Vol. XXXII (1967)
Fasc. 1, pages 3–197
The Koenig Theorem and Relativity
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 3 (1967)
A generalization of the nonrelativistic Koenig theorem for finite velocity of light is proposed. It provides us with a new parametrization of the internal degrees of freedom of any isolated system, and leads to the correspondingly generalized Schroedinger equation of its internal motion. Although this equation is not covariant under the Lorentz transformations, it determines the Lorentz-invariant amplitudes, as well as the Lorentz-invariant masses of the composite systems. Within the proposed framework one obtains an enlarged class of dynamical models. In the nonrealativistic limit this dynamics corresponds to the interaction described by the potentials, while in the case of finite \(c\) it is equivalent to the phenomenological \(S\)-matrix theory dealing with form-factors parametrized in terms of the momentum invariants.
On Bloch Walls in Cubic Ferromagnetic Lattices II. Periodic Solutions for the Face-centred Lattice
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 21 (1967)
The variational principles for Bloch walls in cubic ferromagnetic lattices derived in Part I of the paper are solved for the case of the body-centred crystal lattice (three-axial ferromagnets), by assuming periodic boundary conditions. The solutions are exact and expressed in terms of elliptic functions. The thicknesses and energies of the walls are calculated, and the results compared with those earlier obtained by other authors by means of asymptotic methods. In Part III, the corresponding results for the face-centred lattice will be given.
Gdańsk C-14 Laboratory Measurements
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 39 (1967)
A list of results of the C-14 activities obtained for 58 samples is given. Of the whole number of samples the corresponding ages of 42 of them were determined; 4 were samples of water from the copper mine at Lubin Legnicki and 10 were samples of tropospheric \(\mathrm {CO}_2\). Among the dated samples there are 7 (from Gd-6 to Gd-17) on which results have already been published [1], but the given ages were miscalculated owing to the standard used previously, corresponding to 105% of the N. B. S. standard \(A_{ox}\).
On the Problem of Concentration Depolarization of Photoluminescence of Solutions
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 45 (1967)
An expression is given which describes the anisotropy of photoluminescence emission with consideration of the dependence of the probability (per unit time) of excitation energy transfer \(P_{S^*S} (dd)\) (Förster 1948) on the mutual orientation of the transition moments of the interacting molecules \(S^*\) and \(S\). The previous assumption (Bojarski 1962) of distance-independence of \(P_{S^*S} (dd)\) for molecules of a given layer was weakened by accepting a smaller volume of the luminescence centre layer. A quantitative relationship between the critical distance \(R_0\), appearing in Förster’s theory and the parameter \(r^{(1)}\), introduced in the depolarization theory, is also given. The received theoretical expression is compared with the experimental results of other authors.
On Atomic Polarizabilities, Coupled and Uncoupled Approximation in the Case of Several Open Shells of Electronic Systems
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 53 (1967)
The paper gives general expressions for the atomic polarizabilities \(\alpha _2 L\) in the case of severals open shells of electronic systems, and equations for unknown perturbed wave functions \(u_i^{\mu \alpha }(L)\) in the case of coupled and uncoupled approximation.
On the Spectral Functions of the Two-particle Green’s Function in Nonrelativistic Many-fermion Problems
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 61 (1967)
The spectral representation of the two-particle Green’s function in a nonrelativistic many-fermion problem is obtained. The spectral functions are expressed by boundary values of the analytic continuation of the Green’s function. Some remarks on the spectral representation of the vertex part of the two-particle Green’s function are made.
Lifetimes of Excited Nuclear States in \(^{115}\mathrm {In}\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 77 (1967)
Lifetimes ot the 597, 829 and 864 keV excited states of \(^{115}\mathrm {In}\) were measured by means of beta–gamma and gamma–gamma delayed coincidence techniques. The corresponding results are: \(T_{1/2}\) (\(597\) keV, \(\leqslant 200\) psec, \(T_{1/2}\) (\(829\) keV) \(= (6.00\pm 0.12)\) nsec, and \(T_{1/2}\) (\(864\) keV) \(= (1.13\pm 0.06)\) nsec.
Untersuchungen über die Verschiebung Zwischen \(\alpha \)-Phosphoreszenz- und Fluoreszenz-Spektrum Des Trypaflavins in Plexiglas
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 85 (1967)
Es wurden die Fluoreszenz- und Phosphoreszenz-Spektren und die mittleren Phosphoreszenzlebensdauern der Trypaflavin-Plexiglasluminophore im Vakuum und bei verschiedenem Luft-bzw. Stickstoff-Druck gemessen. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die beobachtete Verschiebung zwischen \(\alpha \)-Phosphoreszenz- und Fluoreszenz-Spektren des Trypaflavins in Plexiglas (PMAM) nur dann auftrit, wenn in den Luminophoren Spuren von Sauerstoff enthalten sind, und dass die Verschiebung von der Konzentration des Farbstoffes abhängig ist. Dagegen haben die Fluoreszenz- und \(\alpha \)-Phosphoreszenz-Spektren von Trypaflavin-Luminophoren, die sich in Stickstoff von 1 Atm befinden, praktisch die gleiche Spektralverteilung. Die erhaltenen Messergebnisse werden diskutiert.
On Bloch Walls in Cubic Ferromagnetic Lattices. III. Periodic Solutions for the Face-centred Lattice
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 93 (1967)
The variational principles for Bloch walls in cubic ferromagnetic lattices derived in Part I of this paper and solved in Part II for the body-centred case are solved here for the case of the face-centred crystal lattice (four-axial ferromagnets) under periodic boundary conditions. Exact solutions of the Euler–Lagrange equations are given and formulae for the thicknesses and energies of the Bloch walls are derived. The results are compared with those obtained by other authors while using non-periodic approximations.
Infrared Spectrum and Structure of Benzalaniline \(\mathrm {C}_6\mathrm {H}_5\mathrm {CH}=\mathrm {NC}_6\mathrm {H}_5\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 111 (1967)
Infrared spectra of benzalaniline \(\mathrm {C}_6\mathrm {H}_5\mathrm {CH}=\mathrm {NC}_6\mathrm {H}_5\), benzaldeuteroaniline \(\mathrm {C}_6\mathrm {H}_5\mathrm {CH}=\mathrm {NC}_6\mathrm {D}_5\) and benzal-\(p\)-toluidine \(\mathrm {C}_6\mathrm {H}_5\mathrm {CH}=\mathrm {NC}_6\mathrm {H}_4\mathrm {CH}_3\) were studied in the (400–3200) cm\(^{-1}\) region in solutions and crystal powders. Polarized infrared spectra of single-crystal samples of the two first compounds were also investigated. Complete vibrational assignments are given. The polarization state of phenyl ring vibrations suggests a non-planar structure of the benzalaniline molecule in the solid phase.
