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Acta Physica Polonica (1932 – 1969)

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Vol. XXV (1964)

Fasc. 1, pages 3–141

A. Gieroszyński, J. Mader, B. Sujak
Die Abhängigkeit der Photostimulierten Exoelektronenemission von der Oberflächenschichtdicke bei Plastischer Verformung des Oxydierten Aluminiums
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 3 (1964)

abstract Die photostimulierte Exoelektronenemission wurde untersucht an Aluminiumstreifen, die mit Eloxalschichten bedeckt waren. Es wurde ein Wachsen der Anfangsdehnung \(e_0\) mit steigender Deckschichtdicke festgestellt. Als Mass der Emissionsfähigkeit der während der Dehnung entstehenden Bruchrissen wurde das Verhältnis der Bruchrissbreite zu der Deckschichtdicke angenommen. Die Emissionsfähigkeit fällt mit steigender Schichtdicken ab. Die Anstiegskoeffizienten der Exoelektronenemission weisen keine Abhängigkeit von der Eloxalschichtdicke auf.

A. Kujawski
On Kirchhoff’s Solutions of the Electromagnetic Diffraction Problem
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 7 (1964)

abstract In Kirchhoff’s, both of scalar and electromagnetic theory of diffraction, a splitting of Kirchhoff’s wave motion into a geometric-optical wave and a boundary diffraction one is possible according to Young’s interpretation of diffraction phenomena. The Kirchhoff–Young solutions in the electromagnetic theory in the case of an incident wave radiated by an electric dipole were given by Kottler and subsequently, in a different way, by Laporte and Meixner. It is pointed out in this paper that the modified Lorentz theorem and, as its implication, the reciprocity theorems, lead to the electromagnetic Huygens principle expressed in terms of the Lorentz–Larmor formulas, which are usually derived from the unmodified theorem. It is proved here that the two Laporte–Meixner solutions conceived as quite different by their authors are equivalent not only to one another but also to Kottler’s solutions. The electromagnetic Kirchhoff solutions may be interpreted as the exact solutions of the saltus problem; it is impossible, however, to give such an interpretation to a certain class of the Laporte–Meixner solutions.

N.I. Pyatov
Gamma Transitions in Deformed Nuclei with Account of Pairing Correlations
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 21 (1964)

abstract An analysis of the reduced \(E1\)- and \(M2\)-transition probabilities in deformed nuclei has been made taking into account the pairing correlations. Present results point to a strong forbiddenness of \(E1\)-transitions in the case when \({\mit \Delta }K=1\) and \({\mit \Delta }{\mit \Sigma }=1\). A possibility of analyzing gamma transitions from two-quasi-particle levels in even–even nuclei by means of data on odd nuclei is described.

J. Wojtała
Zur Nichtadditivität der zwischenatomaren Wechselwirkungen
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 27 (1964)

abstract Die Nichtadditivität der Wechselwirkungsenergie eines Systems von Wasserstoffatome, wird mit Hilfe des Störungsverfahren untersucht. Die Rechnungen werden bis einschliesslich zweite Näherung, jedoch mit Vernachlässigung der Austauscheffekte, durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass bei Entfernungen die mit den Ausmassen der Atome vergleichbar sind, der Nichtadditivitätsanteil der gesamten Wechselwirkungsenergie etwa 20–40% der additiven Komponente beträgt, und für kondensierte Systeme (Festkörper, Flüssigkeit) nicht vernachlässigt werden darf.

S. Kielich
Statistical Mechanics of Hexadecapolar Systems
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 39 (1964)

abstract The classical theory of the second virial coefficient of hexadecapolar gases and their mixtures with monatomic, dipolar, quadrupolar or octopolar gases is discussed. Also, a statistical theory of the molecular orientation polarization and molecular refraction of multi-component systems consisting of molecules possessing a hexadecapole moment is proposed. The formulas derived by tensor formalism hold for molecules of arbitrary symmetry and are applied to the case of molecules presenting the axial, tetrahedral or octahedral symmetry. They allow to obtain in- formation on the value of the hexadecapole moment of octahedral molecules such as SF\(_6\) or UF\(_6\).

Й. Пластрняк
Некоторые физические своиства AIN
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 51 (1964)

abstract Рассматриваются оценки ширины запрещенной зоны AIN и приводятся результаты ее экспериментального определения. Найдено \(E_G(\vec {k}=0)\simeq 6\) эв. Дан обзор остальных основных характеристик AIN и назначены главные задачи его дальнейшего исследования.

Z. Bodnar, J. Malcher, A. Szaynok, W. Wolniewicz
Influence of \(\gamma \)-rays on the Electrical Properties of Glass Dust
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 57 (1964)

abstract Irradiation of glass with \(\gamma \)-rays produces changes in the electrification of the dust. Short irradiation (ca 100 minutes) increases whereas long irradiation diminishes the dust electrification. Dust of glass irradiated and heated shows a predominance of positive charge. The results obtained can be explained by the influence of irradiation on the structure of the material and by thermal excitation of electrons through heating.

B. Fechner
Paramagnetic Susceptibility of Ferrimagnetic and Antiferrimagnetic Systems. II. Discussion
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 61 (1964)

abstract The expression for the temperature dependence of the paramagnetic susceptibility derived in the first part of this paper is applied to manganese ferrite and comparison with experimental data is performed. The possibility of evaluation of the three phenomenological exchange inter- action coefficients is discussed. It is proved that they may be chosen in such a way as to get a satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment for high temperatures. The expression for the susceptibility is compared also with formulae resulting from other theories. This leads to the conclusion that: 1) The Néel’s formula for the inverse susceptibility, based on molecular field theory, is an asymptotic expression valid only in the limit when the exchange interactions become very long range; otherwise it is exact only up to the zero power term of its expansion in \(1/T\). 2) The formula for the inverse susceptibility given by the cluster theory of Bethe–Weiss, when expanded in \(1/T\), is rigorously valid up to the square power term.

A. Białas
Conservation Laws for the Spin-Particle in the Gravitational Field
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 71 (1964)

abstract The conservation laws for the spin-particle in the gravitational field admitting a group of motion are derived.

J. Mazur
Investigation on Austenite and Martensite Subjected to Very Low Temperature
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 75 (1964)

abstract The variation of the lattice parameters of austenite and martensite and the breadth of their X-ray diffraction lines have been investigated after subjecting the metals to low temperature treatment in liquid air and liquid helium. From the breadth of the lines the average size of the crystal grains has been estimated. The broadening of the martensite lines is caused by two factors simultaneously: strain and small particle sizes.

S. Kielich
Light Scattering by an Intense Light Beam
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 85 (1964)

see erratum: Acta Physica Polonica 27, 153 (1965)

abstract A classical theory of non-linear light scattering as can occur in an isotropic medium illuminated with a very intense light beam, e.g. from a laser, is developed and applied to scattering systems consisting of molecules (i) optically isotropic or (ii) tetrahedral or (iii) axially symmetric with a centre of inversion or (iv) axially symmetric without centre of inversion. Numerical evaluations are effected and yield a non-linear variation in the depolarization ratio D, accessible to detection in chloroform if illuminated with light of intensity not less than = 107 e. s. u; in other substances (e.g. CS\(_2\)), variations of D will be observable on applying light of much greater intensity.

