for electromagnetic waves. His theory is the conclusion of the course along which Larmor and Tedone had worked towards a solution of the above problem. Kottler’s idea was so successful because he took into account the electric and magnetic charges on the edge \({\mit \Gamma }\) of the diffracting aperture. This was a step forward in comparison with the ideas of Larmor and Tedone, who had assumed that the diffracted image was due to charges and currents of the electric and magnetic type distributed appropriately on the surface \(S\) of the diffracting body. If the surface \(S\) is closed, then, of course, Kottler’s edge effect vanishes and we have the Larmor–Tedone formulae exactly. It is now necessary to specify in detail why we think Kettler’s formulae to be the correctness. Namely, his solution of diffraction problems is at the same time a solution of the complete system of Maxwell’s equations. A theory of diffraction is correct only if its final formulae fulfill this system of equations. But this, clearly, is not a sufficient condition for the correctness of the theory. Such is also the case of Kottler’s formulae. Kottler solved the diffraction problem as a “saltus problem”; however, if the problem is to be stated correctly, it must be considered as a problem with boundary conditions. Kottler’s formulae can be presented in the form of surface integrals extending over the surface of the diffracting aperture and of curvilinear integrals over its edge \(\mit {\Gamma }\). In these integrals, the nonperturbed electromagnetic field appears and it might seem that the presence of the diaphragm has no meaning as far as the magnitude of the field on the surface of the diffracting aperture is concerned. From the physical standpoint this is wrong. Thus, we have here an analogy with Kirchhoff’s scalar theory. Nevertheless, it is a well known fact that, on the basis of Kirchhoff’s theory, we can obtain a correct description of the variability of the light intensity in the neighbourhood of the shadow boundary limit. Thus, we can also conjecture Kottler’s theory to be the correct one in this region and its results to represent naturally a good approximation consistent with the results of Kirchhoff’s theory. If this were not the case, Kottler’s formulae would be wrong, since they would then fail to describe correctly the diffraction phenomena. It is the aim of this paper to clear the problem.
Frage der Exoelektronenemission von gepulverten KCl-Einkristallen, die vorerst unterschiedlich verfärbt wurden
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 425 (1961)
Die photo- sowie thermostimulierte Coelektronenemission von gepulverten KCL-Einkristallen, die vorerst unterschiedlich verfärbt wurden, wurde untersucht. Die Verfärbung der Kristalle wurde additiv mit Potassiumndampf oder längere Röntgen sowie \(\beta \)-Strahlen Bestrahlung erzeugt. Die photo- und thermostimulierte Coelektronenemission von Pulvern aus additiv verfärbten Kristallen zeigte ein unterschiedliches Verhalten gegenüber der Emission, die von den, aus mit X- oder \(\beta \)-Strahlen vorerst verfärbten Kristallen vorbereiteten Pulvern gemessen wurde. Bei den mit X- und besonders mit \(\beta \)-Strahlen behandelten Kristallen ist die gemessene Anfangsintensität der photostimulierten Coelektronenemission sehr stark Zeitabhängig. Wenn der Zeitabstand zwischen Verfärbung und Pulverisierung relativ kurz und die Zeit der \(\beta \)-Bestrahlung lang ist, so werden sehr kleine Anfangsintensititen der photostimulierten Coelektronenemission gemessen. Die messbare Emission ist in diesem Falle aber sehr kurzfristig. Die photostimulierte Coelektronenemission von Pulvern aus additiv verbirbten Kristallen ist dagegen relativ kaum Zeitabhängig. Die thermostimulierte Coelektronenemission von Pulvern aus mit X- und \(\beta \)-Strahlen zeigt gegenüber den aus additiv verfärbten Kristallen nur schwache Intensität bis zu den Temperaturen von etwa 350°C.
The Second Virial Coefficient for Polar Gas Mixtures
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 433 (1961)
The present paper deals with the theory of the second virial coefficient \(B(T) = \mit {\Sigma \Sigma }x_i x_j B^{(ij)}\) of the equation of state for polar gas mixtures. General formulas for the virial coefficients \(B^{(ij)}\) are derived, containing, in addition to the contribution arising from the presence of intermolecular central forces, others due to the various tensorial forces acting between polar molecules: dipole–dipole, dipole–quadrupole, dipole–octupole and quadrupole–quadrupole interaction; moreover, dipole-induced dipole and quadrupole-induced dipole inductive interaction. The formulas are given in two forms: the general form as derived by means of tensor formalism and relating to polar molecules of arbitrary symmetry and arbitrary central forces potential, and one obtained by specialization for molecules presenting the axial symmetry and a Lennard–Jones (6–12) potential. In particular, the latter formulas are applied to one-, two- and three-component gas mixtures.
