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Regular Series

Vol. 26 (1995), No. 9, pp. 1439 – 1542

Magnetic Universes and Magnetized Black Holes in 5-Dimensional Projective Unified Field Theory


Exact solutions are found in 5-dimensional projective unified field theory (PUFT) for a Melvin-like magnetic universe with (and without) a non-rotating black hole on its axis of symmetry. These solutions and the motion of test bodies are compared with those in Einstein–Maxwell theory. It is shown that particles with positive scalaric mass (a new hypothetical characteristic of matter in PUFT) can accrete onto stars if magnetic fields are present in their surroundings.

Electron Transfer Processes in Disordered Media


The paper reviews a broad range.of approaches to the chemical dynamics in condensed phase systems. We analyze the problem of thermal electron transfer in disordered media (proteins) and discuss the interplay of quantum tunnelling effects, electronic nonadiabaticity, friction and conformational changes on kinetic rate of the process.

See Erratum Acta Phys. Pol. B 26, 1775 (1995)

Possible Deformation of Time Run Induced by Change of Particle Number


A report is presented on some developments of the author’s recent conjecture that a change of the overall particle number in a localized physical process induces in its neighbourhood a small deformation of the time run. This is a hypothetic quantum effect caused by a thermodynamic-type mechanism not present in the Einsteinian classical theory of gravitation, but natural if the familiar analogy between the thermal equilibrium and the unitary quantum time evolution is accepted as a physically profound correspondence.

Lagrange Triangle of Quarks


An approximate model is proposed for a system of three Schrödinger particles of equal masses, interacting mutually through a universal two-body potential. They are assumed to form during their motion a (generally) varying equilateral triangle corresponding to Lagrange’s exact tri- angle solution of the classical three-body problem. The resulting wave equation is formally a two-body Schrödinger equation (in the centre-of-mass frame). This is applied to three constituent quarks in the nucleon. The presented model, called “Lagrange triangle of Schrödinger particles”, may be considered as a nonrelativistic approximation to the much more complicated “Lagrange triangle of Dirac particles” constructed by the author a decade ago.


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