On the Influence of Ageing Processes on Anomalies of Electric Conductivity of Polycrystalline PbZrO\(_3\), in the Vicinity of the Phase Transition Point
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 125 (1967)
It was found that in the vicinity of the phase transition point there is an influence of relaxation polarization and ageing on the temperature dependence of electric conductivity of PbZrO\(_3\) samples.
Photoconductivity in Cd (S:Se) Solid Solution Single Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 135 (1967)
The dependence of the band gap and the ionization energy of electron and hole imperfection centres in single crystals of the Cd (S: Se) on the percentage of the components (% of CdSe) has been investigated using the methods of measuring the spectral distribution of photosensitivity, infra-red quenching and stimulated photoconductivity in infrared at the temperatures of 100°K and 300°K. The band gap value of Cd (S: Se) solid solution decreases (though not linearly) with the increase of the CdSe content. There is also an analogous decrease in the energy of optical ionization of the sensitizing centre in the CdSe concentration interval from 0% to 39%. Besides, it observed that at \(T = 100\)°K in some CdS, Cd (S\(_{0.92}\) : Se\(_{0.88}\)) and Cd (S\(_{0.76}\): Se\(_{0.24}\)) there appears an additional band of optical quenching of photocurrent with the long wave edge about 0.7 eV. The results of these studies have been compared with those obtained by Bube and Asano and Yamashita.
Magnetic Dipolar Corrections to the Magnon Energy in the Band Theory of Ferromagnetism
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 147 (1967)
The problem of the magnon energy spectrum in the presence of magnetic dipolar coupling of electrons is treated from the point of view of band theory of ferromagnetism. The model of band ferromagnetism with intra-atomic inter-band exchange as the dominant interaction of magnetic electrons is considered. In the long-wavelengths limit the magnon energy spectrum derived here closely resembles the well-known spectrum for the Heisenberg ferromagnet. The main difference consists in replacing the Heisenberg exchange parameter by a quantity which depends not only on the exchange splitting but also on the external magnetic field strength and on dipolar terms.
On Nonmesonic Decays of \(K\) Mesoatoms
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 161 (1967)
The question of the absorption of the atomic \(K\) mesons is studied. On the basis of the shell model, the impulse approximation and the semiphenomenological description of the \(KN\) and \(KNN\) interactions the decay probabilities are calculated. The question of the short range correlation functions is studied in connection with the two nucleon absorption. The probabilities of the two and one nucleon captures are studied as a functions of the nuclear model parameters. The relative probabilities of this two modes of decay, observed in the experiments, are explained in the case of light nuclei.
The “Gorter Thermal Effect” in ERP for Substances with Broad Absorption Lines
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 187 (1967)
The Unit Cell and Space Group of Ethylidene-NN-diacetamide
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 191 (1967)
Photostimulated Electron Emission from Thin Layers of Nickel and Nickel Oxide During Phase Transitions of the Second Kind
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 193 (1967)
Forbidden Lines in the Spectrum of Sn I
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 197 (1967)
Fasc. 2, pages 205–323
Molecular Force Field and Thermodynamic Properties: \(\mathrm {Al}_2\mathrm {Cl}_6, \mathrm {Al}_2\mathrm {Me}_6\) and \(\mathrm {Al}_2\mathrm {Me}_4\mathrm {Cl}_2\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 205 (1967)
The force constants of \(\mathrm {Al}_2\mathrm {Cl}_6, \mathrm {Al}_2\mathrm {Me}_6\) and \(\mathrm {Al}_2\mathrm {Me}_4\mathrm {Cl}_2\) have been evaluated using the latest assignment of Raman and infrared frequencies and using a most general quadratic potential energy function. Wilson’s \(F\)–\(G\) matrix method has been followed in the analysis. The thermodynamic properties of these molecules have also been calculated for the ideal gaseous state at one atmospheric pressure for eleven temperatures from 100° to 1000°K using a rigid rotor, harmonic oscillator approximation.
Mean-square Amplitudes of Vibration Bridged \(\mathrm {X}_2\mathrm {Y}_6\) Type Molecules
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 213 (1967)
The theory of mean-square amplitude matrices is applied to the bridged \(\mathrm {X}_2\mathrm {Y}_6\) type of molecules. The generalized mean-square amplitudes of vibration of the interatomic distances are reported for five molecules. The mean amplitudes of the bridge link exceeded that of the terminal link.
Search for Pseudoscalar Interaction in the \(\mathrm {O}^-\)–\(\mathrm {O}^+\) \(\beta \)-transition in \(^{144}\mathrm {Pr}\)–\(^{144}\mathrm {Nd}\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 221 (1967)
The longitudinal polarization \(P_L\) of the \(\beta \)-electrons of 1.80 MeV from the \(\mathrm {O}^-\)–\(\mathrm {O}^+\) \(\beta \)-transition in \(^{144}\mathrm {Pr}\) was measured. The numerical analysis of the \(P\)-coupling contribution to the investigated transition was carried out by using the results of \(P_I\) measurements of this work and those of Ref. [2], as well as the results of the shape factor \(C(W)\) measurements given by Porter and Day [3]. The obtained value \(|C_P/C_A| \leqslant 1.47\pm 0.03\) can be treated as the upper limit of a possible contribution to the investigated transition. The possibility of experimental verification of the presence of the induced pseudoscalar interaction was excluded. The value \(3.20\pm 0.06\) was found for \(\lambda \), the ratio of the pseudovector nuclear matrix elements. Qur results are in agreement with the experimental results reported by Graham et al. [7], Porter and Day [3], as well as with the theory of Rose and Osborn [8], and especially with that of Pearson [9]. In our calculations: \(\lambda \approx \div 7.0\) for \(\xi = 0\) (no \(P\)-coupling contribution).
Beziehungen Zwischen Thermodynamischer und Informationstheoretischer Entropie
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 235 (1967)
Es werden die Beziehungen zwischen der thermodynamischen und der informationstheoretischen Entropie untersucht. Es wird ein einfacher Meßprozeß diskutiert und damit gezeigt, daß zum Informationsgewinn stets eine gewisse Menge thermodynamische Entropie benötigt wird. Im Gegensatz zu Brillouin [6] wird zur Messung nicht die Streuung von Licht benutzt.
Triplet–Triplet Annihilation of Naphthalene Molecules in Solid Solution of Methyl Methacrylate Polymer
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 243 (1967)
Measurements on the delayed fluorescence observed in the solid solution of naphthalene \(PMAMA\) agreed with an earlier interpretation as a result of triplet–triplet annihilation process. Delayed fluorescence intensity and phosphorescence intensity as functions of excitation, dependences on the concentration, shape of decay curves and comparison of lifetimes are in satisfactory agreement with anticipation.
Geodesic Motion in Gravitational Field II. Generalized Tolman Solutions
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 253 (1967)
The motion of a test body in an isotropic sphere of fluid is studied in the framework of general relativity. The sphere is described by Tolman’s solutions IV, V, and VI (the two latter solutions are applied in their generalized form according to Wyman). Conditions for a stationary motion of massless particles in a bounded region of space (incl. the sphere interior) are derived; also some restrictions of physical type upon the solutions involved are presented.
