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Acta Physica Polonica (1932 – 1969)

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Vol. XXIX (1966)

Fasc. 1, pages 3–83

J. Litwin, L. Tomaszewski, J. Auleytner
Investigation of the Real Structure of CdSe Single Crystals Deformed by Uniaxial Pressure
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 3 (1966)

abstract Results on the real structure of CdSe single crystals uniaxially deformed are reported. Pressures ranged from 0 to 600 kG/cm\(^2\). A three-crystal spectrometer was used. From 200 to 600 kG/cm\(^2\), irreversible plastic deformations were found. Analysis of the rocking curves as obtained with the spectrometer permitted to calculate the dislocation density in the CdSe specimens previous and subsequent to applying pressure, yielding an increase by a factor of several at pressures between 200 and 600 kG/cm\(^2\).

M. Rogalski
Total Cross-section for Detachment of an Electron by Impact from \(H^-\) in Its Ground State
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 15 (1966)

abstract Analytical formulas are derived for the scattering amplitudes as well as the cross-section for detachment of electrons from \(H^-\) by electron impact. The Born–Oppenheimer approximation is used. Graphs and a Table are given.

B. Jachym
Ion Mobility in Higher Saturated Hydrocarbons
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 21 (1966)

abstract The mobility of ions produced by X-rays in liquid n-dodecane, \(n\)-tetradecane and \(n\)-hexadecane was investigated. The activation energy for the processes involved was determined from the temperature-dependence of the ion mobility and viscosity. The results are compared with Walden’s law as derived from Eyring’s theory and as similarly expressed by I. Adamczewski for liquid normal hydrocarbons. For the liquids investigated, because of the different activation energies from ion mobility and viscosity, Walden’s law as expressed by S. Glasstone, K. Laidler and H. Eyring in terms of the charge e and the distance between two neighbouring equilibrium positions of the ion \(\lambda (u \cdot \eta =e/\lambda ={\mathrm {const}})\) has to be slightly modified to take account of that divergence. On the other hand, I. Adamczewski’s expression, which gives a qualitatively correct description of the present experimental results, yields agreement in numerical values only with regard to positive ions.

T. Bedyńska, E. Glińska
Determination of the Density of Dislocations Described by the Screw Components of the Dislocation Density Tensor
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 29 (1966)

abstract The density of dislocations accounted for by the screw components of the dislocation density tensor in plastically deformed germanium is determined, recurring to an X-ray spectrograph with oscillating film and the half-width of the surface element distribution function, as well as to an analysis of the shape of the Fourier transform of the latter.

Z.M. Jastrzębski
Hall Coefficient and Conductivity Measurements of Cadmium Oxide in Terms of Sintering Temperature
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 37 (1966)

abstract In order to explain the divergences in the results obtained by various authors, and to find out the dependence of concentration of atomic defects on the sintering temperature, the Hall coefficient and the conductivity compressed and sintered samples of CdO were measured in room temperature. The samples have been sintered in the air of various temperatures and then rapidly cooled up to room temperature. A marked dependence of electron concentration upon the sintering temperature above 550°K has been observed. This complex dependence has been attributed to processes of oxidation and reduction taking place on the crystallites surface and changing the concentration of atomic defects inside the crystallites.

M. Jachimowski, E. Leja
Circuit for Automatic Tempeature Control in Devices of Low Thermal Capacity
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 43 (1966)

abstract A circuit for continuous temperature control in thermal laboratory devices is proposed, applying a tyratron supply with heating element in the anodic circuit. Stabilization of the order of 0.01°C is achieved by using a closed loop system with termocouple measuring unit and error detector in the form of a photoconductive cell in the phase-shift circuits of the tyratron.

J. Małecki
Dielectric Polarization and Saturation for Hydrogen Bonding Liquid Systems — Extension of Onsager’s Theory
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 45 (1966)

abstract A method is proposed for calculating the molar dipole polarization and molar dielectric saturation constant in associating liquids from experimental results obtained for mixtures of such liquids with a dipolar, active solvent whose molecules can form complexes with multimers of the substance investigated. The constants then yield directly the numerical values of the correlation factors of polarization and dielectric saturation. Also, relations are derived between dipole moments of multimers and complexes and their concentrations, on the one hand, and the foregoing molar constants on the other. Onsager’s model of internal field is applied throughout. In connection with a previously published method of determining concentrations of multimers and complexes, a procedure of consecutive approximations is present for obtaining accurate information on complexation processes in liquids.

J. Hevesi, L. Kozma, L. Szalay
On Temperature Dependence of the Connections Between Absorption and Emission Spectra in Luminescent Solutions
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 57 (1966)

abstract Stepanov’s relation and its modified form concerning the connection of absorption and emission spectra proved to be valid for solutions of luminescent dyestuffs in the temperature range 262 to 358°K. In the ethanol and glycerol solutions investigated the activation energy of the interaction of the solvent and solute molecules was estimated to 2.5–3.2 kcal/mole from the temperature dependence of the spectra.

S. Michalak, J. Rutkowski
Experimental Investigations of Optical Transition Radiation from 6–23 keV Electrons Entering Normally Metal Surfaces
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 65 (1966)

abstract The paper relates the results of experimental study of transition radiation originating on the surfaces of metal targets (Ag, Al, Au, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni Pt, Sn) bombarded with electrons of the 6–23 keV energy. The characteristics of transition radiation have been measured and the results compared with the Frank–Ginsburg theory. Good agreement with the theory has been found on principle.

A. Kawski, B. Pasztor, H. Wardziński
Versuche über die Abhängigkeit der Intensitätsverteilung der Fluoreszenzspektra flüssiger Lösungen von der erregenden Wellenlänge
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 71 (1966)

abstract Die Fluoreszenzspektren von 9, 10 Diphenylanthracen (DPA), 4,4’ Diphenylstilben (DPS), 2,5-Di(4-biphenylil)oxasol (BBO) und 2-(1-naphthyl)-5-phenyloxasol (\(\alpha \)-NPO) in vier verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln (Benzol, Styrol, Chloroform und Aceton) bei zwei verschiedenen Erregungswellenlängen 313 und 365 m\(\mu \) wurden gemessen. In meisten Fällen wurde beobachtet, dass die Intensitätsverteilung der Fluoreszenzspektra von der erregenden Welle unabhängig ist. Nur für DPS in Chloroform und Aceton und für \(\alpha \)-NPO in Benzol und Styrol wurde eine Feinabhängigkeit der Fluoreszenzintensitätsverteilung von der Erregungswellenlänge festgestellt. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse wurden mit Hilfe der Theorie der Fluoreszenz von Jabłoński erklärt.

J. Pietrzak
Proton Magnetic Resonance Study of the Structure of Alum Single Crystal
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 83 (1966)

abstract The proton magnetic resonance absorption spectra of a \(\mathrm {KAl}(\mathrm {SO}_4)_2 \cdot 12\mathrm {H}_2\mathrm {O}\) single crystal were obtained at temperatures ranging from 20° to \(-\)140°C. The results indicate that there are nine different \(p\)–\(p\) directions in the crystal. Of these, three reveal a \(p\)–\(p\) distance of \(1.59 \pm 0.02\) Å relating to water molecules coordinated with an \(\mathrm {Al}^{3+}\) ion. The remaining six related with water molecules coordinated with the K\(^+\) ion have a \(p\)–\(p\) distance of \(1.53\pm 0.01\) Å. These values contain the correction for thermal motions of the water molecules. From the data obtained and from the known crystal structure, the positions of the hydrogen atoms in the crystal lattice of aluminium–potassium alum were determined.

