Acta Physica Polonica (1932 – 1969)

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Vol. XXVI (1964)

Fasc. 1, pages 3–163

M. Piróg, I. Stępniowski, B. Sujak
Point Counter with Quenching Vapour Above the Free Surface of the Liquid (Exoelectron Detector)
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 3 (1964)

abstract A special type of open point counter with quenching vapour above the free liquid surface, with pulse amplitude approximately 2 V, was constructed. The counter is destined for exoelectron emission investigation and is also well adapted to the detection of \(\alpha , \beta \) and \(\gamma \) radiation. The characteristics of the counter were investigated for the following liquids: ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, n-propylic alcohol and n-butylic alcohol. Characteristics were traced for various temperatures.

В.Н. Кащеeв
К теории ферромагнетиков с геликоидальными структурами. v. влияние магнитного поля на рассеяние неитронов
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 11 (1964)

abstract В работе рассмотрена зависимость сечений упругого магнитного и одномагнонного рассеяния монохроматических неполяризованных нейтронов в ферромагнитной спирали от аксиального магнитного поля. Особенно детально изучен район вблизи фазового перехода в фазу коллинеарного магнетика. Рассмотрены эвристические возможности изучения этой зависимости.

A. Fuliński
On the Statistical Mechanical Evaluation of the Slow Neutron Scattering Function
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 19 (1964)

abstract A general statistical mechanical method of evaluation of the so-called Van Hove scattering function, describing the scattering of slow neutrons by many body scatterers is presented. Techniques of perturbation expansion, diagram representation, and linked-cluster expansion, developed by many authors in the statistical-mechanical theory of irreversible processes are used. As an example of this method, the scattering function for a weakly-coupled and a dilute gas, both obeying the classical statistics, is calculated. In this case it is possible to use almost directly some results obtained by Fujita in his calculation of the viscosity coefficients of such gases.

T. Praxmayer
On the Amplitude of the Signal of Free Precession in the Earth’s Magnetic Field
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 31 (1964)

abstract A simple method for calculating with accuracy the amplitude of the Signal of free precession in the Earth’s field, using a single coil, is proposed. A formula is derived whence, on substituting the specific data for coil and sample, the value of the signal amplitude is obtained in good agreement with the measurements.

A. Kawski, L. Bilot
Spektroskopische Bestimmung elektrischer Dipolmomente aromatischer Verbindungen im ersten angeregten Singulettzustand
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 41 (1964)

abstract Es werden für p-Dimethylamino-p’-cyan-stilben, p-Dimethylamino-benzonitril, 2-Amino-7-nitro-fluoren und p-Amino-p’-nitro-diphenyl die Dipolmomente im ersten angeregten Singulettzustand mit Hilfe der spektroskopischen Methode (Bilot–Kawski) bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse werden mit den nach anderen Methoden bestimmten Dipolmomenten verglichen.

R. Jóźwicki
Ray Tracing Through a System of Arbitrarily Situated Plane-parallel Plates
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 47 (1964)

abstract By vector calculus, a system of equations is given allowing to obtain the position of the light ray in the image space for a system of arbitrarily situated plane-parallel plates. It is proved that for a given choice of reference planes one can obtain the dislocation of the ray for every plate separately, dealing with these plates as if they were immersed in a basic medium, independently of whether the refractive index of the adjoining medium is different from or similar to the refractive index of the basic medium. Moreover, some conclusions are given.

J. Szaniecki
Spin Wave Theory For a Cubic Ferromagnetic with Two Magnetic Exchange-coupled Sublattices
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 57 (1964)

abstract A new approach to the problem of a cubic ferrimagnetic is proposed. Expansion in connected ladder diagrams is applied to obtain an exact evaluation of the terms which cannot be diagonalized. The magnetization of a cubic ferrimagnetic is derived in the form of a series of terms proportional to \(T^{3/2}\), \(T^{5/2}\) and of small terms proportional to \(7^2\) and \(T^{5/2}\).

J. Babecki, T. Coghen, M. Mięsowicz, K. Niu
The Four Momentum Transfer Between Groups of Particles in Cosmic Ray Jets of Very High Energies
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 71 (1964)

abstract An analysis of the four-momentum transfer between two groups of particles has been done for 75 primary jets fulfilling the conditions \(5\leqslant n_s\leqslant 20\), \(N_h\leqslant 5\), \(\gamma _c \geqslant 23\). For 6 asymmetric jets without tracks in the diffuse cone the four-momentum transfer between the nucleons and the group of secondary particles has been also analyzed. It has been found that events with a distinct double maximum structure and low multiplicity as well as asymmetric events are characterized by appreciably smaller four-momentum transfers compared with other ones. It is, however, not possible to state unambiguously, whether the four-momentum transfer for these jets is really at the most of the order of a few pion masses. This would occur if the transverse momenta of the groups of produced particles and the baryons do not considerably exceed the value of a few pion masses, and if we have no or only small excitation of the baryons.

J. Kalisz
Dependence of the Dielectric Permittivity of Barium Titanate on the Applied Electric Field Strength
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 77 (1964)

abstract The dielectric permittivity of BaTiO3 was measured versus the applied electric field strength in weak fields, utilizing an improved pulse method. The applied field ranged from 0.06 V/cm to 1.2 kV/em. The measurements were made at constant temperatures both above and below the transition point 7. On applying the field, at very low field strengths, a stabilization process was found to occur in all cases both before and after \(T_\mathrm {c}\). The permittivity was found to be linear both before and after \(T_\mathrm {c}\). Empirical formulas are given for the dependence of the dielectric permittivity of BaTiO3 on the electric field strength applied to the sample.

