vol. 54, article 3-A1 (16 pages), published online 2023-04-06
Based on the gauge transformation between the corresponding Lax pair, we derive a Darboux transformation of the coupled massive Thirring system. As an application, using the Darboux transformation and the reduction technique, various exact solutions for the coupled massive Thirring system and the classical massive Thirring model are obtained, including one-soliton solution, two-soliton solution, periodic solution, and others.
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Acta Phys. Pol. B 54, 3-A1 (2023)
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M. Hentschinski, Ch. Royon, M. Alcazar Peredo, C. Baldenegro, A. Bellora, R. Boussarie, F.G. Celiberto, S. Cerci, G. Chachamis, J.G. Contreras, S. Fichet, M. Fucilla, G. von Gersdorff, P. González, A. van Hameren, J. Jalilian-Marian, M. Kampshoff, V. Khoze, M. Klasen, S.R. Klein, G. Krintiras, P. Kotko, K. Kutak, J.-P. Lansberg, E. Li, C. Loizides, M.A.M. Mohammed, M. Nefedov, M.A. Ozcelik, A. Papa, M. Pitt, A. Sabio Vera, J. Salomon, S. Sapeta, G.G. da Silveira, V.P. Gonçalves, M. Strikman, D. Sunar Cerci, L. Szymanowski, D. Tapia Takaki, M. Taševský, S. Wallon
vol. 54, article 3-A2 (98 pages), published online 2023-04-27, funded by SCOAP3
The goal of this white paper is to give a comprehensive overview of the rich field of forward physics. We discuss the occurrences of BFKL re-summation effects in special final states, such as Mueller–Navelet jets, jet–gap–jets, and heavy quarkonium production. It further addresses TMD factorization at low \(x\) and the manifestation of a semi-hard saturation scale in (generalized) TMD PDFs. More theoretical aspects of low-\(x\) physics, probes of the quark–gluon plasma, as well as the possibility to use photon–hadron collisions at the LHC to constrain hadronic structure at low \(x\), and the resulting complementarity between LHC and the EIC are also presented. We also briefly discuss diffraction at colliders as well as the possibility to explore further the electroweak theory in central exclusive events using the LHC as a photon–photon collider.
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Acta Phys. Pol. B 54, 3-A2 (2023)
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PL ISSN 1509-5770 • APPB electronic version
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