Two-phase Ferroelectric Systems (I. Barium Titanate-metal)
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 447 (1961)
In this research the dielectric properties of the two-phase ferroelectric-metal systems have been investigated. It has been found that a considerable increase of the dielectric constant can be obtained corresponding to the increase of the concentration of the metal admixture. The shape of the increase curve depends upon the kind of admixture and the size and shape of its grains. The Curie temperature does not change within the limits of experimental errors. However, changes in the Curie–Weiss temperature can be observed, accompanied by a change of the Curie–Weiss constant, i.e. by a change in the slope of the paraelectric part of the curve \(1/\epsilon _w\).
Absorption in Thallium Bromide Vapour
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 455 (1961)
Absorption in thallium bromide vapour was investigated versus 1. the vapour density, 2. the temperature, and 3. admixtures of inert gases. Measurements were carried out with a grid spectrograph of grid curvature radius 3 m. The light source consisted of a hydrogen lamp. The time of irradiation was 8 hours. Absorption was found to depend on the vapour density and to be independent of the temperature of the absorption tube at constant pressure and of admixtures of foreign inert gases, and to consist of continuous absorption in the ultraviolet range and of bands situated in the long-wave region. Isotope splitting due to the presence of two bromine isotopes yielded the magnitude of \(\rho = \sqrt {\frac {µ_1}{µ_2}}\); the latter was compared with the figures obtained theoretically. From the system of bands, the heat of dissociation in the normal and excited states was computed, and the thallium bromide molecule was shown to present an atomic compound when in the state of vapour as it then dissociates optically into a thallium atom in the normal state and an excited atom of bromine.
Photo-stimulated Emission of Exo-electrons from the Surface Layer of Amphoteric Metals Reacting with Sodium Hydroxide or Potassium Hydroxide
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 463 (1961)
When reacting with a thin layer of hydroxide sprayed onto their surface, the amphoteric metals Al, Zn, Sn and Pb have been found to emit negative charge carriers into an atmosphere of air, if the reacting surface is simultaneously irradiated with white light (\(\lambda _\mathrm {min} ~3600\) Å ). The intensity versus time graphs of the emission observed show an increase during the first phase of the experiment and, subsequently, an approximately exponential decrease. The emission observed is related to the momentary shift of the effective long-wave boundary of the photo-effect during the reaction, until the wavelengths of the light waves of the incident beam are attained. The long-wave boundary of this photo-effect is displaced towards shorter wavelenghts as we proceed from Al through Zn and Sn to Pb, i.e. as the affinity of the amphoteric metal for the hydroxide diminishes. The photo-stimulated chemo-emission of exo-electrons was detected and measured with the aid of a point counter with steering grid, in atmospheric air.
Pion Interaction in Fermi Statistical Theory
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 471 (1961)
By assuming a \(\pi \pi \)-resonant interaction the energy spectra of pions and nucleons generated in inelastic \(NN\) collisions at \(E=9\) BeV have been calculated. The results of the calculations are compared with experiment.
On the Influence of a Magnetic Dipole Upon the Gravitational Field
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 475 (1961)
see erratum: Acta Physica Polonica 21, 439 (1962)
The influence of a magnetic dipole upon the gravitational field is investigated under the assumptions of a body with spherically symmetrical distribution of mass and with a weak magnetic moment. The resultant relations prove that the magnetic dipole exhibits also a weak gravitational quadrupole. The discussion of the results shows that the general relativity theory can play a certain role in the future quantum theory of elementary particles, and that there exist no measurable differences between the general relativity theory of Einstein–Maxwell and the unified field theory considered in this paper in the domains outside the elementary particles. A concluding remark deals with the influence of the magnetic fields in interstellar matter on the curvature of the universe.
Einwirkung von Flüssigkeitsdampfen auf den Luftspitzenzähler I
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 493 (1961)
Die Einwirkung von Flüssigkeitsdämpfen auf den Luftspitzenzähler wurde untersucht. Die verschiedene Flüssigkeiten, die unter das begitterte Ende eines Luftspitzenzählers unterstellt wurden, bewirkten das Auslösen von Arbeitsimpulsen im Zähler deren Geschwindigkeit und Gestallt zeigten sich von der Zeit der Einwirkung sowie von der Natur der Flüssigkeiten abhängig zu sein. Die sogenannten Zeit-Kurven, die die Zeitabhängigkeit der Impulsengeschwindigkeit für verschiedene Flüssigkeitsdämpfe darstellen wurden untersucht. Auch die Spanungsabhängigkeit dieser Zeit-Kurven sowie die Impulsgeschwindigkeit-Abhängigkeit von den Arbeitsspannung des Zählers wurde einführend gemessen.Fasc. 7, pages 509–613
Conservation Laws and Fern-equivalence in General Relativity
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 509 (1961)
A generalized parallelism (called fern-equivalence), fern-equivalent tetrads, and quasi-Cartesian coordinates are defined in riemannian geometry with the help of one-parametric families of extremal (minimal) hyper-surfaces. The same ideas are applied to secure conservation laws and localization of energy, momentum, and angular momentum in general relativity.