Kinematical Interaction in Spin Wave Theory for an Isotropic Cubic Antiferromagnetic
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 271 (1967)
The previously proposed, general theory of cut-off partition function is developed. Some of the graphs due to kinematical interaction are shown to yield small constant corrections to the partition function.
Remarks on Inhomogeneity of Magnetization in Ferromagnetic Thin Films
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 289 (1967)
The distribution of magnetization as function of surface anisotropy is calculated for a sc. film.
On Three-photon Light Scattering in Atomic Fluids
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 297 (1967)
The occurrence of three-photon light scattering in atomic fluids is discussed classically, and shown to be related only with the nonlinear polarization of atoms induced by a strong optical field in the presence of (i) an external DC electric field, (ii) an optical field gradient or (iii) microscopic electric fields existing between the atoms of highly condensed fluids. Numerical evaluations prove the feasibility of detecting three-photon scattering in liquefied argon when using an intense laser beam.
The Effect of Hardening on the Temperature Dependence of Spontaneous Magnetization of Lithium Ferrite-chromites
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 301 (1967)
The paper presents the results received during research on the effect of hardening on the temperature dependence of spontaneous magnetization of lithium ferrite-chromites. It was found that lithium ferrite-chromites, of the general chemical formula \(\mathrm {Li}_2\mathrm {O}/5\)–\(2a/\mathrm {Fe}_2\mathrm {O}_3 \cdot 2a\, \mathrm {Cr}_2\mathrm {O}_3\) with \(a = 1.15, 1.25, 1.35, 1.5\) and 1.6, when submitted to hardening experience a change in the temperature dependence of spontaneous magnetization. In the initial state this dependence is characterized by the existence of a compensation point which depends on the chemical composition of the samples. After hardening this compensation point vanishes. The curves of the temperature dependence of spontaneous magnetization lose their abnormal character. The Curie point shifts towards the lower temperatures, whereas the spontaneous magnetization measured at the temperature of liquid nitrogen rises relative to the value of this size of sample in the initial state. There is also a discussion on the causes that could bring about the observed changes.
On Periodic Domain Structures with Bloch Walls
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 309 (1967)
An elementary method of investigating solutions of the variational problem concerned with the one-dimensional model of magnetic structures in hexagonal and cubic crystals is presented. These solutions describe periodic magnetic structures of Bloch-type.
Nuclear Processes Do Occur in Living Tissue?
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 323 (1967)
Fasc. 3, pages 329–515
Space-charge Limited Current in \(p\)-chloranil Crystals Measured Using the Liquid Electrodes
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 329 (1967)
The negative steady-state space-charge limited currents in \(p\)-chloranil crystals were measured using the liquid electrodes. The magnitude of the current has been found to be independent of the nature of the carrier-injecting electrode used. The data obtained from the current-voltage characteristics enabled to calculate the electron mobility and the space density of traps. The electron mobility amounts to about \(5\times 10^{-8}\) cm\(^2\)/V\(\cdot \) sec. The concept of the conduction band is incompatible with such a low value of mobility.
Theory of Superconducting Fermi-liquid with the \(P\)-pairing
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 335 (1967)
The theory of superconducting Fermi-systems with the \(P\)-pairing is developed. We do not assume any decoupling procedure for the Green’s functions and, similarly, we do not assume that the system is described by a model Hamiltonian. The assumption that the energy gap is much less than the Fermi energy is our the most important assumption. A similar theory for systems with \(S\)-pairing was developed by Larkin and Migdal (1963) by generalization of the theory of normal Fermi-liquid given by Landau (1958). In the present paper we obtain the general solutions for static spin susceptibility and for vertex functions if the energy and momentum transfers are small. The poles of vertex functions give energies of collective excitations. The dispersion curve for acoustic branch of excitation is the same as for systems with \(S\)-pairing and is given by the thermodynamical formula. From the expression for vertex functions we obtain the polarization operator giving the gauge-invariant Meissner effect. The expression for static spin susceptibility can be used in order to obtain the relation between Landau parameters with the use of the experimental data for Knight’s shift.
The Pressure Broadening of the Mercury Resonance Line by Helium
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 359 (1967)
Numerical calculations of the shape and the shift of the mercury resonance line broadened by helium (at various densities) have been carried out by means of an electronic computer on the basis of the theory of Jablonski. Simultaneous interaction with many helium atoms have been taken into account as well as the influence of the diffuseness of states resulting from the finite lifetime of quasi-molecules. The Lennard–Jones (12—6) potential has been applied in order to take into account the repulsion branches of the potential curves. The force constants of the repulsion terms of the potential for the \(6^3P_1\) Hg state have been introduced in the calculations as empirical parameters and then determined by means of an optimalization procedure. The computed intensity distribution are in good agreement with the experimental distributions in the entire range of the broadened line. For high helium density deviations are observed on the short wavelength side of the line which are due to the appearance of a satellite band. The shift of the line (towards shorter waves) as well as its half-width are in agreement with the experimental results.
Вырожденные унитарные представления группы \(SU\)(2,2) и симметриа элементарных частиц
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 375 (1967)
В предыдущей работе [1] было найдено две серии вырожденных унитарных представлений группы \(SU (2,2)\). В настоящей работе показано, что одна из этих двух серий (именно главная серия) принадлежит так называемой серии \(d_1\) Граева [2]. Кроме того, здесь указано возможное применение презставлений главной серии к теории симметрии элементарных частиц. Дана редукиия \(SU (2,2)\supset \{SU(2)\otimes SU(2)\otimes U(1)\}_p\) где \(р\) 4-импульс частиц, и проведена классификация частиц по неприводимым представлениям максимальной компактной подгруппы. Коротко рассмотрена так же вершина взэимодсйствия бесконечного мультиплета c синглетным полем.
Criteria for the Applicability of Conventional Bloch Wall Models
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 385 (1967)
The results obtained in previous papers while studying periodic domain structures in cubic ferromagnetic lattices are used here in examining the applicability of conventional Bloch wall models in describing space distributions of the magnetization in ferromagnets. It is shown that the conventional domain structure approach is admissible only if the domain width exceeds a certain critical value which depends upon the material and type of Bloch wall. The critical values for all types of Bloch walls in cubic crystals are determined and numerical results are given for Fe and Ni (as representatives of the \(bcc\) and \(fcc\) lattice, respectively). The results show that these critical values are large enough (\(\sim 10^{-4}\) cm for Fe and Ni) to make the use of conventional domain structure models in many cases questionable. In addition, the inadequacy of standard Bloch wall classifications and stability criterions is discussed.
