Acta Physica Polonica (1932 – 1969)

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Vol. XIX (1960)

Fasc. 1, pages 3–119

Janusz Morkowski
On the approach to equilibrium of spin waves system. I.
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 3 (1960)

abstract The author calculates the spin–spin relaxation time in ferromagnetics caused by pseudo-dipolar interactions between spins. Calculations are based on the spin wave theory in the form given by Dyson. Non Hermitian Hamiltonian in the ideal model of spin waves system is derived and transition probabilities in first approximation are calculated. In this approximation it appears that processes of splitting of one spin wave into two (and confluence of two into one) and of mutual scattering of two spin waves are the only possible ones. Kinetic equation taking into account these processes is derived and relaxation time is determined. Numerical values of relaxation time for spin waves with zero wave vector are calculated, showing that contribution to the line width of ferromagnetic resonance absorption from such spin waves is not important.

A. Rubinowicz
Über eine experimentelle Methode zur Unterscheidung der verschiedenen Arten der Multipolstrahlung im Röntgenspektrum
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 21 (1960)

abstract Das von H.A. Lorentz im Jahre 1896 für die elektrische und magnetische Dipol- strahlung angegebene elektromagnetische Reziprozitätstheorem wird für elektrische und magnetische Multipolstrahlungen beliebiger Ordnung verallgemeinert. Für den Fall der elektrischen und magnetischen Dipol-sowie der elektrischen Quadrupolstrahlung werden Formeln angegeben, die die im verallgemeinerten Reziprozitätstheorem auf- tretenden Entwicklungskoeffizienten durch die elektromagnetischen Feldstärken und ihre Ableitungen ausdrücken. Das Theorem ist sowohl zur Lösung technischer Probleme (Ausbreitung von Radiowellen von Antennen endlicher Größe und beliebiger Gestalt) als auch physikalischer Probleme (Bestimmung der Art der Multipolquellen im Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlung; Lösung exakter elektromagnetischer Beugungsprobleme für beliebige Multipolquellen, wenn solche für elektrische und magnetische Dipolquellen bekannt sind) verwendbar.

R. Mierzecki
Sur les spectres ramaniens des solutions de pyridine et de 2,6–lutidine dans les acides satures
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 41 (1960)

abstract On a étudié les spectres ramaniens des solutions de différentes concentrations de la pyridine dans l’acide acétique et l’acide formique, ainsi que les solutions équimolaires de la pyridine dans l’acide butyrique et de la 2,6—lutidine dans les mêmes acides saturés. On a constaté, que les variations du spectre de la pyridine et de la 2,6—lutidine sous l’influence des acides formique et butyrique sont analogiques aux variations observées auparavant dans les spectres des solutions de la pyridine dans l’acide acétique. (Mierzecki 1953, 1955a). En particulier on observe des raies nouvelles correspondant aux pulsations du noyau (1007 K environ) et aux oscillations des liaisons C—H (3070 K environ) dans les molécules de la pyridine qui forment des complexes avec les molécules des acides. Les mesures d’intensité de la raie 1003 K en fonction de la concentration des solu- tions indiquent, que le complexe qui se forme dans les solutions étudiées se compose d’une molécule de pyridine et d’une molécule d’acide. On a montré aussi, que l’apparition de la raie de fréquence 1020 K qui a été observée dans les spectres de la pyridine dans l’acide acétique (Mierzecki 1955a, 1956) dépend de la présence d’une certaine quantité d’eau dans les solutions étudiées. Cette raie forme une modification d‘une des raies de la pyridine.

L. Kowalewski
On the Theory of Magnetic Anisotropy of Ferromagnetic Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 59 (1960)

see erratum: Acta Physica Polonica 19, 772 (1960)

abstract Using the second quantization method of Holstein–Primakoff and Tiablikov, the author has calculated: 1. the magnetic field value and direction dependence of energy of crystals with no spin waves excitation, 2. the magnetic field value and direction dependence of dispersion formulae, 3. the temperature and magnetic field value and direction dependence of free energy and of crystal magnetic anisotropy constants. These calculations were performed for simple, body centered and face centered cubic lattices as well as for simple hexagonal and closely packed hexagonal lattices.

L. Nowicki
Electrical Relaxation in Ni–Zn Ferrite
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 85 (1960)

abstract The electric and magnetic properties of iron deficient Ni–Zn ferrite were investigated to obtain an explanation of the mechanism of dielectric relaxation. The relaxation observed was found to be related to electron diffusion, and not to inhomogeneous structure.

F. Halbwachs
General Lagrangian and Canonical Formalism Describing the Relativistic Motion of a Free Rotating Particle
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 93 (1960)

abstract The present paper is an endeavour to formulate the problem of the relativistic rotating particle in a Langrangian form by availing oneself as far as possible of the main results of a previous hydrodynamical theory of the author.

B. Buras, J. Suwalski
In-pile Hall Coefficient Measurements of Germanium Bombarded by Fast Neutrons
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 115 (1960)

abstract Lattice defects produced by fast neutron bombardment introduce localized energy states into the forbidden energy band of germanium. This causes the change of \(n\)-type germanium into \(p\)-type germanium when irradiated by fast neutrons. In order to investigate the nature of this fast neutron bombardment in the neighbourhood of the intrinsic region, a semi-continuous in-pile Hall coefficient measurement was made.