The Generalization of Dirac’s Equation II
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 517 (1961)
The quantized Lagrangian formalism, which leads to the generalized Dirac equation introduced in I, is investigated. The theory is invariant with respect to the 12-parameter \(C \times C’\) group. The Lagrangian is described by means of the two real isovectors: the mass-isovector \(\kappa _{;\mu }\) (introduced in I) and a second isovector \(\epsilon ’_{;\mu }\) not occuring in the equation. The isovector \(\epsilon ’_{;\mu }\) is necessary for quantization invariant under \(C \times C’\). It is shown that the Jauch field may be obtained and generalized after a special choice of \(\epsilon ’_{;\mu }\).
Measurement of the Mean Life of the First Excited State of Na23
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 537 (1961)
The mean life of the first excited state on Na23 was measured using resonance fluorescence technique. Ne23 obtained from Ne22 (\(n, \gamma \)) Ne23 reaction by irradiation neon in the reactor was used as a source. The value of the mean life was found to be \(\tau = (1.5 ^{+ 0.3}_{-0.2})\times 10^{-12}\) sec.
Über die Quantentheorie der Antiferrimagnetika
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 545 (1961)
Es wird mit Hilfe der Methode von Holstein–Primakoff die Dispersionsformel für Ferrite mit einer inversen Spinellstruktur berechnet. Wegen der magnetischen Überstruktur erhält man eine anisotrope Dispersionsformel. Im Falle gleich grosser Spins bei den Oktaeder–Gitter-plätzen ist für Antiferrimagnetika \(E\sim k^2\). Es wird gezeigt, dass die Ergebnisse der korrigierten Arbeiten von Wonsowski und Seidow und von Kondorski, Pachomow und Siklós sich gleichwertig sind und mit den Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Arbeit übereinstimmen.
Критические магнитные поля тонких свинцовых плëнок
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 553 (1961)
Были измерены критические магнитные поля для тонких плёнок свинца в температурном интервале, равном около 1,2 К ниже критической температуры свинца. Измерялись плёнки толщиной \(3,15 \cdot 10^{-8} \mathrm {cm} — 1,16 \cdot 10^{-4} \mathrm {cm}\). Для тонких плёнок фазовые переходы из сверхпроводящего состояния в нормальное или наоборот, в присутствии магниного поля — обратимы. Для тольстых плёнок переходы обратимы лишь вблизи критической температуры Тк, тогда как для температур, более отдалённых от Тк, переходы сопровождаются появлением гистерезиса. Уже при температурах близких ТК получено максимальное значение гистерезиса.
Температурная зависимость глубины проникновения магнитного поля в сверхпроводящий свинец
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 563 (1961)
На основании измерений критических магнитных полей тонких плёнок <свинца приводится температурная зависимость глубины проникновения магнитного поля в сверхпроводящий свинец. Экстраполируя получённые значения к \(Т=0°\mathrm {К}\), автор получил значение \(\delta _0=(4,5 \pm 0,2)\cdot 10^{-6}\) cm.
The Critical Problems for Multilayer Slab Systems
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 567 (1961)
see erratum: Acta Physica Polonica 20, 792 (1961)
In the work the solution of the critical problems tor slab multilayers systems are given by the procedure developed by K.M. Case for one-velocity Boltzmann equation with isotropic scattering of neutrons. In all considered cases the solution of Boltzmann equation is reduced to the solution of one dimensional Fredholm type integral equation with an additional critical condition.
Superstructural Anisotropy of the Spin Wave Dispersion in Antiferromagnetics. Part I: Theory
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 591 (1961)
see erratum: Acta Physica Polonica 22, 516 (1962)
In a previous paper (Acta Phys. Polon., 19, 759 (1960)) the author presented purely geometrical hypotheses about the anisotropic propagation of spin waves in regular antiferromagnetic superstructures. In the present paper theoretical proofs for the rightness of these hypotheses are given. The general dispersion law for long spin waves has been derived in a tensor form, starting from the Ziman’s (Proc. Phys. Soc., 65, 540 (1952)) relation based on the Holstein–Primakoff approximation. The formulae for all 7 regular superstructures have been obtained, valid for arbitrary values \(J_n\), and \(J_s\) of exchange integrals between nearest and next nearest neighbours respectively. For the extreme cases (\(J_n = 0\) or \(J_s = 0\)), the dispersion anisotropy caused by the superstructure appears to be very pronounced, in full agreement with above mentioned hypotheses. For the more realistic non-zero values of exchange integrals, the anisotropy is also evident but depends on the ratio \(J_n/J_s\). More complete discussion of the shape of isoenergetic surfaces will be published in the second part of this paper. The theoretical treatment leads to the prediction of a new phenomenon in antiferromagnetics, namely the anisotropic spin wave dispersion which must be attributed to the monoplanar as well as biplanar type of regular superstructure. It has been shown that the magnetic anisotropy does not affect in principle the phenomenon under consideration. Some remarks have been given concerning the possibility of occurring of analogous phenomena in other lattices and superstructures.