Fasc. 2, pages 97–255

J. Wesołowski, M. Szuszkiewicz, S. Szuszkiewicz
Effect of Ordering on the Angular Distribution of Annihilation Quanta from \(p\)-Azoxyanisol
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 97 (1966)

abstract The angular distribution of photons from two-quantum annihilation of an electron–positron pair in \(p\)-azoxyanisol is measured. The compound is a “liquid crystal’’ wherein distinct phases with a high degree of ordering arise in certain temperature intervals. \(p\)-azoxyanisol presents one such phase, known as nematic. The angular distribution in the nematic phase was studied at two different temperatures, and in the normal-liquid phase at one. The results point to an angular distribution of annihilation quanta dependent on the degree of ordering of the molecules in the various phases.

J. Malcher, A. Sycińska, A. Szaynok
Influence of Contact with Several Materials on CdTe Dust Electrification
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 103 (1966)

abstract Electrification measurements of CdTe dust produced in an agate, porcelain and metal mortar revealed a distinct influence of contact with other materials on the dust cloud charge. The electrification of the dust produced in the metal mortar is the smallest. Contact of the dust with metal facilitates the recombination of charges produced in the process of crushing the material. Electrification of the dust crushed in the agate mortar is the greatest. Contact of the dust particles with agate, a material of high specific resistance involves an increase in electrification. CdTe dust crushed in a porcelain mortar with a rough surface exhibits intermediate electrification. The dust particles adhere to the rough surface of the mortar and further contact of dust particles with porcelain is almost completely eliminated. Multiple contact of the particles with one another leads to partial charge recombination.

C. Sułkowski, J. Mazur
Superconducting Properties of Impure Tantalum
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 107 (1966)

abstract The variation of the superconducting properties of tantalum with impurity concentration has been investigated. The measure of purity has been determined from the ratio \(R_{300^\circ {\mathrm {K}}}/R_{4.2^\circ {\mathrm {K}}}\), with varied from 8 to 66. It has been found that the transition temperature, the critical current, and especially the critical magnetic field depend on impurity concentration. The possibility of the transition of the most impure tantalum into the second kind of superconductors has been pointed out.

K.F. Wojciechowski
The Quantum Theory of Adsorption on Metals I
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 119 (1966)

abstract The one-electron theory of adsorption on metals is formulated on the basis of the LCAO method. For the description of electrons in metal functions which obey periodic boundary conditions in the \(x\) and \(y\) directions and are fixed at the metal surface are used. The electronic configurations leading to dispersional, exchange, and ionic configurations are considered for alkaline atoms, Sr and Ba atoms. Also the atomic structure of the metal surface is taken into account. In the present part I the formalism of the theory is given, part II will contain the numerical results for adsorption of chosen atoms on the planes (100) and (110) of Ca and W.

M. Miąsek
The Symmetrized Plane Waves for White Tin Structure
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 141 (1966)

abstract In most of the band structure calculations it is necessary to know the symmetrized plane waves transforming according to irreducible representations of the space group of a crystal. The symmetrized plane wave is an appropriate linear combination of single plane waves. In this work tables are prepared from which we can construct all the symmetrized plane waves for white tin structure for all symmetry points, lines, and planes in Brillouin zone. The tables give the single plane waves occurring in an inquired symmetrized plane wave and the values of coefficients standing by these single plane waves.

A. Fuliński
Scattering of Slow Neutrons and Non-equilibrium Properties of Many-body Systems
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 163 (1966)

abstract The properties of scattering function for systems not in a thermodynamical equilibrium have been discussed, and those non-equilibrium properties which can be determined by scattering experiment have here been sought. It is found, among other results, that the scattering of slow neutrons could give the answer to the question if the so-called local equilibrium hypothesis is fulfilled. The non-equilibrium one-particle distribution functions \(\langle N(p)\rangle \) can also be determined from neutron scattering data

A. Kawski, W. Kołakowski
Über die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Absorptions- und Fluoreszenzspektren von 4-Aminophthalimid
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 177 (1966)

abstract Es werden die Absorptions- und Fluoreszenzspektren von 4-Aminophthalimid in Äthylazetat und iso-Aminol bei verschiedenen Temperaturen (20–200°C) gemessen. Die beobachteten Verschiebungen der Absorptions- und Fluoreszenzmaxima mit der Temperatur, werden mit Hilfe der Theorie des Einflusses von verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln auf die Elektronenspektren der fluoreszierender Moleküle, erklärt.

A. Kawski, B. Pasztor
Elektrische Dipolmomente von \(N\)-Phenyl-\(\alpha \)-naphthylamin im Grund- und Anregungszustand
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 187 (1966)

abstract Es wurden die Absorptions- und Fluoreszeznzspektren von \(N\)-Phenyl-\(\alpha \)-naphthylamin (\(N\)-\(\alpha \)-Naphthyl-anilin) in verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln bei Zimmertemperatur gemessen. Aus dem Einfluss der Orientierungspolarisation des Lösungsmittels auf die Elektronenspektren von \(N\)-Phenyl-\(\alpha \)-naphthylamin, wurden die elektrische Dipolmomente im Grund- und Anregungszustand \(\mu _g=1,5\) Debye und \(\mu _e=5,2\) Debye bestimmt. Die erhaltene Dipolmomente für \(N\)-Phenyl-\(\alpha \)-naphthylamin weichen von den Dipolmomenten für \(\alpha \)-Naphthylamin nicht wesentlich ab. Also der Einfluss der Phenylgruppe bewirkt praktisch keine wesentliche Vergrösserung der Dipolmomente.

A. Gołębiewski, J. Nowakowski, H. Kowalski
Anisotropy of Diamagnetic Susceptibility of Alternant Hydrocarbons a New Technique of Calculation and Its Application to the SC LCAO MO Method
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 195 (1966)

abstract We develop a new technique of calculation of the \(\pi \)-electronic contribution to the diamagnetic susceptibility of conjugated and aromatic alternant hydrocarbons. The method is based on the London approximation. Using this technique we calculate the anisotropy of the susceptibility of some aromatic hydrocarbons within the framework of the SC LCAO MO method.

A. Fuliński
Scattering of Slow Neutrons in External Fields
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 205 (1966)

abstract The scattering of slow neutrons by many-body systems in the presence of an external dynamical fields is given in terms of Van Hove’s scattering functions, and on the basis of the Kubo theory. It is found, among other results that the incoherent scattering function is related with non-equilibrium one-particle distributions \(\langle N(p)\rangle \) only when the external field operator fulfils some rather restrictive conditions, in spite to “free” systems (without external fields) where such a relation exists always. As an example, the influence on the scattering of the acoustical field is discussed. It is found that an acoustical field applied to the scattering sample causes a smoothing down and broadening of the energy distribution of scattered neutrons, which could perhaps be of some importance for the cooling down of neutrons.

B. Wysłocki, W. Ziętek
Selective Powder-pattern Observations of Complex Ferromagnetic Domain Structures
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 223 (1966)

abstract As shown by one of us (B.W.) in a former paper, the exceedingly complicated powder patterns usually observed on basal surfaces of large uniaxial ferromagnetic monocrystals can suitably be simplified by covering the crystal surface with a thin plastic coat and only then performing the observations by means of the well-known colloid technique. This procedure is used in the present paper when investigating the regular honeycomb-like remanent domain structures of large cobalt single-crystals, the sample being a rectangular block and having the dimensjons 12 mm, 8 mm and 7 mm in the crystallographic directions [0001], [01\(\bar {1}\)0] and [2\(\bar {1}\bar {1}\)0], respectively. To emphasize the advantage of the new method, powder patterns obtained on the plastic coat are compared with the corresponding ones observed on the crystal surface. It is shown that due to the plastic coat both the shape and size of the principal internal domains can be determined quite well without having to reveal the internal structure by applying an external magnetic field, as frequently used to be done. Furthermore, by examining the influence of a uniform external field on the domain structure it is shown to what an extent even a weak magnetic field modifies the field-free structure, and by measuring the beginning parts of the original magnetization curves new evidence of the shape-dependence of Rayleigh-hysteresis-loops on the domain structure is given. Finally, to explain the interpretation of the powder patterns and thus justify the proposed models the mechanism of formation of powder patterns is briefly reviewed, with emphasis on effects often ignored and some critical remarks related to other papers.