J. Hibner, R. Firkowski, J. Gawin, A. Zawadzki
Correlated Counts of Muon and Nucleon Components Detectors in E.A.S. Under a Thick Absorber
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 101 (1964)

abstract It was found that because of the secondary interactions of nucleons producing nucleon cascades and of muons producing secondary electromagnetic cascades the distribution of particles under the thick absorber is not Poissonian: the particles tend to form “groupings”. The deviations of the distribution of counts from the hypergeometric distribution are given. “Groupings” of counts with multiplicity 2–6 occur on the background of non correlated counts which have the hypergeometric distribution. The results obtained show that all the “groupings” have the characteristic very close structure.

W. Ziętek
On Bloch Walls in Cubic Ferromagnetic Lattices I. Variational Principles
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 117 (1964)

abstract All the types of ideal stable and metastable Bloch walls which exist in cubic ferromagnetic lattices are examined on the basis of a uniform theory earlier developed by the author [1]. In order to facilitate the calculations a phenomenological operator for the magnetic anisotropy energy is used, in correspondence to classical theories. The influence of a uniform external magnetic field is considered. In part I the variational principles for the Bloch walls in body-centred and face-centred cubic lattices are derived. In part II and III the solutions of the corresponding Euler equations will be given and the energies and widths of the Bloch walls will be calculated and discussed.

H. Chojnacki
On Anisotropy of Electrical Conductivity in Anthracene Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 139 (1964)

B. Czerlunczakiewicz, A. Kowalska
Double Differential Cross-section for Slow Neutrons Scattering on Gaseous Ammonia Molecules
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 141 (1964)

abstract The double differential cross-section for scattering of slow neutrons by ammonia molecules (symmetric top molecules) experimentally obtained by Webb [1] was calculated here using two theories: the theory of Krieger and Nelkin [2] and that of Griffing [3] and Rahman [4].

Fasc. 2, pages 149–301

C. Malinowska
The Scattering Cross-section of Low Energy Electrons in the Thomas–Fermi Theory
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 149 (1964)

abstract An analytical expression for the total cross-section \(\sigma _0\) for low energy electrons scattered by the Thomas–Fermi atom is derived. Numerical results \(\sigma _0\) for several atomic numbers \(Z\) are given.

E. Klugmann, Z. Rozkwitalski
Time Decrease of the Reversible Permeability in Nickel Under Stress
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 155 (1964)

abstract The time decrease effect in polycrystalline nickel wire under compressive stress is discussed. The time decrease characteristics were plotted after change of stress at constant temperature. The ratio \([\mu (0)-\mu (\infty )]/\mu (0)\) attains its maximum in the region of elastic limit for samples annealed in hydrogen. The after-effect is presumably due to excess vacancies generated owing to deformations. All measurements were carried out by means of an a.c. bridge.

H. Światak
On the Algebraic Structure of Gravitational Fields Admitting of 5- and 6-Parameter Groups of Motions
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 161 (1964)

abstract In this paper the algebraic structure of gravitational fields admitting of five and six-parameter groups of motions is investigated, a special note being taken of the gravitational fields produced by electromagnetic fields. Applying the modified criterion of integrability of Killing’s equations, relations between the algebraic structure of the energy-momentum tensor and that of Weyl’s tensor are derived. These show in particular that a zero electromagnetic field produces a gravitational field of type \(N\) or \(0\) whereas a non-zero electromagnetic field gives rise to a gravitational field of type \(D\) or \(0\). It is proved too that in either case Weyl’s tensor and the energy-momentum tensor of the electromagnetic field assume the canonical form simultaneously.

S. Szpikowski
Shell Model Calculations of the Energy Levels in K\(^{40}\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 169 (1964)

abstract The matrix elements of the hole–particle interaction \(V_{12}= V_0(1+x\sigma _1-\sigma _2)\delta (r_1-r_2)\) are calculated in the \(j\)–\(j\) coupling scheme. On the assumption that the mixing configuration (\(1f_{7/2}\)) or (\(2p_{3/2}\)) for the loose neutron and (\(1d_{3/2}\)) for the proton–hole exists in K\(^{40}\) the energies of eight levels in K\(^{40}\) were found. The calculations are in accordance with the experimentally known spins and energies of the K\(^{40}\) levels.

C. Bojarski
On the Problem of the Critical Distance Between Molecules in the Process of Excitation Energy Transfer in Luminescent Solutions
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 179 (1964)

abstract On the basis of the concentrational depolarization theory of photoluminescence with a layer model of luminescent centre the ratio of the volume of the latter’s active layer and critical volume was computed from Förster’s theory. The result is compared with the experimental results of Szalay and Sárkány.

M. Jeżewski, T. Morstin, M. Wierzbicki
On the Immersion Method of Measuring the Dielectric Permittivity of Solids, as Compared to Other Methods
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 187 (1964)

abstract The dielectric permittivity of glass samples was determined applying a condenser of special construction consisting of two coaxial cylindrical condensers in a single vessel. Results obtained by various methods were compared. Those yielded by the immersion method when using the Authors’ condenser were found to be more correct and more easily obtained, provided the powder was properly dried and the liquids dehydrated.

J. Rafałowicz, B. Sujak
Characteristics of Standard Carbon Resistors at Helium Temperatures and Their Dependence on the Measuring Current Intensity
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 193 (1964)

abstract Systematic measurements of the effect of the intensity of the measuring current on the characteristics of five standard carbon resistors used as secondary resistivity thermometers in the helium temperature range (1.74–4.24°K) were carried out. A method is proposed for determining the admissible intensity of the measuring current.

J. Kalinowski, J. Dera
Luminescence of Fluorescent Dielectric Liquids Under the Influence of High Electric Fields
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 205 (1964)

abstract The luminescence of various dielectric liquids with fluorescent admixtures under the influence of strong \(dc\) electric fields was investigated. Fields of the order of \(10^2\)–\(10^3\)kV cm\(^{-1}\) were obtained between the spherical electrodes (\(\varnothing =24\) mm) of a measuring chamber especially adapted to the recording of luminescence. The luminescence intensity \({\mit \Phi }\) and conduction current \(I\) in the liquid were measured versus the electric field strength. Graphs of \({\mit \Phi }={\mit \Phi }(I)\) were plotted for the total luminescence and for light of the wavelength \(\lambda _m\) corresponding to the spectral distribution maximum. Luminescence emission spectra were measured for two values of the field strength and compared with the emission spectrum obtained with the violet line of Hg. Pictures were obtained of the region between the electrodes at steady light emission and in conditions of breakdown.