J. Gierula, M. Mięsowicz, P. Zieliński
Statistical Significance of Double Maximum Angular Distribution in High Energy Jets
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 119 (1960)

abstract In previous papers of our group it was found that the angular distributions of secondary particles emitted in collisions of high energy nucleons (\(\gt 10^{12}\)eV) with nucleons or nuclei showed the characteristic shape: in coordinates d\(N\)/d\(x\) vs \(x_i\), where \(x_i = \mathrm {log\ tan} \Theta _i \) (\(\Theta _i\) are the angles of the secondary particles with the primary direction) the distribution have two symmetrical maxima. On the contrary the hydrodynamical theories predicted Gaussian distributions, both for nucleon–nucleon and nucleon–nucleus collisions. In order to explain the observed shape of the distributions we introduced the two-centre model, as we have called it.

Fasc. 2, pages 125–271

H. Niewodniczański
Andrzej Sołtan (1897—1959)
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 125 (1960)not a regular article

A. Uhlmann
Zur Lokalisierung der Energie in der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 133 (1960)

abstract Aufbauend auf Ergebnissen von Möller wird untersucht, in welchem Maße ein Energiebegriff, der sich auf eine affıne Tensordichte \(\tau ^k_i\) mit \(\tau ^k_{i,k}=0\) stützt, eine Lokalisierung gestattet.

P.G.O. Freund
Wave Equations Invariant under Discontinuous Groups and the Problem of Nuclear Forces
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 139 (1960)

abstract It is shown that physical space has only the role of a representation-space of a certain group. In a consequently discontinuous theory, space-time, therefore, may be left topological but the fundamental group is to be taken discontinuous. A 2-dimensional theory of nuclear forces invariant only under a discontinuous rotation group is developed. Hence an angular periodicity of the nuclear forces results. 3 and 4-dimensional generalizations lead to the non-euclidianity of space and space-time and thus may serve as physical supports to Einstein’s gravitation theory. It is shown that theories invariant under discontinuous groups don’t contain conservation laws.

S. Kielich
A Molecular Theory of Light Scattering in Gases and Liquids
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 149 (1960)

abstract The general principles of a statistical-molecular theory of light scattering in an isotropic medium consisting of polar-anisotropic molecules are given. A general, fundamental equation for the scattered intensity \(I\) is derived, containing the molecular factors \(F_\mathrm {is}\) and \(F_\mathrm {anis}\) which account for isotropic and anisotropic light scattering as brought about by the molecules of the medium, The molecular factors \(F_\mathrm {is}\), and \(F_\mathrm {anis}\) are discussed in detail for the case of gases and liquids possessing molecules whose linear dimensions are small with respect to the light wave-length. In such gases and liquids, \(F_\mathrm {is}\) depends on the mean polarizability of the molecule and on the radial intermolecular correlations, whereas \(F_\mathrm {anis}\) depends on the symmetry and anisotropy of polarizability of the molecules and on the orientational intermolecular correlations. From the fundamental equation giving the scattered intensity, general expressions for the optical anisotropy \(\Delta ^2\) and degree of depolarisation \(D\) of the scattered light, and for Rayleigh’s ratio \(S\) and the extinction coefficient \(h\) are derived. For ideal gases, these expressions reduce to the known formulas of Rayleigh–Born–Cabannes. For liquids the molecules of which exhibit the axial symmetry, the expressions obtained for \(D\), \(S\) and \(h\) differ from those of Cabannes–King–Rocard in the anisotropic term by the angular correlation factor \(R_{GM}\), which also appears in the formulas for the Cotton–Mouton and Kerr constants. For compressed gases the molecular factors \(F_\mathrm {is}\) and \(F_\mathrm {anis}\) are expanded in inverse powers of the volume of the system. The coefficients of the expansion, \(A^\mathrm {is}_S\), \(A^\mathrm {anis}_S\) and \(B^\mathrm {is}_S\), \(B^\mathrm {anis}_S\), termed, respectively, the first and second virial coefficients of isotropic and anisotropic light scattering, are computed for spherical molecules of variable polarizability and for axially symmetrical anisotropic molecules possessing a permanent dipole moment. Moreover, following Buckingham’s method, the effect of the internal molecular field and the hyperpolarizability of the molecules on light scattering in liquids is accounted for. Finally, general relations between the quantities \(D\), \(S\) and \(h\) and formulas relating these quantities and the anisotropic term in Kerr’s constant \(K_\mathrm {anis}\) are derived. The relations thus obtained contain no molecular parameters and may serve for checking the theory by experimental results,

J. Mader, B. Sujak
Zur Feststellungsmöglichkeit einer plastischen Deformation mit Hilfe eines Geiger-Spitzenzählers
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 179 (1960)

abstract Es wird der Einfluss einer inneren Deformation auf die photostimulierte Koexoelektronenemission von Aluminium-Proben untersucht. Die innere, durch Einpressung von Stahlstäben erreichte Deformation lässt sich wegen der langsameren Abklingung der Emissionsintensität in der Druckpunktumgebung feststellen. Es werden zwei Deutungsmöglichkeiten diskutiert: Eine durch Herstellung von Emissionszentren, die aus dem Innern der deformierten Probe nach der Oberfläche diffundieren, die zweite durch eine mit der Deformation verbundenen Kohäsionsänderung der Oberflächenschicht. Im weiteren werden Messergehnisse über die Feststellungsmöglichkeit von Druckeingriffen in Polimer-Proben bei Ausnützung des Einflusses der bei Druckeingriffen entstehenden Elektrisierungszuständen auf die Arbeitsbedingungen des Zählers, angeführt.