A. Białas-Zabawa, F. Piecha, E. Skulska, D. Stręk, P. Szewczyk, Z. Wałach
Strength Relations of Spectral Lines in CuI, AgI, and AuI Doublets
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 241 (1966)

abstract The strength relations of lines for doublets from the principal, sharp, and diffuse series for atoms or ions that have a single electron moving in the central field on an external orbit are determined by the formulae derived by Fremi [2] and Hanus [3].

W. Hanus
On Two Different Physical Interpretations Possible for the Dirac Electron Theory
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 245 (1966)

abstract The representation introduced by Foldy and Wouthuysen (1950) has given insight into some, previously not well explained aspects of the Dirac theory. A large number of publications discussing mathematical properties and different applications of this representation has appeared in the last years ...

A. Staruszkiewicz
Relativistic Transformation of Thermodynamical Quantities
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 249 (1966)

abstract The generally accepted relativistic transformation laws of thermodynamical quantities are shown to be valid in contradiction to recent suggestions that the energy of the black body radiation transforms like the fourth component of a vector.

J. Haduch
Expression for the Periode of Vibrations of Anharmonic Symmetric Oscillator
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 253 (1966)

abstract For an anharmonic symmetric oscillator we will use the potential function \(V(x)\) under the form ...

K. Zalewski
A Restriction on Models of Very High Energy Scattering
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 255 (1966)

abstract It was found that a variety of models yields unitary \(S\) matrices corresponding to plausible assumptions about inelastic scattering and to an elastic differential cross-section of the right shape ...

Fasc. 3, pages 261–425

C. Kozłowski, W. Ziętek
On the Stability of Certain Models of Regular Domain Structures of Uniaxial Ferromagnets
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 261 (1966)

abstract Employing the well-known phenomenological approach, four types of regular domain structures known to exist in uniaxial ferromagnetic single-crystals are studied, namely, the plate-like Landau–Lifshitz structure, the layer-like domain structure with zigzag Bloch walls, and the simple and complex honeycomb structures. By way of minimizing the energy of those structures with respect to suitably chosen parameters, the geometrical features of the structures are determined, the minimum energy calculated, and the stability conditions examined. All except the complex-honeycomb structure are found to he stable, for arbitrary thickness of the crystal in the magnetically preferred direction, and hence the suggestion is made that the hexagonal domains of the complex-honeycomb structure may correspond to very long, dagger-like closure-domains (spikes), rather than to rod-like internal domains penetrating through the crystal.

A. Gieroszyński, B. Sujak
Spectral Investigations of Photostimulated Emission of (Exo)Electrons in Vacuum from Plastically Deformed Aluminium Covered with Oxide Layer. Part I. Initial Deformation \(\varepsilon _0\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 275 (1966)

abstract It has been found that the initial deformation value \(\varepsilon _0\) depends not only on the parameters investigated in previous papers i.e. oxide layer thickness \(D\), light intensity \(I\), accelerating field strength \(E\) and air humidity \(F\) (studies in air atmosphere) but also on the wavelength of the light stimulating the emission of (exo)electrons. While increasing the wavelength of the light stimulating the emission it is necessary to deform the sample to a higher degree. For the wavelength \(\lambda =5250\) Å the emission of (exo)electrons occurs only after complete failure of the sample. Systematic studies of the influence of the oxide layer thickness \(D\), light intensity \(I\) and accelerating field strength \(E\) on the initial deformation \(\varepsilon _0\) have been carried out for both white, and monochromatic light at various combinations of \(D\), \(I\), \(E\) and \(\lambda \). The results of spectral investigations of the emission of (exo)electrons from plastically deformed aluminium confirm the assumption of a model of an electrified fissure in the oxide layer covering the sample which was presented in a previous paper.

Б.Н. Калинкин, Я. Грабовский
О матричных элементах для неупругого рассвяния тяжелых частиц. I
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 283 (1966)

abstract Проведен анализ структуры матричных элементов неупругого рассеяния тяжелых частиц (при \(E\gt V_B\)). Показано, что используя квазиклассическое приближение можно сильно упростить их вычисление. Выяснена роль искажений вносимых ядерными силами и дана их оценка.

Я. Грабовский, Б.Н. Калинкин
О матричных элементах для неупругого рассеяния тяжелых частиц. II
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 297 (1966)

abstract Рассмотрено орбитальное представление матричных элементов неупругого рассеяния тяжелых частиц (\(E\gt V_B\)). Выводы статьи I обобщаются на случай учета потери энергии и отличных от нуля проекций передаваемого момента.

A. Grohman, Ł. Wojda
Environment Temperature Influence on the Operation of a Bayard–Alpert Gauge
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 303 (1966)

abstract It is found that, by lowering the temperature of the environment, one can increase the pumping speed of a Bayard–Alpert (B–A) gauge and thus improve the ultimate vacuum. At liquid air temperature, the pumping speed is many times higher than at room temperature, the ultimate pressure being smaller by two orders of magnitude, and a further increase of pumping speed is observed when passing to liquid helium temperature. The B–A gauge while operating continually uses up 200 cm\(^3\) liquid air per hour. It is pointed out that the use of B–A gauge operating at liquid air temperature is most suitable when having to produce an ultrahigh vacuum within a relatively small volume, e.g. , in tube glass of field emission microscopes.

J. Dąbrowski, M.Y.M. Hassan
Hard Core Nucleon System with Neutron Excess
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 309 (1966)

abstract The known expansion of the ground state energy of a system of hard core fermions in powers of \(k_Fc\) (\(k_F =\) Fermi momentum, \(c =\) hard core radius) is extended to include the case of nuclear matter with a neutron excess and the case of one kind of fermions (e.g. liquid \(\mathrm {He}^3\)) with a “spin up excess”. The calculation includes terms quadratic in \(k_Fc\). Expressions for the nuclear symmetry energy and the spin symmetry energy are given. An approximation applied earlier by Brueckner et al. in computing both of these quantities is discussed.

J.M. Konarski
Energy Levels for Dimers. I. Weak Coupling Limit
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 325 (1966)

abstract The equation for energy levels in the approximation neglecting the linear part of the potential is discussed; the difference in the force constant in the ground and excited stats is taken into account. The equation for the width of spectrum and the centre of gravity is derived.

A. Fuliński, M. Sukiennik
Some Theorem Concerning the Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 335 (1966)

abstract It is proved within the frame ot the thermodynamics of irreversible processes that the existence of a linear homogeneous relation between the thermodynamical fluxes \(J_i\) implies a linear homogeneous relation between the thermodynamical forces \(X_i\), and vice versa, i.e. , that the number of such relations between \(J_i\) must be equal to that between \(X_i\). Some consequences of this theorem are discussed.

J. Rzewuski
The Probability Functional in Scattering Processes
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 341 (1966)

abstract The generating functional for the scattering probabilities is introduced together with its off mass shell generalization. The consequences which follow for this functional from the causality assumption for the transition amplitudes are studied in some detail. In particular it is shown that the generating functional for the probabilities may be represented by a similar functional integral as the generating functional for the amplitudes although with a modified, nonlocal interaction. The probabilities on the mass shell are given already by the first term in the functional power series expansion of this functional which reduces the whole scattering problem to the calculation of a vacuum polarization term. The functional differential equations for the probability functional are derived and discussed in some detail.

J. Rzewuski
Remark on the Causality Condition in Momentum Space
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 355 (1966)

abstract The causality condition for the generating functional for the off mass shell scattering amplitudes is transformed into momentum space. It is investigated to what extent the high energy asymptotics for this generating functional determines the solution of the causality equation.