Hückel’s Theory: Dependence of the Coulomb Integrals on the Atomic Charges
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 613 (1961)
Fasc. 8, pages 619–701
On a Modification of Weyssenhoff’s Homogeneols Variational Principle with Higher Derivatives
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 619 (1961)
In his paper on “A Relativistically Invariant Homogeneous Canonical Formalism with Higher Derivatives” (Acta Phys. Polon., 11, 49, 1951), Weyssenhoff proposed a homogeneous variational principle with higher derivatives describing the motion of a free spin particle whose velocity can be both smaller than or equal to that of light. In the latter case, the Lagrangian of the particle is found to be a first integral of the equations of motion, provided the time \(t\), measured in an inertial reference system \({\mit \Sigma }_0\), wherein the spatial coordinates of the four-momentum of the particle vanish, is used as parameter. In the present paper, this principle is modified by introducing the postulate that the Lagrangian shall also be a first integral of the equations of motion in the case of the particle moving with velocity smaller than that of light. From the equations of motion thus obtained, equations resembling those of Mathisson for a free spin particle are then derived (however, Frenkel’s condition cannot be fulfilled). According to these equations, the spin particle moves in the system \({\mit \Sigma }_0\), with constant velocity \(v\) along a circle of constant radius \(R\). The quantities \(v\) and \(R\) depend only on the spin of the particle, its rest mass and a constant \(l_0\), of the dimension of length.
Intensity Ratios in Doublets of the Fine Structure in the Al III Spectrum
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 633 (1961)
The intensity ratios were measured for spectral lines in the four doublets of the fine structure of Al III: \(3p^2P^0_{1/2,3/2}-3s^2S_{1/2}\) of wavelength 1862.75 Å .U. and 1854.71 Å .U. as well as those of greater wavelength \(4p^2P^0_{1/2,3/2}-4s^2S_{1/2}\) (56722.75 Å .U., 5695.47 Å .U.), \(5s^2S_{1/2}-4p^2 P^0_{1/2,3/2}\) (3702.09 Å .U., 3713.10 Å .U.) and \(4p^2P^0_{1/2,3/2}-3d^D_{1/23/2}\) (360192 Å .U., 360162 Å .U., 3612.35 Å .U.). In the case of the doublet \(3p^2P^0_{1/2,3/2}-3s^2S_{1/2}\) a considerable divergence from the intensity rule of 100: (\(94\pm 8\)) was found instead of the predicted 100: 50. The results for the remaining doublets are in satisfactory agreement with the sum rules.
Thermoelectric Properties of Cadmium Arsenide — Cd3As2
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 647 (1961)
Measurements of the thermoelectric power of Cd3As2, have been carried out, and the value \(\alpha \simeq \) 60 µ V/°C at 25°C with respect to Cu was obtained. From the temperature dependence of µ between 25–400°C, the value of the reduced Fermi level and its temperature dependence \(\eta = \frac {\zeta }{kT}\) was estimated. Within the investigated temperature range \(\eta \) was larger than 2.8. Hence it follows that the Fermi level is situated within the conductivity band, and the electron gas in Cd3As2, is degenerated. From the temperature dependence of \(\eta \) a proper correction for electron gas degeneration was introduced into the terms of temperature mobility and concentration of electrons. The magnitude of effective electron mass in Cd3As2, at \(t=25\)°C amounts to \(m^*_n=0.046\, m_0\). In extrinsic range \(m^*_n\) is practically constant, while in intrinsic range it changes according to the formula \(m^*_n/m_0~T^{0.9}\). A qualitative attempt was undertaken to explain the difference between the width of forbidden band obtained from the measurements of optical absorption edge (0.6 V) and that obtained from the measurements of the Hall constant and electric conductivity (0.14 V).
Cross Section for Strange Particle Generation
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 657 (1961)
Multiple production of strange particles has been treated. The resonance interaction of strange particles are taken into account. The law of strangeness conservation is taken into consideration more exactly. It has been shown by an example of slow antinucleon annihilation and pion–nucleon collisions at 1.7 BeV that the theoretical cross sections for strange particle production may be brought into agreement with the experimental data.
On the Renormalization Effects in the Threshold Behaviour of the Perturbation Expansion Term of the Two-point Green Function in Quantized Field Theory
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 663 (1961)
The perturbation expansion in powers of the renormalized coupling constant, of the Lehman’s spectral function, in the three scalar field model, is given. It is shown, that some of the branch points, which have to occur, in the perturbation term of the two-point Green function, due to Landau–Polkinghorne conditions, are excluded, if the internal lines renormalization is realized.
On the Dispersion Formula in Ferrites with Spinel Structure
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 675 (1961)
Determination of the Density of Liquids and Their Saturated Vapours as a Function of Temperature at Pressures Higher Than One Atmosphere. Part I. Measurements with Ammonia
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 679 (1961)
Experimental method and results of measurements of density of liquid ammonia and its saturated vapour as a function of temperature is described.