H. Stachowiak
Infinite Agglomerations in a Polycrystalline Mixture: The Three-crystal Approximation for the Three-dimensional Model of the Polycrystal
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 211 (1964)

abstract The problem of polycrystalline mixtures is dealt with. The critical concentration of a component in a medium is found, from which onwards the connected areas formed by this component extend from one surface of the polycrystalline sample to the opposite surface. The formalism required for this purpose has been developed in a preceding paper. The computations are carried out in the three-crystal approximation. A critical value of 34% is obtained for the concentration.

В.H. Kaщeeв
K Теории ферромагнетиков с геликоидальными структурами. 1. Ферромагнитная спираль
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 223 (1964)

abstract Paccmorpen энeргстичсский спектр и термодинамические характеристики важного специального класса геликоидов — ферромагнитных сприалей. Указано на возможность и нсобходимость экспериментального изучения ряда параметров таких кристаллов.

H.В. Kaщeeв
K Теории ферромагнетиков с геликойдальными структурами. II. Перепутывание ветвей колебаний
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 233 (1964)

abstract Рассмотрен эффект перепутывания фононных и магнонной ветвей колебаний в ферромагнетике со структурой ферромагнитной спирали при низких температурах. Получены выражения для энергетического спектра системы в различных фазах ферромагнитной спирали. На основе выражений для спектра получена температурная зависимость термодинамических характеристик кристалла.

S. Gąsior, W. Stepniewski, B. Sujak
Effect of an External Electric Field on Photostimulated Exoelectron Emission from Additively Coloured NaCl into a Gaseous Atmosphere (II)
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 247 (1964)

abstract The dependence of photostimulated exoelectron emission from NaCl single crystals coloured additively in sodium vapour was investigated versus the accelerating voltage. The measurements vielded graphs of the decay curves of the photostimulated emission with time, at constant values of the voltage; analysis of the graphs led to three relationships between the decay constants \(\lambda _1,\lambda _2,\lambda _3\) and the accelerating voltage applied, \(U\): \[\begin {array}{ll} \lambda _1=1.3-93\times 10^{-3}\ \sqrt {U} &\textrm {for}\quad 0\lt U\leqslant 190\ \textrm {V}\,,\\ \lambda _2=0.09-25\times 10^{-7}\ U^2 &\textrm {for}\quad 0\lt U\leqslant 190\ \textrm {V}\,,\\ \lambda _3=0.0089-15\times 10^{-8}\ U^2 &\textrm {for}\quad 0\lt U\leqslant 250\ \textrm {V}\,. \end {array}\] In measurements with accelerating voltages exceeding approximately 200 V (distance 0.5 cm), \(\lambda _1\) assumed negative values causing the photostimulated exoelectron emission intensity to in- crease with time during the initial phase of observation.

K.F. Wojciechowski
The Dependence of the Interactional Forces Between Inert Gases and Metal Surfaces on the Crystallographical Directions
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 255 (1964)

abstract On the basis of Londons’s method, the interactional energy between inert gases and metal surfaces is computed and its dependence on the crystallographical direction is given. It is shown that for a metal with cubic body-centered lattice the surfaces with higher Miller indices adsorb inert gases more easily than those with lover indices. The calculations are in good agreement with the experimental results.

Б.H. Калинкин, И.Ж. Петков
Реакция полного слияния ядер
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 265 (1964)

abstract Произведен учет влияния больших угловых моментов на процесс образования компаунд-ядра в реакциях с участием тяжелых иoнов.

Z. Polacki
Note on the Increase in Radioluminescence Efficiency Accompanying a Decrease in Average Molecular Weight of the Polystyrene Solvent
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 273 (1964)

abstract An attempt is made to explain the dependence of the radioluminescence efficiency of binary and ternary plastic scintillation solutions on the average molecular weight of polystyrene. The assumption is made that the quantum scintillation efficiency of polystyrene is proportional to the number of polystyrene molecules in unit volume. From this assumption, the radioluminescence efficiency was calculated as a function of the intrinsic viscosity (with some additional simplifications). The calculated function was compared with the experimentally obtained dependence of the relative technical radioluminescence efficiency on the intrinsic viscosity.

R. Żuberek
The Application of the Velocity-dependent Nuclear Forces to the Calculation of the Binding Energy of the \(^{16}\)O Nucleus
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 277 (1964)

abstract A variational calculation of the binding energy of the \(^{16}\)O nucleus is presented. The velocity-dependent potential derived by Green is used. A one-parameter trial function in the form of the harmonic oscillator shell model wave function is assumed. The results show that the binding energy is very sensitive to changes in the relative strength of central and tensor forces. The biggest binding energy obtained for the case of a strong central interaction is about 76 per cent of the experimental value.

A. Kawski
Der Einfluss polarer Moleküle auf die Elektronenspektren von 4-Aminophthalimid
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 285 (1964)

abstract Es wird der Einfluss des Lösungsmittels auf die Lage der Absorptions- und Fluoreszenzmaxima von 4-Aminophthalimid untersucht und diskutiert. Aus dem Einfluss der Orientierungspolarisation des Lösungsmittels auf die Wellenzahl des Absorptions- und Fluoreszenzmaximums von 4-Aminophthalimid, wurde das Dipolmoment des Anregungszustandes zu 6,8 Debye und der Winkel zwischen den Dipolmomenten im Grund- und Anregungszustand zu 16°, erhalten.

J. Borysowicz, M. Zielińska
Variational Calculation of the Binding Energy of the Alpha Particle with Velocity-dependent Potential
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 291 (1964)

abstract The upper bound for the binding energy of the alpha particle is calculated with the help of a variational principle. The velocity-dependent potentials given by Green are used. The trial wave function in the form of a superposition of the \(S\) and \(D\) state functions is used. The binding energies calculated do not exceed 62% of the experimental value. The calculated radii exceed the experimental radius by at least 20%. The results point to the importance of the two-nucleon correlations not contained in the trial function considered. The results are sensitive to the relative strength of the tensor and central forces.

J. Kucharski, W. Mościcki
Phosphorescence in Ethyl-alcohol Solutions of Volatile Oils
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 299 (1964)

J. Głowacki
Influence of Some Optical Processes on Population Inversion in a Three-level Laser
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 301 (1964)

Fasc. 3, pages 305–509

Liu Han-Chou
Kinematical Properties of Deformed Nuclei and the Hill–Wheeler Integrals: II — The \(E2\) Moment and Gamma Transitions Within a Band
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 305 (1964)

abstract General formulae about the electric quadrupole moment and the electromagnetic transition probabilities within a rotational band are derived for deformed, intermediate, and heavy nuclei by means of wave functions generated from the Hill–Wheeler integrals. Numerical calculations show that our formulae about the electric quadrupole moment and the \(E2\) transition probability are practically equivalent to the corresponding ones of the rotational model. Our formula about the \(M1\) transition probability differs from that of the rotational model only in the explicit expression of the \(g_R\) factor, which is the same as in the magnetic dipole moment discussed in Part I of this work.