T. Musierowicz
Low-temperature Behaviour of a Heisenberg Ferromagnet
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 363 (1966)

abstract The perturbation method is applied to the Green functions theory of the Heisenberg ferromagnet. A formalism for calculating all thermodynamic functions of the system is developed and applied to the investigation of its magnetization. As a result, Dyson’s magnetization formula is rederived strictly. The Green functions of a given, \(n^{\mathrm {th}}\) order are related in a simple way to the interaction of \(n\) spin waves, and the analysis of the thermodynamic properties of the Heisenberg model is reduced to the eigenproblem of its Hamiltonian. All calculations are carried out in the “physical” space of spin deviations states, which causes spin kinematics of the model to be fulfilled.

D. Kramer, H. Stephani
Bispinorfelder im Riemannschen Raum
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 379 (1966)

abstract Der dargestellte Bispinorformalismus ist kovariant gegenüber beliebigen Ähnlichkeitstransformationen. Mit den Diracschen Matrizen \(\gamma _\mu \) als Grundgrössen werden die metrischen Feld Gleichungen aus einem Variationsprinzip hergeleitet. Aus der Invarianz der Lagrangefunktion gegen Ähnlichkeitstransformationen folgen ausser der Kontinuitätsgleichung keine anderen Erhaltungssätze; es besteht eine Identität zwischen den Lagrangeschen Ausdrücken, so dass sich die metrischen Feldgleichungen auf die Einsteinschen Gleichungen reduzieren.

F. Soška
Zusätzliche Bedingungen für die Komponenten der elastischen Konstanten von Quarz nach der Lavalschen Theorie
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 387 (1966)

abstract Im Artikel werden die zusätzlichen Bedingungen für die Komponenten der elastischen Konstanten von Quarz gefunden, wenn man die Gültigkeit der Lavalschen Theorie voraussetzt.

T. Kopiczyński, W. Mościcki, H. Renk
\(\mathrm {CO}_2+\mathrm {C}_6\mathrm {H}_{14}\) G.M. Counter
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 393 (1966)

abstract The mixture of \(\mathrm {CO_2+C_6 H_{14}}\) (hexane) was tested as a gas for G.M. counter designed for natural 14C-measurements. It was found that this mixture gives a very good results. For the counters filled, to the total pressure between 100 and 700 mmHg the best results were obtained with admixture of 1.5% of hexane. The search was made for delay pulses. There were no delayed pulses in the time interval between 0.05 to 04. msec. The efficiency of the counter was estimated to be about 99%.

R. Błaszczyszyn, M. Maślankówna, R. Męclewski, J. Nikliborc
Adsorption of Potassium on Tungsten
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 403 (1966)

abstract The adsorption of potassium on tungsten have been investigated by means of a field electron microscope in vacuum of 10-10 Tr. During the deposition of potassium by means of atomic beams the emitter was at somewhat higher temperature (\(\sim 80\)°C) ...

T. Goworek, Z. Skorzyński, J. Wawryszczuk
Gamma Gamma Directional Correlations in \(\mathrm {Sm}^{145}\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 407 (1966)

abstract Directional correlations of gamma cascades in \(\mathrm {Eu}^{145}\to \mathrm {Sm}^{145}\) decay were measured. The spin of 1435 keV level is found to be 1/2, the spin of 1547 keV level is probably 3/2.

J. Nikliborc, J. Malcher, A. Szaynok
Electrification of Dust Made of Germanium Monocrystals Pure and Doped
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 411 (1966)

abstract The influence of the \(p\) and \(n\) doping on CdTe dust electrification was reported in one of our previous papers [1]. The cadmium telluride used for measurements was a polycrystalline material. It is nor exactly known if the impurities introduced into the CdTe crystals are situated in the lattice points or not, so the discussion of results is difficult. The measurements of germanium dust electrification presented in this paper were carried out for pure and \(p\) or \(n\) doped material. It is known that in germanium, such impurities as Sb and In are situated in the lattice points.

A. Gołębiewski
On a New Set of Atomic Shielding Parameters
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 415 (1966)

abstract Recently a new set of atomic shielding parameters for hydrogen-like and single exponential type wave functions was presented by Burns. In the present paper the reliability of these new parameters is checked by a comparison of observed and calculated values of diamagnetic susceptibilities of inert gas elements. It is shown that the new shielding parameters are better than those given by Slater and by Angus in the case of inert gas elements from He to Kr, but much worse for Xe.

A. Grohman, Ł. Wojda
Growth of Bi Whiskers from Gaseous Phase in Ultrahigh Vacuum
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 419 (1966)

abstract Up to now, several methods of whiskers growth are known. Among those most frequently used are the following: the method consisting in reducing metal halides (Brenner’s method), the method proposed by Fisher et al. of growth from the solid phase by application of pressure, Sears’ method of growth from the gaseous phase, the method of precipitation from solutions, and the method of chemical transport (see [1]).

C. Bazan
The Electrical Resistance of the Carbon Filaments
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 423 (1966)

abstract The dependence of the electrical resistance of carbon filaments on temperature and magnetic field was examined. Negative magnetoresistance was observed in the range of temperatures below 300°K and in the fields below 40 kOe.

J.W. Hennel, L. Kolewicz, T. Waluga
Temperature Dependende of the Proton Spin–Lattice Relaxation Time in Liquid Ammonia
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 425 (1966)

Fasc. 4, pages 429–589

B. Rozenfeld, W. Świątkowski, J. Wesołowski
Influence of the Crystal Orientation on Angular Distribution of Photons From Two-quantum Annihilation in Monocrystals NaCl and KCl
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 429 (1966)

abstract Angular distributions of quanta resulting from the annihilation of positrons in NaCl and KCl monocrystals have been measured. A dependence of these distributions on the orientation of the crystals was found. An attempt of interpretation of the results was made basing on the model of collective electrons for NaCl and KCl crystals, similarly as it is done in the case of metals. The magnitude and the character of the change in experimental angular distributions resulting from change of the orientation of the crystal were found to be in agreement with those estimated on the basis of the model. The results obtained show that the factor which is of decisive influence on the distribution of peripheral electrons momenta in ionic crystals is the structure of the crystal lattice.

A. Wachniewski
Asymptotic Solutions for Bloch Walls in Cubic Ferromagnetic Lattices
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 437 (1966)

abstract The variational principles derived by Ziętek for eight types of Bloch walls in cubic (\(bcc\) and \(fcc\)) lattices are solved by assuming asymptotic boundary conditions. The thicknesses as well as the energies of the Bloch walls are calculated, and quantitative results for Fe and Ni are given. It is found that they are in exact agreement with those earlier obtained by phenomenological methods.

W. Hanus
Modified Statistical Interpretation of the Dirac Electron Theory Suggested by the FW-transformation
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 463 (1966)

abstract A new scheme of the statistical interpretation in the configuration space has been proposed for the Dirac electron theory. The basic assumption is that the localization of the electron ought to be carried out by means of the projection operator onto the subspace of the eigenstates of the “mean-position operator” introduced by Foldy and Wouthuysen. The internal consistency of, the proposed scheme has been verified and explicit formulae for redefined probability and probability current densities (fulfilling a generalized continuity equation) deduced in the Foldy and Wouthuysen representation in the case of the free electron. The non-relativistic limit of these formulae and their correspondence with those of the Pauli theory are discussed.

S. Kwiatkowski
Electronic Structure and Spectra of Organic Molecules Part I. SCF MO Calculations on Aniline and Phenylenediamines
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 477 (1966)

abstract The SCF MO CI method with Pariser–Parr–Pople approximations is applied to the interpretation of the electronic structure and spectra of aniline and phenylenediamines. The aniline spectrum in particular is discussed in greater detail and the relationship between the singlet excited states of benzene and those of aniline is given.

J. Morkowski
Magnetic Field Dependence of the Spin Wave Energy in the Itinerant Electron Model of Ferromagnetism
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 499 (1966)

abstract It is shown that in a simplified itinerant electron model of ferromagnetism the dependence of the spin wave energy on the magnetic field is different than in the Heisenberg model. In the applied magnetic field \(H\) the energy of a spin wave with wave vector \(q\) contains a contribution proportional to \(Hq^2\) which in some cases can be of importance.