A. Piekara, F. Kaczmarek
Investigation of Piezoelectric Vibrations and Dielectric Loss Factor by a Temperature Method
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 85 (1964)

abstract Piezoelectric vibrations and the dielectric loss factor, \(\varepsilon \) tg were investigated using a temperature method. This method is based on direct detecting of the changes in temperature of the ferroelectric sample. It was found that piezoelectric vibrations of polarized samples have very complicated structure and appear in the frequency band from some 100 kHz to about 10 MHz.

E. Białas
Asymptotic Behaviour of the Riemann Principal Directions of Gravitational Field
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 95 (1964)

abstract The asymptotic behaviour of the Riemann principal directions in gravitational field without incoming radiation is investigated. Two cases are considered: one when the news functions are different from zero, and the other when they vanish.

A. Gołębiewski, J. Nowakowski
A Note on Electronic Oscillator Strengths in Conjugated and Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 105 (1964)

abstract The standard Hückel method (without overlap) predicts oscillator strengths which for the \(N \to V_1\) transition are 3–4 times too large. It is shown that an essential improvement can be obtained if varying the resonance integrals with bond lengths as required by the SC LCAO MO method. The results are however still too large, being for intensive bands almost exactly twice as large as found experimentally.

A. Kotański, K. Zalewski
A Diagrammatic Method for Handling Invariants Built from 3-j Symbols
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 109 (1964)

abstract Diagrams corresponding to contracted products of 3-\(j\) symbols are introduced. There is exactly one invariant corresponding to each closed diagram. Identities for invariants follow from the rules for handling diagrams. Some illustrative examples are discussed.

A. Kotański, K. Zalewski
Isospin Crossing Matrices for Many-particle Processes
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 117 (1964)

abstract Applying the method of our previous paper we obtain a prescription for finding elements of isospin crossing matrices.

J. Rayski
A Programme of Quantization of the Gravitational Field
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 129 (1964)

abstract In General Relativity there exists a dynamically privileged class of coordinate systems: those for which \(g_{\mu o} = 0\) because only in such coordinate systems the theory may be put into the usual canonical form. Quantization does not involve the remaining six \(g_{kl}\) but only the transversal-traceless part of \(g_{kl}\). The remaining part of \(g_{kl}\) is not independent of the choice of the coordinate system and has to be treated classically. Instead of the initial value problem for the classical part it is convenient to use a mixed initial–final value problem. This simplifies the question of existence of a unitary scattering matrix.

S. Kielich
Theory of Molecular Light Scattering in the Presence of an Intense Light Beam
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 135 (1964)

see erratum: Acta Physica Polonica 27, 153 (1965)

abstract The possibility is considered of investigating the light scattered from a weak light beam of frequency \(\omega _1\) in the presence of the strong electric field of another light beam e.g. from a laser, of frequency \(\omega _2\). It is shown quantum-mechanically to the third approximation that quite generally, under the effect of the intense light beam, there appear in addition to the component with normal Raman frequencies \(\omega _1 \pm \omega _{kl}\) two new components, the first of these of frequencies \(\omega _1\pm \omega _2\pm \omega _{kl}\) and \(\omega _1\mp \omega _2\pm \omega _{kl}\) appearing only for molecules without a centre of inversion and the other, of frequencies \(\omega _1 \pm 2\omega _2 \pm \omega _{kl}\) and \(\omega _1\mp 2\omega _2 \pm \omega _kl\) in all other cases, including optically isotropic molecules. The discussion of these non-linear contributions to the light scattering tensor is restricted to the purely classical case and is carried out strictly for gases consisting of molecules possessing a centre of inversion (point groups \(D_{4h}, C_{6h}, D_{6h}, D_{\infty h},T_h\) and \(O_h\)) or presenting none (point groups \(D_2, D_{2d}, D_{3h}, C_{3v}, C_{4v}, C_{6v}, C_{v\infty }\) and \(T_d\)). Numerical evaluations for CS2, and CHCl3, point to the possibility of observing changes in the degree of depolarization and Rayleigh ratio if produced by a light beam with an electric field of the order of at least 10% e.s.u.

Э.Г. Бувелев, Н.А. Черников
Графический метод в кинематике реакций с участием фотона
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 155 (1964)

abstract Рассмотрен распад частицы на две, одна из которых является фотоном. Получен простой графический метод определения импульса фотона в зависимости от его угла вылета в лабораторной системе отсчета и связи между углами вылета фотона в лабораторной системе отсчета и в системе центра масс. Этот метод основан на модели Пуанкаре пространства Лобачевского.

I. Kuchtina, R. Rączka
Investigation of the High Energy \(K^+\)-\(p\) Interaction by the Statistical Theory of Multiple Particle Production
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 163 (1964)

Fasc. 2, pages 171–279

B. Sujak, I. Bójko
On the Influence of Halogene-admixture Vapours on Induced Electron Emission (Exoelectron Emission) into a Gaseous Atmosphere
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 171 (1964)

abstract The role of electronegative gases (vapours) in exoelectron detection with G–M counters, hitherto not taken into account, is established.

A. Białas-Zabawa, E. Skulska, Z. Wałach
Relative Line Strengths In The Doublets of The Spark Spectra of Mg II, Ca II, Sr II and Ba II
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 175 (1964)

abstract The ratios of line strengths are determined for the doublets of the principal, sharp and diffuse series of Mg Il, Ca I, Sr Il and Ba II from relations derived by E. Fermi and W. Hanus for the case of an atom or ion with a single electron on the outer orbit in a central field. The relative values of the line strengths for the first doublets in the principal series are in good accordance with the rule of sums and with the experimental data, whereas the relative values of the line strengths for further doublets of the principal series and the doublets of other series diverge from the rule of sums.

K.F. Wojciechowski
Note on Metal Surface Energy
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 185 (1964)

abstract On the basis of Brager and Schuchovitsky’s method the metal surface energy is calculated. The energy has a positive value. The surface tension of certain metals is calculated and the results are compared with the experimental and theoretical values obtained by others. Also, certain inconsistencies in the paper by Brager and Schuchovitsky and in Semenchenko’s monograph are corrected.