Cт. Кынев, В. Стоянов, В. Шекeреджийски
Высокочувствительные фотосопротивления и фотоэлементы из спеченного CdS и некоторые обратимые процессы старения у них
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 313 (1964)

abstract Предлагается новый метод простого и быстрого изготовления низкоомных механически устойчивых спеченных таблеток из сульфида кадмия. Даны способы изготовления, на базе этих таблеток, фотосопротивлений и фотоэлементов высокой чувствительности, а также описаны свойства этих приборов. Исслсдовaны некоторые явления обратимого изменения свойств использованных материалов, у которых была большая концентрация донорных и акцепторных примесей. При соответствующем предположении о движении примесных иoнoв меди дается удовлетворительное объяснение полученных результатов.

C. Wesołowska
Optical Properties of Thin Gallium Films in the Wavelength Range from 4000 Å to 10000 Å
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 323 (1964)

abstract The technology of fast and slow vacuum deposition (\(p=5\times 10^{-5}5\) Tr) of gallium films on a glass substrate at room temperature is described. The reflectance coefficients for white light of slow and fast-deposited gallium films were measured. Only slow deposition (\({\mit \Theta }\leqslant 10\) Å/min) was found to yield gallium films of metallic lustre and a high reflection coefficient. Using a Zeiss spectrophotometer, the following coefficients of the deposited films in the wavelength range from 4000 Å to 10000 Å were measured: the reflectance on the air-side (\(R\)), the reflectance at the substrate-side (\(R’\)) and the transmittance (\(T\)). The thickness of the deposited films was measured by the multiple-beam interference method. Photographs of gallium films of various thickness taken in an electron microscope exhibit a droplet structure confirming that, if deposited on the substrate at room temperature, these are films of supercooled liquid.

Б.Н. Kaщeeв
K теории ферромагнетиков с геликоидальными структурами. III. Магнитоколебательное рассеяние нейтронов
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 337 (1964)

abstract В работе с помощью методики функций Грина получены общие выражения для энергетического распределения однофононного когерентного рассеяния монохроматических нейтронов в ферромагнитной спирали. Определены — как функции квазиимпульса фонона и температуры — вклады в затухание фонона, обусловленные спин-фононным взаимодействием. На основе произведенных численных оценок рассмотрены экспериментальные возможности обнаружения эффекта спин-фононного взаимодействия из данных по неупругому рассеянию нейтронов в таком кристалле.

В.H. Кащeев
К Теории ферромагнетиков с геликоидальными структуами. IV. Спин-фононное взаимодействие и релаксация магнонов
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 349 (1964)

abstract Методом температурных функций Грина получено выражение для энергетического распределения одномагнонного рассеяния монохроматических нeйтронов в ферромагнитной спирали. Вычислены вклады B затухание магнона, обусловленные спинфононным взаимодействием в таком кристалле.

J. Szaniecki
Spin Wave Theory for Anisotropic Cubic Ferromagnetics. The Case of Arbitrary \(S\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 359 (1964)

abstract An anisotropic cubic ferromagnetic is investigated by the method of connected diagram expansions. Contributions to the free energy from the pseudo-dipolar and quadrupolar interactions are derived. The accuracy is restricted to terms proportional to the square of the pseudo-dipolar and to the first power of the quadrupolar coupling constants and to temperature terms not exceeding the power 3/2 of the ratio of the absolute and Curie temperatures. The spin quantum number is arbitrary. Detailed computations concern the simple and body-centred cubic lattices.

B. Jachym
Induced Conduction and Ion Mobility in Silicone Oils Ionized by X-rays
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 385 (1964)

abstract The mobilities of negative and positive ions in silicone oils were measured. The activation energies were determined from the temperature-dependence of the viscosity coefficient and ion mobility, and the respective results were found to differ but slightly. Measurements of the ionization current in \(OE\)-4018 oil revealed a value about twice as high as in \(DC\)-703 oil and in hydrocarbon liquids.

H. Grudziński, J. Heldt
Effect of the Intermolecular Interactions in Solutions on the Mean Duration of Fluorescence of Acriflavine
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 391 (1964)

abstract The effect of the intermolecular interactions in solutions on the duration of light emission by acriflavine in the homologous alcohol series was investigated. In the case of alcohols presenting identical specific interaction the lifetimes computed from the absorption integrals, on taking into account the internal field of radiation in the solution (assuming Onsager’s model) and quenching, are in good agreement with those measured directly with a fluorometer. The solutions investigated fall into two groups differing as to the ratio \(\alpha /a^3\) (\(\alpha \) being the polarizability of the molecule and \(a\) — the radius of the cavity in Onsager’s theory). Knowledge of the volume of the solvation envelopes as computed from measurements of the emission anisotropy shows that these two groups differ with respect to this volume, making plausible that they present different radii of the cavity.

H. Szydłowski
Magnetic Annealing Effect on the Magnetic Anisotropy of Cobalt Ferrite
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 401 (1964)

abstract Results on the anisotropy induced in cobalt ferrite single crystals and polycrystalline specimens are given. The anisotropy constants were measured at room temperature by the oscillation method and ballistic method. Moreover, the shape of the magnetic torque curves was investigated by the oscillographic method. The dependence of the induced anisotropy constants on the temperature and time of heating in the magnetic field as well as on the inducing and measuring field strengths was investigated. The relaxation time in polycrystalline specimens was determined. At low magnetic measuring field strength in cobalt ferrite crystals annealed in an inducing magnetic field directed parallel to the direction [100], only one easy direction of magnetization was found, namely [100]. At high measuring field strength, the crystallographically equivalent [010] also becomes an easy direction though remaining less easy than [100].

S. Chojnacki, I. Jarosiewicz, Z. Preibisz, J. Żylicz
The Mean Number of Conversion Electrons Per One Decay of Tm\(^{165}\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 417 (1964)

abstract A simple method of determining the mean number of internal conversion electrons per one decay of Tm\(^{165}\) was applied. The measurements were carried out with magnetic beta spectrometers and scintillation technique. The result for the \(K\) conversion line of the 807 keV transition was \((7.8\pm 0.8)\times 10^{-4}\) electrons per one decay. Also, the half lifetime of Tm\(^{165}\) was determined as \(T_{1/2}=(29.6\pm 0.5)\) h. The number of electrons per one decay for other transitions following Tm\(^{165}\to \) Er\(^{165}\) decay can be determined from the data concerning the relative intensities of conversion lines established by other authors. The results obtained are used in a discussion of the possible three-quasiparticle nature of the 1427 keV level in Er\(^{165}\).

J. Rafałowicz
On a Method of Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Semiconductors in the Helium II Temperature Range, as Applied to Graphite
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 427 (1964)

abstract A procedure for measuring the thermal conductivity of cylindrical semiconductor specimens immersed directly in a helium bath below the \(\lambda \)-point is proposed. A method is given whereby all quantities appearing in the relation \[ K(T) = \frac {Q}{4\pi l(T_0-T_s)} \] derived in the present paper can be found. The thermal conductivity of five carbon resistors (thermometers) as measured versus the temperature by the method proposed was found to be in good agreement with the results obtained by others using traditional methods. A procedure is given for determining the temperature jump on the surface of a current-loaded graphite specimen immersed in a bath of helium I.