High-temperature Measurement
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 399 (1967)
A method is given for the determination of plasma temperature (\(T\)) from the quadratic Stark-effect shift (\({\mit \Delta }\nu \)) and broadening (\({\mit \Delta }\gamma \)) of spectrum lines. The application of the method is elaborated with the aid of an electronic computer for the elements Ni, Cu, Sr, Ba, Pb and diagrams show \({\mit \Delta }\nu \) and \({\mit \Delta }\gamma \) in the function of \(T\). The concrete application is illustrated with a special example. The diagrams make possible to determine \(T\) after the measurement of \({\mit \Delta }\nu \) or \({\mit \Delta }\gamma \) of any spectrum line of the above elements. The method can be applied for the determination of plasma temperature in the region from \(10^4\) to \(10^5\) °K in the case of thermodinamical equilibrium.
Electric and Magnetic Anisotropy Induced in Nonabsorbing Isotropic Media by an Intense Laser Beam
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 405 (1967)
By a semi-macroscopic theory, intense light is shown to induce electric and magnetic anisotropy in isotropic media. In diamagnetics, the magnetic effect is small as compared to the optically-induced electric anisotropy, which e.g. in carbon disulphide or nitrobenzene should be accessible to observation by using a giant pulsed ruby laser. Investigation of the two effects in gases will yield new information on the electric and optical anisotropies, both linear and non-linear, of various molecules; in condensed media it can moreover provide data on the molecular correlations. The variations in electric and magnetic permeability due to optico-striction and the optico-caloric effect are calculated thermodynamically.
A Perturbation Treatment of the Many-electron Problem
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 421 (1967)
A perturbation treatment of the many-electron problem is proposed which starts from the pole-less eigenvalue equation of Hirschfelder (Eq. 4) instead from the Schrödinger equation. Preliminary, encouraging numerical results for the ground state of the helium atom are presented.
Vibronic Coupling in Non Rigid Dimer. I. Weak Coupling Limit
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 427 (1967)
The influence of relative vibration of moiety on the energy levels in a dimer and jumping frequency of excitation are discussed. It is shown that relative vibration decreases the resonance interaction energy between molecules in a dimer and that minimum of jumping frequency occurs at the temperature \(T \neq 0\)°K. The experimental consequences of this fact is discussed.
Frequenzspektroskopische Untersuchungen des Lösungsmitteleffektes an Einigen Siloxanen
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 437 (1967)
Zum Studium des Lösungsmitteleinflusses auf die SiOSi-Bindung wurden IR- und Raman-spektroskopische Untersuchungen des Lösungsmitteleffektes an einigen Siloxanen (Hexamethtyldisiloxan, Hexamethylcyclotrisiloxan und Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxan) unternommen. Die Messresultate wurden in Tabellen und Diagrammen dargestellt. Eine qualitative Diskussion der Ergebnisse ist durchgeführt worden. Die theoretische Auswertung, verbunden mit weiteren experimentellen Untersuchungen, ist vorgesehen.
Elastic and Inelastic Charge Exchange Processes in the Quark Model
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 443 (1967)
Two-body charge-exchange processes, with or without resonance production are discussed in the framework of the generalized quark model. Relations between the cross-sections and spin density elements are derived and compared with the experimental data. The comparison shows a rather good agreement for the density matrix elements. On the other hand, relations between the cross-sections predicted by the model seem to disagree, in general, with the present data.
Одночастичные уровни среднего поля деформированных ядер
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 461 (1967)
Предложен метод решения уравнения Шредингера с диффузным потенциалом, позволяющий вычислить энергии и аналитические волновые функции одночастичных соотношений деформированного аксиально симетричного ядра.
On Dynamic Polarizability, Coupled and Uncoupled Approximation for Many Open Shells
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 479 (1967)
The paper deals with the coupled and uncoupled approximation used in order to describe the effects for many open shells of electronic systems by means of time-independent perturbation.
Ternary Fission of \(^{236}_{92}\)U
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 485 (1967)
see erratum: Acta Physica Polonica 32, 1035 (1967)
The ternary fission mechanism of \(^{236}_{92}\)U with the emission of a particle with \(Z\gt 2\) was investigated. Two types of ternary fission of \(^{236}_{92}\mathrm {U}\) were found. The first type is called the asymmetrical ternary fission and the second type the symmetrical ternary fission. One from the other differs by the way of tripartition. The average of the total kinetic energy of ternary fission fragments was found to be 202 MeV. The measured ratio of the ternary fission cross section to the binary fission cross section is about 10\(^{-3}\).
Electric and Magnetic Polarizabilities of Mesons and Baryons in Quark Model
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 495 (1967)
The non-relativistic quark model is used to obtain the coefficients for the electric and magnetic polarizabilities of baryons and mesons. Some theoretical numerical estimations are given for the magnetic polarizabilities.
The Specific Heat of Carbon Steels at Helium Temperatures
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 501 (1967)
The specific heat of six plain carbon steels and armco iron has been investigated in the range of temperatures from 2 to 20°K; six carbon steels were chosen, containing 0.10 per cent, 0.25 per cent, 0.45 per cent, 0.75 per cent, 1.25 per cent and 2.50 per cent of carbon respectively. The measurements have been carried out by using an adiabatic calorimeter of the Nernst type. The lattice and electronic specific heats have been separated, the electronic coefficient \(\gamma \), the lattice coefficient \(\alpha \) and the Debye temperatures have been calculated. The measurements of the hardness of all specimens have been performed. The influence of the carbon contents on the specific heat and hardness of the carbon steels is prominent.
A Simple Method of Preparing Ball-shaped Samples for Magnetic Measurements of Some Magnitudes of Ferrites and Metal Alloys
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 515 (1967)
Fasc. 4, pages 521–677
Changes of Radioluminescence Yield in the Polymerization Process of Styrene Scintillators at Various Polymerization Temperatures
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 521 (1967)
In order to elucidate the influence of styrene monomer occurring in polystyrene scintillator block on scintillation yield the dependence of the relative radioluminescence yield on polymerization time was studied for different solutions. The present paper gives the result of further observations of these dependence at various polymerization temperatures.
Influence of the Intermolecular Interactions on the Vibrational Spectra Intensities
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 525 (1967)
The changes of the vibrational transition probabilities caused by molecular interactions have been calculated for the CCl\(_4\) molecule by means of a simple method. The results show, that these interactions can be in considerable measure responsible for differences between the spectrum intensities of the gaseous and liquid phases.
Exploitation of the Heating of the Paramagnetic Substances as a Method of Investigation of the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 533 (1967)
Considering some examples of paramagnetic hydrates it is shown that using a differential thermocouple it is possible to observe their heating during the process of electron paramagnetic resonance. The thermocouple method is demonstrated in cases of substances having the absorption lines of different width. It is also shown that the process of the ferro(ferri) magnetic resonance causes a heating of the ferrite.