S.A. Dymus
Angular Correlations in the Reaction \(\bar {p}+d\to K°+{\mit \Lambda }+3\pi \)
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 189 (1964)

abstract The angular correlations for the reaction \(\bar {p}+d\to K°+\mit {\Lambda }+3\pi \) have been calculated by the method proposed in [3]. It has been assumed that in the initial state only \(S_{1/2}\) and \(S_{3/2}\) waves occur (the case of slow antiprotons), and that the three pions in the final state are in the resonant state \(\omega \).

T. Bedyńska, J. Chmielewska
Investigation of Dislocation Density Tensor Components by the Method of the Spectrometer with Oscillating Film
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 199 (1964)

abstract The dependence of the shape and halfwidth of the surface element distribution function \(f(x)\) on the distribution and density of dislocations is discussed. According to the ratio of the linear dimensions of the crystal region investigated, the function \(f(x)\) is found to depend on two or four parameters. If \(f(x)\) is a two-parameter function, the dislocation distribution model can be determined and the dislocation density found. If \(f(x)\) is a four-parameter function, it is not possible to find the dislocation distribution model. The dislocation density can then be evaluated on assuming such a model.

M. Jeżewski, T. Piech, S. Glücksman
Double Thermal Hysteresis Loop of the Permittivity in BaTiO3 Ceramics
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 211 (1964)

abstract The permittivity of barium titanate ceramics was measured in the neighbourhood of the intermediate transition point at increasing and decreasing temperatures, revealing marked thermal hysteresis. Aged specimens yielded a double loop; a biasing electrostatic field applied to the specimen did not affect a shape of the loop. Young samples yielded a single loop; here, however, the latter becomes double when such a field is applied to the sample.

H. Stachowiak
On Certain Boundary Problems in the Theory of Galvanomagnetic Processes in High Magnnetic Fields
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 217 (1964)

abstract In a polyerystalline metallic sample immersed in a high magnetic field the conductivity tensors of different crystallites differ greatly if open electronic orbits are possible. Hence the calculation of the effective conductivity tensor of the sample is very difficult. Previous to considering this problem it would be useful to know the effect of a sphere (as simplified shape of a crystallite) with given conductivity tensor, on an electric current homogeneous at a large distance from the sphere. The boundary problem associated with this question is solved in the paper, with the following conductivity tensors …

J. Petykiewicz
The Diffracted Wave Near the Boundary of Shadow in the Case of an Incident Wave Fulfilling the Eiconal Equation
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 229 (1964)

abstract It is the aim of the present paper to derive a formula for the diffraction wave, valid at an arbitrarily situated observation point i. e. also for \(P\) in the neighbourhood of and on the very boundary of shadow. We restricted our considerations to the case of an incident wave of the form \(u(Q) = {\mit \Lambda }(Q) \mathrm {exp} [ik S(Q)]\) fulfilling the eiconal equation. The paper is intended to supplement the results of Miyamoto and Welf (1962), which provide the interpretation of diffraction phenomena for this class of waves from Young’s point of view. The formula proposed by Mivamots and Wolf remains valid for observation points \(P\) distant from the shadow boundary. The region immediately neighbouring on the latter is of importance both theoretically and practically, since it is here that the diffraction effects are the strongest. The paper brings a formula for the diffracted wave, remains valid which in this region.

J. Szaniecki
Spin Wave Theory for an Isotropic Cubic Ferrimagnetic
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 235 (1964)

abstract A new approach to the problem of a cubic ferrimagnetic consisting of two magnetic exchange-coupled sublattices with opposite spins is proposed. The Hamiltonian terms which cannot be diagonalized are investigated and shown to contribute to the low temperature magnetization a magnetic field-dependent constant term and a series of terms in \(T^{n/2}, n = 1, 2, 3, \dots \)

В.Н. Кащеев
К теории примесных ферромагнетиков I. Случаи низких температур
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 257 (1964)

abstract Методом температурных функций Грина рассмотрены термодинамические характеристики гайзенберговского ферромагнетика, содержащего на узлах основной решетки диамагнитные примеси с небольшой концентрацией (теория линейна по концентрации примесей). Получены также выражения для сечений упругого и одномагнонного рассеяния монохроматических нейтронов в таком кристалле. Все рассмотрение ведется в области температур, где справедлива теория спиновых волн.

В.Н. Кащеев
К теории примесных ферромагнетиков II. Намагниченность вблизи точки Кюри
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 271 (1964)

abstract Методом температурных функций Грина получена точка Кюри, а также температурный ход спонтанной намагниченности слева от нее для гайзенберговского ферромагнетика, содержащего на узлах решетки диамагнитные примеси с небольшой концентрацией. Введение примеси понижает температуру Кюри в 1—2с раз (вся теория линейна по концентрации примеси с), а спонтанная намагниченность в новой точке Кюри оказывается непрерывной и непрерывно дифференцируемой функцией температуры.

Э.Г. Бувелев
Применение конформного отображения плоскости лобачевского на евклидову полосу к кинематике релятивистских частиц
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 279 (1964)

abstract В работе рассмотрено конформное отображение плоскости в пространстве скоростей Лобачевского на евклидову полосу. Оно позволяет получить наглядную диаграмму скоростей релятивистских частиц, образующися в ядерных реакциях высокой энергии, С ее помощью легко выявлять характерные особенности кинематики этих реакций. Диаграмма скоростей и подвижная координатная сетка позволяют быстро решать различные задачи релятивистской кинематики. Рассмотрено несколько характерных примеров.