B. Kozarzewski
A Theorem Concerning the Gravitational Field with Shear-free, Rotation-free and Expansion-free Geodesic Rays
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 437 (1964)

abstract The gravitational field produced by the null electromagnetic field is investigated by the Newman–Penrose method for the case of vanishing shear, rotation and expansion of geodesic rays. It is proved that from the assumption of finiteness of the metric tensor along the rays it follows that the gravitational field has to be of type \(N\). From earlier work by Kundt and Tamburino it then follows that this gravitational field represents a plane-fronted gravitational wave.

C. Wesołowska, E. Dobierzewska-Mozrzymasowa, B. Jakubowski
Optical Coefficients of Thin Gallium and Indium Films in the Near Infrared and Ultraviolet Range
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 443 (1964)

abstract Gallium and indium films were deposited on quartz and glass optical wedges in vacuum of \(p=15\times 10^{-5}\) Tr. In a single deposition process 5 films of various thickness were obtained simultaneously. The thickness of the deposited films, as determined gravimetrically, was from 7 m\(\mu \) to 28 m\(\mu \). The deposition rate of gallium was \({\mit \Theta }=2\) Å/min and that of indium \({\mit \Theta }=6\) Å/min. The following optical coefficients of fresh deposited gallium and indium films were measured: transmittance coefficient (\(T\)), reflectance coefficient from the air side (\(R\)) and reflectance coefficient from the substratum side (\(R’\)). In the case of gallium, measurements were carried out in the wavelength region from 0.22 \(\mu \) to 2 \(\mu \) and in that of indium from 0.4 \(\mu \) to 2 \(\mu \). The absorption coefficients of the films were determined, and both in the case of indium and gallium a distinct increase of absorption in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum and a drop in the infrared was found. Thin gallium films exhibited an absorption maximum at a wavelength of about 3000 Å.

A. Rubinowicz
Über die Struktur der Quellensysteme der elektrischen und magnetischen Multipolstrahlung
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 453 (1964)

abstract Als Fortsetzung einer früheren Untersuchung werden auf gruppentheoretischem und rechnerischem Wege einige Beziehungen abgeleitet, auf Grund deren man sich ein anschauliches Bild von dem Quellensystem einer elektrischen oder magnetischen Multipolstrahlung machen kann. Sie verknüpfen zwei Arten von elektromagnetischen Multipolen: Die einen werden, wie üblich, mittels Debyescher Potentiale definiert, die zugeordnete Kugelfunktionen einer bestimmten Ordnung enthalten. Die Quellensysteme der anderen werden ausgehend von elektrischen oder magnetischen Dipolen nach dem Maxwellschen Verfahren durch eine fortgesetzte parallele Gegenüberstellung zweier gleicher Quellensysteme erhalten, die jedoch entgegengesetzte Vorzeichen der Ladungen der entsprechenden Pole haben.

M. Hoffmann
Zur Frage der divergenzfreien Reihenentwicklung der \(S\)-Matrix in der Quantenelektrodynamik
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 473 (1964)

abstract Durch Verwendung geeigneter Zustände als asymptotische Zustände sollen nach einer Idee von Haller bei der Behandlung von Streuproblemen keine Ultraviolett-Divergenzen in den Entwicklungsgliedern der \(S\)-Matrix nach Potenzen der Kopplungskonstanten mehr auftreten. Die Behandlung der Streuung eines nackten Photons an einem physikalischen Elektron zeigt, daß bei konsequenter Durchführung der neuen Grundidee trotzdem in vierter Ordnung Ultraviolett-Divergenzen auftreten. In höheren Näherungen dürften erst recht Divergenzen zu erwarten sein.

M. Surma
Magnetic Birefringence of Solutions of Dipolar Liquids in Non-dipolar Solvents
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 485 (1964)

abstract The magnetic birefringence of two-component solutions of liquids was measured, the dipolar component being nitrobenzene, m-nitrotoluene, o-nitrotoluene, o-nitroanizol, 1,2-dibromo-ethane and the other, nondipolar component of the solution being carbon tetrachloride or benzene. Also, the density and refractive index of the solutions was measured. The data obtained served for computing the molar Cotton–Mouton constant of the solutions. The measurements of the magnetic birefringence of the dipolar liquid solutions in benzene were carried out in strong pulse magnetic fields ranging up to 100 kOe. An electronic method was elaborated for measuring the magnetic birefringence of liquids in a pulse field.

Ч. Базaн, E. Шимашeк, E. Тройнар
Отклонение oт правила Koлepa у индия
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 503 (1964)

J. Namysłowski
The Eight-parameter Spinor Transformation
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 507 (1964)

abstract The aim of this note is to show that the most general form of spinor transformation in the Vierbein formalism is the 8-parameter spinor transformation. The chief properties of this transformation are demonstrated, and some mistakes in authors former paper are corrected.

B. Kędzia, J.M. Konarski
Cone-rod Hypothesis of Colour Vision
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 509 (1964)

abstract Attempts to clarify the mechanism of colour discrimination have continued since the times of Helmholtz and Young (1852), to whom is due the first three-receptor theory. After various modifications resulting from progress in anatomo-pathological investigation, this theory holds to the present day.

Fasc. 4, pages 513–633

D. Chlebowska
\(\langle p^n|p^{n-3},p^3\rangle \) Fractional Parentage Coefficients
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 513 (1964)

abstract The method of the calculation of three-nucleon fractional parentage coefficients from one and two-nucleon coefficients is given. The numerical values of the coefficients are estimated for \(p^n\) nuclei on the basis of the shell model with \(LS\) coupling.

W. Gorzkowski
Space Group of Marcasite \(D^{21}_{2h}\) (\(Pnnm\))
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 527 (1964)

abstract In this paper we give the abstract definitions of wave vector groups at symmetry points, lines and planes of the first Brillouin Zone for the Marcasite structure, the single and spinor representations of these groups, the degeneracy of representations connected with time reversal symmetry, and the selection rules for dipole electric transitions. The group \(D^{12}_{2h}\) was investigated by Dimmock and Wheeler [1], who found the characters and degeneracy of representations connected with time reversal symmetry at the 4 symmetry points and on the 3 symmetry lines. In some problems (e.g. for symmetrization of solutions of Schrödinger equation) we must know the full representations of wave vector groups and therefore we give them explicitly.

A. Jaśkiewicz, H. Konwent
Dipole Patterns in Orthorhombic and Trigonal Phases of ABO\(_3\) Substance
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 543 (1964)

abstract This paper discusses the dipole configuration formed in the orthorhombic and trigonal phases in perovskite-type ferroelectrics when the \(B\)-ion is ferroelectrically active. It is shown that in both phases the ferroelectric dipole array is formed when a ferroelectric one exists in the tetragonal phase.