On the Influence of Calcination and X Ray Dosage on the (Exo)Emission of Electrons and Thermoluminescence of CaF\(_2\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 541 (1967)
Thermostimulated (exo)emission of electrons (\(TEE\)) and thermoluminescence (\(TL\)) of CaF\(_2\) have been studied for chemically pure samples after their calcination in air and irradiation by X rays. It was found that in case of CaF\(_2\) there are two distinct emission maxima at the temperatures 440°K and 515°K as well as one maximum, however less distinct at 355°K. Luminescence maxima on the glow curve appear at 355°K and 435°K. It is shown that the total number of emitted electrons and the total number of emitted quanta are significantly influenced by (a) the sample calcination temperature — \(T_w\), (b) the dosage of X rays exciting the emission — \(D\).
Theory of Free Relativistic Multipole Field. I. Classical Part
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 551 (1967)
The replacement of mass derivative acting on the free Klein–Gordon solution by means of operators which depend on space-time variables is studied. The multipole solution of \(n\)-th order is defined as a linear combination of \(n\) solutions of the Klein–Gordon equation. There is given a complete discussion of the arbitrariness occurring in this definition. We get the result that the set \(\psi _n\) of these \(n\) solutions forms a \(n\)-dimensional triangle representation of the translation group. The transformations of the set \(y\), under the Lorentz rotations are also given. The covariance of the Green’s functions for different formulations (different choices of \(\psi _n\)) is shown.
Solution of Sommerfeld’s Problem of Diffraction by a Wedge in the Case Acoustic Multipoles
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 579 (1967)
The paper brings a solution of Sommerfeld’s problem for multipole fields in the case of diffraction by a wedge. There is an explanation of the proffered form of the solution which in comparison with the results of the paper (Petykiewicz 1965) was subject to a seemingly small, but actually very essential, modification. The latter makes it possible to prove the fulfilment of all the conditions imposed upon the solution. The form of the solution in the previous paper gave rise to certain difficulties as regards confirmation of the fact that the edge condition is satisfied. With the present form of the solution this difficulty has been overcome.
Electric Hysteresis in PbZrO\(_3\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 597 (1967)
The occurrence of a hysteresis loop for the discharge current was found in ceramic samples of PbZrO\(_3\) in the neighbourhood of the phase transition point. The parameters of these loops show a local maximum and a local minimum at those temperatures at which there is a maximum of \(\varepsilon \) in the cooling and heating processes, respectively. Below the Curie point such hysteresis loops have also been observed by means of an oscilloscope. These phenomena indicate that there is a possibility of the existence of a ferroelectric phase in PbZrO\(_3\).
Ionization of the Helium Atom by Electron Impact
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 605 (1967)
Cross sections for the ionization of the helium atom by electron impact are calculated in the Born approximation using several sets of parameters in the wave function for the initial and final state. Some errors in the results published by other authors are corrected. The dependence of the calculated cross section on the choice of wave functions is discussed.
On the Influence of Asymmetry and Wedge-angle of Interference Layer on Degree of Contrast and Half-width of Fizeau Fringes in Multiple-beam Interference in Reflected Light
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 611 (1967)
The influence of asymmetry and wedge-angle of interference layers on the distribution of the intensity of light in Fizeau fringes observed in multiple-beam interference in reflected light has been studied. It was found that asymmetry of the interference layer gives rise to a decrease in the degree of contrast of the Fizeau fringes but does not influence their half-width. It was also found that the wedge-angle of interference layer results in a change of the order of interference, in asymmetry of the distribution light intensity within the fringe, in appearance of additional extrema, in a decrease in the degree of contrast and in an increase of the half-width. If the wedge angle is very small the light intensity distribution may be approximately expressed by means of the formula of Airy.
The Lower Limit of Transverse Momentum and Four-momentum Transfer of Recoil Protons in High Energy Interactions of Secondary Particles Coming from Cosmic Ray Jets
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 629 (1967)
The purpose of this work was the determination of the transverse momenta and four-momenta of recoil protons in the interactions of high energy secondary cosmic ray particles, a large fraction of which corresponds to \(\pi \)-nucleon interactions, as well as a comparison of result with those obtained previously for nucleon–nucleon collisions. The method applied was based on the calculation of transverse momenta and four-momenta for all jet tracks assuming that a given track belongs to recoil proton and on further selection of the smallest possible value of \(p_{\perp }\) and \(\delta _2\). For secondary jets, as previously for primary ones, distributions of the smallest possible \(p_{\perp }\)-values of recoil protons have been obtained, average \(p_{\perp }\)-values being considerably larger than those of pions. Accordingly the obtained values of four-momentum of recoil protons are also large, of the order of several GeV/c.
Emission of Fast Deuterons in Very Large Stars Induced by 9 GeV Protons in Nuclear Emulsion
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 635 (1967)
Emission of deuterons of momenta from 520 MeV/\(c\) to 720 MeV/\(c\) in 102 very large stars (\(N_h\gt 28, N_h\) — number of heavily ionizing particles per star) in nuclear emulsion was investigated. The stars belonged to the extreme class of interactions of 9 GeV protons with heavy nuclei in emulsion (predominantly Ag) corresponding to large energy transfer to the target nucleus. The interactions resulted in the rapid break-up of the nucleus into many nuclear particles. A large abundance of deuterons in the considered momentum interval was observed (\(1.6\pm 0.3\) per star). The results are compared with those obtained previously in the study of other types of interactions and are interpreted in terms of the Butler–Pearson mechanism.
Some Properties of Simple Wave Functions with Pole-eliminating Correlation Factors
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 641 (1967)
Properties of the simple trial functions with pole-eliminating correlation factors were investigated for the case of the helium atom ground state. The energy values, local energy interval, expectation values of some operators as well as the electron pair distribution function and the Coulomb hole [11] obtained with these trial functions were discussed.
High-energy Relations for the Scattering of Particles and Antiparticles and the Oscillations of the Scattering
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 651 (1967)
The relations for high-energy scattering of particles and antiparticles, following from analyticity and crossing symmetry, are discussed for the simple case of oscillating scattering amplitudes.