Fasc. 3–4, pages 309–872
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Luminescence; Toruń, September 1963

A. Jabłoński
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 309 (1964)


G. Herzberg
Electronic Transitions of Simple Polyatomic Molecules
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 311 (1964)

A. Kastler
Resultats recents obtenus par la méthode de pompage optique
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 311 (1964)

H.G. Kuhn
High Resolution Spectroscopy a Survey of Methods and Applications
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 315 (1964)

G. Porter
Studies of the Triplet State by Flash Photolysis
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 323 (1964)

H. Kallmann
The Elementary Processes in Excited ZnS Phosphors
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 325 (1964)

P.P. Feofilov
Luminescence of Tri- and Bivalent Ions of the Rare Earths in Crystals of Fluorite Type
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 331 (1964)


G.W. Series, W. Gough
A Determination of Lifetime and Hyperfine Structure in Thallium by Resonance Fluorescence
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 345 (1964)

J. Fiutak, M. Frąckowiak
The HgA Van der Waals Molecule
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 353 (1964)

T. Tietz
A Simple Potential Curve for Diatomic Molecules
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 353 (1964)

R. Williams, G.J. Goldsmith
Fluorescence of Naphthacene Vapour
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 353 (1964)


M. Bénarroche
Hydrogen-Like Series in Aromatic Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 355 (1964)

J.B. Birks
Excimer Fluorescence of Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 367 (1964)

J.B. Birks, M.D. Lumb, I.H. Munro
Temperature Studies of the Fluorescence of Pyrene Solutions
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 379 (1964)

A. Budó, I. Ketskeméty
On the Quantum Yield of Fluores- cent Solutions
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 385 (1964)

J. Grzywacz, R. Pohoski
The Phosphorescence of Plexigassphosphors in Liquid Air
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 393 (1964)

G.P. Gurinovich
Polarized Luminescence of Porphyrin
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 399 (1964)

H. Hartmann
Über Adsorptionsmischkristalle mit organischen Leuchtstoffen als Gastkomponenten
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 403 (1964)

H. Herrmann
Absorptionsmessungen an einem neuaufgefun- denen fluoreszenzfihigen organischen Farbstoff (Rubinin)
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 411 (1964)

B. Holmström
The Oxidation of Reduced Flavin Mono Nucleotide by Molecular Oxygen
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 419 (1964)

A. Jabłoński
Polarization of Fluorescence of Solutions
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 427 (1964)

Oster G. Kallmann
Fluorescence Quenching and Free Radical Formation
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 435 (1964)

S. Kosek, Z.P. Zagórski
On the Fluorescence Light Emitted by Aqueous Solutions in a Gamma Radiation Field
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 439 (1964)

M. Kryszewski
Remarks on Absorption Spectra and Fluorescence of Charge-Transfer Complexes of Polystyrene
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 443 (1964)

G. Laustriat, G. Pfeffer, H. Lami, A. Coche
Application de la technique du photoelectron unique a la determination des spectres d’emission et des constantes de temps des scintillateurs organiques
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 449 (1964)

V.L. Levshin
On the Migration of the Excitation Energy in Solutions and Accompanying Phenomena
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 455 (1964)

G. Löber, D. Ose
Fluorescence Investigation on Tautomeric Quinol-Quinone Equilibrium
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 469 (1964)

Mataga Noboru, Kawasaki Yoshikane, Torihashi Yoshikazu
Intermolecular Proton Transfer Reactions in Excited Hydrogen Bonded Complexes as Revealed by Fluorescence Spectral Measurements
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 477 (1964)

A.N. Nikitina, G.S. Ter-Sarkisjan, B.M. Mikhailov, L.E. Minchenkova
Fluorescence of Solution of Substituted Polyenes
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 483 (1964)

G. Oster, N. Geacintov, Th. Cassen
Phosphorescence of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Polymeric Matrices
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 489 (1964)

A. Schmillen, J. Kohlmannsperger
Luminescence Decay of Pyrene-, Dibenzyl- and Dibenzyl Tetracene-Crystals at Excitation with Electron Pulses and α-Particles
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 495 (1964)

W. Stolz
The Mechanism of Energy Transfer in Liquid Organic Scintillator Systems
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 501 (1964)

L. Szalay
On Self-Depolarization of Fluorescence of Solutions
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 511 (1964)

M. Burton, P.K. Ludwig, J.D. Alessio
Luminescence Decay Times in the Nanosecond Region Measured with an Improved Electronic Sampling Technique
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 517 (1964)

D. Frąckowiak
Yield of Fluorescence of Chlorophyll
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 517 (1964)

S. Leach, L. Grajcar
Fluorescence Spectra of C6H5CH2, C6H5CD2, C6D5CD2 Radicals in Glassy and Crystalline Solutions
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 518 (1964)

de La Garanderie H. Payen
On the Fluorescence of Manganese + Amines Complexes
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 518 (1964)

Z. Ruziewicz
Quasi-Linear Luminescence Spectra of Triphenylene Solutions at Low Temperatures
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 519 (1964)

W. Woźnicki
Investigation of Conjugated Molecules Important in Biochemistry
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 519 (1964)


V.V. Antonov-Romanovsky, L.A. Vinokurov, Fok M.V. And
The Role of the Stimulating Action of the Exciting Light in the Phosphorescence Phenomena
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 521 (1964)

G. Asti, Parravicini G. Pastori, A. Levialdi
Electroluminescence of ZnS in High Pulsed Magnetic Fields (300 kGauss)
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 531 (1964)

M. Bancie-Grillot, E. Grillot
Constitution des centres luminogenes cuivre dans le sulfure de zine
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 539 (1964)

M. Bancie-Grillot, E. Grillot
Sur les centres luminogenes responsables de Vemission verte du sulfure de cadmium pur a basses temperatures
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 547 (1964)

B.J. Berzin
The Kinetics of KJ-Tl Luminescence
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 551 (1964)

A. Bohun, J. Dolejsi
Influence of Irradiation on Luminescence and Electronic Emission of Alkali Chlorides with Copper
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 557 (1964)