B.N. Kalinkin, J. Grabowski
On the Angular Distributions of the Transfer Reaction Products
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 503 (1966)

abstract The following problems concerning the angular distributions of the products of the one and two-nucleon transfer reactions are considered: the dependence of the angular distributions on the parameter responsible for the absorption, the energy dependence of the width of the main peak and the form of the angular distribution in the limit \(\theta \to 0\)°.

A. Kawski
Zur Lösungsmittelabhängigkeit der Wellenzahl von Elektronenbanden Lumineszierender Moleküle und über die Bestimmung der elektrischen Dipolmomente im Anregungszustand
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 507 (1966)

abstract Es wird eine Diskussion der Gleichungen für die Wellenzahldifferenz der Absorptions und Fluoreszenzmaxima von gelösten Molekülen in verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln, die aus verschiedenen Theorien (Bilot und Kawski, Liptay, Bakhshiev, Mac Rae, Lippert) sich ergeben, durchgeführt. Bei Berücksichtigung nur des linearen Stark-Effektes, in der Bilot–Kawski Theorie, bekommt man die Liptay’sche Gleichung welche im Sonderfall in die Mac Rae Gleichung übergeht. Dagegen bei der Annahme \(\frac {\alpha }{\alpha ^3}=\frac {1}{2}\), ist die allgemeine Bilot–Kawski Gleichung (bei Berücksichtigung des linearen und des quadratischen Stark-Effektes) gleich der Bakhshiev Gleichung. Bei Vernachlässigung der Polarisierbarkeitsglieder in allen erwähnten Gleichungen, erhält man die Lippert’sche Gleichung. Es werden auch für \(p\)-Dimethylamino-\(p^\prime \)-cyjan-stilben, 2-Amino-7-nitro-fluoren, \(p\)-Amino-\(p^\prime \)-nitro-diphenyl und \(p\)-Dimethylamino-\(p^\prime \)-nitro-stilben die Dipolmomente im ersten angeregten Singulett — Zustand mit Hilfe der Bilot–Kawski und Bakhshiev, sowie Liptay und Mac Rae–Gleichungen bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse werden mit den nach anderen Methoden bestimmten Dipolmomenten verglichen und diskutiert.

J. Rayski
A Unified Description of Space-time and Isospace III
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 519 (1966)

abstract A non-linear equation, similar to Heisenberg’s equation, in a 10-dimensional space with closed subsidiary dimensions is investigated. The intrinsic symmetry group is SU(4) but in in a non-relativistic limit there appears a supersymmetry SU(16) involving the subgroup SU(6).

B. Sujak, A. Gieroszyński
Spectral Investigations of Photostimulated Emission of (Exo)electrons in Vacuum from Plastically Deformed Aluminium Covered with Oxide Layer Part II: Limiting Oxide Thickness \(D_g\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 523 (1966)

abstract It has been found that in the case of vacuum and monochromatic light wavelengths \(\lambda \leqslant \lambda _0\) the following relations hold which concern the limiting thickness \(D_g\) of the oxide layer covering the deformed aluminium sample.

A. Gieroszyński, B. Sujak
Spectral Investigations of Photostimulated Emission of (Exo)Electrons in Vacuum from Plastically Deformed Aluminium Covered with Oxide Layer Part III. Slope of the Decay Curve in Its Initial Stage
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 533 (1966)

abstract It has been found that the slope of the decay curve in \(\log \frac {N}{t}\ vs\ t\) coordinates is in the vicinity of \(t=0\) influenced by the wavelength of the stimulating light. The value of the slope tg \(\alpha \) increases with the increase of the wavelength \(\lambda \). The dependence of tg \(\alpha \) on the intensity \(I\) of white and monochromatic light, as well as on the oxide layer thickness \(D\) has been studied for various combinations of the parameters: intensity of the stimulating light \(I\), its wavelength \(\lambda \) and thickness \(D\) of the oxide layer covering the deformed aluminium. In the case of white light it was found that with increasing intensity the slope first decreases and then begins to increase in the high intensity range. The dependences of the slope tg \(\alpha \) on \(\lambda \), \(I\) and \(D\) obtained in the present work, are analogous as those obtained in previous works under the assumption that the initial stage of the decay of the emission from deformed aluminium is controlled by the space charge of electrons which, do not get out of the fissures. The results confirm the presumption that the emission of exoelectrons has its roots in the “bottom” of the fissures regarded as a semiconductor layer. It is namely a photoelectric effect on free electrons in aluminium. The electrons enter the oxide layer contacting the metal, and then are emitted from the transient oxide-metal layer into vacuum.

J. Kinel
An Electronic Arrangement for Demagnetization of Ferromagnetic Samples
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 549 (1966)

abstract An electronic arrangement for demagnetization of ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic samples has been constructed. The decrease of the demagnetizing current is obtained by continuous increase of the voltage blocking the triode through which this current flows. The reproducibility of disaccommodation measurements carried out by means of the apparatus was better than \(\pm 0.015\)%.

H. Niewodniczański, K. Melzacki, J. Pietruszka, J. Pilawa
A Photoelectric Double Beam Spectrometer
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 553 (1966)

abstract The design and construction of a new optical spectrometer is described. Two entrance slits isolate the selected lines in the spectrum of a spectrograph. The emerging radiation is brought to the cathode of the photomultiplier tube by means of light-pipes with reflecting inside walls. The instrument records either a time resolved spectrum ranging from 2 000 Å up to 12 000 Å of a pulsed event or a total spectrum of a constant intensity radiation source.

R. Wit
A New Sum Rule on the Modulus of the Forward Scattering Amplitude
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 563 (1966)

abstract By means of the phase representation [1] several useful conclusions for the symmetrized forward scattering amplitude \(T(z)\) were recently obtained (the variable \(z=E^2\) denotes the squared total laboratory energy of the incident particle) ...

J. Benisz, T. Panek
on the Improved Discrimination of Particle Tracks in the Developed Nuclear Plates
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 567 (1966)

abstract In some cases the discrimination of particle tracks with different \(Z\) and \(A\) in the developed nuclear plates is the most important thing. The difficulty at the discrimination of particle tracks may be caused by errors in the process of development. The amplification method worked by Lonchamp (Lonchamp 1955) was used in order to discriminate the particle tracks in the nuclear plates. The mentioned method is as follows: we make the plate white with the whiting solution, then we make it black with the blacking solution in order to get the best thickness of the tracks in this case.

A. Bielski, T. Król
The Influence of the Trigger Electrode on the Breakdown Voltage in Linear Flashtube
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 571 (1966)

abstract The breakdown voltage of spark gaps is influenced by the presence of a metallic object in the neighbourhood of the discharge volume. A trigger electrode on a flashtube is such a object. The spontaneous breakdown voltage in the presence of a trigger electrode is lower than without it (Marshak 1963). The aim of this note is to report the results of the investigation on the influence of the position of the trigger electrode on the spontaneous breakdown voltage of a linear flashtube.

S. Kwiatkowski
SCF MO CI Calculations on Purine and Cytosine
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 573 (1966)

abstract The SCF MO CI calculations on the electronic structure and spectra of complex biochemically important molecules seem to be of increasing importance from various viewpoints. However, these calculations are very difficult. In literature only a few papers deal with the SCF MO CI calculations on the electronic spectra of purines and pyrimidines (Ladik and Appel 1962, Lang and Ladik 1964, Nesbet 1964). In this latter case the author was concerned with the hypochromism of paired bases in the double-stranded DNA helix rather than with the comparison of the theoretical and experimental transitions energies in purines and pyrimidines.