Determination of the Density of Liquids and Their Saturated Vapours as a Function of Temperature at Pressures Higher Than One Atmosphere. Part II. Measurements with Methyl Mercaptan
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 691 (1961)
Experimental method and results of measurements of density of liquid CH3,SH and its saturated vapour as a function of temperature is described.
Intensity Ratios of Spectral Lines in the Sharp Series Triplets of Atoms of the Second Column of the Periodic Table
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 701 (1961)
The intensity ratios of the lines of the following triplets: Zn I: (\(4s4p^3P^o_{2,1,0}-4s5s^3S_1)\) 4810, 4722, 4680 Å .U. (\(4s4p^3P^o_{2,1,0}-4s6s^3S_1)\) 3072, 3036, 3018 Å .U. and (\(4s4p^3P^o_{2,1,0}-4s4d^3D)\) 3345, 3303, 3282 Å .U.; Cd I: (\(5s5p^3P^o_{2,1,0}-5s6s^3S_1)\) 5086, 4800, 4678 Å .U. and (\(5s5p^3P^o_{2,1,0}-5s8s^3S_1)\) 2868, 2775, 2734 Å .U.; Hg I: (\(6s6p^3P^o_{2,1,0}-6s7s^3S_1)\) 5461, 4358, 4047 Å .U. were measured, applying different conditions of excitation, such as the are, spark, electrode-less excitation and a Schüler type hollow-cathode lamp. Photographic methods of mono- and hetero- chromatic spectrophotometry were used. The measurements yielded intensity ratios in the ultraviolet that were in agreement with the sum rules, whereas those obtained for the visible triplets of Zn I, Cd I and Hg I were at variance with these rules. The greatest divergence occurs in Hg and the smallest in Zn; the intensity ratios in the visible triplet of Cd I vary strongly with the conditions of excitation. All divergences from the theoretical values are readily explained by reabsorption related to the metastable states \(^3P^o_0\) and \(^3P^o_0\). From these considerations, the discussion of results obtained by different authors in measuring the intensity ratios of spetral lines in triplets of the sharp series of atoms of the second column of the periodic system leads to the conclusion that these ratios fulfill the rule of sums and that reabsorption is solely responsible for the divergences found in those cases also.Fasc. 9, pages 717–792
Differentiale der Brechkraft eines beliebigen optischen Systems nach seinen Konstruktionselementen, Krümmungen, Linsendicken, Luftabständen und Brechungszahlen
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 717 (1961)
Die Brechkraft eines Systems von unendlich dünnen Linsen wird nach Brechkräften von einzelnen Linsen differenziert. Die Brechkraft eines beliebigen optischen Systems, welches aus Plan- und Kugelflächen besteht wird als Funktion seiner Konstruktionselementen behandelt. Es werden einfache Formeln für erste und für höhere Ableitungen und Differentiale gegeben.
Reziprozitätstheorem und Babinetsches Prinzip in der Kirchhoffschen Theorie der Beugung
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 725 (1961)
Auf Grund der Symmetrieeigenschaften der einfallenden und der gebeugten Welle gegenüber der Vertauschung der Lagen des Beobachtungspunktes und der Lichtquelle sowie der Lagen zweier komplementärer beugender Schirme, werden das Reziprozitätstheorem sowie das Babinetsche Prinzip für Kirchhoffsche Wellenfunktionen nicht nur, wie dies gewöhnlich geschieht, für den Schatten-sondern auch für den Licht-Halbraum angegeben. Es wird jedoch gezeigt, daß unter Zugrundelegung der in den folgenden Überlegungen benutzten Definition der Kirchhoffschen Wellenfunktionen in den beiden mathematisch ganz einwandfreien Reziprozitätstheoremen für den Licht- und Schatten-Halbraum auch Kirchhoffsche Wellenfunktionen auftreten können, die keine sinnvolle physikalische Bedeutung haben.
On the Microscopic Theory of Giant Dipole Resonance
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 737 (1961)
The response formulation of the dipole \(\gamma \)-ray absorbtion by closed shell nuclei is given. A qualitative description of the giant resonance structure including its width is proposed.
The Solution of the Equation of Electric Conductivity for a Thin Plate in an Arbitrary Magnetic Field for a Non-constant Temperature Distribution
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 753 (1961)
The equations of electric and thermal conductivity in a magnetic field are considered for the case of a thin plate electrically insulated. The same temperature distribution is applied to the upper and lower surfaces of the plate. In this case the set of equations may be reduced to a single equation of only two variables, as we may admit that the temperature is constant throughout the entire thickness of the conductor. Thus, it is not necessary to solve the equation of thermal conductivity. A vector potential is introduced and an equation for it is derived. This equation is equivalent to one mentioned above, but is more easily solved. The special case of a rectangular plate is discussed. It is shown that the stationary electric current gives rise to a deviation from the Nernst-effect in an insulated conductor.