H. Cofta
Spin-wave Resonances in Antiferromagnetics
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 187 (1960)

abstract The purpose of this paper is to ascertain, whether a spin wave resonance effect in antiferromagnetics analogous to that predicted by C. Kittel (Phys. Rev. 110, 1295 (1958)) for ferromagnetics is possible. By means of semiclassical formalism, the author shows the possibility of exciting odd modes of spin waves in antiferromagnetics and calculates the resonance values of applied magnetic field for these modes. Each mode can be excited by two different values of applied field. The investigated phenomenon might be probably observable in films 3—10 times thicker than in the case of ferromagnetics.

H. Cofta
Ferrimagnetic Spin-wave Resonance
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 193 (1960)

abstract The purpose of the present paper is the theoretical investigation of the possibility of exciting spin wave modes in ferromagnetics by an uniform rf field. Ferromagnetics with parallel spins as well as those with antiparallel spins have been considered. The resonance values of applied magnetic field for allowed odd modes of spin waves and fora given value of the frequency of rf magnetic field are obtained. For even modes the resonances do not appear provided that eddy currents can be neglected and that spin waves have nodes at the boundaries. In the special case of ferromagnetics one gets the formula of Kittel (Phys. Rev., 110, 1295 (1958)) and in the case of antiferromagnetics the resonance formula goes over into that derived by Cofta (Acta Phys. Polon. 97, 187 (1960)). The author estimates also the interval between successive odd mode peaks.

M. Frąckowiak, H. Waleryś
Decay of Phosphorescence of Trypaflavine in Gelatine
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 199 (1960)

abstract The absorption spectra and decay curves of phosphorescence of trypaflavine in gelatine were investigated as a function of the pH value of the aqueous trypaflavine solution in which the gelatine has been coloured. It appeared that they vary with pH of the above solution. The observed decay curves and their decomposition into simple exponential functions can be explained assuming the trypaflavine molecule to exhibit one metastable level only and by taking into account the observed preexcitation effects.

J. Stankowska, J. Stankowski
Investigation of Ageing in Triglycine Sulfate
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 217 (1960)

abstract The evolution in time of the hysteresis loop of (NH, CH,COOH),H,SO, was investigated. Samples investigated immediately after preparation were found to present a double hysteresis loop. Only old samples can present double hysteresis loops. The term “old” is used for denoting samples that had not been subjected to investigation of any kind whatsoever, such as heating, an AC field, etc., for a long time. Young samples always exhibit a normal hysteresis loop. The process of converting an old sample into a young one is termed rejuvenation. It can be carried out by heating the sample above the temperature of the Curie point, or by placing it for a time in an AC electric field. The dielectric properties of triglycine sulfate doped with CuSO, were also investigated. In this case, rejuvenation in an AC field proceeds much more slowly. CuSO, doped triglycine sulfate samples present values of the polarisation P and dielectric permittivity & that are lower than the respective values for a sample containing no admixture. For doped samples, the coercive field depends on the amount of the admixture and rises with its concentration.

H. Helfer, A.S. Kuznetsov, M.G. Mescheryakov, W. Świątkowski, V.G. Vovchenko
Energy Spectra of Charged Pions Produced in pd-collisions at 660 MeV
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 227 (1960)

abstract The energy spectra of charged pions produced in \(pd\)- and \(pp\)-collisions has been measured using a magnetic spectrometer. The differential cross sections for the \(p +d \rightarrow \pi ^+\), \(p+d \rightarrow \pi ^-\), and \(p + p \rightarrow \pi ^+\) processes at 90° in the center of mass system of two colliding nucleons were found to be \((5.0 \pm 0.6) \times 10^{-28}\), \((0.57 \pm 0.08) \times 10^{-28}\) and \((6.7 \pm 0.7) \times 10^{-28} \mathrm {cm}^2\)/sterad, respectively. The ratio of the efficiency of positive pion productions on protons in deuterons and on free protons is equal to \(0.79 \pm 0.08\).

A. Rubinowicz
Randwertprobleme im Gebiete der durch Elementargesetze definierten linearen Skalarfelder in isotropen und homogenen Räumen
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 235 (1960)

abstract In der vorliegenden Note wird als das lineare Skalarfeld, das durch das Elementargesetz \(\phi = \phi (r)\) definiert ist, das Feld
\(F(x, y,z)= \sum ^{\infty }_{a,b,c=0} A_{a,b,c}\frac {\partial ^l\phi (r)}{\partial x^a\partial y^b \partial z^c}\, (l=a+b+c)\) angesehen, wobei die Koeffizient \(A_{abc}\) beliebige komplexe Zahlen sein können. Es wird für solche Felder die Lösbarkeit von Randwertaufgaben untersucht, die durch die Vorgabe der Werte für \(F, \frac {\partial F}{\partial N}, \frac {\partial ^2 F}{\partial N^2}, \dots \,, \frac {\partial ^{n-1} F}{\partial N^{N-1}}\) an der Begrenzungsfläche des Raumes definiert sind, in dem das Randwertproblem vorgegeben ist. Es wird bewiesen, daß ein solches Randwertproblem für endliche \(n\)-Werte nur in dem Falle gelöst werden kann, falls das Elementargesetz \(\phi = \phi (r)\) und daher auch das Feld \(F(x,y,z)\) Lösungen einer partiellen Differentialgleichung von der Gestalt \(\sum ^n_{i=0} a_i{\mit \Delta }^i F(x,y,z)=0\, (a_n\neq 0)\) sind.