C. Lewa, J. Sułocki
The Influence of Electrical Field on the Boiling Point of Methanol
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 575 (1966)

J.J. Makosz
The Permittivity of Benzene, Toluene, \(o\)-, \(m\)- and \(p\)-xylene at a Frequency of 9.52 Gigacycles Per Second
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 579 (1966)

abstract Measurements of permittivity have been conducted for a frequency of 9.52 gigacycles per second (wavelength 3.15 cm) within the temperature range of 15°–95°C. The liquids that were tested are benzene, toluene, \(o\)-, \(m\)- and \(p\)-xylene.

J.W. Hennel
Remark on Proton Spin–Lattice Relaxation in Liquid Hydrogen Sulphide
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 583 (1966)

abstract It has been shown in a previous work (Hennel et al. 1965) that in liquid H\(_2\)S and H\(_2\)S–D\(_2\)S mixture the spin-lattice relaxation time \(T_1\) is governed by dipolar interaction at the temperatures close to melting point and by another mechanism in the vicinity of the critical temperature. These two mechanisms cause opposite slopes of the \(T_1\) plot at high and low temperatures. The main purpose of this paper is to check whether the relaxation at high temperatures can be accounted for by spin-rotation interaction. This will be done with a method by Krynicki and Powles (1965).

P. Czyż, A. Kawski, S. Korendo
Über den einfluss der Temperatur auf die Polarisation fester Lumineszenzlösungen
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 587 (1966)

J. Sułocki
The Activation Energy of Electrical Conductivity of the \(n\)-hexane (benzene)–\(n\)-heptanol System
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 589 (1966)

abstract In research on the electrical conductivity of dielectric liquids more and more work is being conducted on the determination of the activation energies of various processes linked with the flow of electric current in this medium (Adamezewski 1964, 1965; Sułocki 1965; Forster 1962, 1964a, 1964b; Jachym 1964a, 1964b; Gzowski 1962; Gazda 1965) ...

Fasc. 5, pages 595–727

J. Głowacki, F. Warkusz
Influence of Solvent Structure on the Dimerization Process of Aqueous Rhodamin Solutions, II
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 595 (1966)

abstract The dissociation energy of rhodamin B in water and the change of entropy, in the presence of admixtures of the electrolytes KCl, NaCl and LiCl, were determined. It was found that with an increase in concentration of the electrolytes the dissociation heat of rhodamin \(B\) at a fixed concentration becomes increased by a value of \(AU\), which is a measure of the changes in the solvent structure induced by the electrolyte.

J. Szudy
The Mercury Resonance Line Broadened by Argon
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 605 (1966)

abstract The intensity distribution of the mercury resonance line broadened by argon has been calculated for various pressures. The calculations performed take account of the simultaneous interaction af many argon atoms and the cofluence of the collision effects on the distributions obtained from the statistical theory. The calculated intensity distribution is asymmetrical and shifted towards the long-wave direction. Both the shifts and half-widths of the calculated distributions agree with experimental data. At low argon pressures (below one atm) the calculated intensity distribution agrees well with the experimental one on both sides of the mercury resonance line. At high argon pressures (81.2 and 164.4 Amagat) good conformity with the experimental distribution is found on the long-wave side of the mercury resonance line. There are satellite bands on the short-wave side of the line, and this makes comparison impossible in this region. The calculated intensity distribution does not agree with the experimental distribution in the core of the line. This paper gives a discussion on the possible causes of this disparity. All calculations were performed by means of a “GIER” electronic computer.

J. Hańderek, R. Wilk
The Influence of Storage Temperature on the Change of Polarity of Electrets
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 623 (1966)

abstract The influence of the temperature at which electrets of beeswax had been stored on the transition time of the hetero-into homocharge has been studied. Increasing the temperature of the electrets before removal of the polarizing electrodes from them caused an increase in the time after which polarity reversal occurred, whereas a decrease in storage temperature shortened this time. Variations of the storage temperature of electrets after the electrodes had been removed caused effects contrary to the preceding. The results obtained speak against the hitherto accepted hypothesis of simultaneous creation of a true hetero- and homocharge during the polarization process.

J. Rafałowicz, E. Pega, B. Sujak
On the Temperature Jump Between the Surface of an Overheated Thermometric Carbon Resistor and Helium-I Bath
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 631 (1966)

abstract Starting with the radial distribution function of temperature for a volume-heated solid cylinder, we derived a formula for the effective temperature jump between the surface of a overheated specimen and helium-I bath \[ \Delta T=\left (T_{\mathrm {ef}}-T_{\mathrm {HeI}}\right )-\frac {Q}{4\pi laT^n_{\mathrm {ef}}}\,. \] All quantities appearing in this formula for the temperature jump can be determined experimentally. This made it possible to find the realtion between the temperature jump and the power produced in the specimen. There was a suggestion to study the temperature jump at the surface of overheated cylindric semiconductor specimens by the method based on measurements of the effective temperature of the specimen, the temperature of the helium bath, and the power produced in the specimen, and making a graphic determination of the specimen’s effective thermal conductivity as a function of its effective temperature, elaborated by Rafałowicz. For heat-flux densities over 300 \(\mu \)W/cm\(^2\) we found indications of a “bubble” convection-type mechanism (occurring in jumps) for the removal of heat from the surface of the superheated specimen into the helium-I bath.

J. Bujok
Further Results from Research on Stress-induced Variations in the Spectral Distribution of Gamma Radiation from \(\mathrm {Cs}^{137}\) Transmitted by Graphitized Carbon
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 643 (1966)

abstract This paper contains more results from research on variations in the spectral distribution of gamma rays (\(\mathrm {Cs}^{137}\)) transmitted by graphitized carbon, depending on the magnitude of vertical loads. These results supplement those published previously.

T. Goworek, J. Wawryszczuk
Directional Correlations of Gamma Rays in \(\mathrm {Sm}^{147}\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 655 (1966)

abstract The directional correlation measurements of 7 cascades in \(\mathrm {Eu}^{147}\) to \(\mathrm {Sm}^{147}\) decay were performed. The spin of 799 KeV level was found as 3/2. The mixing ratios of 602, 678, 862 keV and the sing of \(\delta \) for the 76 and 121 keV transitions were determined. The multipolarity of 1256 keV transition is discussed.

J. Przystawa
On the Magnetization Directions in the Heisenberg Antiferromagnet
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 663 (1966)

abstract It was proved by A. Pawlikowski that in three approaches: the Variational Method, Molecular Field Approximation and Random Phase Approximation, the equations for the magnetization vector directions in anisotropic ferromagnets are the same. We shall here consider the Heisenberg type of isotropic antiferromagnet with two interpenetrating ferromagnetic sublattices. It is shown that, a priori, these equations possess many different solutions and the criteria for the choice of the correct solution for each of these three methods have been found.

M. Jaskóła, L. Natanson, J. Turkiewicz, W. Osakiewicz
Energy Levels of \(\mathrm {Be}^8\) Produced in the \(\mathrm {B}^{11} (n, \alpha ) \mathrm {Li}^8 \stackrel {\beta }\to \mathrm {Be}^8\) Process
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 673 (1966)

abstract The \(\alpha \)-particle spectrum of \(\mathrm {Be}^8\) produced by the \(\beta \) decay of \(\mathrm {Li}^8\) from the \(\mathrm {B}^{11}(n,\alpha )\) reaction was measured by the nuclear emulsion method. The 2.9 MeV state of Be\(^8\) appears to be predominant. No evidence was found for the existence of other excited states of Be\(^8\) in the 0–10 MeV range

S. Fujita, A. Fuliński
Connected Diagram Expansion in Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 679 (1966)

abstract The diagonal singularity condition of Van Hove is examined for a system of non-interacting electrons in an impurity field. It is found that this condition is closely related to the spatial localization of interaction processes. This leads us to propose for non-equilibrium problems a connected-diagram expansion whose validity directly rests on the localization property of interaction processes. Our expansion is developed independently of any representation and is suited for dealing with uniform or non-uniform systems under the influence of electromagnetic fields.