Verschiedene Vektorpotentiale Quellenfreier Vektorfelder
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 655 (1967)
Wird durch ein Vektorpotential \(\mathbf {\mathit {W}}(Q)\) ein quellenfreies Vektorfeld \(\mathbf {\mathit {V}}(Q) = \mathrm {rot}_Q\mathbf {\mathit {W}}(Q)\) dargestellt, so ergibt sich bekanntlich das gleiche Vektorfeld \(\mathbf {\mathit {V}}(Q)\) auch aus dem Vektorpotential \[\mathbf {\mathit {W}}^*(Q) = \mathbf {\mathit {W}}(Q)+\mathrm {grad}_Q F(Q)\,.\hspace {3cm} (a) \] Da das skalare Potential \(f(Q)\) beliebig wählbar ist, kann man es verwenden um dem Vektorpotential \(\mathbf {\mathit {W}}^*(Q)\) eine Nebenbedingung aufzuerlegen. Eine solche kann man stets mit Hilfe eines geeigneten Operators \(\hat O\) in der Gestalt \[\hat O \mathbf {\mathit {W}}^*(Q)= 0\hspace {7cm} (b)\] darstellen. Wendet man diesen Operator \(\hat O\) auf die Beziehung (a) an, so ergibt sich mit Rücksicht auf (b) zur Bestimmung von \(f(Q)\) die Differentialgleichung \[\hat O_{\mathrm {grad}_{Q}} f(Q) = -\hat O\mathbf {\mathit {W}}(Q)\,.\hspace {4cm} (c)\] Wenn sich aus (c) durch Elimination von \(f(Q)\) Beziehungen zwischen den Komponenten des Vektorpotentials \(\mathbf {\mathit {W}}(Q)\) ergeben, so kann man mit Hilfe von \(\mathbf {\mathit {W}}(Q)\) und daher auch von \(\mathbf {\mathit {W}}^*(Q)\) nur spezielle Vektorfelder \(\mathbf {\mathit {V}}(Q)\) darstellen. Ist dies jedoch nicht der Fall, so lassen sich beliebige quellenfreie Vektorfelder \(\mathbf {\mathit {V}}(Q)\) durch Vektorpotentiale \(\mathbf {\mathit {W}}^*(Q)\) beschreiben, die die Nebenbedingung (b) erfüllen. Auf diese Weise kann man entscheiden, ob die Vektorpotentiale \(\mathbf {\mathit {W}}^*(Q)\) die eine Nebenbedingung (b) erfüllen, beliebige quellenfreie Vektorfelder \(\mathbf {\mathit {V}}(Q)\) darstellen können. Die allgemeinen Betrachtungen werden durch verschiedene Beispiele erläutert.
Fournary Fission of \(^{235}\)U Nuclei Induced by Thermal Neutrons
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 673 (1967)
Cyclotron Resonance and Cyclotron Effective Mass in Gallium
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 677 (1967)
Fasc. 5, pages 687–861
Die Fraunhoferschen Beugungserscheinungen der Elastischen Wellen
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 687 (1967)
Durch einen bekannten Grenzübergang wird aus dem vom Verfasser (1967) für den Frenelschen Fall angegebenen Ausdruck für die elastische Beugungswelle, eine Fraunhofersche Beugungswelle im Falle einer einfallenden ebenen Dilatations- oder Schiebungswelle erhalten. Die angegehenen Ausdrücke für die elastische Fraunhofersche Beugungswelle erleichtern die praktische Berechnung dieser Beugungserscheinungen, insbesondere im Falle wo der beugende Rand nicht eben ist sondern durch eine Raumkurve gegeben wird. Aus den erhaltenen Ausdrücke ergibt sich, dass z.B. die einer einfallenden Dilatationswelle entsprechende Fraunhofersche Beugungswelle aus einer Dilatations- und einer Schiebungswelle besteht. Als Spezialfall werden die Fraunhoferschen Beugungserscheinungen elastischer Wellen an einer rechteckigen Öffnung angegeben.
Nuclear Shell Structure for Trapezoidal and Modified Gaussian Radial Density
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 697 (1967)
This paper discusses the nuclear shell structure for trapezoidal and modified Gaussian density. There is a comparison of the theoretical numbers of proton and neutron for a given \(l\) with corresponding numerical Theis values and experimental ones. The comparison shows that the trapezoidal radial density gives a good explanation of the nuclear shell structure.
Heating of Ferromagnetics During Ferromagnetic Resonance
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 705 (1967)
The differential thermocouple technique was used in investigations of the phenomenon of resonance ferromagnetic absorption in the following materials: Ni (powder), ARMCO M6X, Fe–Ni (alloy), Fe–Ni Mn (alloy), ferrite ZnO–NiO–Fe\(_2\)O\(_3\) and ferrite NiO–Fe\(_2\)0\(_3\). Broad absorption lines of the order of thousands of gausses were obtained. The technique was shown to be useful in investigations of ferro- and ferrimagnetic substances, classes of materials of immense technological importance.
X-ray-luminescence of Ruby Monocrystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 711 (1967)
The thermoluminescence of \(\mathrm {Al}_2\mathrm {O}_3\div \mathrm {Cr}^{+++}\) (0.08% and 0.1%, of \(\mathrm {Cr}_2\mathrm {O}_3\)) irradiated by X rays (Cu, 50 kV, 8 mA) has been investigated. It was found that the curves of integral X-ray-luminescence and thermoluminescence are identical for linear temperature increase. For X-ray-luminescence glow in the investigated range of spectrum two wavelengths are emitted: 697 nm and 670 nm at the temperature of 300°K and 702 nm and 674 nm at 615°K. Investigation of thermoluminescence for the wavelength of 697 nm has shown that the shape of the glow curve for light from the region of the \(R\) line is more similar to the curve of thermostimulated (exo)emission of electrons than for the wavelength of 670 nm.
Angular Distributions of Photons from Two-quantum Annihilation of Positrons in Selenium, Tellurium and Their Alloys
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 719 (1967)
Angular distributions of photons from two-quantum annihilation of positrons in crystalline selenium, tellurium and their alloys were measured. The number of electrons in the valence band per one atom was estimated for these substances on the basis of these distributions using the band model of a solid. The results are in agreement with the number of electrons in outer shells of the Se and Te atoms.
Temperature Changes of Polarization in Polycrystalline PbZrO\(_3\) in the Vicinity of the Phase Transition Point
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 725 (1967)
Temperature changes of polarization induced by constant electric field have been investigated in the vicinity of the phase transition point, as well as those of spontaneous polarization in PbZrO\(_3\). Both types of polarization have shown a maximum of the order of 10\(^{-5}\) C/cm\(^2\) at the temperature at which there is 2 maximum of \(\varepsilon \) during the cooling process. At the temperature at which there is a maximum of \(\varepsilon \) during the heating process a local minimum of polarization has been observed. The occurrence of the spontaneous current has been explained by the presence of spontaneous polarization.
Molecular and Crystal Structure of 2,3-dimethylnaphthalene from Polarized Infrared Spectra and Diamagnetic Anisotropy Studies
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 731 (1967)
Infrared spectra in the 400–3200 cm\(^{-1}\) region are investigated for CCl\(_4\) and CS\(_2\) solutions, polycrystalline samples and single crystals (polarized spectra) of 2, 3-dimethylnaphthalene. Symmetry types of fundamental vibrations are determined and their assignment is proposed. A strong polarization of the out-of-plane and certain in-plane fundamentals in the crystal shows that the long axes of molecules are nearly perpendicular to the cleavage plane of the crystal. This implication is confirmed by the study of the anisotropy of the diamagnetic susceptibility and of the refractive index of the crystal. The normal to the molecular plane forms an angle of \(\sim 26\)° with the \(x_2\), (\(C_2\)) axis of the crystal.