P. Hillion, T. Takabayasi, J.-P. Vigier
Relativistic Hydrodynamics of Rotating Fluid Masses Moving with the Velocity of Light
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 245 (1960)

abstract Wir verallgemeinern eine ursprünglich von Weyssenhoff vorgeschlagene Methode und beobachten das Verhalten von relativistischen flüssigen Tropfen bei Geschwindigkeiten, die derjenigen des Lichtes gleich sind (oder nahe kommen). Es folgt daraus, dass für \(v = c\) neue qualitative Eigentümlichkeiten auftauchen und dass Tensor-Grössen durch Pseudotensoren, im Sinne Weyssenhoffs ersetzt werden. Als Beispiel geben wir die vollkommene, aus Tröpfchen bestehende Flüssigkeit mit einer nicht nennenswerten Restmasse und zeigen dass, wenn wir sie mit einer einfachen Verbindung zusammenbringen, die daraus entstehende Flüssigkeit genau der vor kurzem von Lee und Yang vorgeschlagenen, zweikomponenten Neutrinotheorie entspricht.


S. Olszewski
Nuclear Charge Effect on the Free-electron Model Energy States
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 271 (1960)

S. Olszewski
On the Coulomb and Exchange Operators in the Free-electron Model
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 271 (1960)

Fasc. 3, pages 273–409

M. Rytel
Sur une méthode d’évaluation de l’anharmonicité des molécules polyatomiques
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 273 (1960)

J. Bogdanowicz, M. Danysz, A. Filipkowski, E. Marquit, E. Skrzypczak, A. Wróblewski, J. Zakrzewski
Determination of the Mass of the 1° Hyperon
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 277 (1960)

abstract An analysis of 53 \({\mit \Lambda }^0 \rightarrow p + \pi ^-\) decays found in a stack of emulsion exposed to a beam of \(K^-\) mesons gives \(Q_{\mit \Lambda } = (37.58\pm 0.18)\) MeV and \(M_{\mit \Lambda } = (1115.42\pm 0.19)\) MeV. From an analysis of the results of other laboratories on the standard range of protons from the decay of \({\mit \Sigma }_p^+\) hyperons at rest and the results obtained in the calibration of the emulsion used in the present work one obtains as the best estimates the value \(R_{st} = (1678.6+3.2)\mu \), which corresponds to \(M_{{\mit \Sigma }^+} = (1189.43\pm 0.31)\mu \) MeV.

B. Fechner
On the Statistics of Spin Waves by the Bethe Method
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 289 (1960)

abstract The exact solution of Slater–Bloch’s secular equations by the Bethe method without any additional conditions is considered. The bearing of the results upon the question of statistics of spin waves is discussed. It is shown, that there exists an ambiguity which cannot be overcome without additional assumption.

Z. Kopeć
Effective Mass Method in the Case of Non-Quadratic Dispersion Formula
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 295 (1960)

abstract The case of a non-parabolic energy band in a semiconductor has been analyzed and the necessary modification of the usual effective mass method has been found. It turns out that to describe the motion of single electrons, one must introduce instead of the coefficient \(m_{ef}\) several coefficients, called the differential effective masses. It has been shown that in the above case the phenomena of electrical transport can be described by the same expressions as in the parabolic case with the only difference that \(m_{ef}\) has to be replaced by a characteristic quantity for the given phenomenon, the so-called integral effective mass, being a mean of the differential effective masses. Making use of E.O. Kane’s dispersion formula some integral effective masses for In–Sb — \(n\) have been calculated, as well as some scattering coefficients appearing in the Hall and Seebeck effect.

K.W. Ostrowski
Rectification of Photoelectric Spectrometer
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 319 (1960)

abstract In the present paper formulas are derived for the tolerance of the disposition of the spectrometer camera exit-slit. Other formulas accounting for the curvature of the spectral line set a limit to the admissible height of the exit-slit. A practical rule for the rectification of the spectrometer is also given, the principal feature of which consists in the use of the Hartmann diaphragm. From higher order diffraction, the effect of neighbouring lines on the data recorded is assessed. Computation is adapted to the ИСН 22 spectrograph.

D.A. O’Connor, J. Sosnowski
Measurement of the Slow Neutron Spectrum of a Neutron Beam from the WWRS Reactor by Means of a Crystal Neutron Spectrometer
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 329 (1960)

abstract The efficiency of a crystal neutron spectrometer was determined experimentally using a double crystal arrangement. On the basis of these results the slow neutron spectrum of a neutron beam was determined in the range of neutron wavelength 0.5–2.5 Å . The variation of crystal reflectivity with wavelength was compared with a theoretical expression for this dependence.