A. Fuliński
Scattering of Slow Neutrons in an Acoustical Field: Total Scattering Cross-section
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 691 (1966)

abstract The total cross-section for the scattering of slow neutrons by systems under acoustical (ultrasonic) field is calculated. It is found that the action of the field shifts the singularities of the cross-section as the function of the initial energy of neutrons. As an example, the cross-section for an ideal-gas-scatterer is calculated, and it is found that the scatterer in the presence of the field cuts off the low-energy part of the incident neutron beam. The possibilities of use of other than acoustical oscillating field are also mentioned. However, in order to obtain noticeable effects, strong fields are needed.

A. Kotański
Diagonalization of Helicity Crossing Matrices
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 699 (1966)

abstract New scattering amplitudes, which are linear combinations of helicity amplitudes, are proposed. They correspond to definite projections of spins not on particle momenta but on the normal to the scattering plane. Their spin crossing matrices are very simple: in each column and in each row there is exactly one non-zero element (of modulus one). Parity conservation implies simply vanishing of some amplitudes, the remaining ones being already linearly independent.

E. Walentynowicz
Thermoluminescence of Fluorescein in Boric Acid Glass
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 713 (1966)

abstract The thermoluminescence of fluorescein in boric acid glass has been studied for a range of concentrations from \(5\times 10^{-5}\) to \(5\times 10^{-2}\) g/g. Luminophore was excited at low or room temperature by ultraviolet light or light from the region of the principal absorption band. The value of the activation energy was calculated from the glow curves; for a broad range of experimental conditions it equals between 0.35 and 0.66 eV. This value is linked with the character of the medium and not that of the molecule. This is indicated by results received from research on the thermoluminescence of the organic molecules: \(\beta \)-naphthol, pyrogallol, phthalonitrile, phenantrene, fluorescein, uranine, acriflavine, proflavine, acridine yellow, thoflavine \(S\). The value of the activation energy depends on the concentration of the dye, the temperature and time of excitation, the time interval between conclusion of the excitation stage and the heating stage, the surrounding pressure and the kind atmosphere, the way in which the sample had been prepared, as well as many other factors. The efficiency of thermoluminescence also depends on the conditions of experiment and it increases when additionally irradiating light of wavelengths \(\lambda \gt 6,400\) Å during excitation of the luminophore. The phenomenon under study can be explained by the mechanism of photoionization and recombination with free electrons of the radical ions produced in the dye. The results obtained have made it possible to establish a two-photon mechanism of photoionization with the participation of a metastable state and the participation of this state in the recombination process.

J. Petykiewicz
Über einige Eigenschaften des Vektorpotentials von Miyamoto–Wolf
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 727 (1966)

abstract In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass das Miyamoto–Wolfsche Vektorpotential (1962), angenommen als eine Funktion des Beobachtungspunktes \(P\), die Vektorielle Schwingungsgleichung erfüllt. Aus dieser Tatsache folgt, dass die von den einzelnen Elementen des beugenden Randes stammenden Beiträge zur der gesamten Beugungswelle als Elementarwellen angesehen werden können.

Fasc. 6, pages 735–920

L. Kaniowski
Propagation of Correlation Tensors of the Electro-magnetic Field Intensities
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 735 (1966)

abstract The analysis of the correlations between the electromagnetic field intensities is performed. Special attention is given to the propagation of the quantities describing the degree of the coherence. In the first part the problem is formulated and the necessary definitions are introduced. In the second part there is derived the dependence of the correlation tensor in two arbitrary space points on the correlation tensors values and the values of their first and second time derivatives on the surface surrounding both the points.

J. Terlecki
Measurements of Ionization Currents in Hexane at High Electric Fields
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 743 (1966)

abstract The paper contains some results of measurements of the ionization currents produced by X-radiation in a flat chamber filled with \(n\)-hexane, within a broad range of electric field strengths (up to 150 kV/cm). The experimental shape of the current-stress characteristics at field strengths exceeding 50 kV/cm is linear and, therefore, is quite different than that predicted by the theory of columnar recombination of Jaffe. Two conceptions explaining this divergence are considered, namely, field dissociation of the molecules excited during ionization, and field emission from the cathode in connexion with a double layer.

R. Chwalko, S. Stępiński, H. Hammer
Spatial Coherence Measurement of Gas Laser Output
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 753 (1966)

abstract The results of spatial coherence measurements of the He–Ne laser beam are presented. The measuring apparatus and photographic methods determining the coherence of the laser beam on two closely spaced twin pin-holes are described in detail. The results are discussed.

M. Lubecka, A. Maksymowicz
Uniaxial Anisotropy in Constrained Polycrystalline Films
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 759 (1966)

abstract Uniaxial anisotropy energy is calculated for thin films, which results from the constraint by the substrate. The value for the uniaxial anisotropy constant is found to be the same as shown by West. However, West’s model does not explain the magnetostriction. Therefore, in this paper a similar model taking into consideration the usual expression for magnetostriction is discussed.

J.M. Konarski
Energy Levels for Dimers II Strong Coupling Limit
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 763 (1966)

abstract The strong coupling limit for the model of dimers in the approximation neglecting the linear part of the potential is discussed. It is shown that in this case in the electronic-forbidden spectrum the transition with \(\Delta m = \pm 42\) arises.

R. Wit
Some Restrictions on the High Energy Behaviour of the Forward Scattering Amplitude
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 771 (1966)

abstract Simplified proofs of several constraints recently obtained by Khuri and Kinoshita on the high energy behaviour of the forward scattering amplitude are presented. Additional remarks are given here.

M. Dworzecka
The Dependence of the Equilibrium Density of Nuclear Matter on the Neutron Excess
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 783 (1966)

abstract The equilibrium density (or equivalently Fermi momentum \(k_F\)) of nuclear matter for \(\alpha \neq 0\) (\(\alpha = (N-Z)/A\)) is investigated. In calculating \(\Delta k_F = k_F(\alpha )-k_F(0)\) only terms quadric in \(\alpha \) are considered. The result obtained is \(\Delta k_F/k_F=-\frac {1}{2}\alpha ^2 k_F (d\varepsilon _{\mathrm {sym}}/dk_F)/{\cal {K}}\) (\(\varepsilon _{\mathrm {sym}} =\) symmetry energy, \({\cal {K}} =\) nuclear compressibility). A general expression of \(d\varepsilon _{\mathrm {sym}}/dk_F\) is derived in the frame of the Brueckner theory. The numerical result, based on the Brueckner–Gammel solution for nuclear matter, is \(\Delta k_F = -0.49 \alpha ^2F^{-1}\).

A. Fuliński
A Few Remarks on Pauli Master Equations and One-particle Distributions
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 797 (1966)

abstract Some inconsistencies of the Pauli master equation for one-particle density matrix are discussed. It is shown, among other results that in case of interactions between two different systems the validity of the Pauli equation is rather unclear.

E. Kluk
Mean-square End-to-end Distances and Mean-square Dipole Moments of Stereoregular Chain Polymers
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 805 (1966)

abstract A general expression for the mean-square of an arbitrary vector property of a chain polymer is derived, without taking into account correlation between conformations of neighbouring monomers. Moreover, for syndiotactic polymers (-CH\(_2\)-CHR-)\(_n\) the mean-square end-to-end distances and mean-square dipole moments are computed. These turned out to be by at least 50% larger than in atactic chains. Also, theoretical values of \(\langle h^2\rangle \) are computed for various models of polyethylene and polyisobutylene and of \(\langle h^2\rangle \) and \(\langle \mu ^2\rangle \) for polymethylsilioxane as well as trans and cis 1,4-polyisoprenes and trans and cis 1,4-polybutadiene.

С. Михаляк
Исследование переходного излучения в оптической области спектра при наклонном падении нерелятивистских електронов на металлическую поверхность
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 815 (1966)

abstract Измерены характеристики излучения в оптической области спектра при наклонном падении электронов 6–24 кэв на поверхность толстой металлической мишени. Экспериментальные результаты подтверждают выводы теории переходного излучения в нерелятивистском приближении для наклонного падения заряда.

