Regular Series

Vol. 17 (1986), No. 3, pp. 229 – 313

On the Use of SSC as a Detector of Certain Dark Matter Candidates


Following the proposal of Goodman and Witten we consider the use of superheated superconducting colloid (SSC) as a detector for supersymmetric particle candidates for the dark matter. The expected count-rates and energy depositions suggest that the SSC detector should be able to detect scalar neutrinos with \(m\gt 5\) GeV, providing that they are the lightest supersymmetrie particles. The background due to solar neutrinos is estimated to be 0.002 counts/(kg \(\times \) day) and the signal to background ratio of a few thousands is expected.

QCD Sum Rules and Weak Transitions in Kaon Physics


We analyze and discuss the applications of QCD sum rules to the derivation of bounds on the matrix elements of four-quark operators appearing in the \({\mit \Delta }S = 1\) sector of the weak Hamiltonian. We present the application to the calculation of \(\varepsilon '/\varepsilon \) and \(K \to 2\pi \) amplitudes. We also analyze the dependence on the renormalization point p and the momentum continuation in amplitudes.

Gauge Theories in Loop Space


Pure Yang–Mills theory is reformulated in terms of gauge-independent loop variables whose intrinsic redundancy is removed using a newly derived nonabelian generalization of the Poincaré lemma.

Constrained Lagrangian Theory for Monopoles


The equations of motion of a non-abelian monopole are derived from an action principle using the definition of its charge as a constraint. These equations are the analogues of the Lorentz and Maxwell equations for a point charge in an electromagnetic field. Their derivation makes use exclusively of the intrinsic topology and dispenses with the introduction of an interaction term in the action. The resulting equations bear a formal resemblance to the Wong equations governing the motion of a classical point source in a Yang–Mills field.

Dissipative Dynamics of Large Amplitude Collective Motion


In the paper a theory of dissipative dynamics of nuclear collective motion, based on the projected time dependent Schrodinger equation is formulated. A collective subspace is defined by means of group theoretical methods. Within this subspace an extension of the time dependent Hartree–Fock approach appropriate for dissipative phenomena is proposed.

Regularization Independence of the Baryon Numbers of Chiral Bags


When calculating baryon numbers of chiral bags, one uses the regularizing function \(\exp (-|E|t)\) for \(t \to 0\). We show that this can be replaced by any of a wide class of regularizing functions \(f(|E|t)\) without changing the result.

Use of a Large-Volume NE-213 Scintillator for Investigations of the \(tt\mu ^- \to ^4\)He \(+ 2n + \mu ^-\) Reaction


Use of a large-volume NE-213 scintillator for investigations of the mechanism of the nuclear synthesis reaction \(tt\mu ^- \to ^4\)He \(+ 2n + \mu \) is discussed. The investigations are supposed to be performed by comparison of the measured amplitude distributions of registered neutrons with the calculated neutron distributions obtained for an assumed form of the matrix element of the reaction.

ERRATUM for Acta Phys. Pol. B 17, 139 (1986)

The Classification of Complex Bivectors in Space-Time


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