J. Bartkowska
On the Inclination of the Image Plane in an Optical System Caused by Slightly Decentred Surfaces
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 551 (1964)

abstract Image formation in an optical system in which the centres of curvature do not lie in one plane, but at not too great distances from one axis of reference, is considered. Only the laws of paraxial optics are taken into account. A straight line and its image, in general, do not lie in the same plane. The image of the plane perpendicular to the axis is inclined.

A. Fuliński
On the Intermediate Representation in Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 565 (1964)

abstract The properties of the intermediate representation for thermodynamics of irreversible processes are described. In this representation, \(m\) forces \(X_k\) and \(n-m\) fluxes \(J_i\) are chosen as the \(n\) independent variables. The symmetry properties, physical meaning and transformational properties of this representation are examined. It is found i.a. that the matrix \(M\) of phenomenological coefficients is not entirely symmetrical, but consists of four submatrices, two of them being symmetric and two antisymmetric. It is also shown that the transformation of Coleman and Truesdell [5] is a special case of the intermediate representation.

S. Olszewski
Numerical Solution of Statistical Equation with Exchange
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 575 (1964)

abstract An alternative derivation of the quantum-statistical equation with exchange is presented and details concerning the procedure of its numerical solution are given. The solutions are tabulated for the cases of the free neutral Kr atom, one free positive Kr ion and one neutral Kr atom in a crystal under pressure.

S. Olszewski
Statistical Equation with Purely Volume Effect of Exchange
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 585 (1964)

abstract The note presents a statistical equation with exchange, where only one aspect of exchange correlations equal to the volume correction produced by the exchange holes in the electron gas of the statistical model is considered and the energy correction due to the exchange is neglected. The situation is the inverse of that represented by the Thomas–Fermi–Dirac equation where only the energetical aspect of exchange is taken into account. Introduction of a purely volume effect of exchange yields a further expansion of the electron gas of the statistical atom in comparison with the atom with both exchange corrections included.

T. Zieliński
Angular Correlations for the Reaction \(\bar {p}+d\to p+\pi ^-+\omega \)
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 589 (1964)

abstract The transition probability for the reaction \(\bar {p}+d\to p+\pi +\omega \) is calculated for the case of slow antiprotons. Due to the simplifications introduced, it contains only four unknown matrix elements, \(T^J_j: T^{1/2}_0, T^{1/2}_1, T^{3/2}_1, T^{3/2}_2\). The final result is compared with the shape of transition probability for the more elementary process \(p+n\to \pi +\omega \) assuming that the additional proton only plays the role of a “spectator”.

J. Rafałowicz, B. Sujak
Calibration Formulas of Standard Carbon Resistor Thermometers for the Helium Temperature Range
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 599 (1964)

abstract Characteristics for six carbon resistors of four different makers are given, for the helium temperature range: 1.75–4.2°K. Graphs verifying the respective calibration formulas for the resistors from the various makers were plotted. To within the accuracy of measurement, satisfactory agreement was obtained with the calibration formulas generally applied. A method is proposed for deriving other calibration formulas of the universal type: \(\log R = A+ B_0 \times T^{-(1-n)}\). The proposed form of calibration formula conveys a physical meaning that is rather more realistic than that of the different formulas applied hitherto.

Z. Borelowski, B. Średniawa
Relativistic Bipoint as the Model of Elementary Particle
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 609 (1964)

abstract A “bipoint” classical model of elementary particles consisting of two point singularities is proposed. This model is closely connected with the bilocal theory of Rayski and others. Relativistic equations of motion are derived by the method of Weyssenhoff. The solution of these equation is a circular motion of both singularities in an appropriately chosen frame of reference about their “mass center”. A dependence of spin on mass for barions and their resonances is derived, which agrees fairly well with experimental data.

L. Gabła
Nuclear Electric Quadrupole Moment of Radioactive Nuclide \(^{152}_{\ \ 63}\)Eu Obtained by the Isotope Shift Effect in the Atomic Spectrum
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 617 (1964)

abstract Isotope shift effect measurements on the Eu I line \(\lambda = 5765.2\) Å of the radioactive long-living isotope \(^{152}_{\ \ 63}\)Eu (half-life period 12.5 y) are described. The result obtained is \(\delta \nu (^{151}_{\ \ 63}\)Eu–\(^{152}_{\ \ 63}\)Eu\()=(64.5\pm 3.6)\times 10^{-3}\) cm\(^{-1}\). Following the non-perturbation Broch–Bodmer theory of the isotope shift effect, the nuclear electric quadrupole moment of this nuclide was calculated. The value obtained is (\(2.4\pm 0.3)\times 10^{-24}\) cm\(^2\). Hence the intrinsic electric quadrupole moment of \(^{152}_{\ \ 63}\)Eu is \((5.75\pm 0.76)\times 10^{-24}\) cm\(^2\).

M.G. Khishna Pillai, A. Ramaswamy
Potential Constants, Rotation Distortion Constants and Thermodynamic Properties of SiH\(_3\)CN and SiD\(_3\)CN
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 627 (1964)

abstract A normal coordinate analysis of \(ZX_3YW\) type molecules belonging to \(C_{3v}\) point group has been carried out using Wilson’s \(F\), \(G\) matrix method and the results have been utilized to calculate the force constants of SiH\(_3\)CN and SiD\(_3\)CN from the available infrared data. Using the moment of inertia tensor derivatives for the general \(ZX_3YW\) type molecules and the force constants evaluated in this investigation, the rotational distortion constants for SiH\(_3\)CN and SiD\(_3\)CN have been determined. The molar thermodynamic properties — heat content, free energy, entropy and heat capacity — have been determined for both the molecules for various temperature from 100 to 1000° K at one atmospheric pressure and on the rigid rotor, harmonic oscillator approximation.

T.W. Hoffman, J. Nikliborc
Growth of Tungsten Monocrystals on Glowed Tungsten Wires
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 633 (1964)

Fasc. 5, pages 637–761

G. Dautcourt
Die Newtonsche Gravitationstheorie als strenger Grenzfall der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 637 (1964)

abstract In order to derive from General Relativity the four-dimensional formulation of the Newtonian gravitational theory given by Friedrichs and Trautman one has to suppose two conditions: (I) There exists a set of contravariant Einsteinian fields \(g^{\mu \nu }(\varepsilon )\) tending for \(\varepsilon \to 0\) towards a degenerate metric \(^{\mu \nu }\) of rank 3; (II) the inner metric of the hypersurfaces \(t=\) const is independent from the Newtonian time \(t\).

A. Gołębiewski, J. Nowakowski
A Unique Treatment of Various Classes of Even Alternant Hydrocarbons with a Selfconsistent Hückel
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 647 (1964)

abstract It has been shown that modifying the Hückel method by the assumptions: \(\beta _{st}=\beta \cdot \exp (-4r_{st}/\)Å) and \(r_{st}=0.120-0.18p_{st}\) (in Å), a close correlation between some theoretical and experimental quantities is obtained, which is the same for (even) benzenoid hydrocarbons, polyenes and vinyl compounds. With this purpose the following quantities have been discussed: maxima of the \(N \to V_1\) electronic transitions of pure hydrocarbons, maxima of the charge transfer bands of \(\pi \)-complexes, ionization potentials of hydrocarbons, bond lengths, and also maxima of the \(\beta \) band and Hammeltt’s \(\sigma _r\)-constants for the electrophilic substitution of benzenoid hydro-carbons. In all these cases the \(SC\) treatment leads to a better agreement with experiment than the standard Hückel method, even if the last method is applied to benzenoid hydrocarbons only.