Properties of the Expansion of Vector Potential in the Case of a Spherical Wave
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 741 (1967)
It is shown that the expansion of vector potential W, which was derived originally by Miyamoto and Wolf J. Soc. Amer. 52, 61 (1962) and in an approximate way by Rubinowicz Acta Phys. Pol., 21, 61 (1962), is reduced in the case of a divergent spherical wave to a zero approximation. This approximation corresponds to the expression for the diffraction wave, in accordance with the concepts of Young on the origin diffraction phenomena.
Thermally Stimulated Currents and Activation Energy of Electric Conduction of \(p\)-quaterphenyl
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 747 (1967)
The thermally stimulated currents in polycrystalline p-quaterphenyl layers was measured. The traps were filled by the charge carriers injected from an electrode. The groups of the trap levels situated of (0.6–0.7) eV, and as a very probable, (0.2–0.4) eV and 1 eV below the conduction band, was found.
Thermally Stimulated Currents and Activation Energy of Electric Conduction of \(p\)-quaterphenyl
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 757 (1967)
The thermally stimulated currents in polycrystalline p-quaterphenyl layers was measured. The traps were filled by the charge carriers injected from an electrode. The groups of the trap levels situated of (0.6–0.7) eV, and as a very probable, (0.2–0.4) eV and 1 eV below the conduction band, was found.
Limit Yield of Photoluminescence from the Point of View of Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 767 (1967)
The methods of irreversible thermodynamics have been applied to yield of photoluminescence. It has been shown that the limit yield of luminescent system interacting with surroundings is not greater than one only in Stokes region of excitation.
Theory of Free Relativistic Multipole Field. II. Quantum Part
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 771 (1967)
The quantized multipole field \({\mit \Phi }_n\) of \(n\)-th order is described by a set of \(n\) three-dimensional operator-valued distributions \(C_i(\vec {p\,})\), satisfying the commutation relations \([C^+_i(\vec {p\,})C^+_j(\vec {p\,}')] = \varepsilon _i\delta _{ij}\delta (\vec {p\,}-\vec {p\,}')\), where \(i,j = 0,1, \dots , n-1\) and \(\varepsilon _i = \pm 1\). The particle states, created by the operators \(C_i(\vec {p\,})\) have definite three-momentum, but not definite energy. Unique combinations \(\alpha _n^{as}(\vec {p\,})\) of the operators \(C_i(\vec {p\,})\), describing the particle also with definite energy are introduced. It is shown that only these particles, with definite value of the four-momentum and described by zero norm states, appear in the asymptotic limit. One can conclude therefore that the asymptotic space consists of null vectors, and all \(S\)-matrix elements between asymptotic states vanish.
Studies on the Dust Electrification of Germanium (I)
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 801 (1967)
The main reason for electric charges formation on dust particles is an unequal distribution of electrons, situated in the cleavage planes, in the crushing process of material. The electric charges of individual dust particles are accidental and depend on the rules of probability theory. The charge distribution in the dust cloud is approximately a normal distribution. There are two parameters defining quantitatively such a distribution: standard deviation \(\sigma \) and arithmetic mean \(\bar {q}\). Introduction of lattice defects into the crystal by doping, increases the probability of unequal distribution of electrons between the separated parts of the crystal. Increase in lattice defect concentration causes increase in dust electrification. The increase in lattice defects concentration is accompanied by the change of conductivity of material. The increase in conductivity, and particularly in surface conductivity, causes the increase in intensity of neutralization process of charges, as a result of multiple contacts of dust particles by crushing of the material. The final electric charge of dust particles is a consequence of superposition of two opposite processes: the charge formation process, depending on the concentration of lattice defects in the cleavage planes, and neutralization process depending, above all, on surface conductivity of material.
Studies on the Dust Electrification of Germanium (II)
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 819 (1967)
The dust electrification is influenced by such factors as: the crushing time of material in the mortar atmosphere in which the crushing and pulverization are carried out. The prolongation of the crushing time causes initially an increase in dust electrification, and for long crushing times, the dust electrification does not change. The dust electrification in argon atmosphere is larger than in air atmosphere. This concerns both the intrinsic and doped germanium. In the dust clouds made of germanium there exists a predominance of negative charges. This predominance increases with increasing impurity concentration and with the prolongation of the crushing time.
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of CdTe: Mn\(^{2+}\)
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 831 (1967)
The EPR spectrum of cubic crystals CdTe:Mn\(^{2+}\) was investigated at 300°K and 77°K in the \(X\)-band. The spin hamiltonian parameters were found to be: \(g = 2.0076\pm 001, 3a = 91.2\times 10^{-4}\mathrm {cm}^{-1}, A = 56.6\times 10^{-4} \mathrm {cm}^{-1}\). The existence of forbidden transitions in powdered specimens is reported and data concerning them will be published separately.
High-energy Collisions of Nonrelativistic Composite Systems
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 839 (1967)
The construction of the matrix element is proposed for an elementary particle colliding with a composite nonrelativistic system. This construction is based on the hypothesis of the phase geometry. The first two chapters provide a short summary of the phase geometry framework, and of some of its most important consequences.
On the Dispersive Calculation of Symmetry Breaking Corrections to Strong Coupling Constants
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 855 (1967)
The dispersive method is proposed for calculating the symmetry breaking corrections to strong coupling constants. The method is based on the dispersive representation of the suitably chosen matrix elements of current divergences. Approximation of these matrix elements in the limit of vanishing four-momentum connected with currents by near-by poles leads to group theory results for strong coupling constants. Corrections come from distant singularities and are presented in the form of dispersive sum rules. The method is illustrated on an example of BBP couplings in broken SU(3) symmetry.
Influence of the Experimental Errors on the Determination of the Optical Model Parameters for Alpha Particles
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 861 (1967)
Angular distribution of 24.7 MeV alpha particles scattered elastically on Co nuclei has been analysed by means of the optical model of the interaction. The influence of different kind of experimental errors on this analysis has been studied. These errors are as follows: individual errors of successive experimental points in the angular distributions, the error in the absolute value of the cross-section, the error in the estimation of the zero point of the angular scale and error in the measurement of the energy of incident particles.Fasc. 6, pages 873–1035
On the Angular Correlations in Radiative Muon Capture
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 873 (1967)
The angular correlation in the reaction \[\mu ^-+(A,Z)\rightarrow (A, Z-1)^* + \nu _{\mu }\rightarrow (A,Z-1) + \gamma + \nu _{\mu }\] between the polarization pseudovector of the muon, the direction of the neutrino momentum, the direction of the gamma quantum momentum and its circular polarization are calculated. The exact formulas are given for the allowed transitions and the first and second forbidden transitions. It is shown that for the unique transitions some correlation constants depend very strongly on the induced pseudoscalar term and are almost independent of the nuclear structure. The results of numerical calculations are presented for some unique transitions.