J.W. Ostrowski
Collision Recombination in Tl2S
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 339 (1960)

abstract The relaxation of photoconductivity in semiconductor microcrystalline \(\mathrm {T_2S}\) layers was investigated. The hypothesis of collision recombination of the free current carriers in the process of decay of the photoconductivity was put forward and verified. The phenomenological model of recombination: \(r = \alpha np^2\) was proposed (\(r\) — number of acts of recombination per \(\mathrm {cm}^3\) and sec, \(\alpha \) — coefficient of recombination, \(n, p\) — concentration of free electrons and holes, respectively). A recombination coefficient \(\alpha = 10^{30}\)–\(10^{31}~\mathrm {cm}^6 \mathrm {sec}^{-1}\) and a relaxation time of \(\tau = 0.5\)–\(5\) msec were measured. The equation of the recombination curve was derived. The temperature dependence of the relaxation time and electric conductivity was investigated. The parameters determining the conditions of recombination, namely: the concentration of the free current carriers, their mobility, the conductivity, the position of the Fermi level and that of the acceptor level, were evaluated.

J. Klimowski, J. Pietrzak
Dielectric Permittivity Variations in BaTiO3, Single Crystals and Ceramics Resulting from Hydrostatic Pressure
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 369 (1960)

abstract The effect of hydrostatic pressure on the dielectric properties of \(\mathrm {BaTiO}_3\) monocrystals and ceramic below and above the Curie point was investigated. Curves of the permittivity versus the temperature, for various voules of the pressure, were obtained. The maximum hydrostatic pressure was 2.000 kG/cm\(^2\). The reciprocal value of the dielectric permittivity, \(1/\epsilon \), was found to decrease linearly below the Curie point and to rise linearly above the Curie point, as the pressure increased, both in monocrystals and in ceramic. The Curie point and Curie–Weiss temperature (i.e. the temperature of the catastrophe for the cubic phase) decrease linearly as the pressure rises, at a rate of \(-4.1\times 10^{-3}\)°C/at and \(-3.6\times 10^{-3}\)°C/at for the crystal and \(-4.5\times 10^{-3}\)°C/at for ceramic. The Curie–Weiss constant is not modified by pressure. The maximum value of the permittivity of a monocrystal rises with the pressure and the \(\epsilon (T)\) curve becomes steeper; in ceramic, \(\epsilon \) decreases and the curve flattens down. The results obtained within the region above the Curie point were compared with Devonshire’s theory. Using the authors’ experimental results, the coefficient of voluem electrostriction \(\eta \) was computed. Moreover, delayed effects resulting from hydrostatic pressure pulses were investigated.

J. Śledzik
Some Remarks on Collective Description of Electron Interactions. The Partition Function
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 383 (1960)

abstract The nearly-Hermitian variant of collective description is formulated. The correct partition function is obtained. Thereby the exact proof is given that the subsidiary conditions proposed by Kanazawa lead to false results, whereas those of Bohm and Pines yield the exact statistical function, provided the renormalizing procedure proposed by the author in a former paper is applied to their theory.

H. Cofta
Einfluss von Übernächsten Nachbarn auf die überstrukturelle Anisotropie der Spinwellendispersion
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 405 (1960)

J. Rayski
Non-Linear Equations For Spinor Fields
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 409 (1960)

abstract A plausible form of a non-linear spinor equation, similar to the equation of Heisenberg, is derived by using the principle of correspondence with general relativity.

Fasc. 4, pages 421–525

E. Ostaszewicz
On the Fluorescence of Sb- and Mn-activated Calcium Halophosphates
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 421 (1960)

abstract Sb- and Mn-activated calcium halophosphates were produced and their fluorescence was investigated by the spectral method in its dependence on the activator concentration and the weight ratio of the halogens. The trichromatic colour coordinates were computed from the experimental intensity distribution. The maximum quantum yield of the fluorescence as a function of the concentration of activators and halogens and a displacement of the fluorescence maximum of Mn was found to occur in the spectral range of 5760—5935 A when fluorine had been entirely replaced by chlorine. The fluorescence mechanism is discussed in detail; the one consisting in direct resonance energy transfer from the sensitizer to the activator was found to agree best with the experimental results. According to the author’s results, the range of the Sb to Mn energy transfer amounts to 50 cation loci. Perturbation theory as applied to resonance transfer of energy in solids yielded an explanation of the possibility of Mn transitions into forbidden states through the agency of the sensitizer, the return wherefrom gives rise to the orange fluorescence characteristic of Mn.

T. Bedyńska
On the Possibility of Determining the Density of Dislocations by Means of an X-Ray Spectrograph
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 443 (1960)

abstract A method of computing the distribution function of mosaic blocks in the crystal is proposed. For this, it is required that the forms of Bragg’s reflex, as obtained on an X-ray spectrograph with fixed film, and that of the reflex, as obtained on a spectrograph with oscillating film, be known. If the distribution function of mosaic blocks is known, the density of dislocations can be computed.

