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Regular Series

Vol. 16 (1985), No. 10, pp. 901 – 965

Classical Yang–Mills Theory in Presence of Electric and Magnetic Charges


The classical Yang–Mills field equations in presence of static electric and magnetic sources have been studied. By means of a second potential the problem of obtaining the solutions has been reduced to the initial value problem in the temporal gauge. The solutions to the field equations have been described in terms of the interaction energy and total isotopic charge.

The Electromagnetic Decay Rates of the Processes \(\psi '(3685) \to \gamma \eta _c(2980)\), \(\gamma \eta _c'(3590)\) and \(\psi (3095) \to \gamma \eta _c(2980)\) in the Harmonic Oscillator Quark Model


The harmonic oscillator quark model of the \(c\bar c\) system is employed to calculate the decay widths of the transitions \(\psi '(3685) \to \gamma \eta _c(2980)\), \(\psi '(3685) \to \gamma \eta _c'(3590)\) and \(\psi (3O95) \to \gamma \eta _c(2980)\). Taking the harmonic oscillator parameter for the \(c\bar c\) system \(\alpha '^2 \simeq 0.27\) GeV\(^2\) and the magnetic moment of the \(c\)-type quark smaller by the amount \(m_u/m_c\) than the \(u\)-type quark, we get reasonable widths for these processes.

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V.G. Ableev, V.A. Bodyagin, R. Dymarz, A. Filipkowski, V.I. Inozemtsev, A.A. Nomofilov, N.M. Piskunov, V.I. Sharov, I.M. Sitnik, E.A. Strokovsky, L.N. Strunov, A.V. Tarasov, G.G. Vorobiev, S.A. Zaporozhets

Alpha-Nucleus Differential Cross Section at 4.45 GeV/\(c\)/Nucleon


The absolute differential cross sections of 17.9 GeV/\(c\) \(\alpha \)-particles scattering on nuclear targets have been measured over a four momentum transfer range of \(0.009 \lt |t| \lt 0.22\) (GeV\(c)^2\) using a magnetic spectrometer ALPHA. The nuclear targets comprised liquid H and He and solid C, Al and Cu. The experimental data are compared to results of the Glauber model calculations and analyzed in the diffraction cone range. Nuclear differential cross sections for \(\alpha A \to \alpha A\) elastic scattering are extracted from the data for all targets under consideration. The corresponding total and elastic cross sections and other diffraction cone parameters have been evaluated.

Abelian Gauge Theories with Tensor Gauge Fields


Gauge fields of arbitrary tensor type are introduced. In curved space-time the gravitational field serves as a bridge joining different gauge fields. The theory of second order tensor gauge fields is developed on the basis of close analogy to Maxwell electrodynamics. The notion of tensor current is introduced and an experimental test of its detection is proposed. The main result consists in a coupled set of field equations representing a generalization of Maxwell theory in which the Einstein equivalence principle is not satisfied.

On the Relation Between Galilean, Poincare and Euclidean Field Equations


A new kind of relation between Galilean, Poincaré and Euclidean field equations is demonstrated.

Six-Nucleon Spectroscopic Amplitudes for 1p-Shell Nuclei. PART 2. Calculations and Applications


Spectroscopic amplitudes for separation of six-nucleon clusters in low-lying states corresponding to the (1s)\(^4\)(1p)\(^2\) shell-model configuration were calculated for 1p-shell nuclei. The calculations were performed with the aid of intermediate-coupling model wave functions. The selectivity in excitation of the states produced in six-nucleon cluster transfer reactions with 1p-shell nuclei is discussed. Sum rules for six-nucleon pickup and stripping are given.

Redistribution of the Muon and Nucleus Polarizations Due to the Hyperfine Interaction


The redistribution of the muon and nuclear polarizations in 1s orbit of the muonic atoms due to the hyperfine interaction is calculated for the arbitrary nuclear spin. The results due to Hambro and Mukhopadhyay (1977) are corrected and generalized.

E2-Fission Decay of \(^{232}\)Th


Conclusions drawn from a measurement of \(^{232}\)Th (\(\alpha , \alpha '\)f), regarding the fission decay of the isoscalar Giant Quadrupole Resonance, are shown to be inconsistent with recent electro- and photo-fission data.


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