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Regular Series

Vol. 55 (2024), No. 6, 4 Articles

Numerical Complexity of Helix Unraveling Algorithm for Charged Particle Tracking


This paper describes a procedure for estimating the number of iterations in the main loop of a recently proposed algorithm designed to detect helical charged particle tracks in detectors submerged in a magnetic field. The calculations are based on a Monte Carlo simulation of the ATLAS inner detector. The resulting estimates of numerical complexity suggest that using the new procedure for online triggering is not feasible. There are however some areas, such as triggering for particles in a specific sub-domain of the phase space, where using this procedure might be beneficial.

Enhancement of Deuteron Production in Jets


A strong enhancement of deuteron production in jets has been recently observed in proton–proton collisions at the LHC. We show that the effect is due to two independent factors: a collimation of jet nucleons and compactness of the nucleon source which is significantly smaller than the deuteron.

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M. Wołoszyn, M. Nawojczyk, D. Żuchowska-Skiba, M. Stojkow, G. Ptaszek, K. Kułakowski

Mitosis of Life Aims in Poland 2012–2016


The concept of structural (Heider) balance is applied to moral issues. The data from the European Social Survey 2012–2016, collected on beliefs of Polish respondents in 21 issues, are used as initial conditions for the differential equations, which generically drive the system to one of balanced states. The obtained partition of beliefs is consistent with the split of Polish population into so-called Defenders and Explorers, known in the literature (J. Reykowski, Disenchantment with Democracy: A Psychological Perspective, Oxford University Press, 2020).

A Search for Leptonic Photon, \(Z_{l}\), at All Three CLIC Energy Stages by Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)


In this work, the possible dynamics of the massive leptonic photon \(Z_{l}\) are reconsidered via the \(e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow \mu ^{+}\mu ^{-}\) process at the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) with the updated center-of-mass energies (380, 1500, and 3000 GeV). We show that new generation colliders as CLIC can observe the massive leptophilic vector boson \(Z_{l}\) with mass up to the center-of-mass energy, provided that the leptonic coupling constant is \(g_{l}\geq 10^{-3}\). In this study, we also estimated the cross sections by artificial neural networks using the theoretical results we obtained for CLIC. According to the results obtained, it was seen that these predictions could be made through machine learning.

ERRATUM for Acta Phys. Pol. B 55, 2-A3 (2024)

Nonequilibrium Dynamics at the Quantum Critical Point of a System with Scale-free Localization


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