A. Oleś
On the Dependence of the Photon–Electron Ratio on the Distance from the Axis of Extensive Air Showers of Cosmic Radiation
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 461 (1960)

abstract The transition curves were determined for two distances of the measuring tray from the detector of extensive air showers. The ratio of the number of photons to the number of electrons was found to increase as the mean distance from the axis of the showers recorded was augmented (from 20 to 100 m). For the range of distances applied, a \(\sim \) 50% variation of the ratio resulted. The sign of the effect observed is in agreement with that predicted by theory of electron–photon cascade.

Z. Galasiewicz
On the State of a Fermi-System with Correlation of Pairs of Particles with Parallel Spins. I. Ground-State
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 467 (1960)

abstract The solution of a compensation equation of dangerous graphs, for a system of interacting Fermi-particles, as an odd function of wave vectors is investigated. It is shown that this solution leads to the anomalous state the energy of which is smaller than the energy of the normal state. The energy difference is equal to the binding energy of the pairs of fermions with parallel spin-moments. This anomalous state can exist in the presence of attractive Coulomb interactions. The elementary excitations are separated. from the ground state by a gap the width of which depends on the direction of the wave vector. For the direction perpendicular to the spin direction, energy gap is zero and therefore the state cannot be superconducting. The binding energy of the pairs and the width of the energy gap are of the same order as in the theory based on the creation of pairs with antiparallel spin-moments, where in the expansion of the interaction term in spherical harmonics, the first coefficient is more than three times greater than the zero coefficient. In the absence of the magnetic field the total spin of a system is zero. In the presence of the magnetic field the total spin differs from zero. The paramagnetic susceptibility is calculated.

B. Średniawa
An Elementary Derivation of the Formulae For Multipole Radiation
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 477 (1960)

abstract Expressions for the field intensities of the different electromagnetic multipole radiations produced by electric charges and currents as well as by electric and magnetic polarizations varying harmonically in time are deduced by developing the retarded potentials into series. The formulae obtained are direct generalizations of the Rubinowicz–Sommerfeld formulae for dipole and quadrupole radiations and are valid in the wave zone. The general formulae for the field intensities are also given in tensor form.

A.R. Ferchmin
Einfluss der Kristallgitterbegrenzungen auf die Spinwellenresonanz in einem Ferrimagnetikum
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 487 (1960)

abstract Es wird die Spinwellenresonanz untersucht, welche von dem homogenen magnetischen Wechselfeld in einer dünnen ferrimagnetischen Schicht erzeugt wird. Man erhält eine Lösung von \(N\) halbklassischen Spinbewegungsgleichungen. Die Form dieser Lösung hängt davon ab, ob an beiden Enden einer linearen ferrimagnetischen Kette die Spinmomenten gleich oder ungleich sind. Es wird gezeigt, dass man ausser den gewöhnlichen Spinwellen mit einer periodischen Amplitude auch die aperiodische Spinwellen erregen kann.

J. Lukierski
The Generalization of Dirac’s Equation. I
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 499 (1960)

abstract An equation, invariant with respect to the 12-parameter \(C \times C’\) group, for a spin 1/2 field interacting with an electromagnetic field is investigated. The groups \(C\) and \(C’\) are treated symmetrically. Correspondence with Dirac’s equation and bilocal theory is discussed. We obtain the result that mass is an isovector, in a similar way as in Rayski’s generalization of Pais’ theory, and charge is an antisymmetrical isotensor of second rank. The charge and mass conjugation and the existence of a charge gauge group are investigated.

J. Głowacki
Quenching of Photoluminescence of Solutions by Non-Absorbing Foreign Molecules
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 513 (1960)

abstract The theory of luminescence quenching proposed by A. Jabloński in 1954, has been checked experimentally for liquid and rigid solutions of fluorescein, thodamine B and “yellowish” eosin quenched by KJ and tartaric acid. This theory with a simplified model of the centre of luminescence agrees very well with the experimental results of the measurements of photoluminescence quenching. It has been also shown that, if the molecules are ions, the probability of transition of a quencher from one group to another depends, besides the viscosity of the solution and its temperature, on the charges of the luminescent and quenching molecules and on the dielectric constant of the solution.

W. Majewski
The Universal Fermi Interaction in the Muon Capture
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 525 (1960)

abstract The angular asymmetry of neutrons from the capture of polarized \(p\)-mesons in complex nuclei is estimated, assuming the applicability of the Fermi gas model of the nucleus. It is shown that the four-fermion V–A interaction together with the conserved current hypothesis lead to considerable asymmetry.

Fasc. 5, pages 533–599

A. Rubinowicz
“Umgeordnete” und zweiparametrige Eigenwertprobleme, die mit Hilfe der Polynommethode lösbar sind
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 533 (1960)

B. Kuchowicz
On a Possible Isotopic Structure of the D-particle
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 559 (1960)

abstract In this paper a charge singlet for the recently discovered D-particle is proposed. This particle is included into the scheme of Rayski after a slight modification. Other possibilities in the framework of this scheme are also discussed.

J. Kociński
On the Theory of Spin Waves in Ferrimagnetics
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 565 (1960)

abstract We investigate a ferrimagnetic with spins pointing in the same direction, while at absolute zero temperature. As the model of this ferrimagnetic we take simple cubic and body centered cubic lattices with two kinds of spins \(s\), \(S\), attached to the lattice points of two magnetic sublattices in such a way, that a small spin \(s\) has as its nearest neighbours large spins \(S\) and vice versa. Spin waves are introduced in a manner analogous to that of Dyson for the ferromagnetic case. As in Dyson’s theory, the Hamiltonian of the system is explicitly separated into a diagonal part representing the energy of free spin waves and a nondiagonal part determining the dynamical spin–wave interaction. A quadratic dispersion law with two frequency branches of spin wave propagation has been obtained.