Projections as Observables
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 765 (1961)
A pair of events consisting in the emission of light pulses may be observed by observers located at a plane at infinity (determined by the orthogonal direction to it). The data concerning our events obtained by these observers can be considered as observable quantities independent of the coordinates used in the finite regions of Riemannian space-time. This general idea (first given in [1]) is discussed and supported by explicit computations in the case when the linear approximation applies. In particular, the general formulae for projections of a “distance’” between two events and for their projected “temporal separation” are derived. With the help of these formulae the projection of the geodesic motion is studied. Eventually the formulae obtained are applied in the case of a field induced by a rotating body.
Nuclear Electric Quadrupole Moments of 121Sb and 123Sb
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 775 (1961)
The hyperfine structure of the line \(\lambda \) 43030 Å \(5p^3\ ^2P^o_{1/3}-5p^2 6s\ ^2P_{3/2}\) Sb I was investigated by means of a Schüler hollow cathodedis charge tube as light source and a Fabry–Perot interferometer with multilayer dielectric mirrors as high resolving power instrument. Hence, the quadrupole coupling constant was determined for the \(5p^2 6s\ ^2P_{3/2}\) level of the 12151Sb nuclide and, with the electric field gradient as evaluated in the present paper for the configuration \(p^2s\), the electric quadrupole moment of the 121Sb nucleus was obtained. The quadrupole moment of the 123Sb nucleus was computed from the ratio \(Q_{123}/Q_{121}\), which is known to a high degree of accuracy. The results, without Sternheimer’s corrections, are: \(Q (^{121}\mathrm {Sb}) = (- 0.54 \pm 0.08) \times 10^{-24} \mathrm {cm}^2\); \(Q^{123} \mathrm {Sb}) = (- 0.69 \pm 0.10) \times 10^{-24} \mathrm {cm}^2\).
Spin–spin Relaxation Time in a Model of Non-uniform Ferromagnetic
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 783 (1961)
On the Quantum Theory of Spin-wave Resonance in a Finite Ferromagnetic Linear Chain
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 787 (1961)
see erratum: Acta Physica Polonica 22, 516 (1962)
In this letter there will be presented a method of diagonalization of spin Hamiltonian of a ferromagnetic linear chain taking into consideration instead of the usual cyclic boundary condition a more realistic one. As an application standing spin-wave resonance (Kittel 1958) will be considered.ERRATA
Fasc. 10, pages 795–857
Dynamical Effects of X-ray Interference in Natural NaCl Crystals from Wieliczka
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 795 (1961)
On the Deformability of Nuclear Cores and the Electric Quadrupole Moment of Nuclei with Closed Shells Plus (or Minus) a Single Nucleon
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 801 (1961)
Using the self-consistency condition and the first order perturbation method and assuming that the nuclear self-consistent field is the Nilsson potential, the deformability of nuclear cores and the electric quadrupole moment of nuclei with a doubly closed shell core \(\pm \) one nucleon are calculated. The former case shows exact agreement with observation and the latter fits the experimental data as well as other best methods.
On a New Method of Determining the Focal Plane of a Spectrograph
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 809 (1961)
A method for the exact determination of the focal plane of a spectrograph is proposed, utilizing a special diaphragm with six slits situated behind the collimator lens. This diaphragm splits the image of each defocused spectral line into two groups of narrow interference fringes presenting a characteristic distribution of the central intensities enabling to distinguish, within each group, the cential “marked” fringes. The focal plane is determined and the plane of the plate placed thereto by measuring the distance between the “marked’’ fringes obtained at different values of the variable parameters of focusing (the shift of the slit, that of the camera and the angle of rotation of the plate holder). Cases of various numbers of focusing parameters (1, 2, 3) are discussed and an example is given of the focusing of a ISP-67 spectrograph by means of the diaphragm mentioned. The method of choosing the optimal parameters of the diaphragm for a given spectrograph is described in detail. In the Appendix, formulae for the intensity distribution in different planes of observation, for the case of Fraunhofer diffraction on diaphragms of the type described, are derived and discussed. These are then applied to computing the intensity distribution obtained with this diaphragm in several planes. The theoretical distribution is compared with the experimental results.
Non-stationary Flow of a Viscous Fluid Through Vessels Having Elastic Walls. Linear Approach
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 821 (1961)
On the assumption of small relative variations of the vessel’s radius, the amount of the fluid passing in unit time is found to be given by the telegraph equation. Moreover, this equation is found to be fulfilled, in the foregoing approximation, by the radius of the vessel as a function of the time and space coordinates.
On the Dispersion of the Propagation Velocity of a Disturbance in a Liquid Flowing Through Elastic-walled Vessels
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 827 (1961)
From the equations of non-stationary viscous flow through vessels having elastic walls, a formula for the velocity of propagation of a disturbance is derived. The velocity is found to depend on the frequency. Dispersion of the velocity is due to the viscosity of the fluid. A formula for the group velocity is also derived.