В. Жданович
Магнетосопротивление aрceнидa кaдмия b тemпepaтypoм интервале 1,6–300°K
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 663 (1964)

abstract Исследовано эффект Холла и магнетосопротивление кристаллического образца Cd\(_3\)As, \(n\)-типа с концентрацией электронов \(n=2,5 \cdot 10^{18}\) см\(^{-3}\) в температурах 1,6; 4,2; 78 и 300°К в магнитных полях от 2 до 26 кэрстед. Классическая теория магнетосопротивления для сильных магнитных полей для случая Сd\(_3\)Аs\(_2\) неприменима. Даже при \(T=1,6\)°К и 26 кэрстед (\(\mu \cdot H \simeq 13\)), \({\mit \Delta }\varrho /\varrho _0\) не показывает насыщения. Пропорциональность \({\mit \Delta }\varrho /\varrho _0\) к \(H^2\) сохраняется только в слабых магнитных полях \(-\mu H\lt 1\). При \(T=78\)°К отклонение от этого правила, как для поперечного так и продольного магнетосопротивления, мало отличающихся от себя, очень значительно. При \(T=4,2\)°K \(({\mit \Delta }\varrho /\varrho _0)_{поп. прод.} \sim H^1\). Показано, что в сильных магнитных полях (\(\mu H\gt 1\)), во всей области исследуемых полей и температур, зависимость \({\mit \Delta }\varrho /\varrho _0\) от температуры и магнитного поля может быть описана эмпирической формулой \({\mit \Delta }\varrho /\varrho _0=(A\mu _HH)^c\), где \(A\) — постоянный коэффициент поперечного или продольного магнетосопротивления, \(c\) — показатель степени \(H\), зависящий от температуры, \(\mu _H\) — холловская подвижность. Представлено влияние геометрического эффекта на величину \({\mit \Delta }\varrho /\varrho _0\) в исследуемой области магнитных полей и обсуждено причины непоявления квантовых осцилляций магнетосопротивления в гелиевых температурах.

H. Ratajczak
Saturation Magnetization as a Function of the Thickness in Thin Iron Films Evaporated in Vacuum
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 675 (1964)

abstract The present investigation is aimed at assembling a greater amount of data for deciding the problem of the shape of magnetization saturation in very thin films. Iron films were obtained by evaporation in vacuum at pressures of about \(10^{-5}\) Torr. The magnetic measurements were effected in air by means of the magneto-optical Faraday effect in a parallel field. The thickness was determined using X-ray spectral analysis in combination with measurements of light absorption in the film. The experimental results obtained can be divided into two groups: In films evaporated onto substrates in temperatures not exceeding 100°C a decrease of magnetization saturation is observed for films of thickness less than 100 Å, whereas in ones evaporated onto substrates heated above 100°C the magnetization at saturation is constant down to thicknesses of about 20 Å. Films evaporated onto substrates heated to higher temperatures maintain the magnetization even at a thickness of less than 10 Å.

J. Bujok, B. Sujak
Die Intensitätsänderung durchgehender Gamma-strahlung in homogäner Kohlensubstanz als Funktion der grösse senkrechter Drücke
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 683 (1964)

abstract Es werden Ergebnisse angegeben, welche bei Untersuchungen der Absorptionsänderung von Gammastrahlen (Cs\(^{137}\)) in graphitierter Kohle, in Abhängigkeit von senkrechten Belastungsgrössen erzielt wurden. Die Intensitätsänderung durchgehender Strahlung welche als Funktion dieser Belastungsgrössen dargestellt wurde, ist mit Szintillationszählern gemessen worden.

J. Szaniecki
On the Decoupling Procedure in the Green Function Method
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 695 (1964)

abstract The problem of decoupling Green’s function in the case of low temperatures is investigated. It is shown that the decoupling procedure, as proposed by Tyablikov for a ferromagnetic with atom spin \(S=1/2\) and subsequently generalized by several authors for the case of arbitrary spin, yields incorrect terms in \((T/T_c)^2\) and \((T/T_c)^4\). The two-time Green function is calculated exactly and, consequently, the correction of order \((T/T_c)^3\) is obtained. This proves to cancel out with the identical term in the series for the spontaneous magnetization of an isotropic cubic ferromagnetic.

J. Klamut
Über die Elementarbezirke in einachsigen ferromagnetischen Einkristallen
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 711 (1964)

abstract Vom Hamiltonoperator von zweiter Ordnung in Bezug auf die Spinoperatoren ausgehend wurden die Elementarbezirke und die 180°-Übergangszonen zwischen ihnen intersucht, und zwar für allgemeine ferromagnetische Kristallgitter, die jedoch eine magnetisch bevorzugte Richtung besitzen. Der Einfluss der linearen homogenen Gitterdeformation wurde berücksichtigt, Formeln für die Wanddicke und Wandenergie wurden abgeleitet. Es konnte auch ganz allgemein gezeigt werden, dass die Blockwände in massiven Einkristallen im Vergleich zu Néelwänden bevorzugt sind. Dabei gelang es den Einfluss des jeweiligen Kristallgitters mit Hilfe der sogenannten ferromagnetischen Strukturkoeffizienten auszudrücken.

J. Pachner
The Metric of an Expanding Universe with a Locally Non-homogeneous and Anisotropic Mass Distribution
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 735 (1964)

abstract The field equations of the relativistic cosmology are solved under assumption of a locally non-homogeneous and anisotropic mass distribution by an approximative method. By a proper substitution the metric is then transformed into the form particularly suitable for cosmological investigations. This form of the metric shows clearly that the influence of the local non-homogeneous and anisotropic mass distribution upon the metric is expressed in the first approximation by the Newtonian potential. The examination of the applied method of solution proves its accuracy to be quite sufficient for determining the motions of stars within a galaxy and of galaxies within a cluster of galaxies.

J. Namysłowski
Stationary Solution of Dirac Equation in General Relativity
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 741 (1964)

abstract The six conditions on Vierbein field which enable us to find out the \(x\)-dependence of each element of matrices \(\gamma ^\mu \) are discussed in the case of metric which admits a continuos group of motion. These conditions are also used for finding out the Schrödinger representation of Dirac equation.

Ф.А. Бабушкин
Релятивистское рассмотрение радиационных переходоб
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 749 (1964)

abstract Пoлучено общее выражение для вероятностей и снл осцилляторов электрических и магнитных мультипольных переходов с использованием релятивистских волновых функций. Численные вычисления проведены для переходов \(1s_{1/2} \to 2s_{1/2}\), \(1s_{1/2} \to 2p_{1/2}\), \(1s_{1/2} \to 2p_{3/2}\) для элементов \(_{26}\)Fe, \(_{47}\)Ag, \(_{74}\)W, \(_{78}\)Pt, \(_{92}\)U. Полученные результаты сравниваются с известными экспериментальными данными для отношения интенсивностей этих переходов.