B. Sujak, W. Jeleński, M. Piróg, I. Stępniowski
An Attempt of Determination the Electron Affinity of KCl from the Kinetics of Thermal Bleaching of Additively Coloured Crystals and of the Accompanying (Exo)electron Emission
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 821 (1966)

abstract The kinetics of the thermal bleaching of KCI monocrystals and the associated (exo)electron emission has been investigated. The crystals were additively coloured by electrolysis up to \(F\)-centre concentrations of the order of \(10^{17}\) cm\(^{-3}\). It was found that in the case of samples bleaching at constant temperature, a constant emission intensity of exoelectrons is always associated with constant bleaching rate. The latter was also studied at various, fixed temperatures. This permitted to determine the energy needed for the emission of electrons bound with vacancies remaining after chlorine ions. The ionization energy of \(F\)-centres was determined from optical absorption measurements. Electron affinity for KCl-crystals was calculated to be 0.48 eV.

G. Nagarajan
Mean Amplitudes of Vibration, Bastiansen–Morino Shrinkage Effect and Thermodynamic Functions of Krypton Difluoride
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 831 (1966)

abstract Cyvin method employing the symmetry coordinates has been applied here to evaluate the mean-square amplitudes of vibration, generalized mean-square amplitudes (mean-square parallel amplitudes, mean-square perpendicular amplitudes and mean cross products) and mean amplitudes of vibration for the bonded as well as nonbonded atom pairs at the temperatures \(T=298\)°K, \(T=500\)°K and \(T=1000\)°K for krypton difluoride possessing a linear symmetrical structure with the symmetry point group \(D_{\infty h}\). The values of Bastiansen–Morino shrinkage effect at these three temperatures have been calculated from the mean-square perpendicular amplitudes. The statistical thermodynamic functions have also been computed for the temperature range 100–2000°K on the basis of a rigid rotator, harmonic oscillator model. A brief discussion of the results follows.

W. Nowak
An Exact Analytical Formula for the Phase Shift of Elastic Scattering of High Energy Electrons by Nuclei of Finite Size
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 837 (1966)

abstract The purpose of this paper is to derive an exact analytical formula for the phase shift of elastic scattering of high energy electrons by nuclei. The phase shifts are repressed by the known functions. The only requirement for the potential is the coulomb behaviour at infinity.

G. Nagarajan
Bond and Molecular Polarizabilities, Mean Amplitudes of Vibration and Thermodynamic Functions in Some Dihaloboranes
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 841 (1966)

abstract The bond and molecular polarizabilities have been computed for some dihaloboranes possessing a planar configuration with the symmetry point group \(C_{20}\) by the Lippincott–Stutman method employing the delta-function model of chemical binding. The mean amplitudes of vibration for the bonded as well as nonbonded atom pairs at the temperatures \(T=298\)°K and \(T=500\)°K have been evaluated by the Cyvin method utilizing the symmetry coordinates. The statistical thermodynamic functions for the temperature range 200–2000°K have also been computed on the basis of a rigid rotator, harmonic oscillator model. A brief discussion of the results is given.

S. Szpikowski
Quasi-spin Representations of the Orthogonal Group \(R_5\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 853 (1966)

abstract Using the quasi-spin method first applied to nuclear physics by Kerman (1) we discuss some problems concerning the \(R_5\) group and its quasi-spin realization. We obtain the Clebsch–Gordan series for some Kronecker products of two I.R.s. (irreducible representations) and a prescription for the general case. We also obtain the decomposition of an I.R. of \(R_5\) into I.R.s. of the ‘‘mathematical” subgroup \(R_3 \times R_3\) in the general case, and of the “physical” subgroup \(R_3 \times R_3\) in some special useful cases. We set up a complete basis of states for the “mathematical” representation in terms of which we calculate the matrix elements of the group generators; we do the same for the “physical” representations in special cases.

S. Kielich
Frequency and Spatially Variable Electric and Magnetic Polarizations Induced in Nonlinear Media by Electromagnetic Fields
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 875 (1966)

abstract Vectors of the electric and magnetic polarization of the medium containing multipolar and nonlinear contributions of arbitrary order are introduced into Maxwell’s equations and the wave equations resulting from them. The operators of multipolar electric and magnetic polarization are discussed in consecutive approximations of the first, second, third and higher orders in a phenomenological and, further on, quantum-mechanical approach. In particular, quantum-mechanical expressions are derived for the tensors of electric and magnetic multipole susceptibility of the first, second, third and quite generally arbitrary order, valid in the entire frequency range including the region of resonance. The formalism proposed is applied to the quantitative description of various frequency and spatially variable nonlinear optical processes of arbitrary order as e.g. optical mixing of frequencies between several laser beams and higher harmonics generation, usual and \(DC\) field induced optical activity as well as other electro- and magneto-optical effects of higher orders.

В.С. Барашенков, К.К. Гудима, Н.Ф. Тррускова
Оценка сечения взаимодействий нестабильных частиц
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 899 (1966)

abstract С помощью одномезонной теории из экспериментальных данных по полным сечениям неупругих реакций с рождением одной новой частицы можно получить оценку сечения взаимодействия промежуточной и одной из первичных частиц. На примере вычисления сечений \(\sigma _{\pi N}\) и \(\sigma _{\pi \pi }\) из реакций \(p+p \to p+N\) и \(\pi \pm +p \to N+2\pi \) рассмотрена точностью таких оценок, которая оказывается приблизительно такой же, как и в случае других методов используемых в настоящее время для определения сечений нестабильных частиц. Определены длины \(\pi \) — \(\pi \) рассеяния \(a_0 \approx 0‚4 \times 10_{\mathrm {cm}}^{-13}\) и \(a_2 = 0,2\times 10_{\mathrm {cm}}^{-13}\). Из анализа реакций \(K^+ + p \to K+p_+\pi \) получены оценки сечений \(\pi -K\) взаимодействий.

K. Małuszyńska
Energy Spectrum and Angular Distribution of Neutrons from the \(^7\mathrm {Li}(d,n)^8\mathrm {Be}\) Reaction at 200 keV deuteron energy
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 907 (1966)

abstract The energy and angular distribution of neutrons from the \(^7\mathrm {Li}(d,n)^8\mathrm {Be}\) reaction were measured for deuteron energies equal to 680 keV (1, 2) and more (3, 4, 5). The present note gives the results of measurements at 200 keV deuteron energy.

F. Kajzar
The Second Correction to the Phase-integral Calculated by the Lurçat and Mazur Method
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 911 (1966)

abstract The second correction to the phase-integral calculated by steepest descents method is given. The results are applied to the analysis of 10 GeV \(\pi ^-p\) interactions.

E. Magyari
Pseudoscalar Lagrangian Density for the First Group of the Electromagnetic Field Equations
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 915 (1966)

abstract It is shown in this note that the first, as well as the second group of Maxwell’s equations may be deduced from the stationary action principle, using the Lagrangian densities \({\cal {L}}_1=k_1e_{\alpha \beta \varrho \tau }F_{\alpha \beta }F_{\varrho \tau }\) and \({\cal {L}}_2=k_2F^2_{\mu \nu }\), respectively. It is also shown that the energy-momentum tensor built up from the Lagrangian density \({\cal {L}}_1\) is identically zero.


A. Żardecki
Reflection and Refraction Properties of Partially Coherent Light
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 919 (1966)

J. Głowacki
Thermodynamics of Association Processes of Solutions
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 920 (1966)

J. Kapelewski, K. Rosiński
Theoretical Evaluation of Level “Crossing” Parameters for Some Alkali Metal Atoms
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 920 (1966)

J. Rayski
Quantization and Physical Interpretation of the Gravitational Field
Acta Phys. Pol. 29, 920 (1966)

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