On the Electromagnetic Potentials of an Electromagnetic Dipole in Motion
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 831 (1961)
Starting from the Lorentz solutions of Maxwell’s equations, expressions are derived for the electromagnetic potentials of an electromagnetic dipole in arbitrary motion. By utilizing Dirac’s \(\delta \)-function in the description of the field sources, these expressions are generalized to multipoles of arbitrary order. For a multipole at rest: they become identical in the wave zone with the well-known formulas for multipole radiation despite the fact that the time dependence of the multipole moments is widely arbitrary.
Dielectric Saturation Theory for Molecules with Two Axes of Internal Rotation
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 845 (1961)
The present communication is intended as the continuatjon of results obtained by A. Piekara, S. Kielich and A. Chełkowski in the field of dielectric saturation in rotational isomers and published in “Archives des sciences” (1959), and consists in a generalization of their concepts to cover rotational isomers presenting three carbon atoms in a normal carbon chain involving the existence of two axes of rotation. The essential part of the computations is carried out for the case of the CH3 groups at either extremity of the chain containing a Cl, Br, or similar substituent to replace one of the hydrogen atoms, giving rise to a rotating group with a dipole moment. The present situation is more highly complicated than in dealing with a 1, 2-dihaloidoethane, inasmuch as the number of rotational isomers is much greater and their energy states considerably closer to one another. Thus it seems reasonable to proceed by constructing a continuous potential harrier illustrating the interaction between the groups during rotation.
On Variations in the Domain Structure and Dielectric Permittivity of BaTiO3 Single Crystals Due to One-dimensional Pressure
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 853 (1961)
Polarized single BaTiO3 crystals were repeatedly subjected to one-dimensional pressure of 200 kG/cm\(^2\) applied along the [001] direction at room temperature. Irreversible changes of the domain structure and dielectric permittivity were observed. The single crystals ultimately presented laminar domain structure of high stability and a permittivity no longer depending on the pressure.
Group Transitions in Crystalline Phosphors
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 857 (1961)
The present paper attempts to apply the group transition theory to the problems of the luminescence of crystalline phosphors.Fasc. 11, pages 873–941
Fluctuation Effects in Ultrasonic Light Diffraction Patterns Near the Critical Point
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 873 (1961)
The light diffraction figures resulting on ultrasonic waves in a liquid–vapour system as exemplified by CO2, near the critical point and in a liquid–liquid system as exemplified by a critical solution of aniline in cyclohexane were observed. Either system was found to present diffraction figures of its own. In CO2, the light intensity fluctuations in the diffraction fringes were very considerable. In the aniline-cyclohexane system these were much weaker. Carbon dioxide presented an effect which has been termed that of initial diffluence. This effect does not appear in the critical solution used. Fluctuation of the diffraction figures in CO2, was found to be almost-periodic; Periodic diffluence of the diffraction figures, the appearing and disappearing of asymmetry of the spectrum, and the appearing of fine structure of the fringes pointed to such periodicity. Average times were established for the process wherein the diffraction figure becomes diffluent and sharp again periodically, and for the appearance and vanishing of asymmetry in the spectrum. For the effect of initial diffluence, the characteristic time of duration for various thermodynamic states near the critical point and the dependence of the duration of the effect on the ultrasonic wave intensity are given. In aniline-cyclohexane, the effects proceed otherwise and no characteristic times can be established here. From the fact that the fluctuations in the light diffraction figures resulting on an ultrasonic wave differ between the two systems investigated which, from the thermodynamical point of view, largely resemble one another, would seem to point to a different interaction process between the ultrasonic wave and fluctuations of the medium in either system. In the liquid–vapour system near the critical point this interaction is probably of the kind described by Chynoweth and Schneider (structural relaxation), whereas in the liquid–liquid system near the critical point of the solution it would rather be of that described by Richardson (scattering).
Weitere Versuche zur Frage der Exoelektronenemission von deformiertem Aluminium
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 889 (1961)
Exoelektronenemission von technischen Aluminium wurde mit Hilfe eines Luftspitzenzählers während einer plastischen Deformation unter gleichzeitiger Belichtung mit weissem Licht untersucht. Bei rückartiger Biegung der Proben waren immer Exoelektronenschauer gemessen, nachdem die Proben vorher in einer Luftatmosphäre passend bei etwa 500°C ausgeheizt wurden. Das Erscheinen dieser Elektronenschauer wurde versucht auf die Erzeugung und Bewegung der Versetzungen (Dislocations) in der Probe zurückzuführen. Die Erzeugung und Diffussion von Gitter–Vakanzen scheint auch auf das Emissionsbild bei einer gleichmässigen plastischen Deformation zu projizieren. Für eine gleichmässige plastische Deformation bei diesen Voraussetzungen konnte eine annäherende kubische Abhängigkeit der Emissionsintensität von der Deformationsgrösse aufgestellt werden. Diese Abhängigkeit scheint auch mit den früheren diesbezüglichen Messergebnissen von Grunberg und Wright zu übereinstimmen.