Z. Dziuba
Effect of Doping with III-rd Group Atoms on the Flectric Properties of HgTe
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 757 (1964)

B. Bazański
Growth of Nickel Ferrite Single Crystals by Chemical Transport of Material
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 761 (1964)

abstract Schifer [1] and Hauptman [2] prepared Fe\(_2\)0\(_3\) and Fe\(_3\)O\(_4\) single crystals by chemical transport of material.

Fasc. 6, pages 767–855

J. Głowacki
Further Investigations into the Fluorescence Quenching of Dyes by Neutral Salts
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 767 (1964)

abstract The present investigation deals with the effect of viscosity on the quenching constants (i.e. the fluorescence quenching probability during the encounter of a quencher and an excited molecule) of fluorescence of dyes (acryflavin, fluorescein, rhodamin B and rhodamin 6G) in the presence of neutral salt ions (KJ, KCNS, KBr, KCl). The quenching constants for the aqueous and glycerine-aqueous solvents were found to be equal, to within error. Moreover, the foregoing dyes were found to present quenching constants that depended markedly on the positions of their absorption and fluorescence maxima: The higher the frequency corresponding to the absorption and fluorescence maxima, the higher was the value of the quenching constant. Also, conclusions concerning the dependence of the quenching constant of fluorescence on the fourth power of the polarizability of the quencher were corroborated. It would seem that these facts are accessible to explanation on the basis of an acceptor-donor quenching mechanism, which can occur if the potential curves of an excited level of the system molecule-quencher intersect those of a metastable level of the luminescent molecule and that dispersional Van der Waals forces play an additional role in the phenomenon. Jabłoński’s theory of configurational quenching of the fluorescence of rigid solutions is generalized to the case of fluorescence quenching in liquid solutions by taking into account changes in the distribution of various configurations of quenching molecules within the active sphere as a result of the diffusion of the molecules. The mechanism of molecular diffusion in solutions as proposed by Frenkel is shown to be correct.

В.А. Беляков, А.В. Бояджиев, H.M. Вигясов, В.M. Мальцев
Механизм образования и взаимодействия частиц в ядре углерода
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 781 (1964)

abstract Рассмотрены внутриядерные каскады, возбуждаемые быстрыми \(\pi ^-\)-мезонами в углероде. Результаты расчётов по методу Монте-Карло сравниваются с экспериментальными данными. Получено хорошее согласие расчёта с экспериментом для спектров \(К\)-мезонов, гиперонов, \(\pi \)-мезонов и нуклонов, образуемых в результате каскада. Приводятся схемы каскадов для \({\mit \lambda }\)-гиперонов и \(К\)-мезонов. Показано, что каскадная модель взаимодействия удовлетворительно согласуется с опытом. На основании рассчитанного спектра \(\pi ^0\)-мезонов делается попытка выделить источники \(\gamma \)-квантов, отличные от канала \(\pi ^0 \to 2\gamma \).

R. Mierzecki
The Temperature Dependence of Infrared Absorption Bands
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 797 (1964)

abstract The temperature variation of the maximal absorption coefficient, the halfwidth and product of these values was measured for 126 lines of some aromatic compounds. A decrease in peak absorption and a broadening of the lines were generally observed at higher temperatures. The product value was unchanged in 60 cases and its increase was observed as frequently as its decrease. The maximal decrease was observed for C-H out of plane vibration. For chlorobenzenes only, some lines of frequency about 750 cm\(^{-1}\) became narrower and their peak absorption increased at higher temperatures.

R. Mierzecki
The Emission of Infrared Radiation by Liquids
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 813 (1964)

abstract A formula for the emission intensity of a liquid sample and of the cell windows is derived and compared with the experimental results of the infrared emission at higher temperatures. The necessity of introducing the emission correction in temperature studies of infrared spectra is established. The correction can exceed 10 per cent.

J. Mozrzymas
Theory of Spinors of the Group \(\hat {c} \times \hat {c}'\) Physical Interpretation of the Groups \(\hat {c}\) and \(\hat {c}'\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 819 (1964)

abstract The theory of \(\hat {c}\times \hat {c}'\)-spinors is given. This spinor theory is based on the curved complex space \(C_4\) in a similar manner as the spinor calculus in general relativity is based on Riemannian space. The physical interpretation of the group \(\hat {c}\times \hat {c}'\), is briefly discussed and the connection between the \(\hat {c}\times \hat {c}'\)-spinors and \(C_4\)-vectors is established. The \(\hat {c}\times \hat {c}'\)-spinor theory is considered as the geometrical basis for the theory of interactions of elementary particles.

K. Leibler, R. Wiśniewski
The Influence of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Dielectric Properties of Solid Mixtures
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 825 (1964)

abstract Polystyrene-silver diphase mixtures of various silver concentration were measured under pressures up to 10000 kG/cm\(^2\). The obtained increase in dielectric constant was higher than expected from the calculated equivalent increase of metal concentration.

I. Bany, W. Ossowski
A Low-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Magnetometer
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 829 (1964)

abstract A proton magnetometer for static, homogeneous magnetic fields of the order of several tens of Gauss units was constructed. The first prototypic arrangement works at a single radio frequency \(\nu =(200\,002\pm 1)\)Hz corresponding to the value \(H_0=2\pi \nu /\gamma =46.998\) Gs of the resonance field. The detection arrangement comprises an Anderson bridge, a narrow-band amplifier, a phase-sensitive detector and recorder. The least width of proton resonance signals is about 5 mGs. The magnetometer made it possible to adjust accurately Helmholtz coils and to evaluate the constant \(a_H\) relating the magnetic field strength \(H\) produced at the centre of the coils with the current \(I\) in the winding.

J. Nowakowski
On the Theory of the Diamagnetic Susceptibility of Cyclic Polyenes
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 841 (1964)

abstract The approximate equivalence of two different methods of calculating the diamagnetic susceptibilities of cyclic polyenes is proved, for Pauling’s semiclassical method and the quantum-mechanical LCAO MO method.

J.A. Janik, J.M. Janik
Total Neutron Scattering Cross-section Study of Molecular Motions in Dimethoxyazoxybenzene (p-Azoxyanisole)
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 845 (1964)

abstract Total neutron scattering cross-sections vs neutron wave lengths were measured in the wave length region 5.84 Å to 7.40 Å for solid, liquid crystalline and liquid di-methoxyazoxybenzene. From the obtained slopes conclusions about a strong hindrance of rotation of CH\(_3\)-groups in the solid and about a weak hindrance of this rotation in both liquid phases were made.

T. Lubowiecka
Ratios of Oscillator Strengths of Spectral Lines for the Doublets of the Sharp Series of the Arc Spectrum of Ga I
Acta Phys. Pol. 25, 849 (1964)


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