S. Kielich
Molecular Theory of Light Scattering by Multi-Component Systems
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 573 (1960)

abstract A molecular theory of light scattering by multi-component systems of optically anisotropic molecules is proposed. General expressions, accounting for the degree of depolarization \(D\) of the light scattered, for Rayleigh’s ratio \(S\), and for the turbidity \(h\) of the medium are derived. These expressions contain the molecular factors \(F_\mathrm {is}\) and \(F_\mathrm {anis}\) of isotropic and anisotropic light scattering, respectively, which are discussed with special reference to multi-component systems of: (i) anisotropic molecules with constant polarizability, (ii) dipolar molecules with hyperpolarizability, and (iii) non-dipolar molecules with quadrupole moments. Formulas are derived relating anisotropic light. scattering and the optico-optical birefringence of the medium, and others relating isotropic light scattering to the divergence between the molecular refraction of the substance in the condensed and gaseous states. Applications to one-component systems are given.

Z. Lewandowski, M. Makowska-Rzeszutko, Z. Wróbel
Fading of Tracks of Alfa Particles in Nuclear Emulsions and a Method for the Correction of the Visibility of Alfa Particle Tracks in the Gamma-Background
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 599 (1960)

Fasc. 6, pages 607–772

T. Figielski
Electronic Processes at Intercrystalline Barriers in Germanium
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 607 (1960)

abstract The effect of the GB in \(n\)-type Ge on hole diffusion, GB-photoelectric phenomena and transients was investigated. Boundaries of two kinds were found to exist. GB of the first kind are characterized by enhanced hole recombination and the absence of photo-electric phenomena. GB of the second kind revealed no recombinative action and, moreover, the diffusion length of the holes as measured in the plane of lineage were, usually, considerably in excess of the volume diffusion values. Such GB were the site of intense photoelectric effects. The conclusion is reached that a \(n\)–\(p^+\)–\(n\) structure (corresponding to high potential barriers) is formed on the GB of the second kind, and that their properties are determined by a specific “feed-in, feed-out” effect. GB of the first kind may be considered to correspond to \(n\)–\(p\)–\(n\) structures, or to dislocation lineage.

C. Bojarski
Quenching of Photoluminescence of Solutions
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 631 (1960)

abstract Accounting for the effect of quencher molecules beyond the active sphere on the excited luminescent molecule, and for fluctuations in their concentration, the accuracy of the model implying the active sphere of Jabłoński’s theory of the quenching of photoluminescence of solutions was improved. The expression obtained for the relative yield is compared with experimental results of other authors.

J. Massalski, L. Turek
On the Density Spectrum of Electron-Photon Component of Extensive Air Showers of Cosmic Radiation
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 637 (1960)

abstract Measurements of the exponent of the density spectrum for the electron–photon component of the extensive air showers of cosmic radiation were made by means of a 48 channel hodoscope connected with 6 counter sets. The results obtained show that within the limits of experimental error the exponent does not vary with the thickness of a lead absorber (in the range 0–27 mm).

A. Corciovei, G. Musa
The Mathiessen Rule in Disordered Binary Alloys
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 647 (1960)

abstract The resistivity of a disordered binary alloy is composed of three terms: a vibrational term \(\rho _v\), a disorder term \(\rho _d\) and a mixed term \(\rho _m\). We have devoted a special attention to the mixed term, bringing also certain improvements to the term \(\rho _v\), and \(\rho _d\). Finally, \(\rho _m\) has been compared to \(\rho _v\), and \(\rho _d\), and deviation from the Mathiessen rule has been discussed.

J. Pachner
Dynamics of the Universe
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 663 (1960)

abstract The dynamical law of the universe is deduced from three simple and plausible principles without using the energy momentum tensor of continuous matter. — It is showed that the square of the Hubble’s factor may be interpreted as proportional to a certain density of matter which is transformed during the expansion of the universe into rest mass (in form of the evolution of new nebulae and stars) and into different forms of energy. The maximal radius of the universe is reached when all Hubble’s mass is consumed. During the subsequent contraction the stars and nebulae are destroyed by changing their rest mass into Hubble’s mass. In the moment of maximal contraction all the mass exists only in the form of the Hubble mass. This process repeats itself from infinity to infinity. The computed numerical values of the radii of the universe, of its total mass, and of its age are of the plausible orders of magnitude. — It is also proved that the proper meaning of the well-known cosmological constant is: density of the total matter kept on a constant value because of the continuous creation of matter from nothing. An example of such a universe with continuous creation of matter is the de Sitter universe.

V.S. Yeffseyev, V.J. Komarov, W. Kusch, V.S. Roganov, V.A. Tchernogorova, M. Szymczak
Fast-Neutron Scintillation Layer-Detector for Measurements Against \(\gamma \)-ray Background
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 675 (1960)

abstract In this work a scintillation layer-detector with high detection efficiency for fast neutrons and low efficiency for \(\gamma \)-rays is described. The detector is designed for the neutron measurements in the 5–20 MeV energy range. Its operation is based on the difference in range between protons and electrons of the same energy.