P. Bräunlich, A. Scharmann
Thermoluminescence of Alkali-Halides
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 565 (1964)

Bruin S.H. De, J. Dieleman, Doorn C.Z. van
Structure of a Silver Centre in Zinc Sulphide
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 579 (1964)

J. Buhrow
Kriterium zur Koncentrationsabhangigkeit der Lumineszenz
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 589 (1964)

E.E. Bukke, Z.L. Morgenstern
The Output of Ruby Luminescence
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 593 (1964)

I. Chudáček
Formule approximative de l’intensité lumineuse de la piezoluminescence
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 599 (1964)

C.D. Clark, R.D. Cunningham
The Reorientation of M-Centres as Observed by Polarization of Luminescence in KCl
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 605 (1964)

D. Curie
Point Defects and Light Centers in Phosphorescent Sulphide Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 613 (1964)

G. Curie, L. Sutton
Studies on the Trap Depths in Mixed Crystals of Zinc-Cadmium Sulphides
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 621 (1964)

G. Diemer
Is the Injection Laser a Four-Level or a Three-Level Laser?
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 627 (1964)

R. Fieschi, R. Oggioni, P. Podini
Luminescence and Absorption Spectra of NaF Single Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 633 (1964)

R. Fieschi, E. Panizza, P. Scaramelli
Luminescence Spectra of Alkali Halide Powders
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 645 (1964)

H. Friedrich
Untersuchung der Temperaturabhängigkeit der Lumineszenz an der Grundbitterabsorptionskante von CdS-Einkristallen
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 655 (1964)

J. Joussot-Dubien, R. Lesclaux
Etude photomagnétique de la formation des ions du triphénylène dans l’acide borique
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 665 (1964)

H. Kallmann, Spruch G. Marmor, S. Trester
Unusual Photovoltages in Evaporated Layers of Germanium
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 671 (1964)

F. Karel, J. Pastrňák, L. Součková
Some Luminescent and Cathodoluminescent Properties of AIN
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 679 (1964)

J. Kubátová
On the Mechanism of Electroluminescence of ZnS-Cu Single Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 683 (1964)

E. Lendvay
Luminescence and Activation of Unfired ZnS-s
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 689 (1964)

K. Luchner, J. Dietl
Nuclear Resonance Absorption and Properties of the Luminescence of Fe57 in ZnS-Phosphors
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 697 (1964)

Ch. Lushchik, I. Jaek
Recombination Luminescence of Activated Ionic Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 703 (1964)

Ch. Lushchik, N. Lushchik
Regularities of Fluorescence in Activated Ionic Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 711 (1964)

R. Marshall
Electroluminescence in Quenched ZnS:Cu Phosphors
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 719 (1964)

C. Marti
Photoelectrolumenescence and Other Electroluminescence Effects in Some ZnS:Mn Powders
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 727 (1964)

G.O. Miiller, H. Weber
The Influence of Electric Fields on Cathodo-Luminescence Investigated on Monocrystals of CdS
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 737 (1964)

S. Nikitine, J. Ringeissen, M. Certier
Luminescence de CuCl aux basses températures
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 745 (1964)

H. Ortmann, R. Piwonka, G. Voigt
Zur Lumineszenz gefallter Zinksulfide
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 755 (1964)

P. Pinard, F. Davoine
The Cathodoluminescence of Alkali Halides Observed with a Scanning Electron Microscope
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 763 (1964)

K. Richter, M. Somogyi
Effect of After-Treatment on the Luminescence of Unfired ZnS Phosphors
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 775 (1964)

H. Röppischer, H. Winkler
Influence of Infrared Radiation on Roentgenoluminescence
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 779 (1964)

J. Schanda
On the Electroluminescent Brightness-Waves of ZnS Single Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 785 (1964)

K.K. Schwarz, E.D. Aluker, I.P. Mezina
On the Temperature Quenching of Radioluminescence of Some Thallium Activated Alkali Halides
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 795 (1964)

Shionoya Shigeo, Koda Takao, Era Koh, Fujiwara Hiroko
Nature of the Self-Activated Luminescence Center in ZnS Crystal
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 801 (1964)

L. Sodomka
Some Results on the Influence of Ball Milling on the Electroluminescence of Zinc Sulphide Powders
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 809 (1964)

M. Somogyi, K. Richter
Correlation between the Methods of Preparation and the Stoichiometry of ZnS
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 815 (1964)

P. Sviszt
On the Darkening of ZnS Single Crystals by Light.
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 823 (1964)

G. Szigeti
Some Remarks on the Electroluminescence of ZnS Monocrystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 829 (1964)

H. Treptow
Über die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Emissionsbanden von verschieden Aktiviertem Zinksulfid
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 837 (1964)

M.F. Trinkler
On Inner-Centre Fluorescence Kinetics in KCl:Pb Crystal Phosphor
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 845 (1964)

I.K. Vereshchagin
On Basic Dependences in Electroluminescence
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 849 (1964)

G. Voigt
Zur Thermolumineszenz von ZnS-Phosphoren in Spektraler Zerlegung
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 855 (1964)

A. Wrzesińska
Influence of Fast Neutrons on Luminescence of ZnS Single Crystals Grown in a Reducing Atmosphere
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 861 (1964)

M. Boni, P. Camagni
X-Ray Induced Luminescence in Alkali Halides
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 869 (1964)

J.Z. Damm, K. Łukaszewicz
Birefringence Induced by Light in Potassium Chloride Crystals Coloured by Ionizing Radiation
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 869 (1964)

J. Mattler, S. Vatin
Spectral Modification with Temperature, of the Electroluminescence of Copper or Manganese Activated Zinc Sulphides
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 870 (1964)

G. Monod-Herzen
Travaux du laboratoire de luminescence de Rennes (1959—1962)
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 871 (1964)

N. Riehl, R. Sizmann
Reversible Transformations of Luminescent Centers in Copper Activated ZnS-CdS Phosphors
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 871 (1964)

R. Tribiahn
Untersuchungen der paramagnetischen Elektronenresonanz an verschieden dotierten ZnS-Phosphoren
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 872 (1964)




Fasc. 5, pages 897–1027

Z. Dziuba
Preparation of High Purity HgTe
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 897 (1964)

abstract A method of preparation and annealing and some electrical properties of very pure HgTe are described. \(N\)-type HgTe with electron concentration \(3.5\times 10^{15}\) cm\(^{-3}\) at 4.2° K has been obtained. This material is intrinsic down to 20° K.