Über die Absorptions- und Lumineszenzspektren Einiger Farbstoffe in Mono- und Polymethylmethakrylat
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 903 (1961)
Im Zusammenhang mit den Untersuchungen der Konzentrationsdepolarisation der Fluoreszenz einiger Farbstoffe (Fluorescein, gelbliches Eosin, Rhodamin B) im Polymethylmethakrylat (Plexiglas) (Kawski 1958) wurden die Absorptions- und Emissionsspektren gemessen und die erhaltenen Spektren mit denen der erwähnten Farbstoffe in Glyzerin und Äthylalkohol verglichen. Die dabei beobachteten Abweichungen werden kurz diskutiert.
Gravito-electromagnetic Field Equations in Rayski’s Unitary Field Theory
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 915 (1961)
In his unitary theory Rayski derived Maxwell equations in the limit of vanishing gravitation (in order to simplify computations). In the present paper Maxwell equations in the presence of gravitation as well as Einstein equations in the presence of electromagnetic field are derived exactly from the same basic assumptions.
The Preparation and Electrical and Optical Properties of Cadmium Antimonide
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 919 (1961)
Semiconducting CdSb material was obtained in two varieties: lustreless and brilliant. With these, the electrical conductivity, Hall coefficient and the variation of the resistivity in a magnetic field were measured throughout the temperature range of 78 to 370° K. Considerable differences were found in the electrical properties for both kind of the materials. The transmission was measured and the absorption coefficient determined in the range from the absorption edge up to 15\(\mu \) in the \(n\)-type brilliant material. The shift of the absorption edge with temperature was determined.
The Dirac Equation in General Relativity in the Vierbein Formalism
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 927 (1961)
The explicit form of the Dirac equation in general relativity is given with the aid of the Vierbein formalism. The formulas which are derived for the Vierbein fields allow to find the spinor field, if the metric tensor is given. The conditions which are very similar to the Hilbert conditions follow directly from these formulas.
A Note on the Jahn–Teller Effect in the C6H6 Ion
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 937 (1961)
The static Jahn–Teller effect in the C6H6 ion is studied by the LCAO MO method.
The C14-dating Laboratory in Gdańsk
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 941 (1961)
Fasc. 12, pages 945–1021
Numerical Values of Two-centre Integrals for 3d Electrons
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 945 (1961)
Nuclear attraction integrals and overlap integrals for 3\(d\) electrons in chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc have been computed. The atomic wave functions have been approximated by analytical expression with two exponentials.
The Spinor Space as an Euclidean Complex Space
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 957 (1961)
The equivalence between Rzewuski’s spinor space and 4-dimensional Euclidean complex space is proved. The free field equation in spinor space is solved by the procedure of analytical continuation. The field equation with sources is investigated, using the complex distribution \(\delta (z)\).
Zur Möglichkeit der Elektronenhaftstellenanalyse mit Hilfe der Exoelektronenemission
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 969 (1961)
Die Möglichkeit der Elektronenhaftstellenanalyse auf Grund der Erscheinungen von Exoelektronenemission wird besprochen, Es werden besonders die Möglichkeiten einer Analyse mit Hilfe der Messungen von: (1) Postelektronenemission (Abklingkurven), (2) Photostimulierten Coelectronenemission und (3) Thermostimulierten Coelektronenemission (Glow–Kurven) zusammenfassend diskulttiert.
Spin Wave Theory for Cubic Ferromagnetics I. Dyson’s Model
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 983 (1961)
The principal features of the Dyson spin wave theory of a cubic crystalline isotropic ferromagnetic are presented. In the subsequent part of the present paper a new spin wave approach is developed, based on Matsubara’s technique.
Spin Wave Theory for Cubic Ferromagnetics II. New Approach
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 995 (1961)
A new spin wave approach to the theory of a cubic ferromagnetic is developed. The smallness of the spin wave kinematical interaction at low temperatures is taken into account, which enables us to compute the statistical function as the trace over the complete orthonormal set of ideal spin wave vectors. The Hamiltonian of the ferromagnetic is taken from Dyson’s theory, but, owing to the new way of obtaining the statistical function and applying Matsubara’s technique, the logarithm of the grand partition function is now virial expansion containing Bloch’s term and the sum of connected ladder diagrams.
Effect of pH on the Fluorescence of Fluorescein Soluttons
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 1005 (1961)
The absorption and emission spectra, mean decay time, relative yield and anisotropy of fluorescence emission of a fluorescein solution of the constant concentration of \(10^{-5}~\mathrm {g/cm}^{3}\) were investigated as to their dependence on the pH of the medium. The absorption and emission spectra were found to vary according to the pH value. This effect of pH can be explained by the molecule in the excited state giving off a proton.
Some Remarks on the Theory of Photodisintegration of Be9 and Li7
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 1019 (1961)
Some corrections in the theory of the reactions Be9 \((\gamma , n)\) Be8 and Li7\((\gamma \), H3) He4 are introduced.
Note on Positron Radiation from Pr140
Acta Phys. Pol. 20, 1021 (1961)