Z. Galasiewicz
On the State of a Fermi-system with Correlation of Pairs of Particles with Parallel Spins II. Thermodynamics
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 683 (1960)

abstract The thermodynamics of the “anomalous” state of a Fermi-system (in which the correlation of pairs of particles with parallel spins is taken into account) has been investigated. The transition temperature T, to the “anomalous” state has been found, as well as the temperature dependence of the specific heat for \(T \approx 0\) and \(T \approx T_c\). For \(T = T_c\), the specific heat has a jump. In addition formulae for the paramagnetic susceptibilities for \(T \approx 0\) and \(T\approx T_c\) have been obtained.

J. Kociński
Scattering of Slow Neutrons in Ferrimagnetic Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 691 (1960)

abstract Cross sections for scattering of slow. neutrons by spin waves in ferrimagnetic crystals have been calculated. The type of ferrimagnetics with spins pointing in the same direction while at absolute zero temperature has been treated. The formula for the scattering cross section given by Halpern and Johnson for the ferromagnetic case has been generalized to lattices with two kinds of spins. By means of it the cross sections for various scattering processes have been calculated in the manner used by Maleev in the ferromagnetic case.

J. Morkowski
Spin-Spin Relaxation Time in Ferromagnetics
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 701 (1960)

abstract Spin-spin relaxation time caused by pseudo-dipolar coupling between spins is calculated. It appears that for spin waves excited in ferromagnetic resonance in metals, having wave vector magnitudes of the order of inverse skin-depth, the relaxation time is determined practically by processes of splitting one spin wave into two (and confluence of two into one) only, leading to relaxation time of the order of magnitude \(10^{-8}\) sec for nickel (at room temperature and magnetic field strength of about 5000 Oe).

S. Kielich
Rayleigh’s Ratio and Turbidity of Imperfect Gases
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 711 (1960)

abstract General expressions for Rayleigh’s ratio and the turbidity are given, containing the molecular constants \(S_m^{is}\) and \(S_m^{anis}\) of isotropic and anisotropic light scattering. For imperfect gases, the constants \(S_m^{is}\) and \(S_m^{anis}\) can be expressed as a virial expansion in in- verse powers of the molar volume. The second virial coefficients \(B_S^{is}\) and \(B_S^{anis}\) of isotropic and anisotropic light scattering are calculated for certain molecular models of dipole and quadrupole molecules. The respective quantities are discussed and evaluated numerically for the imperfect gases CO2 NH3, CH3F, CH3CN and COS.

T. Krajewski
The Effect of Flexural Stresses on the Dielectric Properties of Polycrystalline Barium Titanate
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 731 (1960)

abstract The effect of constant and acoustic frequency variable flexural stresses on the dielectric properties of BaTiO3 polycrystals was investigated. The variations of the dielectric permittivity resulting from bending the polycrystalline sample were measured in their dependence on the strain, polarizing field strength and temperature. Within the ferroelectric region, flexural stress was found to raise the permittivity, independently of the direction of bending. An inversion of the sign of the permittivity variation resulting from distention was observed to occur above the Curie point. The relative variations of the permittivity as measured in the steady state some minutes after application of flexural stress are by one order of magnitude smaller than those resulting from homogeneous on e-dimensional pressure.

T. Krajewski
The Effect of Flexural Stresses on the Piezoelectric Properties of Polycrystalline Barium Titanate
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 743 (1960)

abstract The piezoelectric effect given rise to in polycrystalline barium titanate by flexural stress was investigated by the static and quasi-static methods. Samples in the form of two-layer rods of \(1 \times 3 \times 30\) mm were used. Flexural stress in non-polarized BaTiO3, rods was found to induce piezoelectric charge on the surfaces perpendicular to the plane of bending. The effect thereon of strain and temperature was measured. Moreover, the present investigation covered the piezoelectric effect in polarized polycrystalline BaTiO, rods and its dependence on the strain, the time of polarization and the polarizing field strength. A mechanism accounting for the induction of piezoelectric charge is proposed.

H. Cofta
Regular Superstructures of Magnetic Translational Lattices
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 759 (1960)

abstract In the present paper an attempt is made to discuss the magnetic superstructures from the point of view of spin waves propagation. The classification of superstructures pro posed by the author in earlier papers is here developed more precisely, introducing symmetric and non-symmetric superstructures and dividing the former into regular and non-regular orders. The present paper deals with the regular order only. The discussion comprises mainly antiferromagnetic translational lattices, though the general conclusions hold also for ferri- and antiferrimagnetic superstructures. As the most characteristic property of regular superstructures, the author assumes the presence of alternating parallel ferromagnetic planes. Their existence allows to predict the phenomenon of superstructural anisotropy of spin waves dispersion. The presumable behaviour of spin waves in particular superstructures of cubic lattices is discussed in detail. The theoretical proofs of these hypotheses are announced. Moreover, a simple geometrical interpretation of Luttinger’s method of description of superstructures is given.


L. Kowalewski
On the Theory of Magnetic Anisotropy of Ferromagnetic Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 19, 772 (1960)

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