J. Głowacki
Influence of Solvent Structure on the Dimerization Process of Water Rhodamin Solution, I
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 905 (1964)

abstract The effect of the temperature, dye concentration and foreign neutral electrolyte salts admixture concentration on the development of the association process in aqueous solutions of rhodamin B, thodamin 6G and rhodamin 3B was investigated. The effects observed are interpreted on the basis of the structural properties of the aqueous solutions. An electrolyte admixture was found to produce two competing effects: changes in water structure, and salt effect.

J. Fiutak
On Pressure Broadening of Spectral Lines
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 919 (1964)

abstract A basic formula for the intensity distribution in light scattered by a gas is rederived by means of an optical theorem. This formula is then diagonalized and averaged. The connection between the pressure broadening problem on the one hand and the quantum damping theory and irreversibility theory on the other is stressed. The methods used in this paper are primarily an extension of the recently developed theory of pressure broadening proposed by Fano.

E. Klugmann, S. Klama
Temperature Dependence of the Paramagnetic Susceptibility of Ferrites with Three-lattice Structure
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 929 (1964)

abstract The theory of the magnetization and paramagnetic susceptibility of ferrites is extended to the case of three sub-lattices on the basis of the “energy centre of mass” method, leading to the formula \(\frac {1}{\chi }=\frac {T}{c}+\frac {1}{\chi _0}-\frac {\sigma }{T-\theta +\tau \, (T-\theta ')^{-1}}\) whose higher degree of agreement with the experimental data as compared with Nèel’s law is illustrated by the case of NiO\(\cdot \)Fe2O3 ferrite.

S. Czarnecki
An Attempt to Detect Optical Transitions \(S^1\)–\(T^0\) in Solid Solutions of Some Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 935 (1964)

abstract Naphtalene, two of its derivatives, and phenanthrene dissolved in solid methyl methacrylate polymer were investigated. Phosphors were obtained by polymerization. Fluorescence and fluorescence of long duration spectra were examined. The energy differences between the metastable level \(M\) and fluorescence level \(F\) for the compounds used were estimated. A device for recording changes in transmission of the order of 0.01 per cent was built. The existence of some, though very small probability of radiative transitions between \(S’\) and \(T\)° levels has been established.

F. Leś
Isotope Shifts and Hyperfine Structure in the Ultraviolet Lines of Cadmium
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 951 (1964)

abstract Investigation dealt with isotope shifts in the two ultraviolet lines of Cd II \(\lambda \) 3250 Å and \(\lambda \) 3535 Å for all stable cadmium isotopes as well as hyperfine splitting for the two odd isotopes 111 and 113. Enriched cadmium isotopes excited in a Schüler type hollow cathode discharge tube cooled with liquid nitrogen, and a Fabry–Pérot interferometer with metallic–dielectric mirrors were used for the measurements. The results were generally in accordance to within error with those of Kuhn and Ramsden for the line \(\lambda \) 4416 Å . Moreover, for four even isotopes, the isotope shifts in the resonance line Cd I \(\lambda \) 3261 Å were measured.

J. Plebański
The Algebraic Structure of the Tensor of Matter
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 963 (1964)

abstract The aim of this paper is to study the possible algebraic types of the tensor of matter under the minimal assumptions that the tensor is symmetric and that the \(V_3\) to which it is related is normal and hyperbolic. This study follows three fundamental lines: (a) the tensor of matter is considered as a matrix; (b) the object quadratic in that tensor with the symmetries of Weyl’s tensor is considered; and (c) the possible representations of that tensor as a superposition of three energy-momentum tensors with the algebraic structure characteristic of electrodynamics is discussed. Each line of study gives rise to specific classification of the possible algebraic types.

M. Jameel
Complementarity Between Regge Trajectories and Unitary Symmetry Schemes
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1021 (1964)

abstract A complementarity between the Regge trajectories and unitary symmetry schemes is brought into focus on the basis of a rather natural classification of particle quantum numbers.

J. Nikliborc, T. Radoń, J. Żebrowski
Investigation of Surface Diffusion of Germanium and Silicon on Tungsten
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1023 (1964)

Я.М. Чиквашвили
Общековариантные волновые уравнения
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1027 (1964)

Fasc. 6, pages 1033–1259

A. Gieroszyński, J. Mader, B. Sujak
Einfluss der Eloxaldeckschicht und der Luftfeuchte auf die Anfangsdehnung, bei der die photostimulierte Exoelektronenemission beim deformierten Aluminium Einsetzt
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1033 (1964)