Dependence of Diamagnetic Susceptibility on Temperature
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 887 (1967)
A simple quantum mechanical method of calculating the diamagnetic susceptibility is given. The analytic formula for electronic density at a given temperature is obtained. The influence of thermal vibrations on the lattice diamagnetic susceptibility is considered.
On the Electrophilic Substitutions in Monoaminosubstituted Pyridines and Pyrimidines
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 893 (1967)
By means of tbe Self Consistent Field Molecular Orbital (SCF MO) and Hückel Molecular Orbital (HMO) methods some chemical reactivity indices (among them the localization energy) have been calculated to predict electrophilic substitutions in pyridine, pyrimidine and their monoaminosubstituted derivatives. The results are in good agreement with experimental data. Some correlations among the different indices are also discussed.
On Magnetization Ripple Wavelength
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 903 (1967)
On the basis of one-dimensional model of ripple in polycrystalline thin films it is shown that the wavelength of magnetization variation depends linearly on the mean crystallite size. The calculations have been carried out with the assumption that the magnetization ripple can be treated as an ergodic and stationary stochastic process. The results obtained has been compared with the experiment.
An Application of the Absorption Model to \(p+\bar {p}p \rightarrow B^*+\bar {B}^* \) Reactions
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 909 (1967)
The differential cross-section and the joint angular distribution of the resonances decay products were calculated using the absorption model with one spinless meson exchange for the reactions \(p+\bar {p}p \rightarrow B^*+\bar {B}^* \), where \(B^*\) is a baryon resonance of spin 3/2. The numerical results for the \(p+\bar {p} \rightarrow Y_1^{*+}(1382)+ \bar {Y}_1^{*+}(1382)\) and \(p+\bar {p} \rightarrow N ^{*+++}_{33}(1236) +\bar {N}^{*+++}_{33}(1236)\) reactions at 5.7 GeV/\(c\) antiproton laboratory momentum are presented.
Search for Excited Baryons in Peripheral Nucleus–Nucleus Interactions in Nuclear Emulsion
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 927 (1967)
From a sample of peripheral nucleus–nucleus collisions a group of events has been selected which can be regarded with a high degree of probability as a sub-sample of interactiors of a pair of quasi-free nucleons, constituents of the colliding nuclei. An analysis of angular distributions of these events has shown a significant difference between the interactions with small number of charged particles produced (\(1\leqslant n_m\leqslant 3\)) and those with a higher one (\(4\leqslant n_m\leqslant 12)\). The angular distributions of the former are not inconsistent with the assumption that meson production in these events occurs through an intermediate isobaric states with masses of about 2.5 GeV.
Thermal Resistance of Metallic Boundary Surfaces for Large Temperature Jumps at Those Surfaces (Helium Temperatures)
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 935 (1967)
The thermal resistance of metallic contacts had been investigated in the range of helium temperatures. The investigated samples had been produced by depositing lead and copper electrolytically on each other in layers or by soldering Pb+6%Bi alloy onto a copper single crystal. By developing considerable temperature jumps \(\Delta T\) at the investigated contacts it was found that the temperature dependence of the thermal resistance \(\varrho \), with the helium bath temperature \(\tau _\mathrm {He}\), the temperature of the contact’s cold side, \(T_\mathrm {c}\) and the temperature of the contact’s hot side, \(T_\mathrm {h}\), as the references are not equivalent. The measured values of the thermal resistances \(\varrho \) proves to be larger in each case than the calculated temperature component of thermal resistance. The observed additional thermal resistance of the contact may be due to a resistance component dependent upon the heat flow density and a resistance component dependent upon the temperature jump at the contact.
Open Cylindrical Counter with Quenching Vapour Above the Free Surface of Liquid (Detector of Exoelectrons)
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 949 (1967)
An open cylindrical counter with the quenching vapour above the free surface of liquid has been constructed. This type of counter can be applied with success for detecting exoelectrons. The relative slope of its characteristic curve is about 0.1%/V, the plateau length is approx. 100 V and the dead time is approx. \(1.5\times 10^{-4}\) sec at an operating voltage of about 2800 V. The effect of the geometry and operating temperature on the properties of an experimental counter has been investigated.
Energies of 90°, 71° and 109° Bloch Wall Classes in Cubic Ferromagnetic Lattices
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 959 (1967)
On the basis of a uniform method developed by Ziętek the relative energies for all possible orientations of 90°, 71° and 109° Bloch walls in cubic ferromagnetic lattices are numerically calculated and the corresponding curves given. The dependence of the energies on the crystallographic orientation is used to examine the stability of certain domain structures. The results obtained are complementary to those derived by other authors.
Diffraction of Electromagnetic Dipole Radiation by an Ideally-conducting Wedge
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 977 (1967)
The paper presents a solution to the problem of diffraction of electromagnetic waves from an electric dipole by an ideally-conducting wedge. This problem has already been studied by Y. Nomura (1952) and R. Teisseyre (1955). The method used in this paper was developed by J. Petykiewicz (1967) who was the first to apply it in solving the problem of diffraction of scalar multipole radiation by a wedge. Compared with the methods applied by the two authors first mentioned, it is much simpler and leads directly to the solution. Taking the wedge divergence angle \(\chi = 2\pi \) gives the solution to the problem of diffraction of electromagnetic waves in the case of an ideally-conducting half-plane.
On the Effective Range of Correlation Factors
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 997 (1967)
Employing the concepts of the cutoff correlation factor method of Parr, Gimarc and Cooney (R.G. Parr, Molecular Orbitals in Chemistry, Physics and Biology, and B.M. Gimarc, W.A. Cooney, R.G. Parr, J. Chem. Phys. 42, 21 1965) a measure of the effective range of correlation factors was proposed. For the case of the helium atom ground state it was shown that the effective range is nearly independent of both the value of the energy and the cusp values which may be obtained when the cutoff-point \(D\) is in infinity.
Application of a High Power Ruby Laser Beam for Studying Propagation Phenomena of Light in Various Dielectric Media
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 1003 (1967)
A ruby laser with kryptocyanine ‘‘\(Q\)’’ switching cell operating in various resonator arrangements was investigated. Light pulses, single or in packets, were obtained ranging in duration from nsec to \(\mu \)sec, and depending on the pumping energy and \(Q\) factor of the laser optical cavity. The beam was then applied for studying propagation phenomena occurring at the surface or inside dieleciric media. Due to molecular orientation and electrostriction, narrowing of the light beam in some substances was observed. At high power level of the light beam, photoionization of liquids and plasma generation at the glass–liquid interface of the cell have been observed.
Work Function of Xenon on Individual Crystal Faces of Tungsten
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 1023 (1967)
A New Method of Multipole Radiation Excitation by the Exploding Wires Technique
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 1025 (1967)
Temperature Dependence of Space-charge Limited Currents in Anthracene Crystals
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 1029 (1967)
Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure on the Dielectric Behaviour of Nitrobenzene
Acta Phys. Pol. 32, 1033 (1967)