abstract Der Einfluss der Eloxalbedeckung und der Luftfeuchte auf die Anfangsdehnung \(\epsilon _0\), bei deren Überschreitung die photostimulierte Exoelektronenemission hei plastischer Verformung einsetzt, wurde an Reinaluminiumproben mit Eloxalgrundschichten bis 240 m\(\mu \) Dicke untersucht. An Hand mikroskopischer Beobachtungen wurden die Oberflächenvorgänge während der Verformung verfolgt. Das Einsetzen der Exoelektronenemission ist wohl durch die Aufladung der Risswände erschwert ımd ist erst nach dem Überschreiten einer bestimmten Anfangsdehnung \(\epsilon _0\) möglich. Dieser Anfangsdehnung wurde ein Emissionsfähigkeitswert — durch das Verhältnis \(B/D\) (Rissbreite/Deckschichtsdicke) gegeben — zugeordnet. Die Anufangsdehnungen \(\epsilon _0\) steigen bei konstanter Luftfeuchte mit der Deckschichtsdicke. Die den \(\epsilon _0\)-Werten entsprechende Emissionsfähigkeitswerte sind dabei in den Messfehlergrenzen konstant. Ein Wachsen der Luftfeuchte wirkt sich wie eine Vergrösserung der Emissionsfähigkeit aus, was auf eine Neutralisierung der Risswandaufladung hinweisen könnte. Den Luftfeuchtewerten können Grenzwerte der Eloxalbedeckung zugeordnet werden, von denen ab keine messbare Exoelektronenemission vor dem Bruch der Probe einsetzt. Diese Grenzwerte steigen mit der Luftfeuchte.

H. Stephani
Die Struktur der Felder und der Bewegungsgleichungen von \(N\) geladenen, gravitierenden Massenpunkten in erster und zweiter Näherung
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1045 (1964)

abstract Die zur Berechnung der 1. und 2. Näherung des reinen Gravitationsfeldes entwickelten Methoden wurden vervollständigt und auf das gekoppelte Einstein–Maxwell-Feld angewandt. Die Anwendung der erhaltenen Formeln auf ein ruhendes Teilchen gibt genau die Schwarzschildmetrik bis zu Gliedern in \(\kappa ^2\).

B. Jachym
Effect of Temperature on the Natural and Induced Conduction of Liquid Cyclohexane
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1061 (1964)

abstract Measurements of the intrinsic and ionization currents in liquid cyclohexane (\(\sigma \sim 10^{-18}\)–\(10^{-19}~\Omega ^{-1}\)cm\(^{-1}\)) pointed to some divergence between the temperature-dependences of the respective conductivities. Intrinsic conductivity increases much more steeply with the temperature than ionization conductivity. Accordingly, the values of the activation energy differ amounting to about 0.4 eV and 0.15 eV, respectively. Moreover, the activation energy in either case was found to be a function of the electric field strength. The rise in activation energy with lower field strength \(E\) would seem to corroborate the hypothesis of I. Adamczewski according to whom in measuring currents one measures the mean activation energy of processes consisting in several (i.a. competing) mechanisms.

N.A. Chernikov
Equilibrium Distribution of the Relativistic Gas
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1069 (1964)

abstract The equilibrium distribution of the relativistic gas has been treated from the point of view of the kinetic equation. It is proved that in the relativistic case the general solution of the functional Boltzmann equation is the relativistic Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution. A general form of the gravitational field in which the global relativistic Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution is possible has been found. Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution in the special theory of relativity has been investigated. Some example have been considered: the rotating gas, gas in a stationary gravitational field, some particular cases of the distribution of gas consisting of particles with zero rest mass.

T. Rewaj
Effect of X-Ray Irradiation on Delayed Phenomena in Triglycine Sulfate Single Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1093 (1964)

abstract Measurements were made of the variations in dielectric permittivity accompanying the switching on and switching off of a DC external electric field polarizing a ferroelectric sample of monocrystalline triglycine sulfate ((NH2CH2COOH)3\(\cdot \)H2SO4). The measurements were carried out both in non-irradiated samples and subsequent to irradiation with X-rays of energy 50 keV during various periods of time. The maximum time of irradiation amounted to 8 hours, corresponding to a dose of about 10 Mr. The effect of irradiation is apparent primarily by a shift of the maximum absolute experimentally observed variation of \(\varepsilon \) towards higher values of the field strength polarizing the sample. This is most probably related with immobilization of the ferroelectric domains by the defects resulting from irradiation.

J. Bartkowska
Principal Points, Cardinal Axis and Focal Planes of Slightly Decentred Optical System
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1101 (1964)

abstract A slightly decentred optical system has a cardinal axis such that the incident ray does not change its direction. The principal points and foci lie on the cardinal axis. The images of planes parallel to the object focal plane are parallel to the image focal plane. The focal planes are in general neither parallel to one another nor perpendicular to the principal axis.

J.W. Moroń
Magnetic Investigation of Relaxation Effects in Silicon Steel
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1117 (1964)

abstract Disaccommodation and the temperature-dependence of the tangens of the angle of losses were investigated in several Fe–Si–C specimens. Between \(-\)50°C and \(+\)100°C two regions of disaccommodation were found; in each, the time decrease of permeability is related to more than one relaxation process. For Fe–Si–C(N) alloys, magnetic investigation is shown to yield essentially the same relaxation effects as measurement of internal friction. However, more than two relaxations with activation energies of the order of 25000 cal/g-atom were found. The simple Ferro–Montalenti model is shown to explain the presence of at least two relaxations due to silicon.

S. Kopta, H. Niewodniczański, B. Pudłowska
Coulomb Excitation of Rhodium Nucleus
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1133 (1964)

abstract C1031energy range from 0.90 MeV to 1.28 MeV accelerated in:the 48 cm cyclotron of the Cracow Institute of Nuclear Physics. The reduced transition probabilities were found to be \((0.42\pm 0.08)e^2b^2\) and \((0.18\pm 0.04)e^2b^2\) for the (\(360\pm 5\)) keV and (\(298\pm 5\)) keV level respectively. Cascade to crossover ratio was determined as \(0.20\pm 0.02\). The electrical octupole excitation of 40 keV isomeric state was not observed.

E. Kaczmarek
Anisotropy Corrections to the Valence Bands of Germanium and Silicon in a Magnetic Field
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1143 (1964)

abstract The energy levels of holes in germanium and silicon are considered in the case when the static magnetic field lies in the (110) plane. The calculations include anisotropy of the energy bands and non zero momentum component along the magnetic field. The shapes of the energy levels and the curvature effective masses of carriers are obtained.

W. Królikowski
Unitary Symmetry and \(\Delta T = \frac {1}{2}\) Rule
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1163 (1964)

abstract It is proven that the \(\Delta T=\frac {1}{2}\) rule of non-leptonic weak interactions follows from the unitary structure of baryons and mesons, if in the mixing of fields caused by weak interactions the indices \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) of the \(3\times 3\) matrices describing baryons and mesons mix separately in the first order.

K. Zalewski
Remark on the Two-centre Model in the Accelerator Energy Range
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1169 (1964)

abstract The intermediate state amplitude is assumed in the form \(\sum \limits ^{L}_{l-0}a_lP_l(\cos \theta \)), where \(\theta \) is the centre of mass scattering angle. The maximum of (\(\cos \theta )_\mathrm {average}\) is found as a function of \(L\).

Э. Капусцик, Э. Обрык
О электромагнитных свойствах барионов в модели унитарной симметрии
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1175 (1964)

abstract В работе рассматривается возможность существования соотношений между однобарионными матричными элементами оператора электромагнитного тока на основе модели унитарной симметрии; обсуждается физический смысл соотношений, ранее установленных в рамках специальных предположений.

W. Hanus
“Post-Pauli Approximation” and its Statistical Interpretation
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1181 (1964)

abstract The generalized Pauli formalism uniformly treating relativistic corrections of the first and second orders has been deduced from the Dirac theory (without using the Foldy–Wouthuysen transformation). The necessary hermitization of the Hamiltonian has been performed by recurring to physical arguments leading to a unique form of the correct wave equation. The statistical interpretation of this equation is given. This appears possible on omission of some terms resulting from the Dirac expressions for the charge and current densities. The omitted terms fulfil separately the continuity equation and yield no contribution to the total charge; their physical meaning is discussed.

H. Meyer, K. Meyer
Exoelektronenemission anodisch oxidierter Aluminiumoberflachen
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1197 (1964)

abstract Die Exo-Elektronenemission eloxierter Aluminiumproben wird mit einer einfachen Elektrometer-Anordnung nachgewiesen, wobei es möglich ist, die Änderung äußerer Bedingungen auf den Emissionsvorgang quantitativ zu erfassen. Frisch eloxierte Proben zeigen die höchsten Beträge der Emission, die nach einer logarithmischen Funktion zeitlich abklingt. Der Betrag der Emission wird dabei wesentlich durch den Gasdruck in der umgebenden Atmosphäre beeinflußt. Die Bestrahlung mit sichtbarem Licht äußert sich in einer zusätzlichen Emission und führt zu charakteristischen Maxima in der normalen Abklingkurve. Damit ist es möglich, den Emissionsvorgang genügend dicker Eloxalschichten unter definierten äußeren Bedingungen mit einer einfachen Elektrometeranordnung messend zu verfolgen, ohne eine komplizierte elektronische Meßanordnung verwenden zu müssen.

W. Żdanowicz, B. Trumpowski
Thermoelectric Properties of Cd3-xZnxAs2-type Solid Solutions
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1205 (1964)

abstract Measurements of the thermoelectric power of the three-component pseudobinary phase system Cd3As2\(\cdot \)Zn3As2, have been carried out in the temperature range 100 to 700°K. It is found that at \(T=100\)°K the Cd3-xZnxAs2 samples for \(0\leq x\leq 1.35\) are always of \(n\)-type, whereas for \(1.5\leq x\leq 3\) they are always of \(p\)-type. The value of the thermoelectric power for \(n\)-type samples at 300°K changed from \(\alpha = -60 \mu \)V/°C (Cd3As2) to\(\alpha = —400 \mu \)V/°C for Cd1.35Zn1.65As2. For the \(p\)-type samples \(\alpha = 500\)–\(700 \mu \)V/°C. Fermi levels and the effective mass of electrons and holes are calculated for the samples investigated.

W. Ziętek
Microscopic Theory of Ferroelectric Domain Structures
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1211 (1964)

abstract A general microscopic theory of domain structures in ferroelectric single crystals is proposed, the distribution of the vector polarisation in the specimen being described by means of rotations and elongations of the elementary electric dipoles. The classical Hamiltonian is expressed in terms of products of the elementary polarization vectors. The equilibrium distribution is given by a general variational principle that may easily be specified and considerably simplified in practical applications. Though, in general, the coupling tensors may be chosen quite arbitrarily, in the present paper the method is demonstrated by assuming dipolar and quadrupolar interactions. As an example, two types of periodic domain structures are considered under the assumption that the elementary dipoles themselves are arranged into a simple cubic lattice, the interactions being restricted to the nearest neighbourhood. In the extreme cases when either rotation or elongation only occurs the specialized Euler–Lagrange equations may easily be solved and effective formulae for the energy of the crystal, the domain widths and for the thickness and energy of the walls between adjacent domains can be derived. Notwithstanding all the simplifications reasonable order of magnitude agreement with experimental data is found although various approximations have to be made to obtain quantitative results. In addition, it is shown briefly (see Appendixes) that such factors as lattice deformations, influence of farther neighbours, external electric field and electric charges on the surface of the crystal may be handled by the given method as well.

A. Bielski, J. Strzelewicz
Breakdown Probability in Linear Xenon Flash Lamps
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1247 (1964)

J. Terlecki, J. Sułocki, I. Poliwko
Purification of Cyclohexane by Zone Melting
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1251 (1964)

Я. Грабовски
К вопросу о дезинтеграции Li6
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1255 (1964)

J. Nowakowski
Some Remarks on the Diamagnetic Anisotropy of Ferrocene
Acta Phys. Pol. 26, 1259 (1964)

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